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Fri 09/19/08 02:41 PM
Alright fair enough. I personally feel like it is quite fair to allow the public school system to continue to teach science and mathematics in their classrooms. Let them handle that end of it. I wish teachers were actually paid adequate wages but this debate is not addressing that issue of course. Then your child is getting the best of both worlds because if you want to sign them up for bible theology classes on their own, have at it. I was speaking in general terms meaning all children and not directing the comment towards your own. Sorry I should have clarified that. And how would allowing your kids access to the theory of evolution in public school and then having them also attend bible theology classes not allow them to see all sides of the debate? So you agree? I thought you were asserting that Creationism should be taught along side of the Theory of Evolution by teachers paid for by tax monies in a public school setting? I must have misunderstood your position then. Sorry. |
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Fri 09/19/08 02:51 PM
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesnt exist Exactly !!!!!!! he is the great deceiver... Yes he is. He has everyone convinced he created the earth. he wants people to think he doesn't exist... so people will just continue to do their own selfish, foolish thing No, he wants everyone to think he is God, and his alter ego is the devil. You see, we live in the world of the two headed God. One good, one evil. (Both are "Satan.") I know this will come as a shock to some of you, but that's the truth. JB Dear Sister ... not much comes as a shock to me... but you do realize that i am not one to roll over so easily beliefs are strong and mine are no different... I have my beliefs and you have yours... I do not believe in a two headed god called satan.... but if we put all of our ideas & aspirations into the melting pot hopefully we will emerge with the purest of molten silver that we can find compassion & understanding and some common denominators and learn to live in love, peace & harmony |
Alright fair enough. I personally feel like it is quite fair to allow the public school system to continue to teach science and mathematics in their classrooms. Let them handle that end of it. I wish teachers were actually paid adequate wages but this debate is not addressing that issue of course. Then your child is getting the best of both worlds because if you want to sign them up for bible theology classes on their own, have at it. I was speaking in general terms meaning all children and not directing the comment towards your own. Sorry I should have clarified that. And how would allowing your kids access to the theory of evolution in public school and then having them also attend bible theology classes not allow them to see all sides of the debate? So you agree? I thought you were asserting that Creationism should be taught along side of the Theory of Evolution by teachers paid for by taxes in a public school setting? I must have misunderstood your position then. Sorry. |
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Fri 09/19/08 02:53 PM
Alright fair enough. I personally feel like it is quite fair to allow the public school system to continue to teach science and mathematics in their classrooms. Let them handle that end of it. I wish teachers were actually paid adequate wages but this debate is not addressing that issue of course. Then your child is getting the best of both worlds because if you want to sign them up for bible theology classes on their own, have at it. I was speaking in general terms meaning all children and not directing the comment towards your own. Sorry I should have clarified that. And how would allowing your kids access to the theory of evolution in public school and then having them also attend bible theology classes not allow them to see all sides of the debate? So you agree? I thought you were asserting that Creationism should be taught along side of the Theory of Evolution by teachers paid for by taxes in a public school setting? I must have misunderstood your position then. Sorry. Well they give the students an overview of the theory in science class. If they go to college, they can specialize in whatever field of study they want. Its the same with becoming a Catholic priest or a minster I would assume. If someone decides they want to pursue that as a career, then they would join a seminary I would guess. Anyway, the point is that no one is denied anything. In the public school, the children are exposed to evolutionary premise and then the parents always have the option of signing them up for any additional religious theology classes of any designation that they deem acceptable for their own children. That way nothing is being forced on anyone else's kids which I tend to feel is fair. |
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Fri 09/19/08 02:54 PM
Sharpshooter wrote: actually JB, I said earlier that I don't think creation could be taught effectively in these classes. If it was up to me, it should be taught in church, but I don't believe a lot of churches teach everything correctly either. Leave it out, just think it should be bought up as an opposing belief on the theory of evolution as well, they don't have to go into any great detail. They could very well mention it for all I know, it has been sometime since high school for me anyway Well its been a long time since I have been in church but I thought they did teach it in church. From some of the stuff I have seen on line about 'creationism science" all they did was mix some basic biology and obvious known science with what the Bible says about it. Much like mixing oil with water, is just sounded stupid. Since evolution today is taught as a science much more has been learned since Darwin's theory, and it can't be called a "belief" as it is "science" and it lays out facts and discoveries and theories of many