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Topic: Are you? If so what makes you...
briancarr's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:08 PM
Because i care more about the Physical, more than the Mentaldrool 60/40drool

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:09 PM
I dont think I am mean. I dont ever intend to be, but I will admit, I pretty much make fun of everything...everything!:tongue:

itsmetina's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:09 PM
How about the people that keep the arguing up page after page.I just let it go myself.

seahawks's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:10 PM

I LUBS YOU ALL :heart: smooched flowerforyou smitten flowers
laugh laugh drinker drinker dubbzz howzzya bro.!!drinker

are ya mean, seahawk?--drinker drinker
laugh laugh hey bro how u doin.!!!drinker drinker

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:10 PM
i'm not meanie--i just smile like a meanie--bigsmile

seahawks's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:10 PM

I turn mean people into frogs. Does that make me mean?
laugh laugh laugh laugh

tngxl65's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:11 PM

Here's my take, I said this last night and I stand by it... I'm sure I'm considered mean by those that "don't know me well"..

It seems the mean one's are the one's that don't care for hearing constant whining and say something but the whiners are to be pitied and coddled...

The thing is if someone posts a thread that people don't agree with they get mad, if someone posts in a thread and people don't like their answers those people get mad.. BUT it THOSE people voice their opinion and it's not appreciated or treated as they've treated others, then they feel held back and not allowed to speak... it's whatever side of the fence people are on how their opinion goes... I've seen people here for 2 or 3 months talking that everyone is mean that they never will be, yet, how would they know how everyone used to be? Aren't they mean calling others mean? Living in glass houses is coming to mind... If you're not letting people have their opinion then you're just as mean...

Isn't it great when someone posts an opinion and then are SHOCKED and offended and get mean when someone doesn't agree with them? Did they HONESTLY think that everyone would agree with them?

Sweetnshy47's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:11 PM
Most people like to hear themselves talk,thats why I choose to shut up!Most of the time!!!laugh

cottonelle's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:12 PM
I'd like to sing a song about the American Dream
About me
About you
About the way our American hearts beat way down in the bottoms of our chests
About that special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts
Or maybe below the cockles
Maybe in the sub-cockle area
Maybe in the liver
Maybe in the kidneys
Maybe even in the colon
We don't know

I'm just a regular joe
With a regular job
I'm your average white
Suburbanite slob
I like football, and porno, and books about war
I've got an average house
With a nice hardwood floor
My wife, and my job
My kids, and my car
My feet on my table
And a Cuban cigar
But sometimes that just ain't enough
To keep a man like me interested
Oh no, no way, uh uhh
No, I gotta go out and have fun
At someone else's expense
Oh yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah

I drive really slow
In the ultra-fast lane
While people behind me are going insane

I'm an asshole
(he's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole
(he's an asshole, such an asshole)

I use public toilets
And I piss on the seat
I walk around in the summer time sayin', "How about this heat?"

I'm an asshole
(he's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole
(he's the worlds biggest asshole)

Sometimes I park in the handicapped spaces
While handicapped people
Make handicapped faces

I'm an asshole
(he's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole
(he's a real f**king asshole)

Maybe I shouldn't be singin' this song
Ranting and raving and carrying on
Maybe they're right when they tell me I'm wrong...

I'm an asshole
(he's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole
(he's the world's biggest asshole)

You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna get myself a 1967 Cadilac El Dorado Convertable
Hot pink!
With whale skin hub caps
An all leather cow interior
And big brown baby seal eyes for headlights
And I'm gonna drive around in that baby
At 115 miles per hour
Getting one mile per gallon
Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds in the old-fashioned non-biodegradable Styrofoam containers
And when I'm done sucking down those grease-ball burgers
I'm gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag
And then I'm gonna toss the Styrofoam containers right out the side
And there ain't a Goddamn thing anybody can do about it
You know why?
'Cause we got the bombs, that's why!
Two words: Nuclear F**kin' Weapons
Russia, Germany, Romania
They can have all the Democracy they want
They can have a big Democracy cake walk
Right through the middle of Tienemen Square
And it won't make a lick of difference
Because we got the bombs
John Wayne's not dead
He's frozen!
And as soon as we find a cure for cancer We're gonna thaw out "The Duke"
And he's gonna be pretty pissed off
You know why?
Have you ever taken a cold shower?
Well, multiply that by 15 million times
That's how pissed off "The Duke"'s gonna be
I'm gonna get "The Duke"
And John Cassavetes
And Lee Marvin
And Sam Peckinpah
And a case of whiskey
And drive down to Texas
(Hey, Hey! You know you really are an asshole)
Why don't you just shut-up and sing the song, pal?
You know, the whole time I thought I was that asshole
And it turns out it was him
What an asshole!

I'm an asshole
(he's an asshole, what an asshole)
I'm an asshole
(he's the worlds biggest asshole)

A - SS - HO - LE!
A - SS - HO - LE!

*dog barking noises*

I'm an asshole and proud of it!

