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Topic: church in 4 the $$$$$$$$$$$$
Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 09/14/12 05:38 PM
You might have a challenge finding a bar that takes gold but not a gold card. biggrin

Fixingme's photo
Fri 09/14/12 10:12 PM
If you think about it, God owns everything. This is His planet. He sits on a throne in a city made of pure, clear gold. Those money hungry preachers were not called of God. All the preachers in the Bible were warriors. Men that spoke with authority. God does not call the greedy, gluttonous, the lazy, or whoremongers to preach. These men are called of themselves for the money, the power or prestige, etc. It is His children that have the need to give. They must make sure they give it to a church that is going to use it for His will.

ShugahBee's photo
Fri 09/14/12 11:16 PM

Yes I have several bank accounts I use in my daily life as a tool to function. A way to distribute the funds the good Lord allows me to handle. A holding place. This is in place of a coin bag. Actually he calls me to handle the funds he gives me with great care and wisdom and not to a fool with his resources and talents.

I wish I new more about were you are in your faith and growth. Sometimes we zoom in on a micro subject and struggle to see the full picture and this can distort our view. We have all done it. Can I suggest you maybe doing this.

We should all be reading proverbs over and over as we are called to seek wisdom and proverbs spells out a foundation for wisdom and warns us what happens when we remain foolish.

We all should be seeking the kingdom first. Because His love and approval is the full picture. Seeking the father is when the spirit dwells in us.

I am just stating that it appears you are a God loving person. I am far from a point of arriving at perfection but if you want a study friend, just email me. We are called to not lean on our own understanding but to seek answers in many ways including fellowship of other believers.

Like what you wrote and is 31 proverbs one for each day of the month and has alot in it i agree

ShugahBee's photo
Fri 09/14/12 11:23 PM
Edited by ShugahBee on Fri 09/14/12 11:31 PM

If you think about it, God owns everything. This is His planet. He sits on a throne in a city made of pure, clear gold. Those money hungry preachers were not called of God. All the preachers in the Bible were warriors. Men that spoke with authority. God does not call the greedy, gluttonous, the lazy, or whoremongers to preach. These men are called of themselves for the money, the power or prestige, etc. It is His children that have the need to give. They must make sure they give it to a church that is going to use it for His will.

i agree with all you said and i knwo i havent
follwed the discussion alot so my appologys
is needed but ...you said God does not call
the greedy, gluttonous, the lazy,
or whoremongers to preach.

jesus was there for the drunks prostitues
and selfish and ect ect so they can then go
teach others.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1st Timothy 6:10

1st Corinthians 9:14 says the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.It doesnt say get rich off the Gospel

Alexander the coppersmith was angry with the Apostle Paul (2nd Timothy 4:14)..its a good example

no photo
Sat 09/15/12 05:51 AM

You might have a challenge finding a bar that takes gold but not a gold card. biggrin

HikerJohn......the Gold from the streets paved in Heaven would be prized above any other Gold,...one gram or molecube of it would be worth more then all the Gold on the planet,

what religion wouldn't want to obtain this Gold as their own, what follower wouldn't want to be in it's presence, what scientists wouldn't want to obtain it to analyze it, I could own the bar and the Gold Card Company if I choose to..

if I choose to I could own the world, if I choose to I could be God ...if I choose to

CowboyGH's photo
Sat 09/15/12 09:48 AM

You might have a challenge finding a bar that takes gold but not a gold card. biggrin

HikerJohn......the Gold from the streets paved in Heaven would be prized above any other Gold,...one gram or molecube of it would be worth more then all the Gold on the planet,

what religion wouldn't want to obtain this Gold as their own, what follower wouldn't want to be in it's presence, what scientists wouldn't want to obtain it to analyze it, I could own the bar and the Gold Card Company if I choose to..

if I choose to I could own the world, if I choose to I could be God ...if I choose to

The streets of Heaven have no financial value to them. The streets are paved in gold for their beauty, not their financial value man has placed on it. Only man has placed any "price" on gold. Gold is very beautiful. Again, has nothing to do with anything monetarily speaking.

no photo
Sat 09/15/12 11:51 AM
Gold doesn't require a monetary value, it's the fact that God has covet Gold in Heaven which makes God, Gold and Heaven the foundation for the root of all evil

s1owhand's photo
Sun 09/16/12 03:06 PM
Church of What's Happening Now


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