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Topic: Anti-semitism alive and well around the world.
s1owhand's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:45 PM

You know slow.
Youd get a better view of the situation if youd just quit ignoring what you dont want to read!
Read the all the facts. Not just the propaganda you see on the Israeli State web-site!

You know the one Im talking about.
The Jewish virtual library!

I read a wide variety of viewpoints but choose to
cite the most interesting and under-reported ones.


is just a fantastic site! and needs to be read
more widely imo. i understand the other side of
the issue - i just think it is obviously silly
in many respects - like your assertion that israel
didn't exist prior to 1948.

what is so hard to understand about israel defending
her citizens against missile attacks as the US did
against Bin Laden? it is very easy to understand.
israel could not tolerate continued rocket attacks,
hamas would not stop, israel had to take the weapons
out of their hands.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:49 PM
Organizational Affiliations:
Begin, in the period of his life dedicated to guerrilla activities, was affiliated with an organization called the Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), which he led from 1944 until 1948. Revisionist Zionists who believed that a militant attitude and terrorist activities were legitimate ways to achieve their political objectives founded the Irgun in 1931. They may be seen in much the same light as other groups who have used terrorist tactics to oust a foreign occupier.

Good for the Goose is good for the Gander!
Palestinians learned from the best!


Israel is an illegal terrorist state.
Formed by terrorists and ruled by terrorists.

Jess642's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:49 PM
Glen....why are you so rigidly opposed to doing EXACTLY what you are demanding of others????

I don't understand your behaviours... and wonder if this helps elevate your heart rate... by having an argument/debate.... is it cold where you are? Does this help keep you warm? Having the mind in an agressive defensive state... has the neurons firing?

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:55 PM
The Jewish Virtual Library, if you read the about us section, is a web-site designed by the Israeli Gov. Its target is the American People. Its objective is to spread propaganda to the American Christians in an attempt to get Americans to support their cause!
It is one of the most bias sites you can visit and I could spend hours showing you the contradictions between their account of events and historical accounts.
Some even contradicting their own gov investigations!
They rely on the blind and misinformed who will not search any further for the facts!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:58 PM

Glen....why are you so rigidly opposed to doing EXACTLY what you are demanding of others????

I don't understand your behaviours... and wonder if this helps elevate your heart rate... by having an argument/debate.... is it cold where you are? Does this help keep you warm? Having the mind in an agressive defensive state... has the neurons firing?

And what are you smoking today! Your post doesnt make sense!
Im a Catholic American, who just goes by facts. If you cant take them, Smoke some more and return to your fantasies!!!

Jess642's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:02 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 01/04/09 02:04 PM

Glen....why are you so rigidly opposed to doing EXACTLY what you are demanding of others????

I don't understand your behaviours... and wonder if this helps elevate your heart rate... by having an argument/debate.... is it cold where you are? Does this help keep you warm? Having the mind in an agressive defensive state... has the neurons firing?

And what are you smoking today! Your post doesnt make sense!
Im a Catholic American, who just goes by facts. If you cant take them, Smoke some more and return to your fantasies!!!


Why are you being so nasty?

Glen....why are you so rigidly opposed to doing EXACTLY what you are demanding of others???? (look at both sides, objectively)

I don't understand your behaviours... and wonder if this helps elevate your heart rate... (by having an argument/debate)

.... is it cold where you are? (I don't live where you do, to know how cold it might be there...)

Does this help keep you warm? (Elevated heart rate flushes blood to the surface, and warms one)

Having the mind in an agressive defensive state... has the neurons firing?

(We can feel more alive when we have that surge of adrenalin, often when in a defensive state)

I don't understand why you have to be so horrible, when I asked genuine questions, as to your well being..

s1owhand's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:02 PM


"The Irgun bombed the King David Hotel as part of a terror campaign against civilians."

The King David Hotel was the site of the British military command and the British Criminal Investigation Division. The Irgun chose it as a target after British troops invaded the Jewish Agency June 29, 1946, and confiscated large quantities of documents. At about the same time, more than 2,500 Jews from all over Palestine were placed under arrest. The information about Jewish Agency operations, including intelligence activities in Arab countries, was taken to the King David Hotel.

