Topic: Is the Bible
Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/08/08 02:46 PM

For all of the responses no one has directly answered the the Bible the sole source of truth for Christians?glasses

I did answer your question directly.

It all depends on what you mean by 'Christians'.

It is the tenets of Catholicism that there are additional source of truth, both in written documents, and via the Pope himself!

Are Catholics "Christians"?

It is the tenets of Protestanism that only the New and Old Testaments of the Holy Bible represent truth from God. And the Pope can shove his opinions!

Are Protestants "Christians"?

Finally, if you allow any Tom, ****, or Harry to proclaim that they are a "Christian" whilst proclaiming their own personal views and interpretations of scriptures, etc. Then anything goes!

Are "Designer Christians" really "Christians"?

You decide. flowerforyou

SkyHook5652's photo
Wed 10/08/08 07:55 PM
For all of the responses no one has directly answered the the Bible the sole source of truth for Christians?glasses
Now I can say for sure. The direct answer is....


tribo's photo
Wed 10/08/08 08:07 PM
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i already said that at the bottom of page 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/08/08 08:39 PM
All religions are manmade, including Christianity.

Men decide what they are going to believe in, and that becomes the tenets of their religion.

There are no absolutes.

In fact, of all the world's religions I think Christianity has exhibited the most diversity of all. The vast majority of modern day Christians are indeed "Designer Christians".

This is a valid term. It represents the people who call themselves "Christians" but who don't support or necessarily agree with any organized church or religious tenets.

Protestants are, of course, the source of this diversity. Once they denounced the Pope as being the 'official' spokesperson for their religion this opened up the whole can of worms that every Protestent then became a "Paper Pope" (i.e. they interpret the scriptures on their own).

Most modern day Christians truly do just pick and choose what they'd like to believe or not believe in from the Bible.

The hard-core fundamentalists who insist it that the Bible is the infalliable verbatim word of God are a LOUD minority.

Most "Designer Christians" aren't going to argue with them, or speak out against them. They just shake their heads silently in the background.

The main idea of "Designer Christians" is that if you follow the teachings of Jesus you'll be saved.

Not only is is permissible not to ask question, but it would actually be viewed as challenging the word of God. So rather than make a big deal about it, they just accept Christ as their savior and get on with their lives. Don't worry about the details, the details are unimportant. God will explain all of that when the time is right.

That's the plan Stan.

Just keep it simple and don't question it. To question it is to be a skeptic. Why bother? Just accept Christ as your savior and shut up. Nothing could be easier!

This is truly how the bulk of the masses treat the religion today.

I'm not passing judgment on this. I'm just answering your question.

People don't care about the details. Just accept Christ as your savior and try to live the best life you can. Surely that should be good enough for the decent merciful loving God that the Bible claims to be all about.

Seriously, this is how people thing.

Why should God be peeved with someone who has accepted his son as their savior and has tried to live a good life?

Surely if God is all-loving there aren't going to be any major problems with that.

This is how most people view it. Just do the best you can, and hope that God really is nice.

Who needs doctrines?

SkyHook5652's photo
Wed 10/08/08 10:14 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Wed 10/08/08 10:15 PM
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i already said that at the bottom of page 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That'll teach me to read the entire thread before I go shooting off my mouth! :laughing: :thumbsup: waving

no photo
Thu 10/09/08 12:10 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 10/09/08 12:23 AM
SharpShooter .....

THANK YOU, For Sharing With Us,, GOD'S AWESOME WORD !!!flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou )

(Reposting it below...)flowerforyou

ALL Scripture is INSPIRED:

II Tim 3:16-17

ALL SCRIPTURE!!!!!!!!!!!
(how much?)


ALL SCRIPTURE is given by


and is





17: That the MAN OF GOD




"All scripture" Greek- pasa graphe (singular)


II Peter 1:21


came not in old time by the will of man:

but HOLY MEN OF GOD SPAKE (as they

were MOVED) by the HOLY SPIRIT.








Isaiah 40:8 The grass withereth, the

flower fadeth:

but the

WORD ... OF... OUR ... GOD


I Peter 1:24-25

24: For all flesh is as grass and all

the glory of man as the flower of

grass. The grass withereth, and the

flower thereof falleth away:

25: But the

WORD... OF... THE... LORD...


And this is the

WORD which by the Gospel is preached

unto you.

Matthew 24:35 - Heaven and earth shall

pass away,







AWAY!!! +


no photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:45 AM


no photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:09 PM

glasses the only true source of truth form Christians? If so why?

Your question was:

Is the Bible the only true source of truth from Christians?

This question assumes that the Bible is a source of truth and that it "came from Christians."

