Topic: Chavez crackpot Remarks..
adj4u's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:22 PM
Edited by adj4u on Sun 09/28/08 12:23 PM

Chavez says crisis-hit U.S. needs new constitution

there is nothing wrong with the constitution of the united states as it was drafted

the problem is the corrupt self serving ""elected"" officials

and the complacent self serving united states citizen (hey i am doing fine good even i do not care what is happening attitude is the downfall in action) [quit playing your fiddle the country is on fire]

chavez a great man (maybe so but his attempt to become a life long leader of ven. lost him a lot of the respect i had for him and his comment tat the states needs a new constituton lost him some of the litlle respect he had remaining)

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:26 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Sun 09/28/08 12:29 PM
the absolute one thing I refuse to accept from anyone is this mindless repetition of the left/right wing talking points and propaganda. No one seems to have an independant thought that isn't provided for them by someone else

George Bush isn't evil or corrupt. He's just a guy doing the best he can at an impossible job. He screwed a few things up and he did a few things well

as long as you folks feel the need to demonize any one who holds a different view or philosiphy you are ignoring all the other things happening in the world

I gave up on that and am trying to view the whole sociogeopolitical foofaraw as a history experiment. what happened and why? what were the un-noticed ramifications and factors

and all this partisan hack bomb throwing is just a distraction

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:28 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Sun 09/28/08 12:30 PM


since you want to make this a personal thing

no, I work in Photonics and researching a method to use bulk transport scattering and spectroscopy for multi-variate analysis of human tissue and electrolytes

google is your friend

oh and only Yankees "end up working in an oilfield" I was born here
this suprises me since you seem to disregard the scientific method and have a disdain for facts and information and no I am not makeing this personaland sorry you take it in such a way I am only trying to reach a better understanding

AND the scientific method has nothing to do with making up your mind and scouring the internet to find blogs and articles to reinforce your preconceptions. you are so single mindedly devoted to promoting your conspiracy theories that you ignore anything that doesnt support em

you think THAT is scientific?
The only conspiracy I see in this thread is one to discredit Hugo Chaves a man who is devoted to improveing the lives of his impoverished people. laugh

okay WITHOUT GOOGLING!!!! why do you think that?
He takes oil profits and improves the plight of his people who for many years were under the yoke of yankee imperialism. the western democracies were content to let the aboriginals wallow in ignorance and poverty while they exploited them. There is a reasone a Hugo Chaves came to power. I would Suggest you read some Howard Zinn or Noam Chomsky on the plight of the south americans, with that Iam off for a hike with my girly to enjoy the great outdoors:banana:

ummmmmm and didn't he imprison most everyone who disagreed with him and censor all the TV stations?

I wonder what all the riots are all about?

if you were in Venezuala and posted a sign that says "Chaves sucks" I wonder what would happen to you?

madisonman's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:33 PM


since you want to make this a personal thing

no, I work in Photonics and researching a method to use bulk transport scattering and spectroscopy for multi-variate analysis of human tissue and electrolytes

google is your friend

oh and only Yankees "end up working in an oilfield" I was born here
this suprises me since you seem to disregard the scientific method and have a disdain for facts and information and no I am not makeing this personaland sorry you take it in such a way I am only trying to reach a better understanding

AND the scientific method has nothing to do with making up your mind and scouring the internet to find blogs and articles to reinforce your preconceptions. you are so single mindedly devoted to promoting your conspiracy theories that you ignore anything that doesnt support em

you think THAT is scientific?
The only conspiracy I see in this thread is one to discredit Hugo Chaves a man who is devoted to improveing the lives of his impoverished people. laugh

okay WITHOUT GOOGLING!!!! why do you think that?
He takes oil profits and improves the plight of his people who for many years were under the yoke of yankee imperialism. the western democracies were content to let the aboriginals wallow in ignorance and poverty while they exploited them. There is a reasone a Hugo Chaves came to power. I would Suggest you read some Howard Zinn or Noam Chomsky on the plight of the south americans, with that Iam off for a hike with my girly to enjoy the great outdoors:banana:

ummmmmm and didn't he imprison most everyone who disagreed with him and censor all the TV stations?

I wonder what all the riots are all about?

if you were in Venezuala and posted a sign that says "Chaves sucks" I wonder what would happen to you?

Chaves being a socialist is at odds with the owners of the media it is the tactic of the wealthy to control information and propaganda. I will have to get back to this later as Iam running late allready

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:34 PM

one more post...

I do that too

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:35 PM
i found 3 dollars :D

if we all pitch in we could order a pizza

mmmmmm pizza

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:36 PM
no anchovies

slippery little bastards

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:37 PM

Chaves being a socialist is at odds with the owners of the media it is the tactic of the wealthy to control information and propaganda. I will have to get back to this later as Iam running late allready

but yet its all at your finger

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:39 PM
hahaha so Phil what do YOU think about Chavez and his Marxist renaissance?

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:45 PM

What I gathered from what I saw on the news....

Venezuela and Russia are joining forces so to to build an alliance against the U.S. Russia and Venezuela are showing military force in the Caribbean as we speak. It was said that it is mostly to irritate the U.S., but I don't know. They also said that Venezuela is borrowing money from Russia to purchase weapons from Russia. Also that Russia is sharing Nuclear technology with Venezuela. Russia is also building more refineries to accommodate the oil from Venezuela to decrease their dependence on the U.S.

yes well I understand Russia also wants to put Nuclear warheads in cuba...

