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Topic: Wiccans - part 2
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Fri 11/07/08 09:38 AM
Swami Panchadasi

As I have informed you in the preceding lesson, Crystal Gazing is the second method of getting en rapport with the astral plane. Under the general term "Crystal Gazing" I include the entire body of phenomena connected with the use of the crystal, magic mirror, etc., the underlying principle being the same in all of such cases.

The crystal, etc., serves to focus the psychic energy of the person, in such a way that the astral senses are induced to function more readily than ordinarily. The student is cautioned against regarding the crystal, or magic mirror, as possessing any particular magic power in itself. On the contrary, the crystal, or magic mirror serves merely as a physical instrument for the astral vision, just as the telescope or microscope performs a similar office for the physical vision. Some persons are superstitious regarding the crystal, and accord to it some weird supernatural power, but the true occultist, understanding the laws of the phenomena arising from its use, does not fall into this error.

But, notwithstanding what I have just said, I would be neglecting my full duty in the matter if I failed to call your attention to the fact that the continued use of a particular crystal often has the effect of polarizing its molecules so as to render it a far more efficient instrument as time passes by. The longer the crystal is used by one person, the better does it seem to serve the uses of that person. I agree with many users of the crystal in their belief that each person should keep his crystal for his own personal use, and not allow it to be used indiscriminately by strangers or persons not in sympathy with occult thought. The crystal tends to become polarized according to the requirements of the person habitually using it, and it is foolish to allow this to be interfered with.

The use of crystals and other bright, shining objects, has been common to psychic investigators of all times, and in practically all lands. In the earlier days of the race, pieces of clear quartz or shining pebbles were generally employed. Sometimes pieces of polished metal were so used. In fact, nearly every object capable of being polished has been employed in this way at some time, by some person. In our own day, the same condition exists. In Australia the native sooth-sayers and magicians employ water and other shining objects, and, in some cases, even bright flame, sparks, or glowing embers. In New Zealand, the natives frequently employ drops of blood held in the hollow of the hand. The Fijians fill a hole with water, and gaze into it. South American tribes use the polished surface of black, or dark colored stones. The American Indians use water, or shining pieces or flint or quartz. Shining pieces of metal are frequently used by the primitive races. Lang, writing on the subject, has said: "They stare into a crystal ball; a cup; a mirror; a blot of ink (Egypt and India); a drop of blood (the Maoris of New Zealand); a bowl of water (American Indians); a pond (Roman and African); water in a glass bowl (Fez); or almost any polished surface, etc."

In the present-day revival of interest in crystal-gazing among the wealthier classes of Europe and America, some of the high-priced teachers have insisted upon their pupils purchasing pure crystal globes, claiming that these alone are capable of serving the purpose fully. But, as such crystals are very expensive, this advice has prevented many from experimenting. But, the advice is erroneous, for any globe of clear quartz, or even moulded glass, will serve the purpose equally well, and there is no need of spending twenty-five to fifty dollars for a pure crystal globe.

For that matter, you may obtain very good results from the use of a watch-crystal laid over a piece of black velvet. Some, today, use with the best effect small polished pieces of silver or other bright metal. Others follow the old plan of using a large drop of ink, poured into a small butter plate. Some have small cups painted black on the inside, into which they pour water—and obtain excellent results therefrom.

Above all, I caution the student to pay no attention to instructions regarding the necessity of performing incantations or ceremonies over the crystal or other object employed in crystal-gazing. This is but a bit of idle superstition, and serves no useful purpose except, possibly, that of giving the person confidence in the thing. All ceremonies of this kind have for their purpose merely the holding of the attention of the person investigating, and giving him confidence in-the result—the latter having a decided psychological value, of course.

There are but few general directions necessary for the person wishing to experiment in crystal gazing. The principal thing is to maintain quiet, and an earnest, serious state of mind—do not make a merry game of it, if you wish to obtain results. Again, always have the light behind your back, instead of facing you. Gaze calmly at the crystal, but do not strain your eyes. Do not try to avoid winking your eyes—there is a difference between "gazing" and "staring," remember. Some good authorities advise making funnels of the hands, and using them as you would a pair of opera glasses.