other people. So you can't really call it an "apposing belief" because it is not a "belief" system it is just information. If it were a religion or a belief they would not allow it in schools, and they would probably start building churches or forming cults. I don't think scientists purposely seek to destroy religions but they would not be scientists if they refused to seek answers to questions just because they differed from some group of myths or some religious belief. Thank God for scientists! If it were not for them we would still be living in the dark ages where they burned women at the stake just because some guy found her beautiful and irresistible that they accused her of enchantment and witch craft so their wives would not blame them for screwing around. Thank God for reasonable people who make laws against radical things like that. That is, if there is a God. Thank the Universe, thank what ever allows us to grow and learn the truth. JB |
Alright fair enough. I personally feel like it is quite fair to allow the public school system to continue to teach science and mathematics in their classrooms. Let them handle that end of it. I wish teachers were actually paid adequate wages but this debate is not addressing that issue of course. Then your child is getting the best of both worlds because if you want to sign them up for bible theology classes on their own, have at it. I was speaking in general terms meaning all children and not directing the comment towards your own. Sorry I should have clarified that. And how would allowing your kids access to the theory of evolution in public school and then having them also attend bible theology classes not allow them to see all sides of the debate? So you agree? I thought you were asserting that Creationism should be taught along side of the Theory of Evolution by teachers paid for by taxes in a public school setting? I must have misunderstood your position then. Sorry. Well they give the students an overview of the theory in science class. If they go to college, they can specialize in whatever field of study they want. Its the same with becoming a Catholic priest or a minster I would assume. If someone decides they want to pursue that as a career, then they would join a seminary I would guess. Anyway, the point is that no one is denied anything. In the public school, the children are exposed to evolutionary premise and then the parents always have the option of signing them up for any additional religious theology classes of any designation that they deem acceptable for their own children. That way nothing is being forced on anyone else's kids which I tend to feel is fair. |
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Fri 09/19/08 02:59 PM
Alright fair enough. I personally feel like it is quite fair to allow the public school system to continue to teach science and mathematics in their classrooms. Let them handle that end of it. I wish teachers were actually paid adequate wages but this debate is not addressing that issue of course. Then your child is getting the best of both worlds because if you want to sign them up for bible theology classes on their own, have at it. I was speaking in general terms meaning all children and not directing the comment towards your own. Sorry I should have clarified that. And how would allowing your kids access to the theory of evolution in public school and then having them also attend bible theology classes not allow them to see all sides of the debate? So you agree? I thought you were asserting that Creationism should be taught along side of the Theory of Evolution by teachers paid for by taxes in a public school setting? I must have misunderstood your position then. Sorry. Well they give the students an overview of the theory in science class. If they go to college, they can specialize in whatever field of study they want. Its the same with becoming a Catholic priest or a minster I would assume. If someone decides they want to pursue that as a career, then they would join a seminary I would guess. Anyway, the point is that no one is denied anything. In the public school, the children are exposed to evolutionary premise and then the parents always have the option of signing them up for any additional religious theology classes of any designation that they deem acceptable for their own children. That way nothing is being forced on anyone else's kids which I tend to feel is fair. I would agree with you that our public schools are pretty bad off at the moment. Lack of funding and teachers are not paid reasonable wages. My brother is an elementary school teacher as is his wife and its NOT good for them money wise. But they both love it and its what they want to do. Teachers are teachers. |
Alright fair enough. I personally feel like it is quite fair to allow the public school system to continue to teach science and mathematics in their classrooms. Let them handle that end of it. I wish teachers were actually paid adequate wages but this debate is not addressing that issue of course. Then your child is getting the best of both worlds because if you want to sign them up for bible theology classes on their own, have at it. I was speaking in general terms meaning all children and not directing the comment towards your own. Sorry I should have clarified that. And how would allowing your kids access to the theory of evolution in public school and then having them also attend bible theology classes not allow them to see all sides of the debate? So you agree? I thought you were asserting that Creationism should be taught along side of the Theory of Evolution by teachers paid for by taxes in a public school setting? I must have misunderstood your position then. Sorry. Well they give the students an overview of the theory in science class. If they go to college, they can specialize in whatever field of study they want. Its the same with becoming a Catholic priest or a minster I would assume. If someone decides they want to pursue that as a career, then they would join a seminary I would guess. Anyway, the point is that no one is denied anything. In the public school, the children are exposed to evolutionary premise and then the parents always have the option of signing them up for any additional religious theology classes of any designation that they deem acceptable for their own children. That way nothing is being forced on anyone else's kids which I tend to feel is fair. I would agree with you that our public schools are pretty bad off at the moment. Lack of funding and teachers are not paid reasonable wages. My brother is an elementary school teacher as is his wife and its NOT good for them money wise. But they both love it and its what they want to do. Teachers are teachers. |
