Topic: Mc Cain picks Alaska Governor Palin
mnhiker's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:47 PM

Apples and oranges.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Just more twisted logic from a rightie.

No, god forbid we blame that moronic Govenor, or that Idiotic mayor, it is 100% Bush.

That is why I dislike liberals, they are too arrogant to admit when they are wrong, because they live in their little fantasy world that they are perfect....

The American people have had to put up with arrogance of the Republican elitists for over 7 years.

The Republicans who have run this country have almost brought it to the brink of destruction.

It's time for someone who can put people back to work, help this economy and improve our standing in the international community.

Some people (a delusional minority) still think Bush Jr. is one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived.

Who's living in a fantasy world?

I'd say most are. Dems or repubs. Repubs lately have been neoconservative instead of conservative. Dems are trying to be socialistic. Both are coming up with the same foriegn policies. The only difference between the two are on minor issues. IMO we have all been living in this fantasy world.

I would say it's more of the matter of which direction do you want this country to go in?

If you want more of the same, vote for McCain, because you must be happy with the way things are now.

If you aren't happy with the direction the country is going in, vote for someone else.

If that's Ron Paul or anyone other than McCain, fine.

At any rate, things have got to change.

I think the general message is if you vote for Obama or McCain than you are in for more of the same. May be different people, with some differences in certain smaller ideas, but looking at the big picture niether really discuss what matters. Yes i am for a third party. No i don't like McCain. I have read Obama's website pretty thoroughly and came up with almost NOTHING. He's just preaching. Winning votes by saying "change". Granted he does get a little more specific, but not much. I don't care about parties, or even their personal backgrounds. NIETHER of them have any plans that will CHANGE much of anything. If you disagree, please answer WHAT big issue Obama is gonna change. Cuz he ain't changing foriegn policy, he's just moving troops to a different locations outside the U.S.

You have the right to your own opinion.

I'm not saying Ron Paul doesn't have some good ideas, but you have to ask yourself how electable he is.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:47 PM

I'm sorry.

Just having a kid with Down's Syndrome and being the mayor of a small Alaska town doesn't qualify anyone to be Vice President.

I'm interested in her foreign policy experience.

Joe Biden has lots of it.

I don't want her a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

If (God forbid) something were to happen to John McCain, should he be elected as President (God forbid), I wouldn't want this woman to be President.

Yea and considering that heartbeat is as old as it is, this is a real concern too.noway

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:48 PM

Apples and oranges.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Just more twisted logic from a rightie.

No, god forbid we blame that moronic Govenor, or that Idiotic mayor, it is 100% Bush.

That is why I dislike liberals, they are too arrogant to admit when they are wrong, because they live in their little fantasy world that they are perfect....

The American people have had to put up with arrogance of the Republican elitists for over 7 years.

The Republicans who have run this country have almost brought it to the brink of destruction.

It's time for someone who can put people back to work, help this economy and improve our standing in the international community.

Some people (a delusional minority) still think Bush Jr. is one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived.

Who's living in a fantasy world?

I'd say most are. Dems or repubs. Repubs lately have been neoconservative instead of conservative. Dems are trying to be socialistic. Both are coming up with the same foriegn policies. The only difference between the two are on minor issues. IMO we have all been living in this fantasy world.

I would say it's more of the matter of which direction do you want this country to go in?

If you want more of the same, vote for McCain, because you must be happy with the way things are now.

If you aren't happy with the direction the country is going in, vote for someone else.

If that's Ron Paul or anyone other than McCain, fine.

At any rate, things have got to change.

What changes does obama want to bring, I have to hear that...

The same could be said about McCain... Logically, no one can explain what either candidate will "change" that will amount to much of anythign.

Ok, you don't know what change Obama is bringing, he was elected in 2005, what has he accomplished since he has been in the senate?

mnhiker's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:53 PM

Apples and oranges.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Just more twisted logic from a rightie.

No, god forbid we blame that moronic Govenor, or that Idiotic mayor, it is 100% Bush.

That is why I dislike liberals, they are too arrogant to admit when they are wrong, because they live in their little fantasy world that they are perfect....

The American people have had to put up with arrogance of the Republican elitists for over 7 years.

The Republicans who have run this country have almost brought it to the brink of destruction.

It's time for someone who can put people back to work, help this economy and improve our standing in the international community.

