Topic: *sigh* Major conundrum here.... | |
Then you can have him, Mirror. I am sorry I ever came here for advice. Apparently people assume sh!t and yet, when I read their posts, they are all over the place with flirts. I keep my flirting to you and E for the most part. ![]() ![]() |
Are you scared of me and giving the flowers to DC dude or the other way around?
well, I don't believe this woman at all, and if the guy is so rich, successful, and handsome as she claims he is...then I truly don't believe her because after viewing her profile, I just can't see the attraction...she's looney! JMO...hehe! ![]() |
Are you scared of me and giving the flowers to DC dude or the other way around? ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hey, was going to ask you a question, but my brain has bad gas today and farted it right out. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hey, was going to ask you a question, but my brain has bad gas today and farted it right out. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what does he think you know that he wants to know
just a thought |
Hmm a federal prosecutor in DC... paid you phone bill and you made a thread about to????
One either you really dont get it... why he paid it I mean... and btw i checked with cricket he had to have your PIN not just your phone number... Two to "brag" about this "lawyer".... Three.. well Im not sure what 3 is exactly.. but why is it such a big deal that he paid it?? Move on .. fact is he paid it ..period.. its not like he gave you a kidney he paid a phone bill... JMHO |
Case you didn't noticed, I did move on.
I am paying him back fully and he knows it. And he knows that as of right now, he is a friend who helped a friend until I see what is going on with a particular person I have been talking to for QUITE some time now. I was just getting some advice... And btw, Cricket? You don't need much to pay it. Trust, if you did, my church members and ex wouldn't have helped me out so often. |
well at some point you really have to "squeeze the charmin"
![]() i hope he is great and you both enjoy yourselves in person |
I think the big deal here is she put herself out here for advice, which opens herself up for judgment, and when it didn't go in the direction she intended, she got upset.
Sorry, chickadee, strangers don't just pay your bills and buy you plane tickets cause they're nice people, at least most of the time. They want something. And, fact of the matter is, you are flying into his "territory" so to speak, without really knowing him, putting yourself at potentially tremendous risk. And, to top it all of, you brag about using him until someone better comes along. In my honest opinion, the guy's not telling you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Based on what you said, there's lots of red flags going off in my head. And quite frankly, if he could see what you wrote here, it would probably set off a million red flags in his head about you. At least if you're going to do this damn fool thing, have a backup plan for when you get to DC, find a hotel, have a plane ticket you can easily change to another flight, phone numbers of the local police, cab companies, etc. Find out his address in advance, learn the layout of the streets so you don't get lost should you need to cut and run quickly, stuff like that. And, if you like, I live about 20 miles west of DC. I can e-mail you my phone number and if a problem comes up, I can help you out. You're not being as smart as you should be, from what I've seen. If you don't protect yourself, no one else will. You are the one who has to take every precaution and it seems like you are being blindly naive to the potential dangers. I hate to see anyone get themselves into a bad situation, simply because you trust too easily. |
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I think the big deal here is she put herself out here for advice, which opens herself up for judgment, and when it didn't go in the direction she intended, she got upset. Sorry, chickadee, strangers don't just pay your bills and buy you plane tickets cause they're nice people, at least most of the time. They want something. And, fact of the matter is, you are flying into his "territory" so to speak, without really knowing him, putting yourself at potentially tremendous risk. And, to top it all of, you brag about using him until someone better comes along. In my honest opinion, the guy's not telling you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Based on what you said, there's lots of red flags going off in my head. And quite frankly, if he could see what you wrote here, it would probably set off a million red flags in his head about you. At least if you're going to do this damn fool thing, have a backup plan for when you get to DC, find a hotel, have a plane ticket you can easily change to another flight, phone numbers of the local police, cab companies, etc. Find out his address in advance, learn the layout of the streets so you don't get lost should you need to cut and run quickly, stuff like that. And, if you like, I live about 20 miles west of DC. I can e-mail you my phone number and if a problem comes up, I can help you out. You're not being as smart as you should be, from what I've seen. If you don't protect yourself, no one else will. You are the one who has to take every precaution and it seems like you are being blindly naive to the potential dangers. I hate to see anyone get themselves into a bad situation, simply because you trust too easily. Extremely well said Suz...and every word of it TRUE!!! |
Good point. That is why my best friend, whom I trust with not just my life but my daugter's, already has ALL that info and then some.
We already tried to get him into my territory, but the surgery is canceling that out for now. Also, do y'all realise that I am having to take that same chance with E? That when I fly out there to meet him for the first time, I am putting myself in the same risk? He might be all sweet here, but who knows what he is like in the non-Mingle world? Same goes for me. Only those whom have met me can vouch for the fact that who I am here is the same off line. Life is full of risks and chances you have to take. I have spoken with DC since before my daughter left for Israel. I have spoken with E since I first joined Mingle. problem? neither of them have actually met me yet. I could be some fat guy with no money that is stealing some poor chick's pictures and posting them as my own. Online life is like that. I am sure that many of you are not blue Mingle boxes or Cartoon characters... I think the big deal here is she put herself out here for advice, which opens herself up for judgment, and when it didn't go in the direction she intended, she got upset. Sorry, chickadee, strangers don't just pay your bills and buy you plane tickets cause they're nice people, at least most of the time. They want something. And, fact of the matter is, you are flying into his "territory" so to speak, without really knowing him, putting yourself at potentially tremendous risk. And, to top it all of, you brag about using him until someone better comes along. In my honest opinion, the guy's not telling you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Based on what you said, there's lots of red flags going off in my head. And quite frankly, if he could see what you wrote here, it would probably set off a million red flags in his head about you. At least if you're going to do this damn fool thing, have a backup plan for when you get to DC, find a hotel, have a plane ticket you can easily change to another flight, phone numbers of the local police, cab companies, etc. Find out his address in advance, learn the layout of the streets so you don't get lost should you need to cut and run quickly, stuff like that. And, if you like, I live about 20 miles west of DC. I can e-mail you my phone number and if a problem comes up, I can help you out. You're not being as smart as you should be, from what I've seen. If you don't protect yourself, no one else will. You are the one who has to take every precaution and it seems like you are being blindly naive to the potential dangers. I hate to see anyone get themselves into a bad situation, simply because you trust too easily. |
I have spoken with DC since before my daughter left for Israel. I have spoken with E since I first joined Mingle. problem? neither of them have actually met me yet. I could be some fat guy with no money that is stealing some poor chick's pictures and posting them as my own.
