Topic: My appology to black america
madisonman's photo
Thu 11/06/08 05:53 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

if reagan could fix carter's mess in 2 years, Obama had better be able to fix it in 4... Carter left in way worse condition than we're in now. inflation and unemploymnent was double what we're currently looking at.

What color is the sky in your world??, you are comparing the legacy of the Carter administration to the nightmarish hell that 8 years of Hurrican George left behind??? Walk in the park for Reagan...
laugh rofl rofl

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:31 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

Winx's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:33 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

if reagan could fix carter's mess in 2 years, Obama had better be able to fix it in 4... Carter left in way worse condition than we're in now. inflation and unemploymnent was double what we're currently looking at.

What color is the sky in your world??, you are comparing the legacy of the Carter administration to the nightmarish hell that 8 years of Hurrican George left behind??? Walk in the park for Reagan...

I just heard on NPR news that the problems won't be fixed with one election. He inherited a dysfunctional government and a deficit that grows everyday.

Winx's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:35 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

How can you say such lies? That it was ALL about race?

Why can't you accept that we voted for the man that we thought was right for the job and he just happened to be black?!!!

madisonman's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:37 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

How can you say such lies? That it was ALL about race?

Why can't you accept that we voted for the man that we thought was right for the job and he just happened to be black?!!!

adj4u's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:37 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

i did not have to run

and that is part of the problem

black america white america yellow america brown amaerica

and any other color you wish to add

we need to drop those descriptive words an

just be americans

then maybe i would use a capitol a

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:39 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Thu 11/06/08 06:43 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

How can you say such lies? That it was ALL about race?

Why can't you accept that we voted for the man that we thought was right for the job and he just happened to be black?!!!

...because I don't fall over for just anyone...they have to prove themselves for that office. Not one OBAMA supporter can talk any substance...just alot of platitudes.

You can thank sick willie clinton for the mess he left for BUSH! I'm not surpized why sick willie left a surplus...HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING HE WAS SUPPOSE TO BE DOING!

Winx's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:41 AM
Edited by Winx on Thu 11/06/08 06:41 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

How can you say such lies? That it was ALL about race?

Why can't you accept that we voted for the man that we thought was right for the job and he just happened to be black?!!!

...because I don't fall over for just anyone...they have to prove themselves for that office. Not one OBAMA supporter can talk any substance...just alot of platitudes.

That's wrong. I know plenty of Obama supporters that can talk substance. I, myself, have studied the man and his issues and liked what I saw.

madisonman's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:49 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

How can you say such lies? That it was ALL about race?

Why can't you accept that we voted for the man that we thought was right for the job and he just happened to be black?!!!

...because I don't fall over for just anyone...they have to prove themselves for that office. Not one OBAMA supporter can talk any substance...just alot of platitudes.

You can thank sick willie clinton for the mess he left for BUSH! I'm not surpized why sick willie left a surplus...HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING HE WAS SUPPOSE TO BE DOING!

So name something Bush did that earned your un dieing support?

adj4u's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:52 AM
good thing that they did not hold washington to the standard that some are trying to hold obama to

he would have never been president

not saying obama is a washington (but not saying hae cant be)

obama is in a unique position

he can free america as much as washington di if he so choses

his party has overwhelming control of congress and the senate

he could get the antiterrorist bill and the patriot act repealed

he could instill term limits

he could get line item veto

he could do a lot of good things

but will he that is the question

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 11/06/08 06:59 AM
Anyone who knows about his involement with ACORN & how it crashed our economy would not vote for about all those votes he refused to vote on by voting present? That's not much of doing anything.

That's what platitudes are made of. laugh

madisonman's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:00 AM

Anyone who knows about his involement with ACORN & how it crashed our economy would not vote for about all those votes he refused to vote on by voting present? That's not much of doing anything.

That's what platitudes are made of. laugh
again what did bush do to deserve your un dieing loyalty?

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:01 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

How can you say such lies? That it was ALL about race?