In many cases, a number of trials are required before you will be able to get good results. In others, at least some results are obtained at the first trial. It is a good plan to try to bring into vision something that you have already seen with the physical eyes—some familiar object. The first sign of actual psychic seeing in the crystal usually appears as a cloudy appearance, or "milky-mist," the crystal gradually losing its transparency. In this milky cloud then gradually appears a form, or face, or scene of some kind, more or less plainly defined. If you have ever developed a photographic film or plate, you will know how the picture gradually comes into view.

W.T. Stead, the eminent English investigator of psychic phenomena, has written as follows regarding the phenomena of crystal-gazing: "There are some persons who cannot look into an ordinary globular bottle without seeing pictures form themselves without any effort or will on their part, in the crystal globe. Crystal-gazing seems to be the least dangerous and most simple of all forms of experimenting. You simply look into a crystal globe the size of a five-shilling piece, or a water-bottle which is full of clear water, and which is placed so that too much light does not fall upon it, and then simply look at it. You make no incantations, and engage in no mumbo-jumbo business; you simply look at it for two or three minutes, taking care not to tire yourself, winking as much as you please, but fixing your thought upon whatever you wish to see. Then, if you have the faculty, the glass will cloud over with a milky mist, and in the centre the image is gradually precipitated in just the same way as a photograph forms on the sensitive plate."

The same authority relates the following interesting experiment with the crystal: "Miss X., upon looking into the crystal on two occasions as a test, to see if she could see me when she was several miles off, saw not me, but a different friend of mine on each occasion. She had never seen either of my friends before, but immediately identified them both on seeing them afterward at my office. On one of the evenings on which we experimented in the vain attempts to photograph a 'double,' I dined with Madam C. and her friend at a neighboring restaurant. As she glanced at the water-bottle, Madam C. saw a picture beginning to form, and, looking at it from curiosity, described with considerable detail an elderly gentleman whom she had never seen before, and whom I did not in the least recognize from her description at the moment. Three hours afterward, when the seance was over, Madam C., entered the room and recognized Mr. Elliott, of Messrs. Elliott & Fry, as the gentleman whom she had seen and described in the water-bottle at the restaurant. On another occasion the picture was less agreeable; it was an old man lying dead in bed with some one weeping at his feet; but who it was, or what it related to, no one knew."

Andrew Lang, another prominent investigator of psychic phenomena, gives the following interesting experiment in crystal-gazing: "I had given a glass ball to a young lady, Miss Baillie, who had scarcely any success with it. She lent it to Miss Leslie, who saw a large, square, old-fashioned red sofa covered with muslin (which she, afterward found in the next country-house she visited). Miss Baillie's brother, a young athlete, laughed at these experiments, took the ball into his study, and came back looking 'gey gash.' He admitted that he had seen a vision—somebody he knew, under a lamp. He said that he would discover during the week whether or not he had seen right. This was at 5:30 on a Sunday afternoon. On Tuesday, Mr. Baillie was at a dance in a town forty miles from his home, and met a Miss Preston. 'On Sunday,' he said, 'about half-past-five, you were sitting under a standard lamp, in a dress I never saw you wear, a blue blouse with lace over the shoulders, pouring out tea for a man in blue serge, whose back was toward me, so that I only saw the tip of his mustache.' 'Why, the blinds must have been up,' said Miss Preston. 'I was at Dulby,' said Mr. Baillie, and he undeniably was."

Miss X., the well-known contributor to the English magazine, "Borderland," several years ago, made a somewhat extended inquiry into the phenomena of crystal-gazing. From her experiments, she made the following classification of the phenomena of crystal-vision, which I herewith reproduce for your benefit. Her classification is as follows:

1. Images of something unconsciously observed. New reproductions, voluntary or spontaneous, and bringing no fresh knowledge to the mind.

2. Images of ideas unconsciously acquired from others. Some memory or imaginative effect, which does not come from the gazer's ordinary self. Revivals of memory. Illustrations of thought.

3. Images, clairvoyant or prophetic. Pictures giving information as to something past, present, or future, which the gazer has no other chance of knowing.

As a matter of fact, each and every form or phase of clairvoyance possible under other methods of inducing clairvoyant vision, is possible in crystal-gazing. It is a mistake to consider crystal-gazing as a separate and distinct form of psychic phenomena. Crystal-gazing is merely one particular form or method of inducing psychic or clairvoyant vision. If you will keep this in mind, you will avoid many common errors and misunderstandings in the matter.

In order to give you the benefit of as many points of view as possible, I shall now quote from an old English writer on the subject of the use of the crystal. I do this realizing that sometimes a particular student will get more from one point of view, than from another—some particular phrasing will seem to reach his understanding, where others fail. The directions of the English authority are as follows:

"What is desired through the regular use of the translucent sphere is to cultivate a personal degree of clairvoyant power, so that visions of things or events, past, present, and future, may appear clearly to the interior vision, or eye of the soul. In the pursuit of this effort only, the crystal becomes at once both a beautiful, interesting and harmless channel of pleasure and instruction, shorn of dangers, and rendered conducive to mental development.

"To the attainment of this desirable end, attention is asked to the following practical directions, which, if carefully followed, will lead to success:

"(1) Select a quiet room where you will be entirely undisturbed, taking care that it is as far as possible free from mirrors, ornaments, pictures, glaring colors, and the like, which may otherwise district the attention. The room should be of comfortable temperature, in accordance with the time of year, neither hot nor cold. About 60 to 65 deg. Fahr. is suitable in most cases, though allowance can be made where necessary for natural differences in the temperaments of various persons. Thus thin, nervous, delicately-organized individuals, and those of lymphatic and soft, easy-going, passive types, require a slightly warmer apartment than the more positive class who are known by their dark eyes, hair and complexion, combined with prominent joints. Should a fire, or any form of artificial light be necessary, it should be well screened off, so as to prevent the light rays from being reflected in, or in any manner directly reaching the crystal. The room should not be dark, but rather shadowed, or charged with a dull light, somewhat such as prevails on a cloudy or wet day.

"(2) The crystal should be placed on its stand on a table, or it may rest on a black velvet cushion, but in either case it should be partially surrounded by a black silk or similar wrap or screen, so adjusted as to cut off any undesirable reflection. Before beginning to experiment, remember that most frequently nothing will be seen on the first occasion, and possibly not for several sittings; though some sitters, if strongly gifted with psychic powers in a state of unconscious, and sometimes conscious degree of unfoldment, may be fortunate enough to obtain good results at the very first trial. If, therefore, nothing is perceived during the first few attempts, do not despair or become impatient, or imagine that you will never see anything. There is a royal road to crystal vision, but it is open only to the combined password of Calmness, Patience, and Perseverance. If at the first attempt to ride a bicycle, failure ensues, the only way to learn is to pay attention to the necessary rules, and to persevere daily until the ability to ride comes naturally. Thus it is with the would-be seer. Persevere in accordance with these simple directions, and success will sooner or later crown your efforts.

"(3) Commence by sitting comfortably with the eyes fixed upon the crystal, not by a fierce stare, but with a steady, calm gaze, for ten minutes only, on the first occasion. In taking the time it is best to hang your watch at a distance, where, while the face is clearly visible, the ticking is rendered inaudible. When the time is up, carefully put the crystal away in its case, and keep it in a dark place, under lock and key, allowing no one but yourself to handle it. At the second sitting, which should be at the same place, in the same position, and at the same time, you may increase the length of the effort to fifteen minutes, and continue for this period during the next five or six sittings, after which the time may be gradually increased, but should in no case exceed one hour. The precise order of repetition is always to be followed until the experimenter has developed an almost automatic ability to readily obtain results, when it needs no longer to be adhered to.

"(4) Any person, or persons, admitted to the room, and allowed to remain while you sit, should (a) keep absolute silence, and (b) remain seated at a distance from you. When you have developed your latent powers, questions may, of course, be put to you by one of those present, but even then in a very gentle, or low and slow tone of voice; never suddenly, or in a forceful manner.

"(5) When you find the crystal begins to look dull or cloudy, with small pin-points of light glittering therein, like tiny stars, you may know that you are commencing to obtain that for which you seek—viz., crystalline vision. Therefore, persevere with confidence. This condition may, or may not, continue for several sittings, the crystal seeming at times to alternately appear and disappear, as in a mist. By and by this hazy appearance, in its turn, will give place quite suddenly to a blindness of the senses to all else but a blue or bluish ocean of space, against which, as if it were a background, the vision will be clearly apparent.

