Topic: I will not appoligize for being white.
Thomas27's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:19 PM

yellow, black or white they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.

it's "red and yellow black and white"

otherwise it breaks the rythym

Jesus loves the little children of the world

I stand corrected! Thanks, I knew I was forgetting something there, just decided to go with it anyways.

Tanzkity's photo
Sun 09/28/08 09:15 PM
yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn

adj4u's photo
Sun 09/28/08 11:02 PM
if it was not for whites then slavery would still be instituted

slavery was a practiced procedure of warring tribes for many centuries

and some entrepreneurs seen an opportunity to exploit this situation to make cash

after said tribes captured their slaves and sold them to the slave trader (who may or may not have been white) the fact remains that they were already slaves before the trader became involved

and many whites seen the injustice that this was and it was abolished (yes it took a long time after all the human is a cruel and greedy being)

but slavery would still be practiced if not for those that fought it (and most were white)

why is it no one mentions the name john brown when complaining about the injustices that slavery instituted could it be because he was a leading advocate to end slavery or is it because he was white

warmachine's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:03 AM
Edited by warmachine on Mon 09/29/08 12:03 AM

if it was not for whites then slavery would still be instituted

slavery was a practiced procedure of warring tribes for many centuries

and some entrepreneurs seen an opportunity to exploit this situation to make cash

after said tribes captured their slaves and sold them to the slave trader (who may or may not have been white) the fact remains that they were already slaves before the trader became involved

and many whites seen the injustice that this was and it was abolished (yes it took a long time after all the human is a cruel and greedy being)

but slavery would still be practiced if not for those that fought it (and most were white)

why is it no one mentions the name john brown when complaining about the injustices that slavery instituted could it be because he was a leading advocate to end slavery or is it because he was white

offtopic BUT, I just wanted to say that I dig you're little ID pick. Too bad more people aren't fighting to protect what little Constitution we have left.

The Original Homeland security... I'm so stealing that! LOL!

adj4u's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:29 AM
no war it is not off topic that was the issue that started it all

the condemnation of being white

and it was not even a white institution

but because of it all the problems of the race issues are the white persons fault


go ahead war the more that use it the better

and it was not mine i seen it on a t-shirt

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 06:53 AM
from what 've read the original slavers were Arabic and it was the coastal Africans capturing the inland Africans to sell

Most of the slave ships to the New World were Spanish and Portgugese and about 80% of the slaves went to Cuba, Hispanola, and Brazil. Only a small percentage came to Amerca as part of the Rum Triangle.

but that doesn't matter much now

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 09/29/08 08:34 AM

from what 've read the original slavers were Arabic and it was the coastal Africans capturing the inland Africans to sell

Most of the slave ships to the New World were Spanish and Portgugese and about 80% of the slaves went to Cuba, Hispanola, and Brazil. Only a small percentage came to Amerca as part of the Rum Triangle.

but that doesn't matter much now

Oh how correct you are...

It does not matter.

What matters is the color of your soul. Since we are human and made in his image (according to most) we must all be the color of god.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:20 AM

Black white, whatever. We all bleed red.

Race is just one more fake tribalism tactic to keep the people fighting each other and the elite enslaving all the easier.
:smile: yep its all divide and conquer.:smile:

arkdanimal's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:27 AM
I believe I will refrain from having nuch of a comment on this thread other than this: I love you all.......! And would give my life to save any of you...!

Winx's photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:27 AM
Why don't we all sit around a campfire and sing, Kumbaya?

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:27 AM
me too

well, most of you

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:03 PM
I'm white, it doesn't make you any more likely to advance.

Advancement is too often about kissing someone else's butt, and I don't do it.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:10 PM
well I don't apologize for my ancestry

Irish, Native American, African American,etc...

too many to list...

I am who am I am and darn proud of it:thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:18 PM
i am part azz hole,part SOB,and part mother phucker..gotta problem with it ..BITE ME..:banana:

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 01:44 PM

I believe I will refrain from having nuch of a comment on this thread other than this: I love you all.......! And would give my life to save any of you...!

I wouldnt give my life to save you...THATS much more honest...:angry:

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 02:16 PM
I would

(give your life to save him)

enderra's photo
Mon 09/29/08 02:20 PM
this is my two cents about slavery. It is true that slavery had existed long before the "slave trade", however for the most part it was a system of indentured servitude. In fact in Africa, Greece, Rome and other countries they were even allowed to own property, marry into the families they served and even hold office.

The slavery that we know, was so insidious because it striped people of their humanity. I am frankly tired of people using the fact that tribe sold other tribes as a pass for what was they did. And it makes absolutely no sense to give credit to anyone for righting something that was wrong to begin with.

Lastly on the subject of guilt. Riddle me this, how often have you felt guilty about something you don't think, feel or engage in?

Dragoness's photo
Mon 09/29/08 03:23 PM
Any human with any feelings at all knows that there have been wrongs done over skin color in this country. Starting with the native Americans so on and so forth and sadly it continues today.

To be ashamed of your fellow whites who perpetrate these crimes against others is only normal. To allow it to happen in your presence is the sin or crime, however you want to put it.

If every white person or person of any color would stop those around them from perpetrating prejudice and discrimination, it would stop. It is because people let others do it and do nothing that makes it the problem it still is today.

There are whites who have been brought up with prejudice and do not even know they perpetrate it. I have heard this happens with other races also. To make the point and show them that they are being hateful is sometimes the best thing one can do for them.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 09/29/08 03:25 PM

if it was not for whites then slavery would still be instituted

slavery was a practiced procedure of warring tribes for many centuries

and some entrepreneurs seen an opportunity to exploit this situation to make cash

after said tribes captured their slaves and sold them to the slave trader (who may or may not have been white) the fact remains that they were already slaves before the trader became involved

and many whites seen the injustice that this was and it was abolished (yes it took a long time after all the human is a cruel and greedy being)

but slavery would still be practiced if not for those that fought it (and most were white)

why is it no one mentions the name john brown when complaining about the injustices that slavery instituted could it be because he was a leading advocate to end slavery or is it because he was white

It is not just about slavery. It is about the inequities that still exist today. And the superiority complex of some whites that make them think the white way is the one and only true American way.

Thomas27's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:27 PM

this is my two cents about slavery. It is true that slavery had existed long before the "slave trade", however for the most part it was a system of indentured servitude. In fact in Africa, Greece, Rome and other countries they were even allowed to own property, marry into the families they served and even hold office.

The slavery that we know, was so insidious because it striped people of their humanity. I am frankly tired of people using the fact that tribe sold other tribes as a pass for what was they did. And it makes absolutely no sense to give credit to anyone for righting something that was wrong to begin with.

Lastly on the subject of guilt. Riddle me this, how often have you felt guilty about something you don't think, feel or engage in?

Would it make you feel better to know, that George Washington's second in command (kinda) was his slave, that rode side by side with him. He even had his own horse!