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Topic: Wiccans - part 2
Abracadabra's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:58 PM

I think you'll like Christopher's books and cds. Later, you'll find that Scott has some good books on magick and herbs.

I sure hope so! I just made the order. $100.

Three books and all the CDs to go with them.

I've read a ton of reviews and I'm pretty confident that I'll be happy with them.

Yes I may return to Scott's books on things like herbs, etc. But Christopher's books appear to offer much more practical help and advice on actually learning the techniques of witchcraft and shamanism. I feel that this is far more important information for my purposes at this time.

I'm seriously hoping to have some deeply spiritual experiences. Only time will tell on that one. But I'm looking at this long-term. This is my preparation for a spiritual journey that will span the entire year of 2009.

I might pick up Scott's herb book in the spring and grow some herbs. :smile:

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:21 AM
I would love to have a real garden.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:47 AM
So, a lot people ask me to tell them about Wicca in a brief statement or time period. That's like asking someone to explain Christianity or Buddhism in a few minutes. Entire books are written of these subjects and many people who practice the religions their whole lives don't have a full understanding of them. It's impossible for me to answer in an email or in a post "what Wicca is".

It's a religion just like any other with it's own set of beliefs about creation, God, death, etc. It is a nature based religion, meaning that God/Goddess are seen as part of everything in nature as opposed to someone distant and separate from it. Wicca is not synonymous with Witchcraft. Witchcraft is a practice that can be learned and practiced with or without a deity. It's about using the elements and the natural energy of nature to do magick.

Okay, that's the best I can do. I hope this helps. I think that being a witch is a calling. Either you are drawn to it and you spend your whole life learning it and practicing it or you don't. If you are a witch you will never be able to stop learning and practicing. I guess that's what makes a witch a witch. JMO. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:18 AM
What disturbs me about this election is that the opposition will probably initiate plan B.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:43 AM

What disturbs me about this election is that the opposition will probably initiate plan B.

What is plan b?

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:05 AM
McCain was sulking.

laugh laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:28 PM

What disturbs me about this election is that the opposition will probably initiate plan B.

I perfer to naively believe that both Bush and McCain truly are Americans at heart. Even though Bush may have been grossly misguided as to what benefits America.

McCain is giving his support to Obama now and welcoming the democratic process.

Bush had always claimed to be fighting to preserve democracy. Well it's democracy that chose Obama as the new president. So for Bush to do anything contrary to that would be to denounce democracy, the very thing he claimed to be fighting to preserve.

Obama's presidential election is truly a turning point for world politics, not just for politics in the USA.

His victory is truly a world victory.

I totally stand in awe of the American people. They have demonstrated a profound intelligence in their choice for a new president this time around.

In all honesty at the very beginning of the campaign I didn't think Obama would have a chance simply because he is an African-American.

I truly believed that the bulk of Americans would indeed be affected by racial considerations.

I stand in awe that my original assumption was incorrect. People are smarter than I had given them credit for.

I humbly bow to my follow Americans for doing the right thing. flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 01:28 PM

What disturbs me about this election is that the opposition will probably initiate plan B.

What is plan b?

Here is what I believe:

1.) The last two elections were rigged to get Bush into office. Had they NOT been rigged George W. Bush would have never been president.

2.) This election was NOT rigged.

This can only mean that the ones in control behind the scenes, have another plan in the works ~~ and to them, it made little difference who won this election.

I don't know what plan B is, but it means big trouble.

When I figure it out, I will let you know what I think it is. But if you pay very close attention to what is going on in the world and on the television and news, there will be plenty of clues to what plan B is.

Now is the time to keep your eyes and ears open for major things happening.


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:03 PM

1.) The last two elections were rigged to get Bush into office. Had they NOT been rigged George W. Bush would have never been president.


Well, let's not hijack Ruth's Wicca thread with politics.

But just to say this short and sweet, I don't believe for a second that the elections were rigged.

The Bush/Gore election was extremely close, and at that time the borderline issue may have well been gay marriage, abortion and things like that. Gore was just a tad too liberal for a lot of people. And there were no pressing issues in that election.

