Topic: windows vista????
EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 01:22 PM
lemme know what you find, okay?

I want to know about this thing before I decide to install it on the pc,

stonekeeper's photo
Wed 04/11/07 01:52 PM
i will keep you posted...but i dont expect to get it online for at least
a couple of days...we are in the middle of a blizzard today so the tech
wont get out for awhile...ill let you know

stonekeeper's photo
Wed 04/11/07 01:54 PM
if i decide i do not like it is it possible for me to change it to xp

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:02 PM
Ummm. not sure. Was the vista from CD?

If so, did you back up?

Maybe have an XP disc installer ready, and uninstall vista.

I know people build thier own pcs...

stonekeeper's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:12 PM came did have an upgrade disk with it
too...wich may possibly correct the printer issue...but the upgrade
requires that it be online as well so ill hafta wait to see

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:17 PM
oh well!

Just have patience. it takes time to adjust to changes.

good luck!

stonekeeper's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:34 PM
true enough...ill give it a chance before i trash it....thanks for your

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 02:47 PM
I know I wasn't much help, lol. Do let me know, though. Curious about
the system.

slowtogetit's photo
Wed 04/11/07 05:12 PM
hi everyone, i have vista and so far no problems.even have nortons

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/11/07 06:04 PM
Windows will always have DOS in it. Dumb Operating System. To quote Bill
Gates, "DOS is dead."

whispertoascream's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:08 PM
Thank you for this thread. I have been wanting to get Vista, but will
now wait. But does anybody know the system requirements for it?

stonekeeper's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:13 PM
norton came with mine...both already installed...i wont know if they
function right til it gets online im guessin...i think i miss my
xp....and i havent even stopped usin it yet lol

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:19 PM
I had Norton years ago. It's resource hog, in my opinion.

there are some very good anti-virus programs out there with no charge,
and will not take up your registry...

Also, some very good free, no crapware... protection for spyware and

just an option to consider.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:21 PM
Yeah, Norton's Antivirus is like one big virus that just keeps getting

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:24 PM
Peter Norton, creator of Norton Antivirus and Bill Gates were good
friends. Go figure?laugh

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:28 PM
What amazes is that Bill Gates pirated so much stuff then runs down
pirating. Moral of the story, "If you are going to be a pirate be a big

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:39 PM

hey, ya know, it's true...

I just gotta wonder, though.

Whenever someone make a big thing... becomes powerful... isn't it odd
how folks come to dislike them?

If you or I were to get lucky and become multi millionares... would we
be hated?

always curios about that kinda thing.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:41 PM
I think that is why advertising is so good. You make a lot of money and
can pay people to make you look good. :smile:

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:48 PM
And, when someone makes so much oney, and has that kinda power...
government craps themselves, then cashes in.

sorta like, NO! You can not be that big! Make lots of little comapanies
and pay us from each...


RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/11/07 07:52 PM
Yeah, free enterprise. Don't you love it? Competition whether you like
it or not.:smile: