Topic: How did you reach your current state
no photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:52 PM

I have always been rebellious and autonomous. I never had a lot of respect for authority even as a new born baby. (When they lied to me about Santa Clause that was the end of any blind trust I might have had left for any authority.)

Hence the crap they tried to peddle to me in Sunday school was met with some very hard questions coming from a very small little girl to the adults who had no answers.

I was an adult in a child's body. I didn't mind. I played and enjoyed the things of childhood never wanting to grow up fast like everyone else seemed to want. I knew that all too soon I would be expected to go out into the world and get a job and pay rent and taxes and vote and do all the things that adults seem plagued to have to do in the world.

Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.

I was attracted to Eckankar because they claimed to be able to teach you to get out of your body and go flying around the universe. That sounded like fun. It was. Until the cult started making too many rules and became another controlling religion. There were a lot of things going on in that cult that they were not telling us about, and I felt the oppression creeping in. I left. I was not hit with a pile of worldly Karma for doing so like they suggested I would. Surprise surprise. Later I learned what a con man Paul Twitchell was and that he had plagiarized most of his books.

I never was a club joiner or a church goer. I have always been a loner with a few good friends. I don't have a desire to lead others or follow others.


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:54 PM
bigsmile Above all things, revere yourself.bigsmile

no photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:59 PM

I was raised in an almost exclusively catholic environment. The whole world might as well have been WHITE, FRENCH, AND CATHOLIC, up until I was 7 or 8, that was all I knew, in spite of traveling and meeting all kinds of poeple, we were all french (some spoke it funnily), white (some had darker shades of white), and for sure all catholics!!!

Around that time frame (7 yrs old), I attended an elemantary private school.

Before christmas break of grade 3, a new student landed in our classroom. His skin was a darker shade of white, which didn't matter much to anyone. His accent was 'different', which was interesting. And he just became part of the'gang' at recess around a game of 'ballon chasseur'!!!

I grew found of Tarek. The stories of his childhood, his native country, Egypt, his colorful and so exotic experiences: desert camping, eating with his fingers, talking about the pyramids, so fascinating for the white-french-catholic little boys we were.

Then, one morning in March, Sister Marie-Lina, our head teacher, informed us that Tarek wouldn't be back in our class, and wouldn't be back to our school.

WHAT!?!?!? Tarek?!?!? My new buddy. I wouldn't see him again. Not even a good bye??? No reason! No explanations! 'Won't be back!!!' That's it!!!

I raised my hand immediately (I raised my hand a lot), and asked WHY???

There is no WHY! I was told. Tarek simply was not coming back to our school! End of discussion.

What?!?!? End of discussion!?!?!? Can't be, I thought in all my 7 year old might!!!

'... But why is not coming back?!?!?...' Did something happened to him? Was he hurt? I thought to myself.

'... OUT!!!...' Ordered Sister Marie-Lina. I was kicked out of the classroom for asking WHY!!!

It was a funny feeling, being alone in the hall, away from my gang of friends, but somehow I felt proud. I wanted to know what had happening to 'MY FRIEND'!!!

Back at home, later that evening, around the dinner table, my mom asked me what had happened. Wat had I done to be kicked out?

NOTHING!!! I replied. I DID NOTHING!!! I asked the same question twice about Tarek (Mom liked Tarek a lot; he was so polite!!!), and never got an answer.

'... What happened to Tarek???...' My mom asked.

Well to make a long story short, with my mom's help, I got the answer I was looking for.

Some 'parents' were questionning Tarek's origins, and religious upbringing. Apparently, Tarek was not christian, and those parents demanded that he be expulsed from the school. Based on some foggy article of the school's charter, the school proceeded with Tarek's expulsion.

But the school didn't know my mom.

She raised 'hell' in her own (teacher herself) wise, just, patient, and methodical way.

Following a school wide petition, many discussions with the principal of the school, and a general referendum to parents, Tarek was re-instated as a full-fledged student of our school, ... with the school as a whole presenting formal apologies for the administrative 'mistake'!!!

I probably had unconscious pre-dispositions, but I am clear I progressively became a conscious 'dissenter' and questionner of 'authoritative edict' from that point on.

Ironically, thank 'god' for Tarek!!!

Wow that's an amazing story! Thanks for sharing.


Ruth34611's photo
Sat 08/23/08 05:44 PM


I have always been rebellious and autonomous. I never had a lot of respect for authority even as a new born baby. (When they lied to me about Santa Clause that was the end of any blind trust I might have had left for any authority.)

Hence the crap they tried to peddle to me in Sunday school was met with some very hard questions coming from a very small little girl to the adults who had no answers.

I was an adult in a child's body.

That's really interesting. I was the complete opposite. Believed it all without once questioning any of it until my 30's. I remember the day I actually asked myself "what if it's NOT TRUE?" I seriously waited for a bolt of lightning to strike. I had never questioned whether or not Christianity was true before then.

tribo's photo
Sat 08/23/08 06:16 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 08/23/08 06:20 PM


I have always been rebellious and autonomous. I never had a lot of respect for authority even as a new born baby. (When they lied to me about Santa Clause that was the end of any blind trust I might have had left for any authority.)

Hence the crap they tried to peddle to me in Sunday school was met with some very hard questions coming from a very small little girl to the adults who had no answers.

I was an adult in a child's body. I didn't mind. I played and enjoyed the things of childhood never wanting to grow up fast like everyone else seemed to want. I knew that all too soon I would be expected to go out into the world and get a job and pay rent and taxes and vote and do all the things that adults seem plagued to have to do in the world.

Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.

I was attracted to Eckankar because they claimed to be able to teach you to get out of your body and go flying around the universe. That sounded like fun. It was. Until the cult started making too many rules and became another controlling religion. There were a lot of things going on in that cult that they were not telling us about, and I felt the oppression creeping in. I left. I was not hit with a pile of worldly Karma for doing so like they suggested I would. Surprise surprise. Later I learned what a con man Paul Twitchell was and that he had plagiarized most of his books.

I never was a club joiner or a church goer. I have always been a loner with a few good friends. I don't have a desire to lead others or follow others.



Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.


you can marry me JB, flowerforyou

I'll >let< you do what ever you want, when ever you want -as long as you ask me first and get my permission, I have no problem with that which you want at all. oh forgot whats for dinner? Did you do the laundry yet? and no, your mom cant come and visit!! :tongue:

no photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:28 PM


I have always been rebellious and autonomous. I never had a lot of respect for authority even as a new born baby. (When they lied to me about Santa Clause that was the end of any blind trust I might have had left for any authority.)

Hence the crap they tried to peddle to me in Sunday school was met with some very hard questions coming from a very small little girl to the adults who had no answers.

I was an adult in a child's body. I didn't mind. I played and enjoyed the things of childhood never wanting to grow up fast like everyone else seemed to want. I knew that all too soon I would be expected to go out into the world and get a job and pay rent and taxes and vote and do all the things that adults seem plagued to have to do in the world.

Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.

I was attracted to Eckankar because they claimed to be able to teach you to get out of your body and go flying around the universe. That sounded like fun. It was. Until the cult started making too many rules and became another controlling religion. There were a lot of things going on in that cult that they were not telling us about, and I felt the oppression creeping in. I left. I was not hit with a pile of worldly Karma for doing so like they suggested I would. Surprise surprise. Later I learned what a con man Paul Twitchell was and that he had plagiarized most of his books.

I never was a club joiner or a church goer. I have always been a loner with a few good friends. I don't have a desire to lead others or follow others.



Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.


you can marry me JB, flowerforyou

I'll >let< you do what ever you want, when ever you want -as long as you ask me first and get my permission, I have no problem with that which you want at all. oh forgot whats for dinner? Did you do the laundry yet? and no, your mom cant come and visit!! :tongue:

Yeh that's what I thought. laugh laugh laugh

Marriage is evil.

It is a contract between a man, a woman and THE STATE.
And the state is in league with SATAN HIMSELF.

Marriage is the way the evil alien over lords attempt to keep track of certain blood lines of the human slaves.


Ruth34611's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:49 PM

Marriage is evil.

It is a contract between a man, a woman and THE STATE.
And the state is in league with SATAN HIMSELF.

Marriage is the way the evil alien over lords attempt to keep track of certain blood lines of the human slaves.


Now THAT I agree with!

tribo's photo
Sat 08/23/08 08:17 PM


I have always been rebellious and autonomous. I never had a lot of respect for authority even as a new born baby. (When they lied to me about Santa Clause that was the end of any blind trust I might have had left for any authority.)

Hence the crap they tried to peddle to me in Sunday school was met with some very hard questions coming from a very small little girl to the adults who had no answers.

I was an adult in a child's body. I didn't mind. I played and enjoyed the things of childhood never wanting to grow up fast like everyone else seemed to want. I knew that all too soon I would be expected to go out into the world and get a job and pay rent and taxes and vote and do all the things that adults seem plagued to have to do in the world.

Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.

I was attracted to Eckankar because they claimed to be able to teach you to get out of your body and go flying around the universe. That sounded like fun. It was. Until the cult started making too many rules and became another controlling religion. There were a lot of things going on in that cult that they were not telling us about, and I felt the oppression creeping in. I left. I was not hit with a pile of worldly Karma for doing so like they suggested I would. Surprise surprise. Later I learned what a con man Paul Twitchell was and that he had plagiarized most of his books.

I never was a club joiner or a church goer. I have always been a loner with a few good friends. I don't have a desire to lead others or follow others.



Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.


you can marry me JB, flowerforyou

I'll >let< you do what ever you want, when ever you want -as long as you ask me first and get my permission, I have no problem with that which you want at all. oh forgot whats for dinner? Did you do the laundry yet? and no, your mom cant come and visit!! :tongue:

Yeh that's what I thought. laugh laugh laugh

Marriage is evil.

It is a contract between a man, a woman and THE STATE.
And the state is in league with SATAN HIMSELF.

Marriage is the way the evil alien over lords attempt to keep track of certain blood lines of the human slaves.


my thoughts on love and marriage: Book of truths 1996

17) You can only truly love some one if the love you have is totally unselfish. If so, you will not want to change anything about them. You will and do except them just the way they are. And if you are fortunate enough to find someone who feels the same way you do, you already have a marriage. There will be no need for paper contracts, rings or ceremony, no desire or need to “own that which can never be owned”. People, contrary to belief, are not pieces of property. People do not belong to each other. But when you love each other unselfishly you are going to do what ever it takes to remain happily together for it is this union that brings you such great joy and comfort to begin with. When you are that close, you are as "one" and no priest, rabbi, minister, judge or law can strengthen that bond by their official power to pronounce it or declare it to be so. True love does not exist because anyone has the power to declare it, “IT JUST IS”!!! And people who feel they halve to have ceremony, rings, vows and paper contracts to be married in the eyes of God or human powers, have other hidden criteria and motifs in mind than just loving each other deeply and wanting to be together for the rest of their lives.

i know you'll disagree but hey - i don't mind

no photo
Sat 08/23/08 09:29 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 08/23/08 09:32 PM


I have always been rebellious and autonomous. I never had a lot of respect for authority even as a new born baby. (When they lied to me about Santa Clause that was the end of any blind trust I might have had left for any authority.)

Hence the crap they tried to peddle to me in Sunday school was met with some very hard questions coming from a very small little girl to the adults who had no answers.

I was an adult in a child's body. I didn't mind. I played and enjoyed the things of childhood never wanting to grow up fast like everyone else seemed to want. I knew that all too soon I would be expected to go out into the world and get a job and pay rent and taxes and vote and do all the things that adults seem plagued to have to do in the world.

Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.

I was attracted to Eckankar because they claimed to be able to teach you to get out of your body and go flying around the universe. That sounded like fun. It was. Until the cult started making too many rules and became another controlling religion. There were a lot of things going on in that cult that they were not telling us about, and I felt the oppression creeping in. I left. I was not hit with a pile of worldly Karma for doing so like they suggested I would. Surprise surprise. Later I learned what a con man Paul Twitchell was and that he had plagiarized most of his books.

I never was a club joiner or a church goer. I have always been a loner with a few good friends. I don't have a desire to lead others or follow others.



Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.


you can marry me JB, flowerforyou

I'll >let< you do what ever you want, when ever you want -as long as you ask me first and get my permission, I have no problem with that which you want at all. oh forgot whats for dinner? Did you do the laundry yet? and no, your mom cant come and visit!! :tongue:

Yeh that's what I thought. laugh laugh laugh

Marriage is evil.

It is a contract between a man, a woman and THE STATE.
And the state is in league with SATAN HIMSELF.

Marriage is the way the evil alien over lords attempt to keep track of certain blood lines of the human slaves.


my thoughts on love and marriage: Book of truths 1996

17) You can only truly love some one if the love you have is totally unselfish. If so, you will not want to change anything about them. You will and do except them just the way they are. And if you are fortunate enough to find someone who feels the same way you do, you already have a marriage. There will be no need for paper contracts, rings or ceremony, no desire or need to “own that which can never be owned”. People, contrary to belief, are not pieces of property. People do not belong to each other. But when you love each other unselfishly you are going to do what ever it takes to remain happily together for it is this union that brings you such great joy and comfort to begin with. When you are that close, you are as "one" and no priest, rabbi, minister, judge or law can strengthen that bond by their official power to pronounce it or declare it to be so. True love does not exist because anyone has the power to declare it, “IT JUST IS”!!! And people who feel they halve to have ceremony, rings, vows and paper contracts to be married in the eyes of God or human powers, have other hidden criteria and motifs in mind than just loving each other deeply and wanting to be together for the rest of their lives.

i know you'll disagree but hey - i don't mind

I don't disagree entirely Tribo, but such an idealistic idea of love and relationship sets the standards so high that the perfect "union" is probably not possible.

A marriage is not about coming together with the perfect mate and being happily together forever. It is all about property, contract and child rearing.

If you love someone "unconditionally" you don't have to be married. You don't even have to live together. To love someone "unselfishly" means that you will never try to claim any kind of ownership or power over the other or make any kind of demands upon the other person, and that other person's happiness is what you always desire for them. What ever makes them happy, that is what you want. Everything is freely given, no strings attached, no demands, no expectations. The love is understood, so you don't even have to "be together" with them for the rest of your life in order to love them.

In order to "be together" with someone, it takes more than just unconditional or unselfish love. You need to be compatible. Your vibrations need to be a match, your values need to be similar. If they aren't you will be at odds with them.

I can have unconditional love for someone and want only happiness for them, but that does not mean I am compatible with them or would want to be together with them all my life.

Dr. Who said it best. A woman confessed to him that she loved him. He thanked her and said he loved her too. But she wanted to follow him around the universe and BE WITH HIM forever... just because she "loved him."

He told her no. She asked why. He said that if he let every person he loved follow him around, he would have way too many people following him around.bigsmile


tribo's photo
Sat 08/23/08 11:18 PM


I have always been rebellious and autonomous. I never had a lot of respect for authority even as a new born baby. (When they lied to me about Santa Clause that was the end of any blind trust I might have had left for any authority.)

Hence the crap they tried to peddle to me in Sunday school was met with some very hard questions coming from a very small little girl to the adults who had no answers.

I was an adult in a child's body. I didn't mind. I played and enjoyed the things of childhood never wanting to grow up fast like everyone else seemed to want. I knew that all too soon I would be expected to go out into the world and get a job and pay rent and taxes and vote and do all the things that adults seem plagued to have to do in the world.

Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.

I was attracted to Eckankar because they claimed to be able to teach you to get out of your body and go flying around the universe. That sounded like fun. It was. Until the cult started making too many rules and became another controlling religion. There were a lot of things going on in that cult that they were not telling us about, and I felt the oppression creeping in. I left. I was not hit with a pile of worldly Karma for doing so like they suggested I would. Surprise surprise. Later I learned what a con man Paul Twitchell was and that he had plagiarized most of his books.

I never was a club joiner or a church goer. I have always been a loner with a few good friends. I don't have a desire to lead others or follow others.



Because of my love of freedom and hate of authority, I had a hard time staying tied to a job or a husband. Both seemed to want to have authority over me, especially the husband. Most employers treated their employees with rudeness and lack of respect or like slaves.


you can marry me JB, flowerforyou

I'll >let< you do what ever you want, when ever you want -as long as you ask me first and get my permission, I have no problem with that which you want at all. oh forgot whats for dinner? Did you do the laundry yet? and no, your mom cant come and visit!! :tongue:

Yeh that's what I thought. laugh laugh laugh

Marriage is evil.

It is a contract between a man, a woman and THE STATE.
And the state is in league with SATAN HIMSELF.

Marriage is the way the evil alien over lords attempt to keep track of certain blood lines of the human slaves.


my thoughts on love and marriage: Book of truths 1996

17) You can only truly love some one if the love you have is totally unselfish. If so, you will not want to change anything about them. You will and do except them just the way they are. And if you are fortunate enough to find someone who feels the same way you do, you already have a marriage. There will be no need for paper contracts, rings or ceremony, no desire or need to “own that which can never be owned”. People, contrary to belief, are not pieces of property. People do not belong to each other. But when you love each other unselfishly you are going to do what ever it takes to remain happily together for it is this union that brings you such great joy and comfort to begin with. When you are that close, you are as "one" and no priest, rabbi, minister, judge or law can strengthen that bond by their official power to pronounce it or declare it to be so. True love does not exist because anyone has the power to declare it, “IT JUST IS”!!! And people who feel they halve to have ceremony, rings, vows and paper contracts to be married in the eyes of God or human powers, have other hidden criteria and motifs in mind than just loving each other deeply and wanting to be together for the rest of their lives.

i know you'll disagree but hey - i don't mind

I don't disagree entirely Tribo, but such an idealistic idea of love and relationship sets the standards so high that the perfect "union" is probably not possible.

A marriage is not about coming together with the perfect mate and being happily together forever. It is all about property, contract and child rearing.

If you love someone "unconditionally" you don't have to be married. You don't even have to live together. To love someone "unselfishly" means that you will never try to claim any kind of ownership or power over the other or make any kind of demands upon the other person, and that other person's happiness is what you always desire for them. What ever makes them happy, that is what you want. Everything is freely given, no strings attached, no demands, no expectations. The love is understood, so you don't even have to "be together" with them for the rest of your life in order to love them.

In order to "be together" with someone, it takes more than just unconditional or unselfish love. You need to be compatible. Your vibrations need to be a match, your values need to be similar. If they aren't you will be at odds with them.

I can have unconditional love for someone and want only happiness for them, but that does not mean I am compatible with them or would want to be together with them all my life.

Dr. Who said it best. A woman confessed to him that she loved him. He thanked her and said he loved her too. But she wanted to follow him around the universe and BE WITH HIM forever... just because she "loved him."

He told her no. She asked why. He said that if he let every person he loved follow him around, he would have way too many people following him around.bigsmile


WELL why didn't you just say so - ooops i guess you just did, ok no more insincere proposals from me - go back to abra or dr who - who is dr who??? who's who? and does he care if so is he then he who cares? hmmm? who cares, i have a broken heart to mend.

not - :tongue:

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 08/23/08 11:48 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 08/23/08 11:50 PM

I was raised in an almost exclusively catholic environment. The whole world might as well have been WHITE, FRENCH, AND CATHOLIC, up until I was 7 or 8, that was all I knew, in spite of traveling and meeting all kinds of poeple, we were all french (some spoke it funnily), white (some had darker shades of white), and for sure all catholics!!!

Around that time frame (7 yrs old), I attended an elemantary private school.

Before christmas break of grade 3, a new student landed in our classroom. His skin was a darker shade of white, which didn't matter much to anyone. His accent was 'different', which was interesting. And he just became part of the'gang' at recess around a game of 'ballon chasseur'!!!

I grew found of Tarek. The stories of his childhood, his native country, Egypt, his colorful and so exotic experiences: desert camping, eating with his fingers, talking about the pyramids, so fascinating for the white-french-catholic little boys we were.

Then, one morning in March, Sister Marie-Lina, our head teacher, informed us that Tarek wouldn't be back in our class, and wouldn't be back to our school.

WHAT!?!?!? Tarek?!?!? My new buddy. I wouldn't see him again. Not even a good bye??? No reason! No explanations! 'Won't be back!!!' That's it!!!

I raised my hand immediately (I raised my hand a lot), and asked WHY???

There is no WHY! I was told. Tarek simply was not coming back to our school! End of discussion.

What?!?!? End of discussion!?!?!? Can't be, I thought in all my 7 year old might!!!

'... But why is not coming back?!?!?...' Did something happened to him? Was he hurt? I thought to myself.

'... OUT!!!...' Ordered Sister Marie-Lina. I was kicked out of the classroom for asking WHY!!!

It was a funny feeling, being alone in the hall, away from my gang of friends, but somehow I felt proud. I wanted to know what had happening to 'MY FRIEND'!!!

Back at home, later that evening, around the dinner table, my mom asked me what had happened. Wat had I done to be kicked out?

NOTHING!!! I replied. I DID NOTHING!!! I asked the same question twice about Tarek (Mom liked Tarek a lot; he was so polite!!!), and never got an answer.

'... What happened to Tarek???...' My mom asked.

Well to make a long story short, with my mom's help, I got the answer I was looking for.

Some 'parents' were questionning Tarek's origins, and religious upbringing. Apparently, Tarek was not christian, and those parents demanded that he be expulsed from the school. Based on some foggy article of the school's charter, the school proceeded with Tarek's expulsion.

But the school didn't know my mom.

She raised 'hell' in her own (teacher herself) wise, just, patient, and methodical way.

Following a school wide petition, many discussions with the principal of the school, and a general referendum to parents, Tarek was re-instated as a full-fledged student of our school, ... with the school as a whole presenting formal apologies for the administrative 'mistake'!!!

I probably had unconscious pre-dispositions, but I am clear I rogressively became a conscious 'dissenter' and questionner of 'authoritative edict' from that point on.

Ironically, thank 'god' for Tarek!!!

But did you once ever say to yourself, "self it wasn't God it was man." ever once. People are stupid and prejudice and it makes me gag. I have seen a lot of injustice in my life. How women are treated in other countries, in the name of God......It's not God it's man. A woman in Italy if caught by her husband with another man can be shot right on the spot. But the husband can do the same with no consequences. Women all over in third world countries are killed because they shame the family in God's name.....It's not God.......People are to blame just like in your case. It had nothing to do with God and all to do with people and their stupidity.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 09:58 AM

I was raised in an almost exclusively catholic environment. The whole world might as well have been WHITE, FRENCH, AND CATHOLIC, up until I was 7 or 8, that was all I knew, in spite of traveling and meeting all kinds of poeple, we were all french (some spoke it funnily), white (some had darker shades of white), and for sure all catholics!!!

Around that time frame (7 yrs old), I attended an elemantary private school.

Before christmas break of grade 3, a new student landed in our classroom. His skin was a darker shade of white, which didn't matter much to anyone. His accent was 'different', which was interesting. And he just became part of the'gang' at recess around a game of 'ballon chasseur'!!!

I grew found of Tarek. The stories of his childhood, his native country, Egypt, his colorful and so exotic experiences: desert camping, eating with his fingers, talking about the pyramids, so fascinating for the white-french-catholic little boys we were.

Then, one morning in March, Sister Marie-Lina, our head teacher, informed us that Tarek wouldn't be back in our class, and wouldn't be back to our school.

WHAT!?!?!? Tarek?!?!? My new buddy. I wouldn't see him again. Not even a good bye??? No reason! No explanations! 'Won't be back!!!' That's it!!!

