Community > Posts By > naturallygreen

naturallygreen's photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:32 AM
I have raised my 2 kids to not be racist or any other kind of prejudiced. My son's room mate at college is a black guy from Nigeria. My daughter is still in HS and has black friends.


For reasons I won't go into, we ended up living in a housing project that was 90% black. We were the ones that racism was perpetrated on. My daughter was actually assaulted on the bus she takes to school. Not by all the kids (they were all black except her), but by most. The black driver totally ignored it. I have been called a whit B**ch too many times to count. I pulled up to my apt one evening and some rap song was playing "I want some of what you got b**ch". ANYONE who called me that would get slapped upside the head. I was never even tempted in my whole life to use the "N" word until I lived there. I think it's a cultural problem more than a color problem. The people raised in this "ghetto" culture just acted totally insane. I have moved now and things are gratefully, for the most part back to normal. I know there is plenty of white trash out there too. I think that racism comes from people who have very low esteem and feel like they have to put anyone different down. I actually feel sorry for them.

I hope that sometime in the near future the playing field will more level and all this racism from all ethnic groups will end. That includes the extremist who would like to wipe the US off of the face of the earth.

Even on this site, they ask about race. I think there is just one race the human race. I LOOK white but my gene pool is so diverse that just about anyone could find a problem with my background. Ignorant people are everywhere.

Peace to all