you mean you've never even cammed with this man and are prepared to fly out there and meet him? i guess i'm cynical and don't trust people by nature, but i'd never in a million years do that. of course, camming with someone isn't an accurate way of assessing their character, but at least it would assure you they are reflected honestly in their photos. |
Online life is like that. I am sure that many of you are not blue Mingle boxes or Cartoon characters...
<<< Is a real life cartoon character. ![]() |
Never cammed with E, but I am flying out there to meet him when I can.
Never cammed with Mindsi and we are good friends, never cammed with HMontana or MirrorMirror or Rapunzel or any of the other countless friends I have met and made here, but I would still go and help them if they needed me. In fact, never cammed with my ex boyfriend and we met on and lasted for 8 months before it was over because I couldn't handle the stress of having to keep him a secret from my ex or have the ex continuously yell at me for moving on before he did. (Oh and assuming that Tshian and I would sleep together in front of my daughter. That was a funny one he came up with. Especially seeing as my daughter has her own room in both my house and Tshian's.) Never cammed with my ex-husband and we lasted 4 years. In fact, I only knew him a week before moving in and 2 months before we married. 3 months after that we conceived our princess and 2 3/4 years later we divorced due to some seriously phucked up addictions he had that developed after parenthood stresses. |
Good point. That is why my best friend, whom I trust with not just my life but my daugter's, already has ALL that info and then some. We already tried to get him into my territory, but the surgery is canceling that out for now. Also, do y'all realise that I am having to take that same chance with E? That when I fly out there to meet him for the first time, I am putting myself in the same risk? He might be all sweet here, but who knows what he is like in the non-Mingle world? Same goes for me. Only those whom have met me can vouch for the fact that who I am here is the same off line. Life is full of risks and chances you have to take. I have spoken with DC since before my daughter left for Israel. I have spoken with E since I first joined Mingle. problem? neither of them have actually met me yet. I could be some fat guy with no money that is stealing some poor chick's pictures and posting them as my own. Online life is like that. I am sure that many of you are not blue Mingle boxes or Cartoon characters... Yes, but your best friend is not HERE, is my point. You are here, he is here, but SHE is not. Not much she can do from 100's or thousand's of miles away. So what, she can call the police. Big deal. By then, you're a statistic. Yes, life is about risk and taking chances. But, there are a million ways to calculate and lessen those risks and it seems to me, you are not. But, you know what, that's your decision, your responsibility and your choice. No one can make you and if we hear about your death or rape or disfigurement, well, I'm sure there will be many who will be sorry but I'll bet none will be as sorry as you. Ask any woman who has been raped and I'll bet you she'd tell you a dozen or more things she could have done differently that might have changed the outcome. Not implying that rape victims are at fault, as that is most certainly not the case. I'm just pointing out that woman, as a whole, do not do enough to protect themselves, we tend to be way too trusting and way too willing to believe the best of people, whether they are deserving of that or not. And we often find out the hard way the dangers of that way of thinking. I realize I don't know you but my offer stands. |
And should the day come, if me and E don't work, I will take you up on that offer, even if just to meet you.
And you will have DC's numbers for home, cell and work, his work and home addresses and apparently you already know all the emergency numbers out there. You will also get the lovely numbers to my dad in case of kidney transplant or something so you can get my medical history for the doc when DC guy leave me in a tub of ice. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Good point. That is why my best friend, whom I trust with not just my life but my daugter's, already has ALL that info and then some. We already tried to get him into my territory, but the surgery is canceling that out for now. Also, do y'all realise that I am having to take that same chance with E? That when I fly out there to meet him for the first time, I am putting myself in the same risk? He might be all sweet here, but who knows what he is like in the non-Mingle world? Same goes for me. Only those whom have met me can vouch for the fact that who I am here is the same off line. Life is full of risks and chances you have to take. I have spoken with DC since before my daughter left for Israel. I have spoken with E since I first joined Mingle. problem? neither of them have actually met me yet. I could be some fat guy with no money that is stealing some poor chick's pictures and posting them as my own. Online life is like that. I am sure that many of you are not blue Mingle boxes or Cartoon characters... Yes, but your best friend is not HERE, is my point. You are here, he is here, but SHE is not. Not much she can do from 100's or thousand's of miles away. So what, she can call the police. Big deal. By then, you're a statistic. Yes, life is about risk and taking chances. But, there are a million ways to calculate and lessen those risks and it seems to me, you are not. But, you know what, that's your decision, your responsibility and your choice. No one can make you and if we hear about your death or rape or disfigurement, well, I'm sure there will be many who will be sorry but I'll bet none will be as sorry as you. Ask any woman who has been raped and I'll bet you she'd tell you a dozen or more things she could have done differently that might have changed the outcome. Not implying that rape victims are at fault, as that is most certainly not the case. I'm just pointing out that woman, as a whole, do not do enough to protect themselves, we tend to be way too trusting and way too willing to believe the best of people, whether they are deserving of that or not. And we often find out the hard way the dangers of that way of thinking. I realize I don't know you but my offer stands. |