I raised my hand immediately (I raised my hand a lot), and asked WHY???

There is no WHY! I was told. Tarek simply was not coming back to our school! End of discussion.

What?!?!? End of discussion!?!?!? Can't be, I thought in all my 7 year old might!!!

'... But why is not coming back?!?!?...' Did something happened to him? Was he hurt? I thought to myself.

'... OUT!!!...' Ordered Sister Marie-Lina. I was kicked out of the classroom for asking WHY!!!

It was a funny feeling, being alone in the hall, away from my gang of friends, but somehow I felt proud. I wanted to know what had happening to 'MY FRIEND'!!!

Back at home, later that evening, around the dinner table, my mom asked me what had happened. Wat had I done to be kicked out?

NOTHING!!! I replied. I DID NOTHING!!! I asked the same question twice about Tarek (Mom liked Tarek a lot; he was so polite!!!), and never got an answer.

'... What happened to Tarek???...' My mom asked.

Well to make a long story short, with my mom's help, I got the answer I was looking for.

Some 'parents' were questionning Tarek's origins, and religious upbringing. Apparently, Tarek was not christian, and those parents demanded that he be expulsed from the school. Based on some foggy article of the school's charter, the school proceeded with Tarek's expulsion.

But the school didn't know my mom.

She raised 'hell' in her own (teacher herself) wise, just, patient, and methodical way.

Following a school wide petition, many discussions with the principal of the school, and a general referendum to parents, Tarek was re-instated as a full-fledged student of our school, ... with the school as a whole presenting formal apologies for the administrative 'mistake'!!!

I probably had unconscious pre-dispositions, but I am clear I rogressively became a conscious 'dissenter' and questionner of 'authoritative edict' from that point on.

Ironically, thank 'god' for Tarek!!!

But did you once ever say to yourself, "self it wasn't God it was man." ever once. People are stupid and prejudice and it makes me gag. I have seen a lot of injustice in my life. How women are treated in other countries, in the name of God......It's not God it's man. A woman in Italy if caught by her husband with another man can be shot right on the spot. But the husband can do the same with no consequences. Women all over in third world countries are killed because they shame the family in God's name.....It's not God.......People are to blame just like in your case. It had nothing to do with God and all to do with people and their stupidity.


Maybe you pasted my post by mistake!?!?!? Your reply has nothing to do with what I wrote.

Care to tell us which post exactly you were replying to???

If you are confused with my little message to you, read the last line of MY post, ... slowly.

Clearly, it couldn't have been a reply intended for my post.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:09 AM

I was raised in an almost exclusively catholic environment. The whole world might as well have been WHITE, FRENCH, AND CATHOLIC, up until I was 7 or 8, that was all I knew, in spite of traveling and meeting all kinds of poeple, we were all french (some spoke it funnily), white (some had darker shades of white), and for sure all catholics!!!

Around that time frame (7 yrs old), I attended an elemantary private school.

Before christmas break of grade 3, a new student landed in our classroom. His skin was a darker shade of white, which didn't matter much to anyone. His accent was 'different', which was interesting. And he just became part of the'gang' at recess around a game of 'ballon chasseur'!!!

I grew found of Tarek. The stories of his childhood, his native country, Egypt, his colorful and so exotic experiences: desert camping, eating with his fingers, talking about the pyramids, so fascinating for the white-french-catholic little boys we were.

Then, one morning in March, Sister Marie-Lina, our head teacher, informed us that Tarek wouldn't be back in our class, and wouldn't be back to our school.

WHAT!?!?!? Tarek?!?!? My new buddy. I wouldn't see him again. Not even a good bye??? No reason! No explanations! 'Won't be back!!!' That's it!!!

I raised my hand immediately (I raised my hand a lot), and asked WHY???

There is no WHY! I was told. Tarek simply was not coming back to our school! End of discussion.

What?!?!? End of discussion!?!?!? Can't be, I thought in all my 7 year old might!!!

'... But why is not coming back?!?!?...' Did something happened to him? Was he hurt? I thought to myself.

'... OUT!!!...' Ordered Sister Marie-Lina. I was kicked out of the classroom for asking WHY!!!

It was a funny feeling, being alone in the hall, away from my gang of friends, but somehow I felt proud. I wanted to know what had happening to 'MY FRIEND'!!!

Back at home, later that evening, around the dinner table, my mom asked me what had happened. Wat had I done to be kicked out?

NOTHING!!! I replied. I DID NOTHING!!! I asked the same question twice about Tarek (Mom liked Tarek a lot; he was so polite!!!), and never got an answer.

'... What happened to Tarek???...' My mom asked.

Well to make a long story short, with my mom's help, I got the answer I was looking for.

