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Topic: Are you? If so what makes you...
beachbum069's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:36 PM
I can be a dumbas$$, but I don't think I've ever in my entire life been mean intentionally.

lilangel2's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:41 PM

Doesn't matter HOW wrong someone else is...if you have burned your wick too low drinker

Well I'm glad your world is sunshine and smiles and rainbows all the time, cuz in the rest of the world...... Just remember some of our conversations about "things" I'm sorry you block out that which you can't handle....

No ones life is Lily...you admite yours isn't...and my thread wasn't about you at all...odd you would think so???

It was totally satirical in an attempt to make people laugh.

But, if you are gonna run around thinking every post is made about you...then you need to ask yourself why.

Just stating that for the future. Most all my post start out with nothing but harmless fun in mind.

izzie's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:41 PM

I can be a dumbas$$, but I don't think I've ever in my entire life been mean intentionally.
yea!!! an unententionaly mean person!!

things like this are why im concidered mean!

lilangel2's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:42 PM

so again, why would you say "that's not the whole story is it?" since you do NOT know what the story is...only what you've heard....

Because..you were banned because of one too many OOOPS...not because of just one!

Oh and you know that because how were you directly involved? And since he was the one on the attack it's ok that I get suspended???

Lily EVERYONE knows that LOL

Everyone also knows it was not without provocation...which you know you are good at bigsmile

If you tell me what I said to provoke him, I'll let this die.... cuz there was pravokation on both parts which I thought was friendly until that malitious comment he made.

You gonna let it die with me cos I aint gonna discuss it with you. Had nothing to do with me.

lilangel2's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:43 PM
Lily....I am not Peccy

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:44 PM
laugh Dam Peccylaugh

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:44 PM

Doesn't matter HOW wrong someone else is...if you have burned your wick too low drinker

Well I'm glad your world is sunshine and smiles and rainbows all the time, cuz in the rest of the world...... Just remember some of our conversations about "things" I'm sorry you block out that which you can't handle....

No ones life is Lily...you admite yours isn't...and my thread wasn't about you at all...odd you would think so???

It was totally satirical in an attempt to make people laugh.

But, if you are gonna run around thinking every post is made about you...then you need to ask yourself why.

Just stating that for the future. Most all my post start out with nothing but harmless fun in mind.

I never assumed your post was about me..... I even joked in it, why would I assume it was about me?

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:46 PM

Lily....I am not Peccy

Then don't make statements such as "you know there's more to the story" it eludes that you know or care more than you do.....

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:47 PM
shocked oh snapshocked

lilangel2's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:48 PM

Lily....I am not Peccy

Then don't make statements such as "you know there's more to the story" it eludes that you know or care more than you do.....

I did know more...but not cos Im peccy...but because EVERYONE knows! bigsmile

Lily0923's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:51 PM

Lily....I am not Peccy

Then don't make statements such as "you know there's more to the story" it eludes that you know or care more than you do.....

I did know more...but not cos Im peccy...but because EVERYONE knows! bigsmile

what does everyone know? Does everyone know that I have had more suspensions reversed than I have actually had.... Does everyone know that I have been allowed to come back early from suspensions because I proved my point? Tell me Angel what does EVERYONE know about the goings on between Mingle admin and myself....

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:54 PM
:tongue: Practice makes perfect.....But nobody's perfect......so why practice?:tongue:

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:57 PM

:tongue: Practice makes perfect.....But nobody's perfect......so why practice?:tongue:

There are some things we should practice just b/c it's fun..... bigsmile

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:59 PM

:tongue: Practice makes perfect.....But nobody's perfect......so why practice?:tongue:

By now nobody can do it as well as I dolaugh laugh laugh laugh

izzie's photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:59 PM
i know nothing.. and im good at it..

saying that EVERYONE knows is just like saying that everyone is mean...

im not takin sides here.. by any means.. jsut thought id point that out

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:59 PM

mean? What's your story? Why are you considered mean?

I'm reading over and over that there are so many mean people on M2. I don't see it, so all mean people post here and let me know what makes you considered mean. Do you think you're mean?

Nice people may not want to post here, there will be too many mean people.... But feel free if you like just don't be upset at what's said....

Remember, keep it civil...

i'm a great big meeny for a couple of reasons-

1- my job...

my job, quite basically, sucks. the film business is a breeding ground of ineptitude, corruption, and mediocrity. the hours are long, i often have to work with dangerous (sometimes even carcinogenic) chemicals, the pay sucks (especially since the adoption of NAFTA and tax incentives, which essentially lowered-the-bar for the below-the-line worker via outsourcing), and the number of complete and total know-it-all @ssholes poisoning the industry is simply immense. what has become of hollywood is nothing more than a tax-shelter for nameless, faceless corporate types looking to hide the junk bond scheme money they glommed off of granny's 401K while working in wall street.

so i've developed a VERY tough skin after dealing with the idiots who make the movies you go and watch as a result. in fact, it's gotten SO tough that it's even made its way to my non-film related dealings with people, either.

and i'd get out as fast i can if it weren't for the fact i also have family in the business who need me to stay so that i can help keep THEM out of the poorhouse.

2- former relationships...

like a great many other members of mingle, i've had past relationships that have gone bust for one reason or another. and those relationships have not ended in an amiable fashion, either- in fact, my last one ended SO violently (she tried to pummel me about the head and ears with a skillet) that i swore off dating for over four years. and that sort of stuff tends to make people bitter.

there are probably other reasons to my meenihood, too. but i won't go into them just yet. :laughing:

lilangel2's photo
Sat 09/06/08 07:00 PM

Lily....I am not Peccy

Then don't make statements such as "you know there's more to the story" it eludes that you know or care more than you do.....

I did know more...but not cos Im peccy...but because EVERYONE knows! bigsmile

what does everyone know? Does everyone know that I have had more suspensions reversed than I have actually had.... Does everyone know that I have been allowed to come back early from suspensions because I proved my point? Tell me Angel what does EVERYONE know about the goings on between Mingle admin and myself....

Everyone knows you ruffle alot of feathers and had some strikes already against you...he just hadn't struck out and you had...simple as that! And you know this...but you continue to blame him...instead of your self.

izzie's photo
Sat 09/06/08 07:00 PM

:tongue: Practice makes perfect.....But nobody's perfect......so why practice?:tongue:

There are some things we should practice just b/c it's fun..... bigsmile
ill drink to that!!!drinker drinks drinks

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 09/06/08 07:03 PM
:tongue: I always blame Lily instead of myself :laughing:

lilangel2's photo
Sat 09/06/08 07:04 PM
I treat people as individuals and own up to my own mistakes.

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