Topic: outrage...
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Fri 01/09/09 12:00 AM
Dont they train those cops some tai kwon do???? karate???? geeeeeeeeeeeeez I could have had that guy down in 3.2 seconds WITHOUT A GUN!!!explode pitchfork glasses

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:07 AM

Dont they train those cops some tai kwon do???? karate???? geeeeeeeeeeeeez I could have had that guy down in 3.2 seconds WITHOUT A GUN!!!explode pitchfork glasses

you tell em and do you see the other cops just standing around. Like if it was that serious then why where the other ones just standing there. The guy was frustrated and he felt cause hes a cop no one can challenge him and if you do then they have the right to do whatever they want! Stick him in prison with all the convicts.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:11 AM

Dont they train those cops some tai kwon do???? karate???? geeeeeeeeeeeeez I could have had that guy down in 3.2 seconds WITHOUT A GUN!!!explode pitchfork glasses

you tell em and do you see the other cops just standing around. Like if it was that serious then why where the other ones just standing there. The guy was frustrated and he felt cause hes a cop no one can challenge him and if you do then they have the right to do whatever they want! Stick him in prison with all the convicts.
ya just another black punk is what they!!!! I see too many gun happy cops. I wonder how many we dont see???grumble huh

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:12 AM
Hey you are from the bay area????

<---- used to live on staten avesmokin drinker

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:13 AM

Dont they train those cops some tai kwon do???? karate???? geeeeeeeeeeeeez I could have had that guy down in 3.2 seconds WITHOUT A GUN!!!explode pitchfork glasses

you tell em and do you see the other cops just standing around. Like if it was that serious then why where the other ones just standing there. The guy was frustrated and he felt cause hes a cop no one can challenge him and if you do then they have the right to do whatever they want! Stick him in prison with all the convicts.
ya just another black punk is what they!!!! I see too many gun happy cops. I wonder how many we dont see???grumble huh
born and raised in the bay area i know how they are dont be without credability or your in trouble.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:15 AM
Edited by thinkingaboutit09 on Fri 01/09/09 12:16 AM
drinks 12th street and mcCarther yep im a ghetto boy!

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Fri 01/09/09 12:16 AM

12th street and mcCarther yep im a ghetto boy!
hahaaaaaaaaaaa I used to walk there and everybody came out of their houses to look at the white girl!!! I just walked the one bothered me!!!bigsmile laugh drinker smokin

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:17 AM

12th street and mcCarther yep im a ghetto boy!
hahaaaaaaaaaaa I used to walk there and everybody came out of their houses to look at the white girl!!! I just walked the one bothered me!!!bigsmile laugh drinker smokin
yeah it was tough when i was young but aftera while your just one of the family but i got the hell out of there at 17

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:20 AM
Lake merrit is nice......I had a beautiful view right outside my window. I prefer Berkley myself...:wink:

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:23 AM

Lake merrit is nice......I had a beautiful view right outside my window. I prefer Berkley myself...:wink:

i love the whole bay area one of the best places in the world i think! so much here and i love the food in the city!

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:25 AM

Lake merrit is nice......I had a beautiful view right outside my window. I prefer Berkley myself...:wink:

i love the whole bay area one of the best places in the world i think! so much here and i love the food in the city!

lake merrit is real nice getting better too and alameda is getting nice too they are turning all those old office buildings into flats like in N.Y. its cool my freind lives there and yeah you can see the bay.

DTHRomeo's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:26 AM
No wonder Ice-T wrote "Cop Killer"

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:26 AM

Lake merrit is nice......I had a beautiful view right outside my window. I prefer Berkley myself...:wink:

i love the whole bay area one of the best places in the world i think! so much here and i love the food in the city!
I miss my apartment.....and the restaurants ya!!! Blondies pizza and I forget the place in berkley what it was called but you may could order a sandwich place everrrrrrrrrrr!!!!:tongue:

Oh crap!!! I think I killed this thread!!!noway laugh

JoeW99's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:31 AM
Edited by JoeW99 on Fri 01/09/09 01:11 AM

well you sir are not a very bright person are you its the job of the police to fight him not kill him and there are five of them come on man a cop cant kill everyone that struggles with him. thats crazy!!! do your job and fight and subdue the man if five cops cant subdue him then we got some punkass cops! that cop deserves life in prison!!!!

and there was no gun and they have tazers no excuses that was an execution

To fight him? Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine.. or better yet i'll let you read about him. (yeah i suck at linking- copy/paste it!)

To make random comments and assume you know what is best in every situation is just wrong.