Some 'parents' were questionning Tarek's origins, and religious upbringing. Apparently, Tarek was not christian, and those parents demanded that he be expulsed from the school. Based on some foggy article of the school's charter, the school proceeded with Tarek's expulsion.

But the school didn't know my mom.

She raised 'hell' in her own (teacher herself) wise, just, patient, and methodical way.

Following a school wide petition, many discussions with the principal of the school, and a general referendum to parents, Tarek was re-instated as a full-fledged student of our school, ... with the school as a whole presenting formal apologies for the administrative 'mistake'!!!

I probably had unconscious pre-dispositions, but I am clear I progressively became a conscious 'dissenter' and questionner of 'authoritative edict' from that point on.

Ironically, thank 'god' for Tarek!!!

Way to go voileazur! Good job!

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:13 AM

A woman in Italy if caught by her husband with another man can be shot right on the spot. But the husband can do the same with no consequences.

Have you ever traveled Feral??? Maybe you meant another country???

Laws in Italy regarding murder are similar to the ones we have in north america, and in the rest of the free world.

A person shooting another person, man or wowan, is charged with murder, and there are severe consequences for such acts.

Now if you are referring to 'machoism' and misogynist mentalities, you don't need to look outside of America for that.

You were talking about people being '... stupid and prejudiced...' before!!! Always good practice to remind ourselves of same, wouldn't you say Feral?!?!?

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:14 AM

I was raised in an almost exclusively catholic environment. The whole world might as well have been WHITE, FRENCH, AND CATHOLIC, up until I was 7 or 8, that was all I knew, in spite of traveling and meeting all kinds of poeple, we were all french (some spoke it funnily), white (some had darker shades of white), and for sure all catholics!!!

Around that time frame (7 yrs old), I attended an elemantary private school.

Before christmas break of grade 3, a new student landed in our classroom. His skin was a darker shade of white, which didn't matter much to anyone. His accent was 'different', which was interesting. And he just became part of the'gang' at recess around a game of 'ballon chasseur'!!!

I grew found of Tarek. The stories of his childhood, his native country, Egypt, his colorful and so exotic experiences: desert camping, eating with his fingers, talking about the pyramids, so fascinating for the white-french-catholic little boys we were.

Then, one morning in March, Sister Marie-Lina, our head teacher, informed us that Tarek wouldn't be back in our class, and wouldn't be back to our school.

WHAT!?!?!? Tarek?!?!? My new buddy. I wouldn't see him again. Not even a good bye??? No reason! No explanations! 'Won't be back!!!' That's it!!!

I raised my hand immediately (I raised my hand a lot), and asked WHY???

There is no WHY! I was told. Tarek simply was not coming back to our school! End of discussion.

What?!?!? End of discussion!?!?!? Can't be, I thought in all my 7 year old might!!!

'... But why is not coming back?!?!?...' Did something happened to him? Was he hurt? I thought to myself.

'... OUT!!!...' Ordered Sister Marie-Lina. I was kicked out of the classroom for asking WHY!!!

It was a funny feeling, being alone in the hall, away from my gang of friends, but somehow I felt proud. I wanted to know what had happening to 'MY FRIEND'!!!

Back at home, later that evening, around the dinner table, my mom asked me what had happened. Wat had I done to be kicked out?

NOTHING!!! I replied. I DID NOTHING!!! I asked the same question twice about Tarek (Mom liked Tarek a lot; he was so polite!!!), and never got an answer.

'... What happened to Tarek???...' My mom asked.

Well to make a long story short, with my mom's help, I got the answer I was looking for.

Some 'parents' were questionning Tarek's origins, and religious upbringing. Apparently, Tarek was not christian, and those parents demanded that he be expulsed from the school. Based on some foggy article of the school's charter, the school proceeded with Tarek's expulsion.

But the school didn't know my mom.

She raised 'hell' in her own (teacher herself) wise, just, patient, and methodical way.

Following a school wide petition, many discussions with the principal of the school, and a general referendum to parents, Tarek was re-instated as a full-fledged student of our school, ... with the school as a whole presenting formal apologies for the administrative 'mistake'!!!

I probably had unconscious pre-dispositions, but I am clear I progressively became a conscious 'dissenter' and questionner of 'authoritative edict' from that point on.

Ironically, thank 'god' for Tarek!!!

Way to go voileazur! Good job!

Thanks Smiless!!!

Long time no see!!!


Belushi's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:39 PM

But did you once ever say to yourself, "self it wasn't God it was man." ever once. People are stupid and prejudice and it makes me gag. I have seen a lot of injustice in my life. How women are treated in other countries, in the name of God......It's not God it's man. A woman in Italy if caught by her husband with another man can be shot right on the spot. But the husband can do the same with no consequences. Women all over in third world countries are killed because they shame the family in God's name.....It's not God.......People are to blame just like in your case. It had nothing to do with God and all to do with people and their stupidity.