In my opinion, the Bible is a collection of books divided into two parts, the original scriptures used by the Jews, and the New Testament, which was written to redesign Judaism and include a few pagan rituals to appeal to a large group of worshipers.

The new Testament was written by the Piso (Roman aristocrats) family who hated Jews and wanted to destroy them and create a new religion.

The New Testament is pure fiction and Christianity is a completely false religion.

I think you may have meant to ask if Christians only depend upon the Bible for what they take as truth or do they look to other scripture?

I think that would depend on the Christians. Some do, some don't probably.

But the whole of Christianity depends completely upon the New Testament and when it is found that this is all a fictional account, all of Christianity should fall apart in theory.

But people are married to their beliefs and some will not give them up no matter what proof they are given.


Lobotomy59's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:28 PM
Man created gods in his own image

Krimsa's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:31 PM

Man created gods in his own image

I like this one. laugh

Eljay's photo
Fri 10/10/08 12:19 AM

For all of the responses no one has directly answered the the Bible the sole source of truth for Christians?glasses

I did answer your question directly.

It all depends on what you mean by 'Christians'.

It is the tenets of Catholicism that there are additional source of truth, both in written documents, and via the Pope himself!

Are Catholics "Christians"?

It is the tenets of Protestanism that only the New and Old Testaments of the Holy Bible represent truth from God. And the Pope can shove his opinions!

Are Protestants "Christians"?

Finally, if you allow any Tom, ****, or Harry to proclaim that they are a "Christian" whilst proclaiming their own personal views and interpretations of scriptures, etc. Then anything goes!

Are "Designer Christians" really "Christians"?

You decide. flowerforyou

I'm not sure if your questions are rhetorical here - but since you asked.

Are Catholics Christians?

No. Not universally anyway. Simply claiming to belong to the Catholic church doesn not make one a christian.

Are Protestants Christians?

No. For the same reason.

Now - had you asked if a chriatian can be either a Catholic or a Protestant - I would say yes. Provided they repent of their unbelief and put their faith in Jesus. That is what makes one a christian. Not joining a denomination or sect.

Lobotomy59's photo
Sat 10/11/08 04:58 PM
Ok, as far as the bible itself is concerned...Question should then be,' Are there truths in it?'. I believe, like most theologies/mythologies, there is a grain of truth behind most all stories. Events that did happen, and can often be proved as such, by the usual scientific methods. But it was written with the slant of the writer of the time. Today ,we know what causes a solar eclipse...but to those of the period the book in question was written, it was the hand of whichever gods they put belief in. OR to whom were they dedicating the story too? Writers of the day were more court scribes,as well temple-bound, and not the common man. Thus are stories/histories written by them will have that slant to it. And once a religeous slant is put on it, that's the truth, irregardless of the facts! Which also explains some of the inconsistantcies found with in it too. That and much being written,secondhand. Not by observers to events. Thus any and all histories should be read with a eye to that.

Krimsa's photo
Sat 10/11/08 05:01 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sat 10/11/08 05:02 PM
What are you attempting to assert here sir? That Methuselah did not actually live to be over 900 years old? Its Blasphemy! Hes a witch! Stone him.

laugh laugh laugh

Lobotomy59's photo
Sat 10/11/08 11:48 PM
If you wish to use that as an example, YES!!...hahaha AMoung others...THe genesis creation myth, has been proved to be a copy of the sumerian/babalonian creation myth..the names have been changed to protect the divine....:)

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 11:50 PM
Sorry I'm out of rocks!

Lobotomy59's photo
Sat 10/11/08 11:57 PM
Don't fret yourselves..Stoning has been taken care of for the evening...

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 11:59 PM
Edited by arkdanimal on Sun 10/12/08 12:02 AM
Can you pass that over here? The song said "everybody must get stoned"!!!lol

Lobotomy59's photo
Sun 10/12/08 12:12 AM
TRied...hit the firewall, and POOF...Up in smoke....

arkdanimal's photo
Sun 10/12/08 12:17 AM
could give a hole new meaning to "burning bush"

Krimsa's photo
Sun 10/12/08 02:26 AM

If you wish to use that as an example, YES!!...hahaha AMoung others...THe genesis creation myth, has been proved to be a copy of the sumerian/babalonian creation myth..the names have been changed to protect the divine....:)

Yep, I actually posted all that maybe a month ago. The evangelical Christians just argued. There are many similarities between the accounts of creation. In particular "The Tree of Knowledge" story. Its borderline plagiarism. The Sumerians were not Semitic BUT they were sacked by the Akkadians who were a Semitic people in origin and this is where the connection lies and why some of these myths might have been passed down. Evidently, the "word of God" got around. happy