"(6) The crystal should not be used soon after taking a meal, and care should be taken in matters of diet to partake only of digestible foods, and to avoid alcoholic beverages. Plain and nourishing food, and outdoor exercise, with contentment of mind, or love of simplicity in living, are great aids to success. Mental anxiety, or ill-health, are not conducive to the desired end. Attention to correct, breathing is of importance.

"(7) As regards the time at which events seen will come to pass, each seer is usually impressed with regard thereto; but, as a general rule, visions appearing in the extreme background indicate time more remote, either past or future, than those perceived nearer at hand, while those appearing in the foreground, or closer to the seer, denote the present or immediate future.

"(8) Two principal classes of vision will present themselves to the sitter—(a) the Symbolic, indicated by the appearance of symbols such as a flag, boat, knife, gold, etc., and (b) Actual Scenes and Personages, in action or otherwise. Persons of a positive type of organization, the more active, excitable, yet decided type, are most likely to perceive symbolically, or allegorically; while those of a passive nature usually receive direct or literal revelations. Both classes will find it necessary to carefully cultivate truthfulness, unselfishness, gratitude for what is shown, and absolute confidence in the love, wisdom, and guidance of God Himself."

As the student proceeds with the study of these lessons, he will become acquainted with various details and methods concerned with the various phases of clairvoyance, which knowledge he may then combine with the above, the whole aiding him in the successful manifestation of the psychic phenomena of crystal-gazing, which, as I have said, is merely one phase of clairvoyance and under the same general laws and rules of manifestation. Remember that present, past and future clairvoyance all is possible to the highly developed crystal gazer.

THE ASTRAL TUBE. Closely allied with the phenomena of crystal-gazing, and that of psychometry, is that which occultists know as "the astral tube," although this psychic channel may be developed in ordinary clairvoyance by means of the power of concentrated attention, etc. I shall not enter into a detailed or technical discussion of the astral tube, at this place, but I wish to give you a general and comprehensive view of it and its workings.

In case of the strong concentration of the mind, in cases of psychometry or crystal-gazing, a channel or "line of force" is set up in the astral substance which composes the basis of the astral plane. This is like the wake of a ship made on the surface of the water through which the ship has passed. Or it is like a current of magnetic force in the ether. It is caused by a polarization of the particles composing the astral substance, which manifest in a current of intense vibrations in the astral substance, which thus serve as a ready channel for the transmission of psychic force or astral energy.

The astral tube serves as a ready conductor of the vibrations, currents and waves of energy on the astral plane which carry to the astral senses of the person the perception of the things, objects and scenes far removed from him in space and time. How these things far removed in space and time are perceived by the astral seer is explained in subsequent lessons of this course. At this place we are concerned merely with the "channel" through which the currents of energy flow, and which has been called the astral tube.

As a writer well says: "Through the astral tube the astral senses actually 'sense' the sights, and often the sounds, being manifested at a distance, just as one may see distant sights through a telescope, or hear distant sounds through a telephone. The astral tube is used in a variety of forms of psychic phenomena. It is often used unconsciously, and springs into existence spontaneously, under the strong influence of a vivid emotion, desire or will. It is used by the trained psychometrist, without the use of any 'starting point,' or 'focal centre,' simply by the use of his trained, developed and concentrated will. But its most familiar and common use is in connection with some object serving as a starting point or focal centre. The starting point or focal centre, above mentioned, is generally either what is known as the 'associated object' in the class of phenomena generally known as psychometry, or else a glass or crystal ball, or similar polished surface, in what is known as crystal-gazing."

