Topic: What is the "mark of the beast"?
feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/12/08 09:40 AM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sun 10/12/08 09:43 AM


Yes God did and did not God tempt man all the time.......after Adam and Eve....did he not always test to see where loyalties lie....yes he did. And yes you are correct in this respect......but also God started with them in giving them free will did he not? yes exactly so I still stand by my original answer and that is they choose.

Tribo replies:

That's a have your cake and eat it to reply my ferrelpussie, "free will" was given "after" the fact - "the tree came first" not after A&E, free will plays no part in god putting evil in the way of A&E yes god is shown to test/tempt people as in job [another perfect example of god bringing in or allowing evil to corrupt], but that has nothing to do with "WHO" brought evil into the picture at first - that was none other than god himself. that is the post statement -


And everything God did, or does is with purpose tribo...this is no difference.....he didn't create robots he created men whom he gave free choice. I would put myself there right now and if anyone tempted me to do anything against God....NO SIR RE NOT EVEN AN OPTION....


yes he does everything with purpose my point exactly!! he purposely placed a means for man to fall in their presence in the garden! they did not ask for this tree, they did not create it, neither did satan! "GOD" created and placed it there. free will has nothing to do with "WHO" provided the evil to begin with deb!! GOD, knowing that giving man "FREE WILL" set him up to have a no more than 50/50 chance of choosing right from wrong, add satan into the pic and you increase it dramatically, god was looking for man to fall he actually made it impossible for him not to!! It would have thwarted his over-all plans deb - he "NEEDED" to cause adam and eve to fall if he was eventually to bring about the "NEED" for humankind to have a savior!! had they not sinned there would be no need for a savior correct? so this whole story rest on a plot to bring about mans fall so it would be necessary to introduce a savior aka christ into the theme. with out this the book would have ended at genisis with they lived happily ever after!!

So to state that god is not "RESPONSIBLE" for bringing evil and then sin into the garden and world is just wrong!

as to you saying you would not have done as eve is an arrogant hind-site statement, if you knew what they knew and nothing else as they knew you do not know what you would have done remember no sin was done till the eating!! you would have no more info about the tree than eve had, and could have been tempted just as easy as she was as a new nieve person of what good and evil really meant. Think of it as new born children who have no real clue as to words they hear from their parents- dont do that!! you might get hurt. and yet they do it. they did not have the present knowledge or even the knowledge to really "KNOW" good from evil deb.

your last part is pointless to what i'm talking of the not useless, just of target.

Ok we have determined that God did place the tree in the dispute.

I have already told you that God wants to know where loyalties lie.....can you imagine being the first man and woman on earth and God NOT seeing where their loyalties were...I can't.

And God did "Give" them a 50/50 chance to get it right. Did God hold a knife to their throat and say choose right or die....nope....he said, "My children you choose who you will follow." God who is right and the Light or satan who is evil. Again it comes down to satan being able to say you are just as good as God....go ahead eat and you will be better then God and we will rule the world.....again tribo Big Big then again a price they shall pay an a dear price.

God does not EVER EVER EVER not want people to listen to him....but again choice to do it was then and as it is now. You think for a minute tribo that your nasty to God will go unpunished? That your entitled to the arrogant way in which you question him.....That is where faith comes in....I have the Faith in God an will always listen and not question...All the question were answered before I gave my life to him.

And do you honestly think if there was any any other way for God to bring down Man's rebellion he would not of chosen not to give His Son for our "OUR OUR" sins.......Please

I count my blessing and that the Lord everyday for love us so much that He would give his only begotten son so that WE WE WE may have everlasting life. And again I say to you tribo shame shame to question what can't be what honestly is the purpose of your rants about it...Like I have said a million + times it is what it is.....And your illogical way of trying to change it JUST WONT EVER...

GOD is never....I repeat Never wrong.....He does everything with purpose...and even with you tribo he has known you since you were in your mamma's womb.....the choice you make love concerning him, and your choice.

And the simple fact is....."LISTEN" believe me you if God told me not to do something, anything you can bet your life that I would not do choice...all about choice.

And no I don't look at it as a newborn...They knew God they walked with God and they knew their place....and blatently did as "they" no no no tribo none of what you say has validity at all.

tribo's photo
Sun 10/12/08 10:29 AM
I still don't think your getting my point my lady, which is - if god had not placed the tree there for satan or A&E to have even had the choice there would be no sin commited.