While i in no way think the Oakland killing was justified at this time.. i do say think before you speak, please. A person gave his opinion on the situation then you gave yours.. now i give mine. Pat didn't want to shot an unarmed man.. Pat died for that call.

In the military it was cut and dry.. they had guns and we did too. Much harder to be a police officer then being a Marine ever was.

There were no Riots when he died... R.I.P.

While not everything is black and white.
Somethings are just wrong.

Have a good night.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:31 AM

Lake merrit is nice......I had a beautiful view right outside my window. I prefer Berkley myself...:wink:

i love the whole bay area one of the best places in the world i think! so much here and i love the food in the city!
I miss my apartment.....and the restaurants ya!!! Blondies pizza and I forget the place in berkley what it was called but you may could order a sandwich place everrrrrrrrrrr!!!!:tongue:

Oh crap!!! I think I killed this thread!!!noway laugh

okay i cant resist just one more and i wont go off topic anymore how about the wharf i love it and my buddies sister owns mcgees thats where i hang out and get drunk

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:31 AM

I don't condone abuse of power but if I know a suspect has a weapon that can render an officer of the law unable to perform their duty I believe they have the right to use the force we have afforded them and shoot them before things get even more out of control.

You might have the right to bear arms but with that right goes the responsibility to co-operate and surrender them when an officer of the State directs you to do so.

For those who observe the crime to trash private and public property is not the way to bring attention to or correct the situation. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Somrtimes drastic times call for drastic measures. Injustice is wrong on all levels, especially if it's not addressed. Rioting is a great way of bringing awareness to injustice as far as iI'm concerened,...but that's just my opinion.....:tongue:

Have you lost your mind? "Rioting is a great way of..." doing absolutely nothing but collasping the economy of the entire area, injuring innocent bystanders, and over burdening what tax payers are left with replaceing the public property and hireing even more police. When businesses fail there are even fewer taxes paid and fewer jobs.

The people rioting are not bringing awareness to anything but the fact that Okland has allowed parts of it's city to become a cesspool of unemployment, crime, and gang warfare. The riots discourage investment, create long standing hatred, and do little but to make the rich withdraw and the poor poorer.

I will bet good money to bad that the person resisting arrest had a criminal record that wasted enough tax dollars to buy every person on Mingle Forums tonight a Limo to a Steak Dinner and then some. And I am fairly sure when it shakes out that 95% of the people rioting benifit in no appreachable way from doing so. Unless they are seriously injured and end up on public assistance disability or jail. I just imagine for some jail in the winter is a viable option.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:38 AM

Lake merrit is nice......I had a beautiful view right outside my window. I prefer Berkley myself...:wink:

i love the whole bay area one of the best places in the world i think! so much here and i love the food in the city!
I miss my apartment.....and the restaurants ya!!! Blondies pizza and I forget the place in berkley what it was called but you may could order a sandwich place everrrrrrrrrrr!!!!:tongue:

Oh crap!!! I think I killed this thread!!!noway laugh

okay i cant resist just one more and i wont go off topic anymore how about the wharf i love it and my buddies sister owns mcgees thats where i hang out and get drunk
yaaaaaaaa the wharf is nice.....lots of tourists. Alot of great seafood in the area.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:42 AM
hahaaaaaaaaaa I love this picture!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its my favourite imaginary eric boyfriend picture!!!laugh laugh

JoeW99's photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:44 AM
Edited by JoeW99 on Fri 01/09/09 12:47 AM

Dont they train those cops some tai kwon do???? karate???? geeeeeeeeeeeeez I could have had that guy down in 3.2 seconds WITHOUT A GUN!!!explode pitchfork glasses

The most effective way i taught/learned how to "disarm" a person invovles breaking one or more of their bones. The other choices are black out spots.. areas on a human body that will inflict so much pain when pulled/jabbed/kicked, that a person will literally lose the ability to see. It is a 3 sec window that allows them to be captured or killed. Its called Marine Corps LINE Combat System or the LINE (Linear Infighting Neurological Override Engagement), i should know i taught the class as a Sergeant.

But that being said its not what Police are trained to do.. if every arrest ended in a broken bone to contain a suspect police department would be sued to crap. They are taught non-leathal, but also sometimes ineffective methods of containing a subject. Why ineffective, because the human body is a amazing machine when fed with adrenaline.

Everything is easy to have an opinion on when you look never have been put in that position.

no photo
Fri 01/09/09 12:46 AM

hahaaaaaaaaaa I love this picture!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its my favourite imaginary eric boyfriend picture!!!laugh laugh

i got a thing about the monkey in the park. whenever i go for crab i sit and feed the monkey quarters. have you ever seen that guy there? Thats a smart monkey.