Why can't you accept that we voted for the man that we thought was right for the job and he just happened to be black?!!!

...because I don't fall over for just anyone...they have to prove themselves for that office. Not one OBAMA supporter can talk any substance...just alot of platitudes.

You can thank sick willie clinton for the mess he left for BUSH! I'm not surpized why sick willie left a surplus...HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING HE WAS SUPPOSE TO BE DOING!

So name something Bush did that earned your un dieing support?

He kept us safe. He stood up against bullies around the world. That's two things...

Drew07_2's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:01 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.


I don't know that I've ever read a more patronizing and condescending "apology" than the one you wrote above. That you think you need to apologize for the actions of someone you dislike is beyond arrogant. That you think intelligent people of varying ethnicities need you to point out what they are fully capable of figuring out independently is just incredibly scary.


cut him a little slack he was simply being polite.

if anything the premise that it takes one ethnicity to clean up another's mess is insulting for all involved but that would be parsing words a bit much for someone who is obviously a supporter of the same cause.

its not patronizing it is somber and a sober realization that we as a nation have a lot to deal with.... i would add regardless of the skin of our president.

I understand the want and need to put the pieces back together again--that is not my issue. What troubled me about the apology was that it singled out "Black America" as though every policy and every practice was done with some nefarious intent specifically aimed at Black America. I reject that notion on many levels but worse still was the fact that one cannot apologize on behalf of someone to one group of people without being divisive. Blame Bush for Katrina, for the war, for global warming--hell, cast him in the role of the second shooter that day in Dallas, TX. But remember while so doing that for the past two years it has been a Democratically controlled House and Senate that has approved the funding for this war. President Bush might have the Constitutional authority to send troops into battle (though declaring war is reserved for Congress) but it was Republican and Democrat alike who have funded it. No funding = no war.

Still, thanks for the reply. I like that we can discuss things and that for the most part this group seems to do so rationally. Easy---I said for the most part. :)

Its nice you think you can speak for black america. In the climate after 911 dont ya think the minority dems would have got beaten up had they not gone along with the war in Iraq especially after the anthrax attacks? and all the lies told by the Bush administration? lets be honest with ourselves.

Madison--are you kidding me? I don't think for one moment that I speak for Black America. Furthermore, I don't feel (like you) that I'm in a position to apologize to them on behalf of someone else. I'll let you handle the apologies to Black America--I've said my peace.

As for Democrats being worried about not going along with the war, give me a break. Many Democrats were not afriad to go on TV and talk to the press about how immoral the war was, how Bush had lied, how it was all going wrong--but then the same Democrats voted to keep funding it. That means one of two things.

1. Either they really do support the war but are afraid to admit as much for fear that it would get them in trouble with their party


2. They really don't support the war and are too spineless to stop the funding.

There are soldiers over there getting blown the hell up and Dems simply had to VOTE to reject funding. Wow, your answer for this creates more issues than it solves.


Quikstepper's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:02 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

if reagan could fix carter's mess in 2 years, Obama had better be able to fix it in 4... Carter left in way worse condition than we're in now. inflation and unemploymnent was double what we're currently looking at.

What color is the sky in your world??, you are comparing the legacy of the Carter administration to the nightmarish hell that 8 years of Hurrican George left behind??? Walk in the park for Reagan...

I just heard on NPR news that the problems won't be fixed with one election. He inherited a dysfunctional government and a deficit that grows everyday.

The economy is tanking AFTER his win...that's what I noticed.

Winx's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:04 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

if reagan could fix carter's mess in 2 years, Obama had better be able to fix it in 4... Carter left in way worse condition than we're in now. inflation and unemploymnent was double what we're currently looking at.

What color is the sky in your world??, you are comparing the legacy of the Carter administration to the nightmarish hell that 8 years of Hurrican George left behind??? Walk in the park for Reagan...

I just heard on NPR news that the problems won't be fixed with one election. He inherited a dysfunctional government and a deficit that grows everyday.

The economy is tanking AFTER his win...that's what I noticed.