A week later, news of a massacre of 40 Jews in a pogrom in Poland reminded the Jews of Palestine how Britain's restrictive immigration policy had condemned thousands to death.

Irgun leader Menachem Begin stressed his desire to avoid civilian casualties. In fact, the plan was to warn the British so they would evacuate the building before it was blown up. Three telephone calls were placed, one to the hotel, another to the French Consulate, and a third to the Palestine Post, warning that explosives in the King David Hotel would soon be detonated.

kingdavbomb.jpg (9926 bytes) On July 22, 1946, the calls were made. The call into the hotel was apparently received and ignored. Begin quotes one British official who supposedly refused to evacuate the building, saying: "We don't take orders from the Jews."42 As a result, when the bombs exploded, the casualty toll was high: a total of 91 killed and 45 injured. Among the casualties were 15 Jews. Few people in the hotel proper were injured by the blast.43

In contrast to Arab attacks against Jews, which were widely hailed by Arab leaders as heroic actions, the Jewish National Council denounced the bombing of the King David.44

For decades the British denied they had been warned. In 1979, however, a member of the British Parliament introduced evidence that the Irgun had indeed issued the warning. He offered the testimony of a British officer who heard other officers in the King David Hotel bar joking about a Zionist threat to the headquarters. The officer who overheard the conversation immediately left the hotel and survived.45



and, here is the link to the section About JVL laugh


freeonthree's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:08 PM

I already knew we had a lot of America haters in here but now we can add we have quite a few anti semitics in as well.Only the those who truly hate America and Jews could stand up for Hamas who are not only a terrorist origination which has called for the destruction of Israel,but has also launched a average of 100 missiles into Israel a day.How ironic it is that not a word is mentioned when a suicide bomber from Hamas blows himself up killing sometimes over 100 people including women and children.How ironic it is that Israel stands by patiently while everyday rockets and suicide bombers kill people of Israel.Where was the outrage then?There was no outrage because I know there is people who hate Israel just as much as America and will continue posting Anti-American Anti-Israel posts for no other reason because they want to see them both elimanted.The world has truly gone mad when a peaceful city like Israel fights back against a terrorist origination and is condemned.

I've never seen anyone bash the USA here, just some of the GVMT's behavior. We are supposed to be the GVMT, but frequently things get screwed up, then the people complain, and try to get it resolved. That doesn't mean that they hate America. It means they LOVE America, and want to keep it in tip top shape smokin

nogames39's photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:11 PM
Edited by nogames39 on Sun 01/04/09 03:12 PM

I've never seen anyone bash the USA here, just some of the GVMT's behavior. We are supposed to be the GVMT, but frequently things get screwed up, then the people complain, and try to get it resolved. That doesn't mean that they hate America. It means they LOVE America, and want to keep it in tip top shape smokin

Agree with you wholeheartedly. I love America, and believe that we need to look closer at the employment contract between The People and the government.

Just because the government had committed some crimes while being employed by the people, doesn't mean the people are guilty of the crime. They may be guilty of not holding the leash tight enough, but they can surely make this less likely to happen again in the future, by hiring different set of bureaucrats.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 01/04/09 06:17 PM

Well you are offended by everything I say so that's old news.I am pretty sure you will never agree on anything I ever say.

You are correct Thomas...their accusations are a rues to avoid facts. If they can't supply them they attack the poster. Don't feel bad, they do it to everyone they disagree with. That's why most don't post anymore.

oh my.........another one your on a roll today quick. the facts are this thread and many others are verry active. personaly I as a member am verry greatfull some people do not post being they cannot stay within topic or add to the conversation in a way that is meaningfull. We are far better off they choose not to participate. Now if a few others would choose the same we may actualy have some interesting informative conversations, minus the moronic comments.

Yes well it's only the few loonies left who really post here. Aren't you so glad that you are singing to the choir...maybe that's what I'll cal yu all...choir boys.