A&E nor anyone else asked to be born my dear, nor did they asked to be tested, nor if they had would i think they would have agreed to it [ i know i wouldn't have].

is god god? - well if he is then he is responsible for all that happens - the buck stops with him - there is no one else to blame, if sin exist it is because of him, if satan exist it is because of him, if all else exist it is by, through, and becuase he made the decision to do so - period!!

Had he not created everything i'd let him off the hook - but i can't- if he's real, then he is guilty of all that has happened that would be concidered wrong or sin or anything else, he can not and you can not just say he is responsible for good things unless you can prove he did not create the potential for evil to exist, and creating the potential for evil/sin/wrongness is just as pertinent as being it ones self!

God was/is/and always will be the resposible party as to all that he created my dear and all that stems from that which he created! if you want that not to be true then pray to him to take it all back and start over again with a new outlook as to what went wrong.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 10:47 AM
or A&E to have even had the choice there would be no sin commited.

Tribo I gave up cable but I always liked A&E. It was one of my favorite channels. What sin have they committed?pitchfork smokin drinker Miles

tribo's photo
Sun 10/12/08 10:57 AM

or A&E to have even had the choice there would be no sin commited.

Tribo I gave up cable but I always liked A&E. It was one of my favorite channels. What sin have they committed?pitchfork smokin drinker Miles

:laughing: they provided jewish entertainment to the masses of spellbound couch potatoes that tuned in to their criteria. but all is forgiven, we all make mistakes, even god - winking

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/12/08 02:45 PM
And you missed my point that you can say that in hidsight did happen deal with it. And just because in your mind you think they didn't want it at were not there and you don't know. Now see you say you would of never agreed well see this is the point of contention because I would of so agreed......Test me right now, tomorrow, a month, a year, it will always be the same....Does that mean that I don't sin...heck no if I said that I would be a hypocrite. But then again if God asked me something directly not to do or to do...I would do it with no questions asked.

God love and in doing so gave free choice. Now if you were to say God should not of given free choice? was a given just like everything that happen from Adam to Eve to present all for a reason...And one that you nor I can phanthom.

And see the bottom line tribo is you have no right to let him off the hook....You have not that again I would say go on and on how you feel the injustice of it all...But the simple fact is...It is what it is.

Again I think it comes down to people wanting to do exactly as they please and have no consequences for any of it. But it just is not how it works.

tribo's photo
Sun 10/12/08 03:28 PM

And you missed my point that you can say that in hidsight did happen deal with it. And just because in your mind you think they didn't want it at were not there and you don't know. Now see you say you would of never agreed well see this is the point of contention because I would of so agreed......Test me right now, tomorrow, a month, a year, it will always be the same....Does that mean that I don't sin...heck no if I said that I would be a hypocrite. But then again if God asked me something directly not to do or to do...I would do it with no questions asked.

God love and in doing so gave free choice. Now if you were to say God should not of given free choice? was a given just like everything that happen from Adam to Eve to present all for a reason...And one that you nor I can phanthom.

And see the bottom line tribo is you have no right to let him off the hook....You have not that again I would say go on and on how you feel the injustice of it all...But the simple fact is...It is what it is.

Again I think it comes down to people wanting to do exactly as they please and have no consequences for any of it. But it just is not how it works.

INJUSTICE?? i don't see it as injustice i see it as stupidity!!

As far as ""authority"" goes or letting him off the hook, if he was real i would agree with you, but since he's not - i have just as much authority to write words and opinions as the writers of the books did - i claim no more or no less than that my lady. deal with it as you so politely put it - flowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/12/08 04:18 PM

And you missed my point that you can say that in hidsight did happen deal with it. And just because in your mind you think they didn't want it at were not there and you don't know. Now see you say you would of never agreed well see this is the point of contention because I would of so agreed......Test me right now, tomorrow, a month, a year, it will always be the same....Does that mean that I don't sin...heck no if I said that I would be a hypocrite. But then again if God asked me something directly not to do or to do...I would do it with no questions asked.

God love and in doing so gave free choice. Now if you were to say God should not of given free choice? was a given just like everything that happen from Adam to Eve to present all for a reason...And one that you nor I can phanthom.

And see the bottom line tribo is you have no right to let him off the hook....You have not that again I would say go on and on how you feel the injustice of it all...But the simple fact is...It is what it is.

Again I think it comes down to people wanting to do exactly as they please and have no consequences for any of it. But it just is not how it works.

INJUSTICE?? i don't see it as injustice i see it as stupidity!!