Some people (a delusional minority) still think Bush Jr. is one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived.

Who's living in a fantasy world?

I'd say most are. Dems or repubs. Repubs lately have been neoconservative instead of conservative. Dems are trying to be socialistic. Both are coming up with the same foriegn policies. The only difference between the two are on minor issues. IMO we have all been living in this fantasy world.

I would say it's more of the matter of which direction do you want this country to go in?

If you want more of the same, vote for McCain, because you must be happy with the way things are now.

If you aren't happy with the direction the country is going in, vote for someone else.

If that's Ron Paul or anyone other than McCain, fine.

At any rate, things have got to change.

What changes does obama want to bring, I have to hear that...

The same could be said about McCain... Logically, no one can explain what either candidate will "change" that will amount to much of anythign.

Ok, you don't know what change Obama is bringing, he was elected in 2005, what has he accomplished since he has been in the senate?

What things has Sarah Palin accomplished other than carry a Down's Syndrome kid, run a small town and supposedly take on "big oil"?

As far a political resumes go, hers is pretty empty.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:54 PM

Apples and oranges.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Just more twisted logic from a rightie.

No, god forbid we blame that moronic Govenor, or that Idiotic mayor, it is 100% Bush.

That is why I dislike liberals, they are too arrogant to admit when they are wrong, because they live in their little fantasy world that they are perfect....

The American people have had to put up with arrogance of the Republican elitists for over 7 years.

The Republicans who have run this country have almost brought it to the brink of destruction.

It's time for someone who can put people back to work, help this economy and improve our standing in the international community.

Some people (a delusional minority) still think Bush Jr. is one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived.

Who's living in a fantasy world?

I'd say most are. Dems or repubs. Repubs lately have been neoconservative instead of conservative. Dems are trying to be socialistic. Both are coming up with the same foriegn policies. The only difference between the two are on minor issues. IMO we have all been living in this fantasy world.

I would say it's more of the matter of which direction do you want this country to go in?

If you want more of the same, vote for McCain, because you must be happy with the way things are now.

If you aren't happy with the direction the country is going in, vote for someone else.

If that's Ron Paul or anyone other than McCain, fine.

At any rate, things have got to change.

I think the general message is if you vote for Obama or McCain than you are in for more of the same. May be different people, with some differences in certain smaller ideas, but looking at the big picture niether really discuss what matters. Yes i am for a third party. No i don't like McCain. I have read Obama's website pretty thoroughly and came up with almost NOTHING. He's just preaching. Winning votes by saying "change". Granted he does get a little more specific, but not much. I don't care about parties, or even their personal backgrounds. NIETHER of them have any plans that will CHANGE much of anything. If you disagree, please answer WHAT big issue Obama is gonna change. Cuz he ain't changing foriegn policy, he's just moving troops to a different locations outside the U.S.

You have the right to your own opinion.

I'm not saying Ron Paul doesn't have some good ideas, but you have to ask yourself how electable he is.

Thank you for leveling. His electibility isn't good, no. No argument there. But voting the "lesser of two evils" makes us all slaves to the two party system. The same two party system that is pretty much rooting for the same basic ideals, that aren't in our best interests. If you vote for only the main two candidates you wont get much "change" at all. We will eventually be paying $10 a gallon, healthcare will be government run/owned making you wait 6 months to get seen, our troops will always be deployed, etc.

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:57 PM

Apples and oranges.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Just more twisted logic from a rightie.

No, god forbid we blame that moronic Govenor, or that Idiotic mayor, it is 100% Bush.

That is why I dislike liberals, they are too arrogant to admit when they are wrong, because they live in their little fantasy world that they are perfect....

The American people have had to put up with arrogance of the Republican elitists for over 7 years.

The Republicans who have run this country have almost brought it to the brink of destruction.

It's time for someone who can put people back to work, help this economy and improve our standing in the international community.

Some people (a delusional minority) still think Bush Jr. is one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived.

Who's living in a fantasy world?

I'd say most are. Dems or repubs. Repubs lately have been neoconservative instead of conservative. Dems are trying to be socialistic. Both are coming up with the same foriegn policies. The only difference between the two are on minor issues. IMO we have all been living in this fantasy world.

I would say it's more of the matter of which direction do you want this country to go in?

If you want more of the same, vote for McCain, because you must be happy with the way things are now.

