Topic: Chavez crackpot Remarks..
Mon 09/29/08 03:30 AM

I think South America and Central America should be turned into a slave farm before communist destroy our coffee and cocaine supply.

Yeah, like I said, I can't imagine why anyone would ever criticize the US or think of us as ignorant neanderthals.

Yeah, you’re right we are the bad guys. I guess we should just sit down with the world leaders and hold hands and sing ,while they rape and pillage our way of life.

Cause the world is such a GEEEE GOOOLYYY GUM DROP place where everyone gets along and would be doing great if it wasn’t for big bad old U.S.A.

Who is being simplistic here ...come on really????

The 60’s are DEAD and GONE

We are the ones Poluting and raping the world..........wht planet are you living on........who is the world power that must have changed when the stock market crashed.............haha

CHINA??? MAYBE ....they put more pollution into the air and water in a day then the U.S. does in a month or more. Get your facts straight.

Mon 09/29/08 03:34 AM

We will boldly go where no man has gone before!

We have thats why we are dependent in oil, our education of our children is inferior, and the adults of today are clinically insane..............Oh America........haha

Well, if we could get the inner city people to stop using so much "Activator" you know the stuff that keep their hair from falling out, then we could cut out at least 1 million barrels a day.

I mean it's a start right???

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/29/08 03:45 AM

We will boldly go where no man has gone before!

We have thats why we are dependent in oil, our education of our children is inferior, and the adults of today are clinically insane..............Oh America........haha

Well, if we could get the inner city people to stop using so much "Activator" you know the stuff that keep their hair from falling out, then we could cut out at least 1 million barrels a day.

"Even the most blatant bigots, when made aware of their racism, can change."

- Charles R. Ridley

Let's hope so.

Mon 09/29/08 03:50 AM

We will boldly go where no man has gone before!

We have thats why we are dependent in oil, our education of our children is inferior, and the adults of today are clinically insane..............Oh America........haha

Well, if we could get the inner city people to stop using so much "Activator" you know the stuff that keep their hair from falling out, then we could cut out at least 1 million barrels a day.

"Even the most blatant bigots, when made aware of their racism, can change."

- Charles R. Ridley

Let's hope so.
Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom; socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent, a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. -- Alexis de Tocqueville

Mon 09/29/08 03:52 AM
All communist must DIE!!!!!!!!!!

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:08 AM
The poster boy for "Ugly Americans."

Mon 09/29/08 04:59 AM

The poster boy for "Ugly Americans."

and Proud of IT...comrade

Mon 09/29/08 05:02 AM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Mon 09/29/08 05:03 AM
I see a squid –eeey

Shame Shame little Squid-eeey

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 06:56 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 09/29/08 07:47 AM
well I must say that this thread has taken a turn for the surreal

warmachine's photo
Mon 09/29/08 10:35 AM

well I must say that this thread has taken a turn for the surreal

How stupid is racsism anyway?

Here, quiet, I don't like people with moutaches wearing hats...

You have to leave the country now.

Whats the difference between that bit of stupidity and the line about Jheri Curl and the subsequent defense of it, by calling people communist/comrade?

There are so many legitimate reasons to dislike people,skin color means nothing, except in the mind of the ignorant.
If it was true, then you've forgotten the current system of things was created by a overflow of immigrants. If it's going to be about race, the everyone, including the white folks need to go back to the country of their ancestors origin.

madisonman's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:17 PM
"When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint; but when I asked why people are poor, they called me a communist."

– Brazilian Bishop Don Helder Camara

madisonman's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:50 PM
President Hugo Chavez Frias' enemies refer to him as a "terrorist" and a "communist." Indeed, Venezuela's current conflict could become a test for the meaning of words; not only the insults, but concepts like democracy. In Venezuela democracy, as Chavez's enemies and the media use the word, means return to oligarchy. Human rights mean US-style elections: an acceptable candidate wins and lauds the right of billionaires to own media and print lies.

In Venezuela and the United States the media routinely claim that Chavez undermined the constitution, compromised freedom and destroyed Venezuela's economy.

