Topic: outrage...
Drifters13's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:23 PM

Just went and looked it up, as I never heard of this. Still gotta find the video.. But what the hell is this about??

"About a dozen of the protesters then began smashing windows of nearby businesses and cars, including several city of Oakland vehicles parked near 17th Street and on San Pablo Avenue, just north of Frank H. Ogawa Plaza"

That stuff pisses me off too.

Anyhow, going to find the video........

It was a real cop. Its been all over NPR.

Sorry don't listen to NPR. huh

I was just saying where I heard it and I was trying to answer your question.

DOn't hold it aginst me!!! sad flowerforyou

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:26 PM

shocked I seen the video.shocked There was NO justification for the cop shooting that man like that. sick They should fry that cop for what he did.:smile: And any other cops that were there should be charged with accessory to murder.:smile:
...ok. Then what is your reason for violence besieging violence. There's no reason for senseless vandalism to innocents.

Drifters13's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:27 PM

shocked I seen the video.shocked There was NO justification for the cop shooting that man like that. sick They should fry that cop for what he did.:smile: And any other cops that were there should be charged with accessory to murder.:smile:
...ok. Then what is your reason for violence besieging violence. There's no reason for senseless vandalism to innocents.

Point to the longhaired.

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:29 PM

shocked I seen the video.shocked There was NO justification for the cop shooting that man like that. sick They should fry that cop for what he did.:smile: And any other cops that were there should be charged with accessory to murder.:smile:
...ok. Then what is your reason for violence besieging violence. There's no reason for senseless vandalism to innocents.


longhairbiker's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:37 PM
Edited by longhairbiker on Thu 01/08/09 04:39 PM
The rioting to innocents doesn't make sense. It impedes legal process, and accomplishes nothing. Over 100 rioters arrested.

scorpio90's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:40 PM

The rioting to innocents doesn't make sense.
I assume it's away to draw attention to a serious injustice.:tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:42 PM

The rioting to innocents doesn't make sense.
I assume it's away to draw attention to a serious injustice.:tongue:
:smile: Thats right, because half the times when cops kill people (like their wives) it gets covered up.:smile:

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:44 PM
"I'm mad! it's outrageous! Let's burn Bob's car and smash his windows"

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:46 PM

The rioting to innocents doesn't make sense.
I assume it's away to draw attention to a serious injustice.:tongue:
...ok. They wreck all those squad cars and county property which those rioters taxes pay for. They destroyed private and public property. They burdon and clog the legal system with each case. They too were videotaped by law enforcement and will be liable for the crimes committed I guess.

scorpio90's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:49 PM

The rioting to innocents doesn't make sense.
I assume it's away to draw attention to a serious injustice.:tongue:
:smile: Thats right, because half the times when cops kill people (like their wives) it gets covered up.:smile:
Sometimes drastic times demand:tongue: drastic measures. I'm not condoning's just that this whole incident could easily be swept under the rug or slip through the cracks due to some crafty beuracratical maneuvering. The poweres that be never want to admit wrongdoing in anything and they have more resources available to them than yr average citizen. It's a straight up abuse of power. How can the average person make their point against such opposition? Well....

scorpio90's photo
Thu 01/08/09 09:48 PM
Lest we forget...Seriously I can't let this thread die. I Think this is an outrage. We have freesdom of speech so...speak up!

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 09:56 PM
i live in the bay area and oakland has a high murder rate dont know the situation but those cops are in a battle zone over 100 murders in oakland last year

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 09:57 PM
oakland is not a nice place to live at all!!!!!!

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 01/08/09 10:08 PM
I don't condone abuse of power but if I know a suspect has a weapon that can render an officer of the law unable to perform their duty I believe they have the right to use the force we have afforded them and shoot them before things get even more out of control.

You might have the right to bear arms but with that right goes the responsibility to co-operate and surrender them when an officer of the State directs you to do so.

For those who observe the crime to trash private and public property is not the way to bring attention to or correct the situation. Two wrongs do not make a right.

scorpio90's photo
Thu 01/08/09 10:09 PM

oakland is not a nice place to live at all!!!!!!
So speak up! Draw attention to it. I'm on yr side. What should we do?:tongue:

keepthehope's photo
Thu 01/08/09 10:09 PM

I just saw video of the cop that out-right murdered a person he was arresting in Oakland. Now they're rioting and I can't blame them..The video speaks for itself. The cop was white, the victim, black. It's an outrage!

Where did you see the video? I haven't seen it.

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 10:09 PM
Yep its rockin in oakland! I knew it was due just a matter of time!

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 10:12 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 01/08/09 10:23 PM

Just went and looked it up, as I never heard of this. Still gotta find the video.. But what the hell is this about??

Anyhow, going to find the video........"Oscar+grant"&search_sort=video_date_uploaded

This seems to be the story.

scorpio90's photo
Thu 01/08/09 10:15 PM

I don't condone abuse of power but if I know a suspect has a weapon that can render an officer of the law unable to perform their duty I believe they have the right to use the force we have afforded them and shoot them before things get even more out of control.

You might have the right to bear arms but with that right goes the responsibility to co-operate and surrender them when an officer of the State directs you to do so.

For those who observe the crime to trash private and public property is not the way to bring attention to or correct the situation. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Somrtimes drastic times call for drastic measures. Injustice is wrong on all levels, especially if it's not addressed. Rioting is a great way of bringing awareness to injustice as far as iI'm concerened,...but that's just my opinion.....:tongue:

no photo
Thu 01/08/09 10:15 PM
Oakland police are brutal just like san francisco and the worst are san jose. I got beat up by them when i was 17 and dropped in heller park in san jose. They dont mess around! As an answer to the problem i dont know? i'm in oakland a couple times a month and after hours its not a place you want to be. They sell crack all over have hookers everywhere shootings are common and the cops wont even mess with you unless your really bad. they hardly even pull you over for speeding cause they are so busy its a mess there i dont think there is a solution.