If you aren't happy with the direction the country is going in, vote for someone else.

If that's Ron Paul or anyone other than McCain, fine.

At any rate, things have got to change.

What changes does obama want to bring, I have to hear that...

The same could be said about McCain... Logically, no one can explain what either candidate will "change" that will amount to much of anythign.

Ok, you don't know what change Obama is bringing, he was elected in 2005, what has he accomplished since he has been in the senate?

What things has Sarah Palin accomplished other than carry a Down's Syndrome kid, run a small town and supposedly take on "big oil"?

As far a political resumes go, hers is pretty empty.

She has a Big Approval rating in Alaska. Money from the oil that Alaska, she gave back to the People of Alaska. She is Very Anti Waste.

that is a lot more than obama has.

Why don't you just admit that you don't know anything about the canidate that you are supporting.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/10/08 08:58 PM
I like your idea Hiker. I agree that we should all vote for the person that will bring about the changes we want/and think we should have as a country. People will think differently. I guess i have been hoping that all my ranting will get people thinking about real problems. People don't think critically these days. It's important.

madisonman's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:00 PM
one big differance is Obama will not promote religion or put conservative judges on the supreme court. I am sure the oil industry will be put on notice about price gougeing. You can expect better from the FDA and more food inspections and not the blind eye that has been the past 8 years. Have ya noticed all the food poisoning outbreaks going around? there is a reasone for this, people like heck if a job brownie are running our govenment agencies all in the pocket of big business.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:03 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 09/10/08 09:03 PM

Apples and oranges.

Your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Just more twisted logic from a rightie.

No, god forbid we blame that moronic Govenor, or that Idiotic mayor, it is 100% Bush.

That is why I dislike liberals, they are too arrogant to admit when they are wrong, because they live in their little fantasy world that they are perfect....

The American people have had to put up with arrogance of the Republican elitists for over 7 years.

The Republicans who have run this country have almost brought it to the brink of destruction.

It's time for someone who can put people back to work, help this economy and improve our standing in the international community.

Some people (a delusional minority) still think Bush Jr. is one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived.

Who's living in a fantasy world?

I'd say most are. Dems or repubs. Repubs lately have been neoconservative instead of conservative. Dems are trying to be socialistic. Both are coming up with the same foriegn policies. The only difference between the two are on minor issues. IMO we have all been living in this fantasy world.

I would say it's more of the matter of which direction do you want this country to go in?

If you want more of the same, vote for McCain, because you must be happy with the way things are now.

If you aren't happy with the direction the country is going in, vote for someone else.

If that's Ron Paul or anyone other than McCain, fine.

At any rate, things have got to change.

I think the general message is if you vote for Obama or McCain than you are in for more of the same. May be different people, with some differences in certain smaller ideas, but looking at the big picture niether really discuss what matters. Yes i am for a third party. No i don't like McCain. I have read Obama's website pretty thoroughly and came up with almost NOTHING. He's just preaching. Winning votes by saying "change". Granted he does get a little more specific, but not much. I don't care about parties, or even their personal backgrounds. NIETHER of them have any plans that will CHANGE much of anything. If you disagree, please answer WHAT big issue Obama is gonna change. Cuz he ain't changing foriegn policy, he's just moving troops to a different locations outside the U.S.

You have the right to your own opinion.

I'm not saying Ron Paul doesn't have some good ideas, but you have to ask yourself how electable he is.

Thank you for leveling. His electibility isn't good, no. No argument there. But voting the "lesser of two evils" makes us all slaves to the two party system. The same two party system that is pretty much rooting for the same basic ideals, that aren't in our best interests. If you vote for only the main two candidates you wont get much "change" at all. We will eventually be paying $10 a gallon, healthcare will be government run/owned making you wait 6 months to get seen, our troops will always be deployed, etc.

Will we be paying $10 a gallon?

There could be billions of gallons of oil under North Dakota.

Granted, it's trapped in oil shale, but they're devising new drills to extract it.

Or we could go to alternative fuels.

We just need different alternatives to foreign oil, and American ingenuity will get us there.

As far as healthcare goes, if you're a veteran who uses the VA system, you already get socialized medicine.

Why couldn't there be a similar system for other people that's affordable?

Our troops are going to Afghanistan anyway.