Another authority tells his readers that: "Astral sight, when it is cramped by being directed along what is practically a tube, is limited very much as physical sight would be under similar circumstances, though if possessed in perfection it will continue to show, even at that distance, the auras, and therefore all the emotions and most of the thoughts of the people under observation. * * * But, it may be said, the mere fact that he is using astral sight ought to enable him to see things from all sides at once. And so it would, if he were using that sight in a normal way upon an object which was fairly near him—within his astral reach, as it were; but at a distance of hundreds or thousands of miles the case is very different. Astral sight gives us the advantage of an additional dimension, but there is still such a thing as position in that dimension, and it is naturally a potent factor in limiting the use of the powers on that plane. * * * The limitations resemble those of a man using a telescope on the physical plane. The experimenter, for example, has a particular field of view which cannot be enlarged or altered; he is looking at his scene from a certain direction, and he cannot suddenly turn it all around and see how it looks from the other side. If he has sufficient psychic energy to spare, he may drop altogether the telescope he is using, and manufacture an entirely new one for himself which will approach his objective somewhat differently; but this is not a course at all likely to be adopted in practice."

The student will find that, as we progress, many of these points which now seem complicated and obscure will gradually take on the aspect of simplicity and clearness. We must crawl before we can walk, in psychic research as well as in everything else.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:04 AM

If you can't afford a crystal ball then make yourself a scrying mirror.

Take a frame with plain glass in it and spray one side of the glass with black paint and let it dry.

It can serve the same purpose as a crystal ball or a scrying bowel. When you gaze into the mirror be sure that it is at an angle that you do not see the reflection of a window or your own face.

Black shiny rocks, or clear quarts rocks can serve the same purpose. It gives your mind a place to focus.

Yes, I'm aware of other methods, I just like the idea of a crystal ball. laugh

I'm not clairvoyantly prepared just yet anyway. Thus the reason for Christopher's books and CDs. I'm sure I can get there on my own, but Christopher seems to have researched and carefully laid out specific exercises from any different cultures.

In fact, some witches have voiced objections to Christopher's books in reviews claiming that he doesn't stay inside the box of traditional witchcraft. He looks at technique from North American Indians, Eastern Mysticism, Yoga, and other sources as well.

I have absolutely no problem with this at all. In fact, I much prefer the broader picture.

Whoever said that witches hold the patent on spirituality and shamanism?

I personally believe that all cultures have a window into this. So I like the diversity of techniques. One technique may work better than another for me personally. :wink:

But whatever. I need to practice contacting the subconscious psyche before I can do any scrying or projecting.

I also think I'll start with the earth-based scrying dishes.

Just looking at dirt. laugh

Then I might use it to pot some herbs. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:21 AM
The student is cautioned against regarding the crystal, or magic mirror, as possessing any particular magic power in itself. On the contrary, the crystal, or magic mirror serves merely as a physical instrument for the astral vision, just as the telescope or microscope performs a similar office for the physical vision. Some persons are superstitious regarding the crystal, and accord to it some weird supernatural power, but the true occultist, understanding the laws of the phenomena arising from its use, does not fall into this error.

This is the part that was an enlightenment for me. I had been brought up to believe that the magic was in the crystal ball, and that it indeed was a supernatural thing in that regard.

But now I understand that's it's just a tool for projection and any crystal ball will work (as well as other mediums).

I can still see it being useful to 'charge' the crystal ball in a magick ritual though, because that does indeed attune the object to your own psychic frequency.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/07/08 11:33 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Fri 11/07/08 11:36 AM
The student will find that, as we progress, many of these points which now seem complicated and obscure will gradually take on the aspect of simplicity and clearness. We must crawl before we can walk, in psychic research as well as in everything else.

This is key for me. I'm just not ready for this level of subconscious psyche yet.

I might get into this in 2010 after I learn and practice the basics.

However, I'm still thinking that an early purchase of a crystal ball might have some advantage.

If I merely have the crystal ball on my altar during all my magick rituals, and rituals of communiqué it will naturally become attuned to my psychic frequencies over the course of the year.

I was thinking about this with respect to the magick broom. The magick broom is for attuning the space to your own 'good vibrations'.

The idea is that it neutralizes or sweeps away negative vibrations of yourself (if you get angry often or have other negative thoughts and vibes), or for sweeping away the negative energies left in the area from people who have visited your abode.

In my case, I'm the only person who ever comes inside my cottage. I never have company. And I don't get angry or have negative feelings of any kind, ever.

