Topic: Your child is smoking pot
locod's photo
Mon 10/05/09 11:52 AM
Pot is a gateway drug!idgaf what people say n its not a real prob if that's all thay do and don't get there lifes based on geting high if the kid dose I'd tell the kid to smoke at the house don't hide it or lie bout it u set rules to it like they can't use till after school work so on grades have to go up!so on make um earn it u can't stop umm so jus gide um best u can n hope they never pick up on meth or hard **** stress how bad it fuks u up n the long run

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 10/05/09 05:31 PM
Oh ffs...will this thing just die off and become a fossil already...

catseyes1's photo
Mon 10/05/09 08:03 PM
I'd first ask what the hell he is doing, then I would show him what drugs do to your brain (Fry eggs).

catseyes1's photo
Mon 10/05/09 08:03 PM
I'd first ask what the hell he is doing, then I would show him what drugs do to your brain (Fry eggs).

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 10/06/09 05:53 AM

I'd first ask what the hell he is doing, then I would show him what drugs do to your brain (Fry eggs).

What?! Marijuana doesn't fry anything.

catseyes1's photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:01 AM

I'd first ask what the hell he is doing, then I would show him what drugs do to your brain (Fry eggs).

What?! Marijuana doesn't fry anything.

Sorry Drugs are Drugs and they are all nasty and kill brain cells.

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 10/06/09 10:18 AM
mmm fried eggs drool

I prefer grapes when I'm high tho...

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/06/09 04:22 PM

mmm fried eggs drool

I prefer grapes when I'm high tho...
drinker bigsmile drinker

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:37 PM

I'd first ask what the hell he is doing, then I would show him what drugs do to your brain (Fry eggs).

What?! Marijuana doesn't fry anything.

Sorry Drugs are Drugs and they are all nasty and kill brain cells.

No they don't...with that same thought a tyenol will kill your brain cells...see how senseless this argument is?

Nickvanillagorilla's photo
Tue 10/06/09 07:05 PM

I'd first ask what the hell he is doing, then I would show him what drugs do to your brain (Fry eggs).

What?! Marijuana doesn't fry anything.

Sorry Drugs are Drugs and they are all nasty and kill brain cells.

maybe you'll find this intresting

if you did you should watch the whole movie, another good one is grass, narrated by woody harrelson

Winx's photo
Tue 10/06/09 07:11 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 10/06/09 07:26 PM
Why on earth, would I want my child to smoke pot or cigs?

Their study, published in the December 1999 issue of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, is not the first to link marijuana to such cancers. Earlier research has shown marijuana cigarettes contain more tar and higher levels of certain cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco cigarettes. DNA mutations have been found in respiratory system cells of marijuana users and several case reports have found an unexpectedly high number of marijuana users among patients with cancers of the head and neck region, including the mouth, tongue, throat, and larynx.

This study, however, is the first to systematically compare head and neck cancer risk among marijuana users and non-users. The study looked at the relationship between marijuana use and head and neck cancers in 173 patients diagnosed with those diseases who were compared with 176 cancer-free patients.

Carcinogens in Marijuana

"This is the first [epidemiological] study to examine whether smoking marijuana increases risk of head and neck cancers," said Zuo-Feng Zhang, MD, lead author of the study and member of the Jonsson Cancer Center at the University of California Los Angeles. "Most people don’t think about marijuana in relationship to cancer. The carcinogens in marijuana are stronger than those in tobacco. The big message here is marijuana, like tobacco, can cause cancer."

According to the study, the more times per day a person smokes marijuana, the greater the risk of head and neck cancers. People who use marijuana habitually for many years increase their risk of head and neck cancers substantially. "If you smoke a little, your risk increases a little," Dr. Zhang said. "If you smoke a lot, your risk increases a lot." The average user in this study had two to three times the risk of non-users.

The results of the study are particularly important now, as people who became habitual marijuana smokers in the 1960s are reaching older ages. "Because head and neck cancers – cancers of the mouth, tongue, larynx, and pharynx – take many years to develop, people who smoked large amounts of marijuana in the 1960s may just now be developing head and neck cancers," Dr. Zhang said.

ACS Expert Agrees

Michael Thun, MD, vice president of epidemiology and surveillance research for the American Cancer Society (ACS), agreed the study strongly suggests habitual marijuana smoking increases the risk of head and neck cancers. "This is not surprising since many of the same cancer causing substances in tobacco smoke are present in marijuana smoke. Marijuana cigarettes generally deposit more tar in the respiratory tract than tobacco cigarettes," he said.

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the US, according to the study. It is estimated about 31 percent of the US population 12 years or older has used the drug.

The study builds on previous studies of marijuana and cancer risk. The authors conclude large studies are needed to further examine the relationship between marijuana and increased risk of cancer.

The ACS estimates about 36,000 cancers of the mouth, tongue, throat, and larynx will be diagnosed this year in the US and about 10,000 people will die of these cancers. In addition to marijuana use, the main risk factors for these cancers are tobacco and alcohol use.

Nickvanillagorilla's photo
Tue 10/06/09 07:45 PM
That goes for anything, it dehydrates the lungs, shrinks them and eventually causes changes to the respritory system. Smoking bud was a normal thing for me since 13yrs old, up until about 8 months ago. I no longer use cannabis, but since I live in Nevada(1 of 13 medical marijuana states ) I will be applying for my medical marijuana card this fall and will be able to cultivate my own healthy, natrual medicine. Then more than likely I will only eat it, if anything else I will further research vaporizing, although it did not have much effect on me in the past.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 10/06/09 08:05 PM
This actually happened to me with my son. I took "it" from him and flushed it, broke his glass pipe and sat him down and told him clear and simple...
"You are up for 2 scholorships in the field of your choice....
You are at a 3.9 grade point average. you have struggled through school to overcome alot and now you are going to throw all your hard work away for something that will give you no future. If you choose to do this kind of thing it will be after you leave this house. Choices you make affect me as well, bringing that into this house subjects me to possible jail time and you being forcibly removed from this home. I will loose everything and your future is shot down the crapper.

