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Topic: 911 changed everything
madisonman's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:05 PM
911 the day it all changed. Our bungling government either let 911 happen or were in on it. 911 started the run up on gas prices and caused two wars killing millions. 911 broke our nations back economicly and moraly. 3 buildings came crashing down on 911 and our country has spent and borrowed over a trillion to catch the allaged mastermind of 911 and he still runs free. Figure it out.

warmachine's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:19 PM
Now there are rumors of Bin Laden being an October surprise.

What's even cuter is the resurgence of the Taliban in Pakistan/Afghanistan.

Lets see, Musharref takes control in a bloodless military coup, Bush then holds hands with that dictator sending him billions and propping him up, the Money goes missing, no one knows what happened to it, now it's revealed that Musharref has had numerous and extensive ties to the Taliban and Al CIAda. Is it really any surprise that the Taliban has the resources again to operate against our forces?

Coincidence, true coincidence is extremely rare and I don't think after all this time and all this crap you can call this a coincidence.
Gotta keep the terrorist boogeyman around, else, the sheeple portion of the American citizenry might poke their head out of the sand and get a look at whats really going on.

madisonman's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:40 PM
Air Defense Failures
a. The US air defense system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights.
b. Timelines: The various responsible agencies - NORAD, FAA, Pentagon, USAF, as well as the 9/11 Commission - gave radically different explanations for the failure (in some cases upheld for years), such that several officials must have lied; but none were held accountable.
c. Was there an air defense standdown?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:46 PM

Now there are rumors of Bin Laden being an October surprise.

What's even cuter is the resurgence of the Taliban in Pakistan/Afghanistan.

Lets see, Musharref takes control in a bloodless military coup, Bush then holds hands with that dictator sending him billions and propping him up, the Money goes missing, no one knows what happened to it, now it's revealed that Musharref has had numerous and extensive ties to the Taliban and Al CIAda. Is it really any surprise that the Taliban has the resources again to operate against our forces?

Coincidence, true coincidence is extremely rare and I don't think after all this time and all this crap you can call this a coincidence.
Gotta keep the terrorist boogeyman around, else, the sheeple portion of the American citizenry might poke their head out of the sand and get a look at whats really going on.


Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/11/08 01:53 PM
We all should know by now that the government failed us on the 9/11 thing.

There was alot of fishy stuff there too, I will agree. I cannot bring myself to believe though that our government was that corrupt to perpetrate the 9/11 crime itself. I guess I have to have some kind of faith in the government.

As for bin laden, Bush just sent secret orders in July for raids in Pakistan so maybe he is trying to bring in bin laden to help the Republican party gain face. It is really sad that bin laden becomes the issue now when he should have been the issue all along.

cottonelle's photo
Thu 09/11/08 02:09 PM
conspiracy theories sure do keep some people busy

kerbear73's photo
Thu 09/11/08 02:15 PM
Nothing like those Positive Liberals to spread sunshine on the day....

t22learner's photo
Thu 09/11/08 02:38 PM

Gotta keep the terrorist boogeyman around, else, the sheeple portion of the American citizenry might poke their head out of the sand and get a look at whats really going on.

It's all about the fear to keep the war machine roaring and the Halliburton profits soaring!

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/11/08 02:45 PM

Gotta keep the terrorist boogeyman around, else, the sheeple portion of the American citizenry might poke their head out of the sand and get a look at whats really going on.

It's all about the fear to keep the war machine roaring and the Halliburton profits soaring!

How do you control masses of people at the same time? Find out what they fear the most and make it a reality and then tell them you have the cure. People will follow you into hell. LOL

120557's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:22 PM

911 the day it all changed. Our bungling government either let 911 happen or were in on it. 911 started the run up on gas prices and caused two wars killing millions.
MM, you just don't quit, do you. You are so full of it, it is starting to drible out your mouth. When are you going to face facts and grow up?

no photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:25 PM

911 the day it all changed. Our bungling government either let 911 happen or were in on it. 911 started the run up on gas prices and caused two wars killing millions.

MM, you just don't quit, do you. You are so full of it, it is starting to drible out your mouth. When are you going to face facts and grow up?

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell

madisonman's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:33 PM
Plundered Trillions?
On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced a "war on waste" after an internal audit found that the Pentagon was "missing" 2.3 trillion dollars in unaccounted assets. On September 11th, this was as good as forgotten.
/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon

TJN's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:40 PM
I would hope that on today of all days we could put aside our diferences and if we have nothing nice to say not say anything but I can see that hasnt happened. To blame what happened on that tragic day 7 years ago on the Bush admin is just ignorant. You say all these things yet we havnt had an attack on U.S. soil since! I thing our gov is doing a damn good job of protecting us. Lets not get complacent and forget that day. Because if the day ever comes and we have forgoten it surly it will happen again

madisonman's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:47 PM

I would hope that on today of all days we could put aside our diferences and if we have nothing nice to say not say anything but I can see that hasnt happened. To blame what happened on that tragic day 7 years ago on the Bush admin is just ignorant. You say all these things yet we havnt had an attack on U.S. soil since! I thing our gov is doing a damn good job of protecting us. Lets not get complacent and forget that day. Because if the day ever comes and we have forgoten it surly it will happen again
you forgot about the anthrax letters

cottonelle's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:58 PM
if americas government is so corrupt then move to iraq