So there really shouldn't be any negative energy here to cancel out or brush aside. In a very real sense I don't even need a magick broom. But I might make one anyway. It might come in handy in case I ever marry a bìtchy woman. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 11/07/08 05:23 PM
The crystal tends to become polarized according to the requirements of the person habitually using it, and it is foolish to allow this to be interfered with.

See this is the reason I might consider buying a crystal ball to place on my altar and start using it for practice early on, even if I don't expect to be able to make much progress with it for a while.

Maybe when I get to the point where I can start making progress it will have benefited from my previous rituals, meditations, and chanting.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/10/08 09:11 AM
Hope everyone had a good weekend. drinker

Looks like an interesting article, JB. I'll be coming back to read it as soon as I've had my coffee.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/10/08 11:55 AM
You have to try many different forms of divination to find that one that works for you. We all have different ways of communicating physically and the same is true for communicating this way.

That's why there are so many different Tarot decks. Different images affect people's brains differently and some will assist the reader in knowing and some will block the reader from knowing.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/10/08 03:41 PM
For the most part when identifying myself to other witches I use the terms Hedgewitch or Green Witch. The following is a fairly good article on Hedgewitches, although the spelling and grammar are not the best. However, the information is good, in my opinion.


Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 05:54 AM
Definition of Dianic Wicca

Sometimes called Feminist Dianic Witchcraft, focus exclusively on the Goddess and consists of women-only covens and groups. These tend to be loosely structured and non-hierarchical, using consensus- decision- making and simple, creative, experimental ritual. They are politically feminist groups, usually very supportive, personal and emotionally intimate. There is a strong lesbian presence in the movement, though most covens are open to women of all orientations.
(according to one web author)Wicca itself is a new religion, drawing strongly on the practices of Ceremonial Magic. While there are claims that Wicca goes back into the mists of pre-history, honest examination of the practices and history of the Wicca will make it clear that Wicca is new. (Actually, the word "Wicca" itself is recently coined, at least in its present usage. The OE "wicca" was pronounced "witch-ah" and meant male magician. The new word "Wicca" is pronounced "wick-uh", capitalized as a religion, and means a religion, not a person.) However, Wicca has developed in many directions and should not be seen as a unified whole, even though it is fairly new. Rituals and beliefs vary widely among Witches.

Unlike most of the neopagan religions, Wicca is an initiatory religion, that is, people who choose to practice Wicca believe that the commitment to this path set changes in motion in their lives.
Like everything else in neopaganism and the Craft, the term Dianic is one that has several meanings. A majority of those who call themselves Dianic are women that choose not to work with male energy in their ritual, magic, or universe. They feel that they need spiritual and psychic space filled with only women's energy. Some Dianics are feminist Witches, both lesbian and heterosexual, who often come to the Craft through feminism. Although these women may be involved with men in one way or another, they agree that religion has over-emphasized the male for the last several thousand years, and therefore want to share their women's energy in women's circles. They may or may not also be involved with the mainstream pagan community, and they may or may not participate in magic and ritual with men.

The most visible groups of Dianics are those who are lesbian Dianics. They are generally not interested in revering any sort of male deity or in working with men in circle. They choose to limit their dependence on and acceptance of the male-defined world as much as possible, and they do so not to exclude men but rather to celebrate women and the feminine. For that reason many of them do not interact much with the "mainstream" pagan community.

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 11:44 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 11/11/08 11:49 AM
Remember plan B?

I said:
What disturbs me about this election is that the opposition will probably initiate plan B....

Ruth asked: What is Plan B?

I said I don't know yet...I would keep her posted if any ideas came up.

OMG! I just had the first sign and incite into what plan B might be....

I have got my eye on it and I will be doing some google searches on a few things and I will get back to you later if you are still interested in what I think plan B might be.

Right now I have to go prepare dinner. Later.

Your resident conspiracy theorist. bigsmile drinker smokin

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 11:48 AM

Remember plan B?

OMG! I just had the first sign and incite into what plan B might be....

I have got my eye on it and I will be doing some google searches on a few things and I will get back to you later if you are still interested in what I think plan B might be.

Right now I have to go prepare dinner. Later.

You know I am. flowerforyou I'm going to put the kiddies down for a nap and take a snooze myself.