Keep hiding behind freedoms that other faught for so you can be wrong in all that twisted logic your post.
I at least served my country quick and I would like to think I sacraficed some time of my life to actualy use the freedoms we have. If we cant or wont use them what purpose would these sacrafices by myself and many others serve? However I do not feel any modern wars have given anyone any freedoms do you? and if so why? Do you think all the sacrafices in Vietnam acchieved anything for anyone? How about Iraq? the answer of course is the rich got richer and the poor got killed.

So what? I served too. You have no cause to bragging rights. it certainly doesn't make you an expert in the military when so many joined for the benefits. Militaries are there to keep us safe & that funding should not be going for people's personal goals or civilian ambitions.

Some people want the bennies but don't want to pay the price. So typical.
What price didnt I pay Quicky? DoI owe my country a lifetime of BLIND patriotism because I served? I wore my goggles when they had me in unfiform . I disagree though my military experience gives me a much better insight than someone who hasnt served and that my dear includes youlaugh

I guess you can't read too well either... I also served. You have no more rights than anyone else & your assumptions are just that, nothing more.

It's a shame to have to spell everything out. (geez)

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 06:21 PM

The Jewish Virtual Library, if you read the about us section, is a web-site designed by the Israeli Gov. Its target is the American People. Its objective is to spread propaganda to the American Christians in an attempt to get Americans to support their cause!
It is one of the most bias sites you can visit and I could spend hours showing you the contradictions between their account of events and historical accounts.
Some even contradicting their own gov investigations!
They rely on the blind and misinformed who will not search any further for the facts!

:smile: I don't think its right for a country to mislead its closest ally that way.grumble What kind of friend does that?:smile:

madisonman's photo
Sun 01/04/09 06:22 PM

The Jewish Virtual Library, if you read the about us section, is a web-site designed by the Israeli Gov. Its target is the American People. Its objective is to spread propaganda to the American Christians in an attempt to get Americans to support their cause!
It is one of the most bias sites you can visit and I could spend hours showing you the contradictions between their account of events and historical accounts.
Some even contradicting their own gov investigations!
They rely on the blind and misinformed who will not search any further for the facts!

:smile: I don't think its right for a country to mislead its closest ally that way.grumble What kind of friend does that?:smile:

a friend that is a USER

madisonman's photo
Sun 01/04/09 06:25 PM

Well you are offended by everything I say so that's old news.I am pretty sure you will never agree on anything I ever say.

You are correct Thomas...their accusations are a rues to avoid facts. If they can't supply them they attack the poster. Don't feel bad, they do it to everyone they disagree with. That's why most don't post anymore.

oh my.........another one your on a roll today quick. the facts are this thread and many others are verry active. personaly I as a member am verry greatfull some people do not post being they cannot stay within topic or add to the conversation in a way that is meaningfull. We are far better off they choose not to participate. Now if a few others would choose the same we may actualy have some interesting informative conversations, minus the moronic comments.

Yes well it's only the few loonies left who really post here. Aren't you so glad that you are singing to the choir...maybe that's what I'll cal yu all...choir boys.

Keep hiding behind freedoms that other faught for so you can be wrong in all that twisted logic your post.
I at least served my country quick and I would like to think I sacraficed some time of my life to actualy use the freedoms we have. If we cant or wont use them what purpose would these sacrafices by myself and many others serve? However I do not feel any modern wars have given anyone any freedoms do you? and if so why? Do you think all the sacrafices in Vietnam acchieved anything for anyone? How about Iraq? the answer of course is the rich got richer and the poor got killed.

So what? I served too. You have no cause to bragging rights. it certainly doesn't make you an expert in the military when so many joined for the benefits. Militaries are there to keep us safe & that funding should not be going for people's personal goals or civilian ambitions.

Some people want the bennies but don't want to pay the price. So typical.
What price didnt I pay Quicky? DoI owe my country a lifetime of BLIND patriotism because I served? I wore my goggles when they had me in unfiform . I disagree though my military experience gives me a much better insight than someone who hasnt served and that my dear includes youlaugh

I guess you can't read too well either... I also served. You have no more rights than anyone else & your assumptions are just that, nothing more.

