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Topic: why do some people try to prove that there is no creator?
martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:33 AM
Could it be that they do this in hopes of proving to everyone that they are the smartest person on earth or something like that? Or is it just narcissistic behavior?

mry's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:34 AM
Are you trying to make me THINK so early in the morning???????

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:35 AM
the whole question didn't come out, trying to prove what exactly.

mornin' martydrinker

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:35 AM

the whole question didn't come out, trying to prove what exactly.

mornin' martydrinker
never mind, by the time i typed and posted it was changed ohwell

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:37 AM

Are you trying to make me THINK so early in the morning???????
it's not early in Iraq! but yes, I figured I would get ya while you were fresh!

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:38 AM
Good morning Sharp!

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:42 AM
Gods word tells us quite clearly that there will be many that do not believe, will not believe, will never believe and even some in the end still will not believe. Many are the descendants of Cain, who of course, was the offspring of Satan when he beguiled Eve in the garden. Others just haven't heard the word in the way it is meant to be recieved, freely, and with understanding. Others, with what is being taught in some churches and by supposed "men of God" have been led astray by such. Judgement will start at the pulpit with those that preach "mans" word instead of "Gods"word. Some so called Christians, try to brow beat Gods word into people or act superior, no wonder it turns folks away.

Thats about the best I have before my first cup of coffee

GOD loves you all, He may not like what some do, but he loves us all and hopes all repent and accept him. Not gonna happen though

SharpShooter10's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:44 AM

Are you trying to make me THINK so early in the morning???????
it's not early in Iraq! but yes, I figured I would get ya while you were fresh!
My brother is in Iraq now, gonna be there a year, as a former soldier, wish I could be there instead of him, that ship done sailed out to sea though

say a prayer for all our people over there drinker

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:55 AM
Edited by martymark on Mon 12/01/08 04:57 AM

Are you trying to make me THINK so early in the morning???????
it's not early in Iraq! but yes, I figured I would get ya while you were fresh!
My brother is in Iraq now, gonna be there a year, as a former soldier, wish I could be there instead of him, that ship done sailed out to sea though

say a prayer for all our people over there drinker
many prayers for your brother and all our men/women in the armed forces, may God protect them, and the rest. May there please, dear lord be an end to the violence in all the world. May the knowledge of the pursuit of wealth/self become a full understanding to all, and those who have attained much have a change of heart with their vast holdings of earthly treasure. May this happen before it is to late to encourage the down trodden, so that we may avoid a world wide revolution, or the final battle of all evil against all good. In your the name of Jesus we pray dear lord, amen and amen

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:07 AM

My brother is in Iraq now, gonna be there a year, as a former soldier, wish I could be there instead of him, that ship done sailed out to sea though

say a prayer for all our people over there drinker
many prayers for your brother and all our men/women in the armed forces, may God protect them, and the rest. May there please, dear lord be an end to the violence in all the world. May the knowledge of the pursuit of wealth/self become a full understanding to all, and those who have attained much have a change of heart with their vast holdings of earthly treasure. May this happen before it is to late to encourage the down trodden, so that we may avoid a world wide revolution, or the final battle of all evil against all good. In your the name of Jesus we pray dear lord, amen and amen

nice :smile:

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:12 AM
Edited by martymark on Mon 12/01/08 05:13 AM

My brother is in Iraq now, gonna be there a year, as a former soldier, wish I could be there instead of him, that ship done sailed out to sea though

say a prayer for all our people over there drinker
many prayers for your brother and all our men/women in the armed forces, may God protect them, and the rest. May there please, dear lord be an end to the violence in all the world. May the knowledge of the pursuit of wealth/self become a full understanding to all, and those who have attained much have a change of heart with their vast holdings of earthly treasure. May this happen before it is to late to encourage the down trodden, so that we may avoid a world wide revolution, or the final battle of all evil against all good. In your the name of Jesus we pray dear lord, amen and amen

nice :smile:
Thanks HockeyChick!! why is the name hockeychick ringing a bell to me? Then lets see if we can get back on topic, maybe oh ya, that Sarah Palin thing, nevermind

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:14 AM
I still think it has a lot to do with narcissism!

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:15 AM
Because that's what they believe and therefore they are right. Just as those that DO believe will try to prove they are right. Why, because they can.

I really don't think there's an answer to this except ego. flowerforyou

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 12/01/08 05:41 AM
This is simple. Some peeps need to prove there is no god for the same reason people of faith need to prove their is ---> because they feel superior to you and want you to believe as they do. Nothing else will satisfy them.

martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 06:25 AM
I still think it has to do with narcissism! narcissism=thinking that the world/universe/much revolves around yourself

splendidlife's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:17 AM

I still think it has a lot to do with narcissism!

Narcissism is another label. In this context, it suggests that we are "brazen" enough to believe that we create ourselves. One who points at another's Narcissism is comparing another to them self.

Isn't the labeling of others in comparison to self (in its self) Narcissistic?

splendidlife's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:23 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Mon 12/01/08 08:28 AM

This is simple. Some peeps need to prove there is no god for the same reason people of faith need to prove their is ---> because they feel superior to you and want you to believe as they do. Nothing else will satisfy them.

That perspective or need to feel superior is exactly what separates an individual from its humanity.

When acted upon in the "conscious" mind, that "need" perpetuates the very feeling of separation that one desperately tries to prevent by insisting it be superior.

splendidlife's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:34 AM
Edited by splendidlife on Mon 12/01/08 08:50 AM

Because that's what they believe and therefore they are right. Just as those that DO believe will try to prove they are right. Why, because they can.

I really don't think there's an answer to this except ego. flowerforyou


Ego, carnal mind or "conscious" mind (that 4 to 10%) vs. collective understanding, Higher Self, God or Subconscious Mind (@ 100%).

Interestingly enough... this proposed 100% seems to be far more simplistic than the constant cruching of thoughts (so to speak) at a Modus Operandi of 4 to 10%.

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:39 AM
I think there are two kinds of atheists. The ones who don't believe there is a god and live their lives accordingly

and then there are the anti-Christians who seem to have some sort of bitterness directed at God and feel the need to try to take God away from believers

splendidlife's photo
Mon 12/01/08 08:47 AM

I think there are two kinds of atheists. The ones who don't believe there is a god and live their lives accordingly

and then there are the anti-Christians who seem to have some sort of bitterness directed at God and feel the need to try to take God away from believers

If one truly believes in God, how can anyone else can "take away" a single thing from it? I find it a bit amusing when someone makes a statement such as this, because it exposes the speaker's own fear or perhaps lack of "faith".

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