Everyone knows it. Because things are getting worse there.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:03 PM

one big differance is Obama will not promote religion or put conservative judges on the supreme court. I am sure the oil industry will be put on notice about price gougeing. You can expect better from the FDA and more food inspections and not the blind eye that has been the past 8 years. Have ya noticed all the food poisoning outbreaks going around? there is a reasone for this, people like heck if a job brownie are running our govenment agencies all in the pocket of big business.

Good! Thank you madison. You are probably right about the not promoting religion. But what has Obama said or done the has or will confront the oil industry, or the FDA?

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:03 PM

one big differance is Obama will not promote religion or put conservative judges on the supreme court. I am sure the oil industry will be put on notice about price gougeing. You can expect better from the FDA and more food inspections and not the blind eye that has been the past 8 years. Have ya noticed all the food poisoning outbreaks going around? there is a reasone for this, people like heck if a job brownie are running our govenment agencies all in the pocket of big business.

Obama is going to Crack under pressure, he has no clue. Hell, he is scared of McCains VP Pick!! They are attacking her bad and it is back firing on obama.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:05 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Wed 09/10/08 09:10 PM

one big differance is Obama will not promote religion or put conservative judges on the supreme court. I am sure the oil industry will be put on notice about price gougeing. You can expect better from the FDA and more food inspections and not the blind eye that has been the past 8 years. Have ya noticed all the food poisoning outbreaks going around? there is a reasone for this, people like heck if a job brownie are running our govenment agencies all in the pocket of big business.

Obama is going to Crack under pressure, he has no clue. Hell, he is scared of McCains VP Pick!! They are attacking her bad and it is back firing on obama.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I think the Obama camp can take care of Caribou Barbie!

Pretty funny. McCain said Obama's like Paris Hilton, then he nominated a former Miss Alaska pageant runner-up!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:09 PM

one big differance is Obama will not promote religion or put conservative judges on the supreme court. I am sure the oil industry will be put on notice about price gougeing. You can expect better from the FDA and more food inspections and not the blind eye that has been the past 8 years. Have ya noticed all the food poisoning outbreaks going around? there is a reasone for this, people like heck if a job brownie are running our govenment agencies all in the pocket of big business.

Obama is going to Crack under pressure, he has no clue. Hell, he is scared of McCains VP Pick!! They are attacking her bad and it is back firing on obama.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I think the Obama camp can take care of Caribou Barbie!

Oh Yeah, then why is it when he does, his rating goes down?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:10 PM

Will we be paying $10 a gallon?

There could be billions of gallons of oil under North Dakota.

Granted, it's trapped in oil shale, but they're devising new drills to extract it.

Or we could go to alternative fuels.

We just need different alternatives to foreign oil, and American ingenuity will get us there.

As far as healthcare goes, if you're a veteran who uses the VA system, you already get socialized medicine.

Why couldn't there be a similar system for other people that's affordable?

Our troops are going to Afghanistan anyway.

Everyone knows it. Because things are getting worse there.

I willo admit the VA does a good job about caring for it's people.

My point is that we don't need to drill for oil. We don't need socialized medicine. If you look at the price of oil using the value of gold, it has virtually stayed the same. Our problem with healthcare, education, and oil, all falls under the value of our dollar. The FED is responsible for the printing of our money, and the government overspends this printed money lowering the value of our dollar. Audit the FED, lower prices of healthcare, oil and school.

As far as overseas is concerned, just pulling out of Iraq just helps to solve our problem of troops being spread too thin. But chances are Obama is gonna want a piece of Pakistan too. Not that i really have a problem with him going after Bin Laden, but then you will have troops in Afgan, and Pakistan, overburdening us yet again. Whos to say he doesn't have us interefer with Georgia as well... We are treating the symptoms of the disease, and not the disease itself.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:15 PM

one big differance is Obama will not promote religion or put conservative judges on the supreme court. I am sure the oil industry will be put on notice about price gougeing. You can expect better from the FDA and more food inspections and not the blind eye that has been the past 8 years. Have ya noticed all the food poisoning outbreaks going around? there is a reasone for this, people like heck if a job brownie are running our govenment agencies all in the pocket of big business.

Obama is going to Crack under pressure, he has no clue. Hell, he is scared of McCains VP Pick!! They are attacking her bad and it is back firing on obama.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I think the Obama camp can take care of Caribou Barbie!

Oh Yeah, then why is it when he does, his rating goes down?