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:13 PM

I LUBS YOU ALL :heart: smooched flowerforyou smitten flowers
laugh laugh drinker drinker dubbzz howzzya bro.!!drinker

are ya mean, seahawk?--drinker drinker
laugh laugh hey bro how u doin.!!!drinker drinker

seahawk!! good to see ya around!!--drinker drinker drinks

briancarr's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:13 PM

Most people like to hear themselves talk,thats why I choose to shut up!Most of the time!!!laugh
Did you say somethinghuh

seahawks's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:13 PM

dubbzz howzzya bro.!!

seahawks, my brotha from anotha,

Grabs two ice cold rolling rocks

and says cheers to ya mate

((((CLINK CLINK)))))

drinker drinks

drinker drinks

drinker drinker drinker cheers mate.!!

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:13 PM
I loves ya Lily....

In all honesty all of the people that have posted so far have never been mean just honest... Ok, some of us have been a little onery here and there.. But most of you I know, I email, chat with in one way or another and the hearts are good, you just don't like whining bs... We have to be able to see that we're all different and have the right to react differently and have different opinions...

Now in my "opinion" if someone comes on and says "I need advice" and tells a story that is not whining not need just truly they are lost and then another goes in and says "pull up your big girl panties and get over it, or something meaner" that may be considered a little mean. but what others forget is that we have all been through stuff and if it's the same thing we may not be that sympathetic if someone is sniveling about something that is so easy to take care of if you just stand up and do it... On the other hand if it's awful thing, death, kids loss (without the parent doing something do deserve it), then empathy is deserved.. There is a difference between sympathy and empathy and that needs to be learned before you decide if someone is mean...

I have so much more but will cut this here so it's not so long..

seahawks's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:13 PM

I LUBS YOU ALL :heart: smooched flowerforyou smitten flowers
laugh laugh drinker drinker dubbzz howzzya bro.!!drinker

are ya mean, seahawk?--drinker drinker
laugh laugh hey bro how u doin.!!!drinker drinker

seahawk!! good to see ya around!!--drinker drinker drinks
back at chyadrinker drinker drinker

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:15 PM

We all need more sex and things would be happier here:tongue:


actually, i try to be as kind as possible always.
kindness is greatly underrated.


IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:16 PM
This was sent to me by a good friend that can't post just now...

Apparently, I'm mean....so I'm told. But, "some people" are not able to differentiate between "mean" & "honest". Hey, I don't sugarcoat my honesty...never have....never will.

Look, you post a question, presumptively expecting answers/comments. You may not get the answers you want...or maybe you will, but they are not formatted in a wussy, let's all hug kinda' way.

Mean would be calling you names....telling you you're fat, ugly, have a big hairly mole that looks like a chocolate chip with a whisker....blah....blah....blah. Being honest, without "wussifying" the response is not mean.

Grow up....grow a pair and if you don't want real answers...STFU and go post at Romperroom.com smokin

Sweetnshy47's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:16 PM

Most people like to hear themselves talk,thats why I choose to shut up!Most of the time!!!laugh
Did you say somethinghuh

Thomas27's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:20 PM
I'm always called mean and often considered a jackass, because I don't give sympathy to all those who seek it and I don't give pats on the back to people for doing what they probably should be doing anyway.

With that being said, when I confront those sympathy seekers and those patting themselves on the back, I'm often called a negative jackass!

Give folks a dose of reality and be called mean, negative, jackass, etc...

OR... Agree with everyone and pat everyone on the back that says, "Hey look at me" and be called nice, sweetheart, caring, etc...

I'll continue to be the mean and hateful negative jackass that I am instead of trying to fit in with the crowd!:angel:


IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:21 PM
someone just mentioned to me that this topic is being taken off topic by a few that are bs'ing in the thread, and that is rude... Is that mean? some think so (this person didn't) but rude and mean are different but some think they are one and the same...

My thoughts: sometimes people take over or make a thread off topic on accident but if it's a serious help me then that's not cool..

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:21 PM

Isn't it great when someone posts an opinion and then are SHOCKED and offended and get mean when someone doesn't agree with them? Did they HONESTLY think that everyone would agree with them?

Do you see why I post ridiculous topics? I couldn't care less what people think about my life, the way I lead it or who I lead it with.... I do't get cranky when people insult me, I just retaliate... 'oh so you think you are good enough to judge me?" ..."if you are judging me, you cetainly aren't good enough for me, as a friend, as a lover, or as an enemie"

I'm tired of peole whinning and crying about how horrible their life is, I'm tired of people judging gay people, people of color, or different religion, or what gender they are, I'm tired of sexist pigs (both men and women) I'm tired of the pansey asses in the world who don't hold their head high and take responsibility for their actions, their life and the world around them.

If you don't like what I have to say it's because you resemble it, and in your tiny little brain somewhere in the recesses of your demented mind you know I'm right, and if you argue with me about it, it only proves my point even more.

You say b*tch like it's a bad thing...

by the way all of the yous are general in this case....

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