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Topic: Just ask JustAGuy - part 4
JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 10:46 AM

2 days left and then I will finally get a day off.......yipee!

A ( as in singular ) day off???

I dont count saturday, I have to be up at 230 sunday morning. so kind of only 1 day off

2:30am??? WTF?? Do you work at a freakin bakery or something?? lol

nope, worse.......a gas station

Ewww...can't say that I haven't been there and done that.

But why on Earth do you have to be up at 2:30??

KymmieSue's photo
Wed 12/17/08 10:48 AM
I have to be there at 5, I have to be on a bus by 345. Good thing is I'm off at 1 and dont have to be back until 1 on monday afternoon

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 10:50 AM

I have to be there at 5, I have to be on a bus by 345. Good thing is I'm off at 1 and dont have to be back until 1 on monday afternoon

Ah. Not so bad then. Still...getting up that early sucks.

I wouldn't even go to bed...lol

KymmieSue's photo
Wed 12/17/08 10:53 AM

I have to be there at 5, I have to be on a bus by 345. Good thing is I'm off at 1 and dont have to be back until 1 on monday afternoon

Ah. Not so bad then. Still...getting up that early sucks.

I wouldn't even go to bed...lol

I think that getting up before 10 is insane. Guess thats why I do it, I'm nuts

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 10:57 AM

I have to be there at 5, I have to be on a bus by 345. Good thing is I'm off at 1 and dont have to be back until 1 on monday afternoon

Ah. Not so bad then. Still...getting up that early sucks.

I wouldn't even go to bed...lol

I think that getting up before 10 is insane. Guess thats why I do it, I'm nuts

Join the club....lol

Speaking of work....time for me to head out. :-)

Later everyone.

TelephoneMan's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:35 AM
Shameless plug... lol...

I started a thread to discuss Diabetes here:


My doctor confirm Monday that mood swings and irritability are definitely part of having high blood sugar levels.

I thought I would start this thread because I am thinking other people battle with this disease out there...

I can not take back the words I left here when I was spaced out on 452 blod sugar level... but I can attempt to make the world a better place from this point forward.

I love the JustAGuy thread, and haven't felt the same since those days... haven't had the heart to come back in here... lot's of friends in here....

Sometimes ya just gtta ask JustAGuy... lol

So... how am I doing?

justme659's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:33 PM

Shameless plug... lol...

I started a thread to discuss Diabetes here:


My doctor confirm Monday that mood swings and irritability are definitely part of having high blood sugar levels.

I thought I would start this thread because I am thinking other people battle with this disease out there...

I can not take back the words I left here when I was spaced out on 452 blod sugar level... but I can attempt to make the world a better place from this point forward.

I love the JustAGuy thread, and haven't felt the same since those days... haven't had the heart to come back in here... lot's of friends in here....

Sometimes ya just gtta ask JustAGuy... lol

So... how am I doing?

I missed the bad words day, but I am glad to hear you got checked out by a Doctor. :thumbsup: {{{ telephoneman}}}

907daydreamer's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:47 PM
question sir...
how is it possible
that there is frost at a lower elevation
but no frost at a higher elevation?

galendgirl's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:20 PM

wutz goin on up in here?????

Not much. Just a chubby, bald guy answering those burning questions that people have. lol

Today he looks like a tall thin green guy. Luv ya!

galendgirl's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:23 PM

I thought I would start this thread because I am thinking other people battle with this disease out there...

I can not take back the words I left here when I was spaced out on 452 blod sugar level... but I can attempt to make the world a better place from this point forward.

I love the JustAGuy thread, and haven't felt the same since those days... haven't had the heart to come back in here... lot's of friends in here....

Sometimes ya just gtta ask JustAGuy... lol

So... how am I doing?

Tman, I'm really glad to see you back. I'm even happier that you are taking care of your health and it's a huge boon to the world that you are concerned enough to try to educate others (hey...perhaps you should try college???) OH! DONE THAT! CONGRATS ON YOUR GRADUATION!:banana:

galendgirl's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:24 PM
JAG...if it snows all day tomorrow as predicted, will I be able to get out of ABQ on Friday morning?

(Need to get home to wear "the dress and shoes!")

galendgirl's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:27 PM

2:30am??? WTF?? Do you work at a freakin bakery or something?? lol

nope, worse.......a gas station

Oh man...and I think it's bad because I'm working with lazy people who have no work ethic! At least I set my alarm at 6am.

However...JAG? Is it possible that the previously requested zombies are hanging out with KymmieSue at the gas station in the wee hours of the morning? Or at the bus stop at 3:45 or ???

