Topic: church in 4 the $$$$$$$$$$$$
MikeMontana's photo
Tue 03/20/07 08:42 PM
A church is no different than any other organization of people.
Bowling-Leagues are in it "for the money" to the degree of
self-sustaining, just like Yacht Clubs of the rich and famous. There is
no requirement, or reasonable expectation, that a church should be poor.

I see where you're going with it though: there are people who become so
enraptured with their church that it becomes a money-pump. One side
"suggests", and the other side "supplies". I know all about this first
hand - the person I was with funneled 80% of her income into her church
(to be fair, a good percentage of that was going to

There's nothing wrong with a church saying that you should fork over a
percentage of your income. There's nothing wrong with idiots who blindly
give it. There IS a problem when the application of that money is
improper and its covered up. Its even more disgusting when its a
"church" thats spending money on Vega$ trips and hookers! We all know of
this situation happening - way too often.

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:04 PM
all i know it what i seen at church. church donation plate went like
this.... 2 for the church.... one passing of the money dish went in the
preachers POCKET!!

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 03/20/07 10:09 PM
Organized religion and organized sports, two of the biggest rip offs
in the world, BUT if I had to choose one over the other, mmm - it would
be organized sports - damn that was a tough decision and even tougher to
say. But at least in sports the rip offs and the potential harm,
mentally, monetarily and physically are right up front, at least for
those not to ignorant or too wrapped up in "who's bigger, badder, and
better" to recognize it.

Any more nerves tingling???

no photo
Tue 03/20/07 11:49 PM
so very true!... thats why their is so much hate and war!

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 02:07 AM
my mom told me when i was a baby the youngest of 4, they went to church,
but they got mad that they didnt give 10 percent of daddys paycheck,
mommy said we gave what we could, it wasnt good enough. so they left the
church. they said god comes first then your kids, not in moms eyes. so i
wasnt raised religious, i believe in god, seen relious hypocrates, know
i am a good person, so im not worried. i just feel bad for how they
treated my mom. god never asked for money... render unto ceaser what is
ceaser right, never went to church but i know that.

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 05:23 AM
i cant help but laugh but who really gives a rats butt if there in it 4
the money or not. why is this even a issue. you dont want to give then
dont give you choose what you do with your money the church doesnt just
take it from you do they. my money in my pocket.

FedMan's photo
Wed 03/21/07 06:14 AM
churches need money to survive and provide funding for youth activities,
the preacher needs a paycheck just like anyone else and I do not believe
he should work outside the church, he should be able to be there when
needed for any of his congregation.

iceprincess's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:12 AM
sorry fed but to me thats like saying a parent shouldn't work so nothing
interferes if a child "needs" them. being a pastor is a calling not a
job and if your cong. can't pay you enough to warrent you not working
then you work. i went to a small baptist church for a number of years
and our pastor always worked and was there for us he felt that his cong.
should put more money towards the youth, missions ect. than towaerds as
he said "making sure he could stay home and wait for the phone to ring"

ShugahBee's photo
Sun 09/09/12 09:27 PM

churches need money to survive and provide funding for youth activities,
the preacher needs a paycheck just like anyone else and I do not believe
he should work outside the church, he should be able to be there when
needed for any of his congregation.

I agree with this like any other job
he is there when needed and not
all churches are the same there
are alot of expencises just as
running a home has expensises

just a thought a but if everyone put
in and thithed like the bible said
maybe the churches wouldtn have
to ask or push th efact to
help out like bible says to

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:40 AM

You have grouped churches together. That is like saying all men are pigs
or all women are *****es. I agree I have been to some churches that I
felt like they were there to make money but I have also been to churches
where I felt they are doing a service for the community and missions.

exactly, a church is like a community or a town, it can have a culture of profit and selfishness,, it can also have a culture of family and charity

all churches arent the same

Totage's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:43 AM

how many think that the churches are in it for the CASH????bigsmile
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

What church do you attend?