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Fri 09/19/08 04:12 PM
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesnt exist Yes! Have I found my soul mate here online? I loved that movie by the way. "The Usual Suspects." The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist This was first said by the famous French poet Baudelaire in an unusual short story about meeting the Devil and having a grand old time. I call Plagiarism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Well these are elementary school kids so its not hard in that sense and certain aspects of the job are phenomenal but you do need to realize going into it that it does not pay all that well. Most everyone that I know who has pursued teaching as a career has had various issues as it relates to their finances and staying afloat. The financial aspect is wrapped up in the type of teaching you are doing.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesnt exist yes, the potential of evil exist in anything, so anything can be the devil in disguise, and anything as god in disguise, and seems the greater trick is making believe either exist as more than self for a time, as would not this make all men look at their neighbor with caution, thinking "perhaps he is of the devil"........ would not this always make mankind divided against one another with this thinking? indeed, for god to be made a singular greatest good, would also make all look at their neighbor and wonder, thinking "perhaps he is not of god".......... so what is the devil, and what is god? if the greatest biblical truth was said to 'LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF, than..... why did it not say to love thy "god" beleiving neighbor..... why did it not say to love only those of the same faith...... indeed if any believe in text, it is not missed it said all like sheep have gone astray, so then the same as to say all are sheep, and will go astray, so what do all have in common but being born mortal, and how can one live mortal the same as when immortal, or on earth, the same as in heaven, and seems why "mortal with good and bad exists for all for a spell", to aquire the knowing of mortal and of good and bad, to then have the understanding of what immortal is, and what NO GOOD AND BAD IS LIKE WHEN HAD, as called heaven...... why did it not say to love the neighbor that does as one thinks and beleievs as good...... and even greater it seems was love thy enemies, as certainly, the devil was called as an enemy, so if he is seen in a neighbor, then that one is to be loved as self, and how could this be done, as can anything love what it think is evil, or of the devil, lol....... seems one man is first divided in himself, believing that there is a greater god or greater devil as anything more than himself, and THIS BELIEF WITHIN THEN CREATE WHAT LOOK OUT AND DIVIDE ALL SEEN INTO CATEGORIES OF GOOD AND EVIL, WHICH IS THEN TO ALWAYS PERPETUATE DISUNITY, AND NO BELIEF THAT UNDERSTANDING OF ANOTHER CAN BE HAD, AS THEY ARE CONSIDERED AS OF EVIL, HAVING NO ABILTITY TO THINK AS RATIONAL, LOL.... so if the belief of a singular god create evil, and divide, and the belief of a singular devil, create divide, then it would seem to fit the text, that in the beginning of the seventh day of creation, the ending of the sixth day, the space of time of fear of the beast of one cycle being the number of days of man as fulfilled as 666 times of days of god and satan thinking by all mankind, and if the seventh day is rest of god, then would not also satan have to rest, as how can god rest if satan be on the loose, and if both rest than what is there........NO BELIEF IN EITHER AS ANYTHING BUT THE GREATEST EVIL ANY MAN CAN DO, AND GOD AS THE GREATEST GOOD ANY MAN CAN DO, AND IF THESE ARE BOTH AS ALL THINGS WORKING FOR GOOD, THEN NIGHT AND DAY IS AS NO MORE, GOOD AND EVIL AS DISLOVED, WITH GREATER TRUTH CALLED AS A GREATER THAN SOLOMON TO COME, THAN ALL MANKIND WOULD COME TO BE EMBRACED, AND GREATER LOVE, AND PEACE, AND UNTIY, AS THE GREATEST "TRUTH'S" OF JESUS RETURNING, AS FULFILLED, ALL LOVING NOW THEIR NEIGHBOR, AND ALL WEEP FOR THE KILLING OF WHAT WAS ONCE CALLED AS EVIL, AND THE NEIGHBORS DESPISED AND THOUGHT AS EVIL, and there is knowing of the tree of life, and the knowing of the tree of good and evil as tow peoples and secs is passed away, and every knee bow and every tongue confess, that the TRUTH that jesus spoke was as correct, that was were as the least of these, and all were as children, and all now seen as equal, as it was written that god seen all man as created equal, and all now see thru the same eyes, seeing the same truth god seen thru that seen equal, and the taste of peace is good, and the image of greater self of all is made known, and peace reigns forevermore......... it did say within the same text, as the belief in the devil came from, that heaven would be created on earth, and was within, and there would be a 1000 years of peace on earth, and a seventh day would be of a 1000 years, and would complete a singular complete cycle of many cycles of the same earth, having many layers of cycles of times of civilization......... so how long has "this cycle" has been alive would seem to say more of where mankind is....... just ideas..... peace |