So much for the peacenik stand... they want to hide their heads in the sand. The thought of libs taking control of America only emboldens these thugs. McCain would not let this happen.

I get tireed of having to correct some but if Bush signed the moratorium you can probly thank the fanatic environmental groups that fund the DEMS for that. It's astounding that while some here blame those Evil REPS they look the other way when it comes to the evils of DEMS...their own party. sheesh! LOL

All hypocrites...

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:45 PM

hahaha so Phil what do YOU think about Chavez and his Marxist renaissance?

um..yeah...i got to go

Tanzkity's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:52 PM
Go Libs..............

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:53 PM
Go Neocons

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:53 PM
THAT was a waste of time

now what?

cottonelle's photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:55 PM
i say we get that pizza now

no photo
Sun 09/28/08 12:56 PM
easy on the sauce

since they made me quit eating salt every time I eat pizza it tastes like ocean water

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 09/28/08 01:01 PM


since you want to make this a personal thing

no, I work in Photonics and researching a method to use bulk transport scattering and spectroscopy for multi-variate analysis of human tissue and electrolytes

google is your friend

oh and only Yankees "end up working in an oilfield" I was born here
this suprises me since you seem to disregard the scientific method and have a disdain for facts and information and no I am not makeing this personaland sorry you take it in such a way I am only trying to reach a better understanding

AND the scientific method has nothing to do with making up your mind and scouring the internet to find blogs and articles to reinforce your preconceptions. you are so single mindedly devoted to promoting your conspiracy theories that you ignore anything that doesnt support em

you think THAT is scientific?
The only conspiracy I see in this thread is one to discredit Hugo Chaves a man who is devoted to improveing the lives of his impoverished people. laugh

okay WITHOUT GOOGLING!!!! why do you think that?
He takes oil profits and improves the plight of his people who for many years were under the yoke of yankee imperialism. the western democracies were content to let the aboriginals wallow in ignorance and poverty while they exploited them. There is a reasone a Hugo Chaves came to power. I would Suggest you read some Howard Zinn or Noam Chomsky on the plight of the south americans, with that Iam off for a hike with my girly to enjoy the great outdoors:banana:

ummmmmm and didn't he imprison most everyone who disagreed with him and censor all the TV stations?

I wonder what all the riots are all about?

if you were in Venezuala and posted a sign that says "Chaves sucks" I wonder what would happen to you?

Well actually this goes to the heart of it far is too far?

While I don't consider myself a socialist, I am for govt... limited govt. I do think the relationship between the working class & big buz should be a balanced one. Without indians there would be no one to buy products made on the planet. Or are the powers that be trying to kill off populations of people in their attempts to "thin the herd?"

Back to how far is too far... when is something gone too far? When it becomes a public policy issue? What should the role of govt. be then? Is it fair to ask the taxpayer to fund things when belt tightening is needed or when we are being told there's a crisis?

It bothers me that these issues only come up when there's an election. The rest of the time we are ignored. Govt. has become like a runaway freight train. Let's not forget the foreign insterests who lobby our legislators...they are part of the problem too. I can only hope that people all over the world will get made enough to rise up against their tryants & the militaries & police just stand back & let the people loose on their govts. for the mistreatment.

Then again...who would the libs in America have to hate when they blame all the world's woes on their own country?

Thomas27's photo
Sun 09/28/08 01:01 PM

What I gathered from what I saw on the news....

Venezuela and Russia are joining forces so to to build an alliance against the U.S. Russia and Venezuela are showing military force in the Caribbean as we speak. It was said that it is mostly to irritate the U.S., but I don't know. They also said that Venezuela is borrowing money from Russia to purchase weapons from Russia. Also that Russia is sharing Nuclear technology with Venezuela. Russia is also building more refineries to accommodate the oil from Venezuela to decrease their dependence on the U.S., Venezuela and Russia are doing business and have good diplomatic, why does that automatically mean it has ANYTHING to do with the US??...if I read your post correctly, you are saying Russia gets its oil from the US?? Wow, funny, I thought Russia got its oil from the middle east and now has smartened up a bit and is buying it from its new friend the Venezuelans....but again, how does this have ANYTHING to do with the US?? Jeeze you guys think its always all about you dont ya??? huh

I think you dreamed that up! Nothing in my post said anything about Russia getting it's oil from the U.S. Maybe you should re-read the post! You can also read further down the thread to find the link I posted for people like you that don't think the average joe is capable of drawing his own conclusions about what's happening around us.

Further more, you should be concerned when people like Russia are showing a military presence this close to U.S. soil.

Tanzkity's photo
Sun 09/28/08 01:06 PM

i say we get that pizza now


Sun 09/28/08 01:07 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sun 09/28/08 01:15 PM

What do you think he has wrong? Is every world leader who doesn't bow to the US a "lunatic conrol freak?"

If he came here I would make him my Pool Boy. If he did a good job at that I might let him take my trash out.
He would be an illegal alien here so I think I would give him the jobs that his skill set calls for...oh and I might even let him pick dog sh%it up off my front lawn.

I am an AMERICAN FIRST...and yes we are way, way, way better than anyone else in the world. So, don’t punish your selves with guilt over being great it, live it and embrace it BABY!!!!!

Cause the rest of the world just wants to be as wealthy and as powerful as we are...and DAT'S THE TRUTH.