It's only been two days.laugh

I'm talking about trillions. That didn't happen in two days.

madisonman's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:21 AM

for an election that wasnt about race i sure have heard alot about race the last 24 hours

For the LIBS it was ALL about race.

Now they will have to actually be responsible. Oh man is it going to be painful to watch. I really want to be wrong, but from what I am hearing...they just can't help themselves.

Talk about a train wreck...this bunch is like the bad news bears.

How can you say such lies? That it was ALL about race?

Why can't you accept that we voted for the man that we thought was right for the job and he just happened to be black?!!!

...because I don't fall over for just anyone...they have to prove themselves for that office. Not one OBAMA supporter can talk any substance...just alot of platitudes.

You can thank sick willie clinton for the mess he left for BUSH! I'm not surpized why sick willie left a surplus...HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING HE WAS SUPPOSE TO BE DOING!

So name something Bush did that earned your un dieing support?

He kept us safe. He stood up against bullies around the world. That's two things...
The rest of the world viewes america as the bully. Starting two wars over the crimes of a group of terrorists that had no state sponcorship is verry much the way a bully would act.

madisonman's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:23 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.


I don't know that I've ever read a more patronizing and condescending "apology" than the one you wrote above. That you think you need to apologize for the actions of someone you dislike is beyond arrogant. That you think intelligent people of varying ethnicities need you to point out what they are fully capable of figuring out independently is just incredibly scary.


cut him a little slack he was simply being polite.

if anything the premise that it takes one ethnicity to clean up another's mess is insulting for all involved but that would be parsing words a bit much for someone who is obviously a supporter of the same cause.

its not patronizing it is somber and a sober realization that we as a nation have a lot to deal with.... i would add regardless of the skin of our president.

I understand the want and need to put the pieces back together again--that is not my issue. What troubled me about the apology was that it singled out "Black America" as though every policy and every practice was done with some nefarious intent specifically aimed at Black America. I reject that notion on many levels but worse still was the fact that one cannot apologize on behalf of someone to one group of people without being divisive. Blame Bush for Katrina, for the war, for global warming--hell, cast him in the role of the second shooter that day in Dallas, TX. But remember while so doing that for the past two years it has been a Democratically controlled House and Senate that has approved the funding for this war. President Bush might have the Constitutional authority to send troops into battle (though declaring war is reserved for Congress) but it was Republican and Democrat alike who have funded it. No funding = no war.

Still, thanks for the reply. I like that we can discuss things and that for the most part this group seems to do so rationally. Easy---I said for the most part. :)

Its nice you think you can speak for black america. In the climate after 911 dont ya think the minority dems would have got beaten up had they not gone along with the war in Iraq especially after the anthrax attacks? and all the lies told by the Bush administration? lets be honest with ourselves.

Madison--are you kidding me? I don't think for one moment that I speak for Black America. Furthermore, I don't feel (like you) that I'm in a position to apologize to them on behalf of someone else. I'll let you handle the apologies to Black America--I've said my peace.

As for Democrats being worried about not going along with the war, give me a break. Many Democrats were not afriad to go on TV and talk to the press about how immoral the war was, how Bush had lied, how it was all going wrong--but then the same Democrats voted to keep funding it. That means one of two things.

1. Either they really do support the war but are afraid to admit as much for fear that it would get them in trouble with their party


2. They really don't support the war and are too spineless to stop the funding.

There are soldiers over there getting blown the hell up and Dems simply had to VOTE to reject funding. Wow, your answer for this creates more issues than it solves.

Yes it does create more issues than it solves much like the misguided war in Iraq. Drew your tunnel vission amazes me.

madisonman's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:24 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.

if reagan could fix carter's mess in 2 years, Obama had better be able to fix it in 4... Carter left in way worse condition than we're in now. inflation and unemploymnent was double what we're currently looking at.

What color is the sky in your world??, you are comparing the legacy of the Carter administration to the nightmarish hell that 8 years of Hurrican George left behind??? Walk in the park for Reagan...