As far as ""authority"" goes or letting him off the hook, if he was real i would agree with you, but since he's not - i have just as much authority to write words and opinions as the writers of the books did - i claim no more or no less than that my lady. deal with it as you so politely put it - flowerforyou

Ahhhhh you just keep thinking that......and living as you wish....and hey while your at it....if he is not real or any of it...then stop writing about Him....because for you it's just not why bother.

tribo's photo
Sun 10/12/08 04:26 PM

And you missed my point that you can say that in hidsight did happen deal with it. And just because in your mind you think they didn't want it at were not there and you don't know. Now see you say you would of never agreed well see this is the point of contention because I would of so agreed......Test me right now, tomorrow, a month, a year, it will always be the same....Does that mean that I don't sin...heck no if I said that I would be a hypocrite. But then again if God asked me something directly not to do or to do...I would do it with no questions asked.

God love and in doing so gave free choice. Now if you were to say God should not of given free choice? was a given just like everything that happen from Adam to Eve to present all for a reason...And one that you nor I can phanthom.

And see the bottom line tribo is you have no right to let him off the hook....You have not that again I would say go on and on how you feel the injustice of it all...But the simple fact is...It is what it is.

Again I think it comes down to people wanting to do exactly as they please and have no consequences for any of it. But it just is not how it works.

INJUSTICE?? i don't see it as injustice i see it as stupidity!!

As far as ""authority"" goes or letting him off the hook, if he was real i would agree with you, but since he's not - i have just as much authority to write words and opinions as the writers of the books did - i claim no more or no less than that my lady. deal with it as you so politely put it - flowerforyou

Ahhhhh you just keep thinking that......and living as you wish....and hey while your at it....if he is not real or any of it...then stop writing about Him....because for you it's just not why bother.

like miles, fiction facinates me bigsmile

besides it gives me something to get you all riled up about - flowers

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 10/12/08 05:04 PM
the way i read it the bible says
revelations 13 verse 18 king james edition
here is wisdom. let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six.
score is 20 by the way .

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 05:11 PM
Proverbs 23

23:6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainty meats:

Don't eat dinner with a person who has an "evil eye." huh

laugh laugh laugh

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 10/12/08 05:23 PM
i have been an was raised a baptist all my life an i must admit that tribo makes a valid point but as to my faith i must remain true because i have seen god do to much in my life that no one else could have accomplished .an i can never pray to another god or idol after all that he has helped me through in my life. i dont pretend to know all the answers an i do respect your right to beleive as you will . i just had to tell you my story of the many things he has done for me in life i cant even begin to tell you all of the blessings he has done for me . an im in no way an angel or perfect thank god for the love he has for sinners alll he ask is that we beleive in him an ask for forgiveness an to be saved by the blood of christ an we shall have ever lasting life in the kingdom of god.
1. many many times he has brought me food when i had none an no money to buy food.
2. he has brought me through car wrecks
3. has helped me to keep from wrecking by waking me up a corner before the deer crossed the hwy by letting a star fall from the sky.
i was tired one night an i asked god to help me stay awake an get home.
4. i should have been dead along time ago only by god am i still here .car wrecks an partys that went bad bad. i shouldnt have been there .like i said im no angel i screw up to. is a choice he gives us an not to be forced upon anyone in my opinion.
6. he gave me a place to stay when i had none
so you see i just cant turn my back an say there is no god or that he is bad . you have your opinion an a freedom to beleive what you wish i just had to tell you about the blessings he has done for me.
take care thanks for reading this .
god bless you.

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 10/12/08 05:39 PM
actually it is in the new testament rev 13 verse 18

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:13 PM
Exodus 4:10

And Moses said unto the LORD, O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

I thought Moses was supposed to be this phenomenal, dramatic public speaker? huh

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:16 PM
i dont know if i could do what moses did . talk about faith now that was faith.