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:01 PM

911 the day it all changed. Our bungling government either let 911 happen or were in on it. 911 started the run up on gas prices and caused two wars killing millions. 911 broke our nations back economicly and moraly. 3 buildings came crashing down on 911 and our country has spent and borrowed over a trillion to catch the allaged mastermind of 911 and he still runs free. Figure it out.

the threat to the U.S. was there all along
the despicable attack on the innocent civilians
7 years ago today merely galvanized world
opinion against terrorism and fundamentalist
militant Islam. we are all awake, vigilant, and
quite effectively fighting those who threaten
us now.

despite bin laden's ability to bury himself in obscurity,
the al quaeda organization has been completely hobbled,
denied sanctuary, and is brutally attacked whenever
and wherever they arise. they are now recognized as
abhorrent immoral movement worldwide.

the brutal genocidal maniac saddam was routed. a
criminal who thumbed his nose at the international community while stockpiling uranium ore and massacring civilians by the thousands using both primitive torture and biological weapons...

saddam's massive oil revenues will not be diverted to
terroristic activies by him again.

so yes, much has changed after 911 - and much for the better.

ultimately bin laden failed miserably and helped to
show the whole world the real face of terrorism...
raising awareness everywhere.

reminding us all that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:06 PM

I would hope that on today of all days we could put aside our diferences and if we have nothing nice to say not say anything but I can see that hasnt happened. To blame what happened on that tragic day 7 years ago on the Bush admin is just ignorant. You say all these things yet we havnt had an attack on U.S. soil since! I thing our gov is doing a damn good job of protecting us. Lets not get complacent and forget that day. Because if the day ever comes and we have forgoten it surly it will happen again

At least you did not say the "psuedo war on terror" is the cause of us not being attacked again. I cannot believe people would stupidly believe that garbage. We have not had any attacks here due to two things. One the homeland security, which is lacking when it comes to securing our borders, but does okay with all the other stuff and two the fact we sent enough Americans overseas to satisfy their thirst for American blood. Warring with us is what they wanted, war is all they know, Bush gave them just what they wanted. They will be happy to continue to kill us off little by little for the next 2000 years like they have done each other if we let them.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:07 PM

911 the day it all changed. Our bungling government either let 911 happen or were in on it. 911 started the run up on gas prices and caused two wars killing millions. 911 broke our nations back economicly and moraly. 3 buildings came crashing down on 911 and our country has spent and borrowed over a trillion to catch the allaged mastermind of 911 and he still runs free. Figure it out.

the threat to the U.S. was there all along
the despicable attack on the innocent civilians
7 years ago today merely galvanized world
opinion against terrorism and fundamentalist
militant Islam. we are all awake, vigilant, and
quite effectively fighting those who threaten
us now.

despite bin laden's ability to bury himself in obscurity,
the al quaeda organization has been completely hobbled,
denied sanctuary, and is brutally attacked whenever
and wherever they arise. they are now recognized as
abhorrent immoral movement worldwide.

the brutal genocidal maniac saddam was routed. a
criminal who thumbed his nose at the international community while stockpiling uranium ore and massacring civilians by the thousands using both primitive torture and biological weapons...

saddam's massive oil revenues will not be diverted to
terroristic activies by him again.

so yes, much has changed after 911 - and much for the better.

ultimately bin laden failed miserably and helped to
show the whole world the real face of terrorism...
raising awareness everywhere.

reminding us all that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Not true at all. Homework is needed.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:12 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Thu 09/11/08 04:15 PM

Not true at all. Homework is needed.

ok - come back after you successfully complete your homework!


you don't believe as the OP suggested that the
World Trade Center attacks were a U.S. Govt. conspiracy!?

laugh laugh laugh

Lynann's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:44 PM
What's the use?

Too many posters on this board would rather buy a bill of goods, point fingers, thump bibles and ignore facts.

What's the use?

I am beginning to think posting here is useless. Not that I will stop haha

Telling the truth, and posting facts instead of lies leaves many posters unmoved. They counter with hatred of liberals and non-Christians, along with paranoia about taxes rising, terrorists attacking and secret Muslim plots. Maybe I should try repeating one non-word over and over in a long post that might catch the attention of some?

What's the use?

Know what? Taxes are going up no matter who is in office? Know why? Because in the last nearly eight ears we have gone from a surplus to an obscenely large deficit and the republicans are spending like a drunk a sailor. Someone has to pay the bill eventually. If you can't figure that out I'd like to see your checkbook.

What's the use?

As for you love it or leave it types. You might as well quit singing that old tune. I love it so much I will stay and attempt to defend it from you neo-fascist who are driving this country daily away from the country that our founding fathers envisioned.

What's the use?

How any of you can continue to buy the repeated and blatant lies for the McCain/Palin campaign I will never know. I am assuming, based on the topics some chose to post, a great deal of you get all your political information from campaign ads or highly partisan sites.

What's the use?

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