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 01:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 11/11/08 01:59 PM
Plan B

I pay attention to signs and particularly subliminal advertising. I am aware that certain factions are very much in control of the media so I pay attention to the message they are sending.

I told you that this election was not rigged at the voting box. That is because it did not much matter who won the election.

Plan A, in the past, has always been to control the election and put the man in that will serve the order best. (The New World order, the international (zionist) bankers.)

(Heretofore the bankers in control will be referred to as "The Order" ~ short for the Order of the Snake.)

While "The Order" did not much care who won the election enough to mess with the electronic voting boxes, they did throw their support behind the candidate they wanted.

Plan B stands for BARACK. Barack Obama was the plan all along. I think perhaps Sara Palin was tossed in there (purposely) to help Barack win.

Now this is what I see being placed into the subliminal advertising. They are trying to make Barack Obama into the greatest hero possible. He is to be the savior, the messiah, the ever-so-popular anti-Christ leader of the New World Order.

Don't look at me, I voted for him. I wasn't paying attention either... Damn. Here are the signs coming through:

At his winning the election the media camera's scanned the crowd showing the joyful faces of people looking up onto the lighted stage at their new found Lord and savior with rapturous smiles on their faces. Some held giant pictures of Barack Obama up for the cameras much like you see in countries with dynamic dictators. These people looked as if they were watching the return of God himself.

Then the cameras moved up to the people on stage. Obama and wife holding hands with (White) vice president and his wife. Black and white hand in hand, to symbolize the coming together of the country and the end to racism. blah blah..

The music was playing an instrumental of "JOY TO THE WORLD!" --- (Note...joy to the .... WORLD!)

Then, as the cameras panned up towards the new President Elect, the background song "Joy to the World" was at the place where the lyrics (if there had been lyrics) would have been "Let earth receive her king!"


OMG!!! It can't be! Barack Obama King of the world?

Will Christians call him anti-Christ? Probably, because he has been put there and supported and will be handled by the criminal Zionists network of Israel. Israel is anti-Christian, always has been. The Zionist politicians are basically atheists, not Jewish in their beliefs.

What do they have on him that they can hold this power over him? They control information. There is a question about whether or not he even qualifies to hold public office.

(Of course there is always the other common forms of black mail that they use to control people in power such as pictures of him in bed with a goat or some equal or more horrible thing... that is standard procedure)


Exerpt from letter to Chief Justice John G. Roberts from Stephen M. St. John:

"It would be a relatively simple matter to visit Obama's paternal grandmother in Kenya and confirm her alleged claims that she witnessed the President Elect's birth in Kenya in 1961. If this claim is true, Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the USA, and therefore, according to our Constitution of the USA, he is not eligible to be president.

Also, consultation with the Government of Indonesia will confirm or rule out claims that Obama, known as Barry Soetoro, was enrolled as an Indonesian citizen in a grammar school in Jakarta, and that in the early 1980s he traveled in the Indian subcontinent with an Indonesian passport. If these claims are true, Barack Obama is not a naturalized citizen of the USA, and therefore he is not eligible to hold any federal office.


So, in closing, keep an eye on Barack Obama.

George W Bush, after 9-11 has already helped give the office of the president the powers of a dictator.

Now all that is needed is a popular president to become that dictator.

Watch how popular Barack becomes. Watch him as he seems to pull a rabbit out of his hat.

That is what I will be watching for. If that happens, then plan B is well under way and working.


Your resident conspiracy theorist huh drinker smokin

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:03 PM
You know, I that was the exact thought that was going through my head about people's reaction to Obama. They think he is the Savior. I have watched my sister go crazy for him. Previously she was fairly non-political, but she acts like a rock star groupie about him. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:04 PM
I have also heard that he is very hypnotic when he speaks. I have never actually heard him speak more than a sentence or two as I don't have TV.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:09 PM
If I may, I would like to interrupt this thread to make some comments about Witchcraft.

I got my books by Christopher Penczak. I'm finding them very well-written and quite pratical. This is non-nonsense witchcraft.