tribo's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:21 PM

i have been an was raised a baptist all my life an i must admit that tribo makes a valid point but as to my faith i must remain true because i have seen god do to much in my life that no one else could have accomplished .an i can never pray to another god or idol after all that he has helped me through in my life. i dont pretend to know all the answers an i do respect your right to beleive as you will . i just had to tell you my story of the many things he has done for me in life i cant even begin to tell you all of the blessings he has done for me . an im in no way an angel or perfect thank god for the love he has for sinners alll he ask is that we beleive in him an ask for forgiveness an to be saved by the blood of christ an we shall have ever lasting life in the kingdom of god.
1. many many times he has brought me food when i had none an no money to buy food.
2. he has brought me through car wrecks
3. has helped me to keep from wrecking by waking me up a corner before the deer crossed the hwy by letting a star fall from the sky.
i was tired one night an i asked god to help me stay awake an get home.
4. i should have been dead along time ago only by god am i still here .car wrecks an partys that went bad bad. i shouldnt have been there .like i said im no angel i screw up to. is a choice he gives us an not to be forced upon anyone in my opinion.
6. he gave me a place to stay when i had none
so you see i just cant turn my back an say there is no god or that he is bad . you have your opinion an a freedom to beleive what you wish i just had to tell you about the blessings he has done for me.
take care thanks for reading this .
god bless you.
thnx for that grizz, i will not comment on this but to say i havelived longer and by no means was or am an angel either, i have had as many bad things happen to me as you have and also many things that seemed miraculous in one way or another[no detail needed] but from seeing what can happen i also belive that it is our innerself thats resposible for such things you speak of not a invisible god. but i wish you continued sucess in your beliefs.

tribo's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:23 PM

Exodus 4:10

And Moses said unto the LORD, O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

I thought Moses was supposed to be this phenomenal, dramatic public speaker? huh

nah thats hollywood and charles heston as moses - haaa it says clearly that moses did not want to do what was asked of him and thats why he put arron in charge of doing the speaking.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:25 PM
Sounds like he had a stutter or something. From his description.

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:31 PM
thanks for respecting my beleifs tribo an i hope you do well in yours .even though i dont beleive the same way take care .an in my beleifs god bless you.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:35 PM

And you missed my point that you can say that in hidsight did happen deal with it. And just because in your mind you think they didn't want it at were not there and you don't know. Now see you say you would of never agreed well see this is the point of contention because I would of so agreed......Test me right now, tomorrow, a month, a year, it will always be the same....Does that mean that I don't sin...heck no if I said that I would be a hypocrite. But then again if God asked me something directly not to do or to do...I would do it with no questions asked.

God love and in doing so gave free choice. Now if you were to say God should not of given free choice? was a given just like everything that happen from Adam to Eve to present all for a reason...And one that you nor I can phanthom.

And see the bottom line tribo is you have no right to let him off the hook....You have not that again I would say go on and on how you feel the injustice of it all...But the simple fact is...It is what it is.

Again I think it comes down to people wanting to do exactly as they please and have no consequences for any of it. But it just is not how it works.

INJUSTICE?? i don't see it as injustice i see it as stupidity!!

As far as ""authority"" goes or letting him off the hook, if he was real i would agree with you, but since he's not - i have just as much authority to write words and opinions as the writers of the books did - i claim no more or no less than that my lady. deal with it as you so politely put it - flowerforyou

Ahhhhh you just keep thinking that......and living as you wish....and hey while your at it....if he is not real or any of it...then stop writing about Him....because for you it's just not why bother.

like miles, fiction facinates me bigsmile

besides it gives me something to get you all riled up about - flowers

awww I knew it....well there are much better ways. Because I pretty much know so you guys want to just argue for the sake of it....ok I am game.

tribo's photo
Sun 10/12/08 06:41 PM

And you missed my point that you can say that in hidsight did happen deal with it. And just because in your mind you think they didn't want it at were not there and you don't know. Now see you say you would of never agreed well see this is the point of contention because I would of so agreed......Test me right now, tomorrow, a month, a year, it will always be the same....Does that mean that I don't sin...heck no if I said that I would be a hypocrite. But then again if God asked me something directly not to do or to do...I would do it with no questions asked.

God love and in doing so gave free choice. Now if you were to say God should not of given free choice? was a given just like everything that happen from Adam to Eve to present all for a reason...And one that you nor I can phanthom.

And see the bottom line tribo is you have no right to let him off the hook....You have not that again I would say go on and on how you feel the injustice of it all...But the simple fact is...It is what it is.

Again I think it comes down to people wanting to do exactly as they please and have no consequences for any of it. But it just is not how it works.

INJUSTICE?? i don't see it as injustice i see it as stupidity!!

As far as ""authority"" goes or letting him off the hook, if he was real i would agree with you, but since he's not - i have just as much authority to write words and opinions as the writers of the books did - i claim no more or no less than that my lady. deal with it as you so politely put it - flowerforyou

Ahhhhh you just keep thinking that......and living as you wish....and hey while your at it....if he is not real or any of it...then stop writing about Him....because for you it's just not why bother.

like miles, fiction facinates me bigsmile

besides it gives me something to get you all riled up about - flowers

awww I knew it....well there are much better ways. Because I pretty much know so you guys want to just argue for the sake of it....ok I am game.

AHHHH -- then it must be time to take up rapture again - laugh