How is his rating going down?

Where is your proof?

And please don't give me a conservative blog.

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:16 PM

Will we be paying $10 a gallon?

There could be billions of gallons of oil under North Dakota.

Granted, it's trapped in oil shale, but they're devising new drills to extract it.

Or we could go to alternative fuels.

We just need different alternatives to foreign oil, and American ingenuity will get us there.

As far as healthcare goes, if you're a veteran who uses the VA system, you already get socialized medicine.

Why couldn't there be a similar system for other people that's affordable?

Our troops are going to Afghanistan anyway.

Everyone knows it. Because things are getting worse there.

I willo admit the VA does a good job about caring for it's people.

My point is that we don't need to drill for oil. We don't need socialized medicine. If you look at the price of oil using the value of gold, it has virtually stayed the same. Our problem with healthcare, education, and oil, all falls under the value of our dollar. The FED is responsible for the printing of our money, and the government overspends this printed money lowering the value of our dollar. Audit the FED, lower prices of healthcare, oil and school.

As far as overseas is concerned, just pulling out of Iraq just helps to solve our problem of troops being spread too thin. But chances are Obama is gonna want a piece of Pakistan too. Not that i really have a problem with him going after Bin Laden, but then you will have troops in Afgan, and Pakistan, overburdening us yet again. Whos to say he doesn't have us interefer with Georgia as well... We are treating the symptoms of the disease, and not the disease itself.

The only way that we are going to get off Foriegn Oil is ANWAR and renewable resources. WIND and SOLAR are a good start to power houses and business and we can get the Shale and oil from our own. But liberals don't want to do that because they are affraid a moose might get hurt.....

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:20 PM

The only way that we are going to get off Foriegn Oil is ANWAR and renewable resources. WIND and SOLAR are a good start to power houses and business and we can get the Shale and oil from our own. But liberals don't want to do that because they are affraid a moose might get hurt.....

Hey, im all for alternative energy. Gotta keep competition alive. I'm also all for being self sufficient with oil too. But what i am saying is that oil prices have not gone up. It has been fluctuating steadily for years. It's just the value of our dollar the dropped so drastically that is killing us with oil.

wouldee's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:31 PM
Edited by wouldee on Wed 09/10/08 09:33 PM

The only way that we are going to get off Foriegn Oil is ANWAR and renewable resources. WIND and SOLAR are a good start to power houses and business and we can get the Shale and oil from our own. But liberals don't want to do that because they are affraid a moose might get hurt.....

Hey, im all for alternative energy. Gotta keep competition alive. I'm also all for being self sufficient with oil too. But what i am saying is that oil prices have not gone up. It has been fluctuating steadily for years. It's just the value of our dollar the dropped so drastically that is killing us with oil.

It was pension funds and large insatitutional investors speculatiung on the run up of commodities as a safe harbor for their shareholders and beneficiaries.

They bought into a ruse to jump in a rising tide and got caught at the top of the ride.

They were played.

we were all played.

and that sell off is only now taking shape.

oil and food are falling and will steadily fall some more for a couple of months.

It was greed on the part of wise guys looking to catch the lust of investors looking for any black ink in the last year.

It is like the Hunt manipulation of silver prices many years ago, or like the Enron game in California over utilities that conned that idiot dimwit of a dem Governor Gray Davis to sign a long futures contract for electricity at exhorbitant rates.

Get a grip.

Democrats have no clue how the game is played and in getting played we will all lose.

nobama 2008

kerbear73's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:32 PM

one big differance is Obama will not promote religion or put conservative judges on the supreme court. I am sure the oil industry will be put on notice about price gougeing. You can expect better from the FDA and more food inspections and not the blind eye that has been the past 8 years. Have ya noticed all the food poisoning outbreaks going around? there is a reasone for this, people like heck if a job brownie are running our govenment agencies all in the pocket of big business.

Obama is going to Crack under pressure, he has no clue. Hell, he is scared of McCains VP Pick!! They are attacking her bad and it is back firing on obama.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I think the Obama camp can take care of Caribou Barbie!

Oh Yeah, then why is it when he does, his rating goes down?

How is his rating going down?

Where is your proof?

And please don't give me a conservative blog.

Here you go

wouldee's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:36 PM
Rasmussen polls for the last few days.

read em and weep osama nobama and bidetites

bigsmile here to serve