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Topic: Are you? If so what makes you...
IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:21 PM

I'm always called mean and often considered a jackass, because I don't give sympathy to all those who seek it and I don't give pats on the back to people for doing what they probably should be doing anyway.

With that being said, when I confront those sympathy seekers and those patting themselves on the back, I'm often called a negative jackass!

Give folks a dose of reality and be called mean, negative, jackass, etc...

OR... Agree with everyone and pat everyone on the back that says, "Hey look at me" and be called nice, sweetheart, caring, etc...

I'll continue to be the mean and hateful negative jackass that I am instead of trying to fit in with the crowd!:angel:


((((Thomas)))) I agree completely...

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:21 PM
hold on, ya'll--let me change them battery on my earpiece----------
-now--whatcha say?

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:29 PM

someone just mentioned to me that this topic is being taken off topic by a few that are bs'ing in the thread, and that is rude... Is that mean? some think so (this person didn't) but rude and mean are different but some think they are one and the same...

My thoughts: sometimes people take over or make a thread off topic on accident but if it's a serious help me then that's not cool..

No honey, those are the people who like to think they are "nice"

Creatively deceptive
Emotionally stunted

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:29 PM
So basically, no one here is mean, they're just honest and learn from their mistakes and don't blame their problems on everyone else.. Is that it in a nutshell?

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:30 PM

So basically, no one here is mean, they're just honest and learn from their mistakes and don't blame their problems on everyone else.. Is that it in a nutshell?

i hope so laugh

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:30 PM
ahahahhhhahaaahahahahahahahaha--i can't believe this------

seahawks's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:32 PM

So basically, no one here is mean, they're just honest and learn from their mistakes and don't blame their problems on everyone else.. Is that it in a nutshell?
yes yur right, and i hope that lily will accept an apology and a nice hug.!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:33 PM

ahahahhhhahaaahahahahahahahaha--i can't believe this------

What?? (((Shadow)))...

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:35 PM

So basically, no one here is mean, they're just honest and learn from their mistakes and don't blame their problems on everyone else.. Is that it in a nutshell?
yes yur right, and i hope that lily will accept an apology and a nice hug.!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Narcisistic Insincere Creatively deceptive Emotionally stunted hug? No thanks...

seahawks's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:36 PM

So basically, no one here is mean, they're just honest and learn from their mistakes and don't blame their problems on everyone else.. Is that it in a nutshell?
yes yur right, and i hope that lily will accept an apology and a nice hug.!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Narcisistic Insincere Creatively deceptive Emotionally stunted hug? No thanks...

cheers to ya too hun.!!!drinker

lilith401's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:40 PM
I get called mean a lot, just like Lily. I consider myself to be honest, again just as Lily is. She is a wonderful person, as genuine in real life as she is here.

I think that telling it like it is in this forum is actually a kindness, and it's how I expect to be treated. If people ask for feedback and are genuinely hurt by a person being forthright, well that hardly makes the feedback provider mean. Rather, if it is honest and comes from a place of trying to give a simple perspective, the recipient should try and figure out why they are so offended.

Look within. Don't blame others for hitting a nerve. There are some truly fantastic people here, Princess included. I actually giggled when she wrote people think she could possibly be mean!

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:43 PM

I get called mean a lot, just like Lily. I consider myself to be honest, again just as Lily is. She is a wonderful person, as genuine in real life as she is here.

I think that telling it like it is in this forum is actually a kindness, and it's how I expect to be treated. If people ask for feedback and are genuinely hurt by a person being forthright, well that hardly makes the feedback provider mean. Rather, if it is honest and comes from a place of trying to give a simple perspective, the recipient should try and figure out why they are so offended.

Look within. Don't blame others for hitting a nerve. There are some truly fantastic people here, Princess included. I actually giggled when she wrote people think she could possibly be mean!

thank you darlin' I too will vouche for Lillith's genuine personality, she has told me things that maybe at first I though "Oh wait, what" but when I really listened to her, she was giving me advise that my mother would have given me... and that in a friend is priceless...flowerforyou

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:45 PM
(((Lilith))) thank you sweets.. I adore you and Lily... And agree with you both...

I have made so many friends and I adore so many on here... Sometimes we say things b/c of a mood or situation or the OP's post hits a nerve or a comment and that is understable everyone has a bad day/moment, etc. but it does not make us mean...

I've had people say mean things to me like "die, you're ugly, you're old, etc." some have apologized later and I've accepted it, other's have not... It's the one's that apologize or admit when they're wrong that I respect...

But all in all, I really can't say anyone is mean just down right mean...

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:49 PM

(((Lilith))) thank you sweets.. I adore you and Lily... And agree with you both...

I have made so many friends and I adore so many on here... Sometimes we say things b/c of a mood or situation or the OP's post hits a nerve or a comment and that is understable everyone has a bad day/moment, etc. but it does not make us mean...

I've had people say mean things to me like "die, you're ugly, you're old, etc." some have apologized later and I've accepted it, other's have not... It's the one's that apologize or admit when they're wrong that I respect...

But all in all, I really can't say anyone is mean just down right mean...

I've had people tell me my tatoos were tacky and classless.... wow, all because I said something they didn't like? That is mental instability at it's finest.

When names start geting called that's mean... that's nasty and dirty... and shows a lack of intelligence on the part of the poster or person IRL... To insult someone because you don't agree with what they say is inmature. Now if you wanna talk about the statemtent made that's a bird of a different color... The minute someone goes to the insults... I know I won, they don't have anymore amo in the gun.

oldsage's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:52 PM
Can be, chose not to.

If I have to, best look out, I play to win.

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:53 PM

ahahahhhhahaaahahahahahahahaha--i can't believe this------

What?? (((Shadow)))...

i forgot----

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:54 PM
I got on lil's boycott mean train this a.m. took all the mean outta me. When she boycott's it hurts!

lilith401's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:56 PM
I know I can say things that might be taken as mean. That makes them no less true. For example, the list I recently mailed to the guy I just dated. But my intent was not to hurt his feelings. It was to give him insight into his behavior and hope he treated others better. Yes, there was some reciprocity in it, but it was not to be evil.

In sum, he did not live by the Golden Rule. But if I'd be mean for no reason, or did something unrelated to why I was peeved, well then that would be wrong. In what I did, I will not give any apology. I'd so take one, though.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:58 PM

Can be, chose not to.

If I have to, best look out, I play to win.

Most mean people do Sage... that is the point, if we do we're mean, if we don't we're not but know we can..

Recently, I had someone try to start a rumor about me on here.. It was a lie, rather than follow that person around and make their life miserable which I am very good at. I chose to address them, let them know they were wrong and out of line and I've left them alone...

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 09/06/08 04:24 PM
Oh for fu*ks sake.

I don't think they were referring to the people who are honest in the way they speak.

They were referring to the people who are as*holes just because they can be.

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