Whatever you do when you grow up and move out is up to you- but it wont be tolerated here.
I love you and I am supportive of your goals- but you have to make better choices and weigh the consequences of your actions. Growing up is not about the number of birthdays you have had...It is about how you handle yourself and how you choose to spend your time.

I didnt yell or scream at him but he knew I meant business. He came to me later and apologized and told me it would never happen again and it hasnt. I spent some time checking up on him and he has a curfew. I know where he is and who he is with . Recently I let up on him some because he earned.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:35 AM

I'd first ask what the hell he is doing, then I would show him what drugs do to your brain (Fry eggs).

What?! Marijuana doesn't fry anything.

Sorry Drugs are Drugs and they are all nasty and kill brain cells.

No they don't...with that same thought a tyenol will kill your brain cells...see how senseless this argument is?

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:39 AM

This actually happened to me with my son. I took "it" from him and flushed it, broke his glass pipe and sat him down and told him clear and simple...
"You are up for 2 scholorships in the field of your choice....
You are at a 3.9 grade point average. you have struggled through school to overcome alot and now you are going to throw all your hard work away for something that will give you no future. If you choose to do this kind of thing it will be after you leave this house. Choices you make affect me as well, bringing that into this house subjects me to possible jail time and you being forcibly removed from this home. I will loose everything and your future is shot down the crapper.

Whatever you do when you grow up and move out is up to you- but it wont be tolerated here.
I love you and I am supportive of your goals- but you have to make better choices and weigh the consequences of your actions. Growing up is not about the number of birthdays you have had...It is about how you handle yourself and how you choose to spend your time.

I didnt yell or scream at him but he knew I meant business. He came to me later and apologized and told me it would never happen again and it hasnt. I spent some time checking up on him and he has a curfew. I know where he is and who he is with . Recently I let up on him some because he earned.

3.9 gpa

two scholarships

sounds to me like he had no problems with smoking pot and was handling himself just fine

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:43 AM

This actually happened to me with my son. I took "it" from him and flushed it, broke his glass pipe and sat him down and told him clear and simple...
"You are up for 2 scholorships in the field of your choice....
You are at a 3.9 grade point average. you have struggled through school to overcome alot and now you are going to throw all your hard work away for something that will give you no future. If you choose to do this kind of thing it will be after you leave this house. Choices you make affect me as well, bringing that into this house subjects me to possible jail time and you being forcibly removed from this home. I will loose everything and your future is shot down the crapper.

Whatever you do when you grow up and move out is up to you- but it wont be tolerated here.
I love you and I am supportive of your goals- but you have to make better choices and weigh the consequences of your actions. Growing up is not about the number of birthdays you have had...It is about how you handle yourself and how you choose to spend your time.

I didnt yell or scream at him but he knew I meant business. He came to me later and apologized and told me it would never happen again and it hasnt. I spent some time checking up on him and he has a curfew. I know where he is and who he is with . Recently I let up on him some because he earned.

3.9 gpa

two scholarships

sounds to me like he had no problems with smoking pot and was handling himself just fine

Thats true, except the part where, because it is illegal, it could ruin his whole life if caught.

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:46 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Thu 10/08/09 09:47 AM

This actually happened to me with my son. I took "it" from him and flushed it, broke his glass pipe and sat him down and told him clear and simple...
"You are up for 2 scholorships in the field of your choice....
You are at a 3.9 grade point average. you have struggled through school to overcome alot and now you are going to throw all your hard work away for something that will give you no future. If you choose to do this kind of thing it will be after you leave this house. Choices you make affect me as well, bringing that into this house subjects me to possible jail time and you being forcibly removed from this home. I will loose everything and your future is shot down the crapper.

Whatever you do when you grow up and move out is up to you- but it wont be tolerated here.
I love you and I am supportive of your goals- but you have to make better choices and weigh the consequences of your actions. Growing up is not about the number of birthdays you have had...It is about how you handle yourself and how you choose to spend your time.

I didnt yell or scream at him but he knew I meant business. He came to me later and apologized and told me it would never happen again and it hasnt. I spent some time checking up on him and he has a curfew. I know where he is and who he is with . Recently I let up on him some because he earned.

3.9 gpa

two scholarships

sounds to me like he had no problems with smoking pot and was handling himself just fine

Thats true, except the part where, because it is illegal, it could ruin his whole life if caught.

it's barely illegal anymore

any quantity for personal use is usually about as serious as a speeding ticket

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 10/08/09 10:18 AM
I suffered from bursitis for many years

My 24 year old said " mom try weed it'll help"

For a long time I said no

Then we smoked together

My bursitis is gone

I don't care what's in it. If it fried a few brain cells if it's illegal

I'm pain free!! And I occasionaly smoke just to relax !

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 10/08/09 10:21 AM

I suffered from bursitis for many years

My 24 year old said " mom try weed it'll help"

For a long time I said no

Then we smoked together

My bursitis is gone

I don't care what's in it. If it fried a few brain cells if it's illegal

I'm pain free!! And I occasionaly smoke just to relax !

I think that is why this debate keeps on going. we are talking about kids (under 18) not adults

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 10/08/09 10:27 AM
Oh sorry if I was off topic

Never approved my girls smoking before 18
(I'm sure they did though---they told me they did)

It never appeared to have affected them in school. All high acheivers. Have great jobs now

I'd just be scared if they were caught carrying!!