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:44 AM

A church is no different than any other organization of people.
Bowling-Leagues are in it "for the money" to the degree of
self-sustaining, just like Yacht Clubs of the rich and famous. There is
no requirement, or reasonable expectation, that a church should be poor.

I see where you're going with it though: there are people who become so
enraptured with their church that it becomes a money-pump. One side
"suggests", and the other side "supplies". I know all about this first
hand - the person I was with funneled 80% of her income into her church
(to be fair, a good percentage of that was going to

There's nothing wrong with a church saying that you should fork over a
percentage of your income. There's nothing wrong with idiots who blindly
give it. There IS a problem when the application of that money is
improper and its covered up. Its even more disgusting when its a
"church" thats spending money on Vega$ trips and hookers! We all know of
this situation happening - way too often.

churches do alot of good for alot of people, whatever the perceived motive is....

there are churches whose clergy and members devote plenty of their personal time reaching out to others, but that doesnt mean that they should be poor, as stated above

if church sustains some people, it doesnt bother me at all, unless thats ALL a church does(and Im sure that is rare)

there is also a belief that what we give is supposed to be returned to us ten fold, so I also am not automatically suspect of a church because it grows in its membership,,,

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 06:16 AM

how many think that the churches are in it for the CASH????bigsmile
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

What church do you attend?

I don't think you're going to get an answer seeing as how the thread is from 2007, and the OP is long gone.

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/10/12 06:39 AM
very few churches are in it 'for the money' being as very few have much left over after paying expenses , offering services, and committing to charity

there are hypocrites/salesmen who probably start a church for their own profit, but I believe they are rare and in between, because there are much easier jobs 'for profit' for someone that is that good of a salesmen.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/10/12 07:21 AM

very few churches are in it 'for the money' being as very few have much left over after paying expenses , offering services, and committing to charity

there are hypocrites/salesmen who probably start a church for their own profit, but I believe they are rare and in between, because there are much easier jobs 'for profit' for someone that is that good of a salesmen.

Exactly. Church is one day a week for most churches on the usual. In that one day, they may get $100. That money they get goes to keeping the church with nice bibles, keeping the church clean, utilities, whatever they may owe for the church eg., having had it built, rent, ect and so on.

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 08:47 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Mon 09/10/12 08:49 AM

how many think that the churches are in it for the CASH????bigsmile
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Without faith it is impossible to please God!
Hebrews 11:6

no photo
Mon 09/10/12 09:31 AM

how many think that the churches are in it for the CASH????:

how else can the money be raised to keep the streets of Heaven paved in Gold ....

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 09/10/12 09:16 PM

how many think that the churches are in it for the CASH????:

how else can the money be raised to keep the streets of Heaven paved in Gold ....

You're looking at it from the "value" perspective of what is said. The streets of Heaven is made of gold because it is a precious beautiful metal, thus why it has great value on this Earth to us humans. But monetarily speaking, it has absolutely no value to God.

no photo
Tue 09/11/12 05:25 AM

You're looking at it from the "value" perspective of what is said. The streets of Heaven is made of gold because it is a precious beautiful metal, thus why it has great value on this Earth to us humans. But monetarily speaking, it has absolutely no value to God.

if Gold had absolutely no value to God then the streets wouldn't be paved with it ....since everyone in Heaven would be Ghosts and floating around, I'm not sure why ghosts would need streets anyway

but anyway God made it clear that he valued Gold in Genesis 2:11 and Genesis 2:12 when it was told where to find gold and that gold was good

wux's photo
Tue 09/11/12 06:30 AM

my exs dad was a preacher and he was the biggest crook i have ever
met!... so was alot of his preachers buddies. all he could think about
was CASH! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

all he could think about was CASH!

Well, the dude has to think about something. He is not allowed to think about sex, about drugs, about rock and roll.

All he is ever allowed to think about is cash and the bible.

If he thought about the bible all the time he would go insane, and nobody wants an insane minister to lead his flock.

"Give a man his worth of slack, and he'll want to take your shekels and talents." Leviticus, 3:44.