The Bush/Kerry election was lost by Kerry. Period. It wasn't truly won by Bush. Kerry just wasn't convincing presidential material.

I think a lot of people reluctanly voted for Bush that term simply because they couldn't visualize Kerry as being president. He may have actually been good, but he came over as being extremly wishy-washy and people just weren't ready to put their trust in a wishy-washy president.

Bush may have been an ass hole, but at least he was a confident ass hole. laugh

This election Obama gave the people someone worth voting for.

No wishy-washy indecisiveness or anything. And McCain shot himself in the foot when he chose Palin as his running mate anyway.

Ok, enough of that. (you don't need to agree or disagree). :wink:

Back to Wicca. tongue2

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:27 PM
Palin was like a category 4 idiot. oops sorry, back to Wicca. :tongue:

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:56 PM
You guys, we are the only ones who post here. Lol. I don't care if you want to talk politics for a bit. Besides, our spiritual beliefs generally affect every area of our lives. Whether its diet, the environment or politics.....we are influenced deeply by our beliefs about god and the universe.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:13 PM
On election day I was chanting 'Barack Obama' all day long in a monotone chant.

I figure I was like sending out vibes to indecisive voters. bigsmile

Kind of like a spell of sorts. :wink:

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:15 PM

1.) The last two elections were rigged to get Bush into office. Had they NOT been rigged George W. Bush would have never been president.


Well, let's not hijack Ruth's Wicca thread with politics.

But just to say this short and sweet, I don't believe for a second that the elections were rigged.

The Bush/Gore election was extremely close, and at that time the borderline issue may have well been gay marriage, abortion and things like that. Gore was just a tad too liberal for a lot of people. And there were no pressing issues in that election.

The Bush/Kerry election was lost by Kerry. Period. It wasn't truly won by Bush. Kerry just wasn't convincing presidential material.

I think a lot of people reluctanly voted for Bush that term simply because they couldn't visualize Kerry as being president. He may have actually been good, but he came over as being extremly wishy-washy and people just weren't ready to put their trust in a wishy-washy president.

Bush may have been an ass hole, but at least he was a confident ass hole. laugh

This election Obama gave the people someone worth voting for.

No wishy-washy indecisiveness or anything. And McCain shot himself in the foot when he chose Palin as his running mate anyway.

Ok, enough of that. (you don't need to agree or disagree). :wink:

Back to Wicca. tongue2

Abra, if you knew the facts about who is behind the voting machines (and that they were convicted felons) and where (and how easy is was to do you would not be so quick with your opinion. I have looked into this and I am totally convinced the election was tampered with in two states. But it doesn't matter anyway, it is water under the bridge now.

But I do believe this election was legitimate. That's the good news.


Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:20 PM
I voted for McCain. I guess your magick was stronger than my vote. :)

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:24 PM
As for the two last elections, Al Gore wanted to win the election and he would have if the election had not been tampered with.

John Kerry actually had more clout with the world powers (NWO) and could have easily won, but he had no intention of winning.

He and George Bush were buddies and both members of Skull and Bones at Yale. He was just a shill in that election. He made impossible empty promises with no plan on how to accomplish them. He said exactly what the public wanted to hear but had no intention of having to fulfill those promises because he had no intention of winning.

In spite of that he came close to winning anyway. The election still had to be tampered with to make sure he didn't. That whole election was a sham.

This of course is my opinion and interpretation.


Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:28 PM
JB what is the reason behind rigging the elections. Which group is in charge? Behind the scenes, I mean.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:50 PM

I voted for McCain. I guess your magick was stronger than my vote. :)


You should have stayed home and chanted.

Oh ye of little faith. laugh

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:59 PM

JB what is the reason behind rigging the elections. Which group is in charge? Behind the scenes, I mean.

The reason is always money and power.

Bush "had to win" the election because they had to get troops into the middle east at any cost. That was his prime directive.

d3vi1d06's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:08 PM
I came to this topic to learn bout wicca through real peoples experiences. I'm not trying to be rude, but please continue talking about your religion. I'm interested by it. if I wanted to know about politics, I'd mosey on over to the politics forum. thanks.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:17 PM
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are no Wiccans in this thread. So, you may as well move along. flowerforyou

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