KymmieSue...if you happen to see the undead, can you please direct them to this thread so the zombies know they are needed?

galendgirl's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:29 PM
Strange thing today...
unplugged the laptop at the office, traveled three hours and it's D-E-A-D! The power supply wouldn't even get it running. Took it to our desktop group and when they removed the battery it found the power supply...when they put the battery back in, it still found it (although it had dropped the IP address.)

How is it possible for the power supply to be stopped by some glitch in the battery and then for it to be fine later?

I don't have a clue and would like to understand.

galendgirl's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:34 PM
As you've probably surmised - I love music of many genres...

I've realized lately that I'm sort of a "conceptual" listener. I like to hear the overall CD and band style and evaluate the music based on a broad consumption level. I can't tell you much about individual musicians or technique, etc.

My son and another adult friend are much more into the technical bits and can identify/discuss minute details about the music, the members of any given band, etc. I'm TRYING to learn more about the latter (it's interesting to me) but it's very hard to overcome what is my natural habit of listening to the "whole" in order to focus on the "bits."

Your recommendations for being able to hear the details more easily???

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:16 PM

question sir...
how is it possible
that there is frost at a lower elevation
but no frost at a higher elevation?

I think a lot depends on the humidity in the air. Frost is basically just frozen moisture. If the moisture in the air isn't as high at the higher elevations as it is lower down, then frost is less likely to form higher up.

Living where you do, I am pretty sure you know the phrase " Too cold to snow ". That is basically the same effect. The colder the air is, the drier in most cases.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:18 PM

Shameless plug... lol...

I started a thread to discuss Diabetes here:


My doctor confirm Monday that mood swings and irritability are definitely part of having high blood sugar levels.

I thought I would start this thread because I am thinking other people battle with this disease out there...

I can not take back the words I left here when I was spaced out on 452 blod sugar level... but I can attempt to make the world a better place from this point forward.

I love the JustAGuy thread, and haven't felt the same since those days... haven't had the heart to come back in here... lot's of friends in here....

Sometimes ya just gtta ask JustAGuy... lol

So... how am I doing?

TM. You are more than welcome here. I know that the things you said were due, in part if not their entirety, on a severe fluctuation in your blood sugar.

I have had dealings with mood swings before. You weren't the first, and you probably won't be the last experience I have with them.

I forgave you for the comments as soon as I learned the explanation.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:21 PM

JAG...if it snows all day tomorrow as predicted, will I be able to get out of ABQ on Friday morning?

(Need to get home to wear "the dress and shoes!")

I'm not sure ( without resorting to Google ) the elevation of ABQ.

I do know that what constitutes " no fly " weather here, is a whole lot different than what it takes in New Mexico.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:23 PM

2:30am??? WTF?? Do you work at a freakin bakery or something?? lol

nope, worse.......a gas station

Oh man...and I think it's bad because I'm working with lazy people who have no work ethic! At least I set my alarm at 6am.

However...JAG? Is it possible that the previously requested zombies are hanging out with KymmieSue at the gas station in the wee hours of the morning? Or at the bus stop at 3:45 or ???

I don't know. I suppose it's possible. We'll have to ask Kymmie to be on the lookout for our wandering zombies.

KymmieSue...if you happen to see the undead, can you please direct them to this thread so the zombies know they are needed?

Yeah. What she said.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:24 PM

Strange thing today...
unplugged the laptop at the office, traveled three hours and it's D-E-A-D! The power supply wouldn't even get it running. Took it to our desktop group and when they removed the battery it found the power supply...when they put the battery back in, it still found it (although it had dropped the IP address.)

How is it possible for the power supply to be stopped by some glitch in the battery and then for it to be fine later?

I don't have a clue and would like to understand.

This one is beyond the realm of my knowledge. I don't know a whole lot of anything about computers.

However, if you really want an answer, I would suggest going to my team site and posting a question in the Computer Chat section. The guys and gals on the team are always willing to help someone with a computer question.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:27 PM

As you've probably surmised - I love music of many genres...

I've realized lately that I'm sort of a "conceptual" listener. I like to hear the overall CD and band style and evaluate the music based on a broad consumption level. I can't tell you much about individual musicians or technique, etc.

My son and another adult friend are much more into the technical bits and can identify/discuss minute details about the music, the members of any given band, etc. I'm TRYING to learn more about the latter (it's interesting to me) but it's very hard to overcome what is my natural habit of listening to the "whole" in order to focus on the "bits."

Your recommendations for being able to hear the details more easily???

Well...you can still listen to the whole of it.

But the next time you listen to it, start off by picking out one instrument ( drums, lead guitar, bass ) to listen for.

I know when I pick up a cd, the first thing I hear, other than the vocals, is the guitars. The next thing I start listening for is the drum techniques.

Once you do that with a few albums that you are familiar with, it's become almost second nature to do it with everything you listen to.

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