Right wing Latin American media and Miami's El Nuevo Herald treat such charges as axioms; they don't substantiate the claims. In Venezuela, the newspapers and TV stations that charge Chavez with censorship continue to attack him. The assault appears almost in daily papers like El Universal and El Nacional, on TV channels, and radio stations. In fact, Chavez has not shut down or censored media controlled by extremely powerful and very hostile tycoons. Gustavo Cisneros, known as the Rupert Murdoch of Latin America, owns Venevision TV and Venezuela's Playboy Channel and is a partner in Coca-Cola and other multinational ventures. He and Marcel Granier, owner of Radio Caracas Television (RCTV), own over 60% of Venezuela's TV market.

These "beleaguered heroes," intent on saving the republic from Chavez' dictatorship, laugh in their penthouses. In May 2004, the opposition collected enough signatures to force a referendum, but have not unified around a candidate. The referendum followed an unsuccessful coup attempt in April 2002.

During those less than two days, when anti-Chavez forces appeared to have kidnapped the President, Chamber of Commerce chief Pedro Carmona claimed he was president. Reporters from the major media didn't even ask him. The unelected Carmona did, however, label Chavez an enemy of democracy, which he vowed to restore, with his cabinet of the rich and powerful.

Since that fiasco, some of the original coup planners have the chutzpah to accuse Chavez of opposing democracy, they call him a totalitarian, Castro-style communist-terrorist. The very people who perpetrated illegal violence to unseat an elected government now claim the word democracy. And the media does not challenge them.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 01:41 PM
When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use.
Joseph Stalin

Mon 09/29/08 02:31 PM

When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use.
Joseph Stalin

Nice, a mass murderer who killed over 20 million of his own people.

Stalin ...WOW!!!

Thomas27's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:21 PM

We will boldly go where no man has gone before!

We have thats why we are dependent in oil, our education of our children is inferior, and the adults of today are clinically insane..............Oh America........haha

throw your stones...... dig your bones...... tuck your tail and head for home...... leave me alone.

Quikstepper's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:48 PM

awwwwww that was the funniest part of the whole thread

I'm Back...can you believe the Anti- Americanism on here???????

Yeah, brutal. I can't imagine why anyone would ever criticize the US.

Right! the only thing wrong with the US are the libs.

I wish they would take their toys & move someplace like IRAN or the SUDAN... it might enlighten them as to how good they really have it.

Yu think? :wink:

t22learner's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:51 PM

awwwwww that was the funniest part of the whole thread

I'm Back...can you believe the Anti- Americanism on here???????

Yeah, brutal. I can't imagine why anyone would ever criticize the US.

Right! the only thing wrong with the US are the libs.

I wish they would take their toys & move someplace like IRAN or the SUDAN... it might enlighten them as to how good they really have it.

Yu think? :wink:

Yep. We LIBS are the bane of an otherwise perfect 1950's America of racism and women barefoot in the kitchen. Oh, those were the days.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:52 PM
you mean ya'll have let em out of the kitchen?

you fools

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:55 PM

awwwwww that was the funniest part of the whole thread

I'm Back...can you believe the Anti- Americanism on here???????

Yeah, brutal. I can't imagine why anyone would ever criticize the US.

Right! the only thing wrong with the US are the libs.

I wish they would take their toys & move someplace like IRAN or the SUDAN... it might enlighten them as to how good they really have it.

Yu think? :wink:
WOW very orginal...And wonder why no one takes you seriously..

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 06:27 PM

awwwwww that was the funniest part of the whole thread

I'm Back...can you believe the Anti- Americanism on here???????

Yeah, brutal. I can't imagine why anyone would ever criticize the US.

Right! the only thing wrong with the US are the libs.

I wish they would take their toys & move someplace like IRAN or the SUDAN... it might enlighten them as to how good they really have it.

Yu think? :wink:
WOW very orginal...And wonder why no one takes you seriously..

are you kidding? that is the level of most everything I see in the political threads on this site
liberal conservative its all the same here just the attacks are aimed at different directions is all