I hesitate to call it "Wicca" for two reasons, first Christopher himself presents it as witchcraft, and not Wicca, and secondly he actaully covers a lot of material that is not necessarily recognized by Wicca. He's truly more into natural witchcraft in general and shamanism. Although he does speak to the religious issues as well.

In any case, I was talking with my cousin last night and he asked me what I've been up to. I told him that I'm studying spirituality and finially getting some religiousity in my life.

He asked my what religion I'm studying. He's a devote Catholic so I didn't want to say 'Witchcraft', so I told him that I'm studying Shamanism.

He looked at me with a confused look and asked, "Shamanism? What's that?"

Then I said, "Well I'm actually studying witchcraft".

To which he gave me this really stupid look, like as if to say, "Oh get serious". ohwell

Well, I've got news for him. I am serious, and withcraft is making far more sense to me that Christianity ever did.

In fact, I find it extremely ironic that in Christopher's first book he actually compares witchcraft with Catholicism and the comparisons are dramatic.

Like you said before Ruth, about the only thing that is really different is precisely how they go about praying to their gods.

I personally think witchcraft has a much better structure to their invocation of the Gods.

Besides I know it works because I already did a spell and it has produced unbelievable results that cannot be denied!

So witchcraft works for me.

It's that simple.

I'm definitely on the path to accepting witchcraft as a very serious spirituality.

This is like a direct line to god.

No need for an intermediate operator. bigsmile

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:24 PM
How dare you come in here and start spouting off about Wicca? laugh

I don't believe Christopher is a Wiccan, although I could be wrong. I think he is just a Witch.

As far as responding to people about your beliefs. This is a tough one. Using the term witch or witchcraft will generally get you a negative reaction. Whether it's anger, fear or laughter doesn't really matter. They are all negative. This is why, when talking to people I don't really know I may use the term "Wiccan". Even though I'm not really Wiccan.

I sometimes use the term Pagan. Although that has a lot of negative connotations as well. Mostly you just have to deal with it. And, people don't want a long, drawn out explanation of what you are either. They want to quickly pigeon-hole you with a label so you need to come up with a pat answer you can use quickly. Like, "I'm studying witchcraft which is basically the use of natural energies to effect change." Or "I'm studying Paganism, an earth based belief system that teaches that God is in everything." Annoying, I know. But, that's what they want to hear.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:27 PM
Witchcraft and Catholicism have so many common denominators. People don't realize that and think I'm completely off the wall to practice both.

A traditional Latin Mass will move me emotionally as no Wiccan circle ever has. For whatever reason it is how I have connected to God. Oh man, I really want to go to Mass right this second. :tongue:

Krimsa's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:33 PM
Oh no that episode of Seinfeld is on when George is caught masturbating by his mother to a "Glamor" magazine.

laugh laugh

Oh god, I think this has got to be my favorite episode. Sorry, back to Witchcraft everyone. :tongue:

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:36 PM

Oh no that episode of Seinfeld is on when George is caught masturbating by his mother to a "Glamor" magazine.

laugh laugh

Oh god, I think this has got to be my favorite episode. Sorry, back to Witchcraft everyone. :tongue:

rofl One of the best episodes!

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:45 PM

How dare you come in here and start spouting off about Wicca? laugh

I don't believe Christopher is a Wiccan, although I could be wrong. I think he is just a Witch.

As far as responding to people about your beliefs. This is a tough one. Using the term witch or witchcraft will generally get you a negative reaction. Whether it's anger, fear or laughter doesn't really matter. They are all negative. This is why, when talking to people I don't really know I may use the term "Wiccan". Even though I'm not really Wiccan.

I sometimes use the term Pagan. Although that has a lot of negative connotations as well. Mostly you just have to deal with it. And, people don't want a long, drawn out explanation of what you are either. They want to quickly pigeon-hole you with a label so you need to come up with a pat answer you can use quickly. Like, "I'm studying witchcraft which is basically the use of natural energies to effect change." Or "I'm studying Paganism, an earth based belief system that teaches that God is in everything." Annoying, I know. But, that's what they want to hear.

People first might ask me if I attend church and if so, which one. (They don't anymore in this small town everyone knows everything.)

My response when they ask me what my religion is, I tell them I am a "free spirit." I have not sold my soul to Satan or promised it to any other god. laugh

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