It's a shame to have to spell everything out. (geez)
What branch? what job, this I find hard to believe

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/04/09 06:28 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 01/04/09 06:29 PM

Glen....why are you so rigidly opposed to doing EXACTLY what you are demanding of others????

I don't understand your behaviours... and wonder if this helps elevate your heart rate... by having an argument/debate.... is it cold where you are? Does this help keep you warm? Having the mind in an agressive defensive state... has the neurons firing?

And what are you smoking today! Your post doesnt make sense!
Im a Catholic American, who just goes by facts. If you cant take them, Smoke some more and return to your fantasies!!!


Why are you being so nasty?

Glen....why are you so rigidly opposed to doing EXACTLY what you are demanding of others???? (look at both sides, objectively)

I don't understand your behaviours... and wonder if this helps elevate your heart rate... (by having an argument/debate)

.... is it cold where you are? (I don't live where you do, to know how cold it might be there...)

Does this help keep you warm? (Elevated heart rate flushes blood to the surface, and warms one)

Having the mind in an agressive defensive state... has the neurons firing?

(We can feel more alive when we have that surge of adrenalin, often when in a defensive state)

I don't understand why you have to be so horrible, when I asked genuine questions, as to your well being..

See what I mean.
Your posts make no sense!
I know what is written in the "about us" section of the Jewish virtual web-site because I have visited it many times. Likewise, I know many of their tales are contradictory because I have seen the contradictions in viewing British Gov accounts and the Israeli investigating committee's own findings in print!
Do you now expect me to tell anything but the truth about such a propaganda web-site as the Jewish virtual library?
Give me a break! A lie yesterday is a lie today. Why should I read more propaganda. FOX news gives me enough. Dont ya think?

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 06:34 PM

The Jewish Virtual Library, if you read the about us section, is a web-site designed by the Israeli Gov. Its target is the American People. Its objective is to spread propaganda to the American Christians in an attempt to get Americans to support their cause!
It is one of the most bias sites you can visit and I could spend hours showing you the contradictions between their account of events and historical accounts.
Some even contradicting their own gov investigations!
They rely on the blind and misinformed who will not search any further for the facts!

:smile: I don't think its right for a country to mislead its closest ally that way.grumble What kind of friend does that?:smile:

a friend that is a USER

:smile: Seems to be that way.:smile:If they want us on their side so bad then they should at least tell the whole truth and not try to mislead people.flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/04/09 07:39 PM

The Jewish Virtual Library, if you read the about us section, is a web-site designed by the Israeli Gov. Its target is the American People. Its objective is to spread propaganda to the American Christians in an attempt to get Americans to support their cause!
It is one of the most bias sites you can visit and I could spend hours showing you the contradictions between their account of events and historical accounts.
Some even contradicting their own gov investigations!
They rely on the blind and misinformed who will not search any further for the facts!

:smile: I don't think its right for a country to mislead its closest ally that way.grumble What kind of friend does that?:smile:

a friend that is a USER

:smile: Seems to be that way.:smile:If they want us on their side so bad then they should at least tell the whole truth and not try to mislead people.flowerforyou


warmachine's photo
Sun 01/04/09 08:17 PM
At the end of the day, I think the term "AntiSemite" is in the same boat with alot of other words that have negative impacts. They are being used more for a cover than anything else.

So far, I've been hit with the rascist word, because I don't support Obama and and AntiSemite because I don't support massacre and occupation.

Labeling just seems foolish to me.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 08:23 PM
:smile: I would be a lot more supportive of Israel if they weren't trying to manipulate the American people.:smile:I started noticing this several years ago (in the news media and the evangelical community).:smile:A friend should be straight with another friend if they need help and not try to manipulate and decieve to get what they want.:smile:

nogames39's photo
Sun 01/04/09 08:31 PM
It is this reason, MirrorMirror, that I was always suspicious about Israel. IMHO, they aren't true friend. They are simply using America.

Funny, I do notice that in real life too. Some people are so disgusting, they are trying to use even those they consider friends. I cut them off right away. Bad friend lost is a good thing.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/04/09 08:35 PM
Fanta for President!


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