I just heard on NPR news that the problems won't be fixed with one election. He inherited a dysfunctional government and a deficit that grows everyday.

The economy is tanking AFTER his win...that's what I noticed.

It's only been two days.laugh

I'm talking about trillions. That didn't happen in two days.
He isnt even in office yet good lord...... and to me its a good sign that the wall st bailout boys know their days of rapeing our nations treasury are comeing to an end.

Drew07_2's photo
Thu 11/06/08 07:32 AM
Edited by Drew07_2 on Thu 11/06/08 07:32 AM

I am so sorry that our President Elect has been left with such a terrible mess. What comes to my mind is that once again a black man has to clean up the mess created by the spoiled frat boys. It seems they had a party at the expense of the american people and will be counting their blood money untill they are dragged to hell by the grim reaper. I know Barack has the fortitude to get things right and am comforted by this.


I don't know that I've ever read a more patronizing and condescending "apology" than the one you wrote above. That you think you need to apologize for the actions of someone you dislike is beyond arrogant. That you think intelligent people of varying ethnicities need you to point out what they are fully capable of figuring out independently is just incredibly scary.


cut him a little slack he was simply being polite.

if anything the premise that it takes one ethnicity to clean up another's mess is insulting for all involved but that would be parsing words a bit much for someone who is obviously a supporter of the same cause.

its not patronizing it is somber and a sober realization that we as a nation have a lot to deal with.... i would add regardless of the skin of our president.

I understand the want and need to put the pieces back together again--that is not my issue. What troubled me about the apology was that it singled out "Black America" as though every policy and every practice was done with some nefarious intent specifically aimed at Black America. I reject that notion on many levels but worse still was the fact that one cannot apologize on behalf of someone to one group of people without being divisive. Blame Bush for Katrina, for the war, for global warming--hell, cast him in the role of the second shooter that day in Dallas, TX. But remember while so doing that for the past two years it has been a Democratically controlled House and Senate that has approved the funding for this war. President Bush might have the Constitutional authority to send troops into battle (though declaring war is reserved for Congress) but it was Republican and Democrat alike who have funded it. No funding = no war.

Still, thanks for the reply. I like that we can discuss things and that for the most part this group seems to do so rationally. Easy---I said for the most part. :)

Its nice you think you can speak for black america. In the climate after 911 dont ya think the minority dems would have got beaten up had they not gone along with the war in Iraq especially after the anthrax attacks? and all the lies told by the Bush administration? lets be honest with ourselves.

Madison--are you kidding me? I don't think for one moment that I speak for Black America. Furthermore, I don't feel (like you) that I'm in a position to apologize to them on behalf of someone else. I'll let you handle the apologies to Black America--I've said my peace.

As for Democrats being worried about not going along with the war, give me a break. Many Democrats were not afriad to go on TV and talk to the press about how immoral the war was, how Bush had lied, how it was all going wrong--but then the same Democrats voted to keep funding it. That means one of two things.

1. Either they really do support the war but are afraid to admit as much for fear that it would get them in trouble with their party


2. They really don't support the war and are too spineless to stop the funding.

There are soldiers over there getting blown the hell up and Dems simply had to VOTE to reject funding. Wow, your answer for this creates more issues than it solves.

Yes it does create more issues than it solves much like the misguided war in Iraq. Drew your tunnel vission amazes me.

Your hatred of GWB and everything he stands for is legendary here, Madison and you want to discuss my tunnel vision? I simply pointed out that if the war is truly unjust, and based on lie after lie, after lie, then turning off the funding would be a way to stand up and declare: ENOUGH!!! But that has not happened.

Another poster here suggested that GWB now be tried for war crimes. I responded that if that be the case then every member of Congress (both Republican and Democrat alike) who voted for continued funding of the wars be taken right along with him.

If something is morally wrong (as many Democrats believe the war to be) then isn't there a moral imperative to stop? The hole stops getting deeper when one puts down the shovel.

Still, have a good one.