So, I guess you dont like the subjugation of women in the bible then.

There is a whole heap of sexism there.

Where did you read that about Italy? I would be very interested in that.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 01:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/24/08 01:19 PM

But did you once ever say to yourself, "self it wasn't God it was man." ever once. People are stupid and prejudice and it makes me gag. I have seen a lot of injustice in my life. How women are treated in other countries, in the name of God......It's not God it's man. A woman in Italy if caught by her husband with another man can be shot right on the spot. But the husband can do the same with no consequences. Women all over in third world countries are killed because they shame the family in God's name.....It's not God.......People are to blame just like in your case. It had nothing to do with God and all to do with people and their stupidity.

You are right Feralcat. It is all about people and their stupidity to have been brainwashed for 2000 years by the anti-feminine religions that sprang out of the Bible.

1. Christianity
2. Judaism
3. Islam

All suppress women and suppress women's rights. And it has nothing to do with GOD.

In fact, none of the religions have anything to do with God.

The Bible has nothing to do with God. The New Testament has nothing to do with God.

It is all about the men of power who wrote the Bible, created religion and its all about the stupid people who believe them.


Yahsgirl66's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:50 PM
Interesting question! I am new to the site and I love it already! Long story I'll try to make short...

Raised catholic-rebelled, and kicked out of Sunday school. Why? They would read the Bible and then taught us to do the opposite of what they read!
4 years old asked about and got my first children's Bible
12 years old upgraded to KJV
Parents divorced stopped going to church entirely
22 years old reading in spurts, not understanding, my Mother said pray for understanding.
26 years old praying for understanding, and I still did not understand. Lots of questions, no answers. Too many gaps, things don't make sense. How does it go from in the beginning G-d made the heaven and earth, then all of a sudden it's "Let us" make man in our image. Huh? Where did the "we" come from?


Always been a believer in a higher Spirit, Always believed when we die we either go to heaven or hell. It is what I was taught by my parents that is what they were taught by their parents before them and so on and so on...

Nov. 1994, 28 years old watching t.v. and a minister mentions that xmas is pagan and that what we are taught about xmas is false. I laughed! xmas pagan, and a lie yeah right! The minister challenged me to get my Bible and check certain scriptures...I am always up for a challenge so I get my Bible and I blow the dust off of it...WHAT!!! I'll be a monkey's uncle! He is absolutely correct!

Something is seriously wrong here! Call Mother, something is wrong with xmas, and I can't celebrate it anymore I wON'T celebrate it anymore! I explain what just happened!!!!! Mother: "No, you can't do that! (pause) you know what? go with the spirit let it lead you."

March 1995. Mother dies suddenly! I am deeply distraught!
May 1996 Daddy is diagnosed with cancer! My world is crumbling around me. Who am I?
May 1997 Daddy is gone and in heaven too.

July 1997 start reading the Bible everyday, as opposed to reading once every few years. I need some understanding I need to KNOW what is happening! I still don't understand a thing I am reading. Nothing makes any sense! FRUSTRATED, ANGRY, DEPRESSED! Where is my comfort! I was always told and I believed that I would find comfort in these pages! I want to scream! The world around me is crashing! I am alone. I am an orphan! My parents are dead and gone I'll never see them again!


They are in heaven right! They can see me but I can't see them, at least they know what I am doing everyday. I wonder what are THEY doing in heaven. Well the bible should have that information I begin to do a study on harps, no billowy clouds, no angels wings and forget about the lazy days sipping Sweet Tea.

Tears go here -->

I am LOST! It is ALL a lie! Everything I was taught is a lie!!!! I don't understand! I read the Bible again, but I can't see for the tears in my eyes are overflowing. What does it matter anyway I can't understand what the Scripture is saying. I mean I can read. I am educated what is wrong with this book!!!!!!!!! I KNOW that there is MORE but I can't SEE!!!! Where are my parents? Who can give me the answers?

I throw myself on the floor and I cry out and I ask for TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING! I NEED to KNOW!!! I cry myself to sleep.

(I am almost finished I promise!)

Next morning I wake up and the Bible is open it is the first thing I see. I start to close the Bible but something compels me to re-read the passage I read and did not understand the night before...that morning was the 1st day of the rest of my life!

I understood what I read! I understood every single word and the meaning behind it! I read another passage, and another! It ALL began to make sense! Everyday, every where I went, I read more and more! I started at the beginning and read through to the end I sought wisdom and she found me!

Today, 11 years later:

I serve YAHWEH the ELOHIM of ISRAEL! I keep the Sabbath (Sunday is the lie) I keep Yahweh's Set Apart days and I reject xmas, easter and all of man's silly traditions.

I have turned my back on this world and all of it's lies! I have no use for liars. I never have had any use for them. I rebelled against the nuns at the age of four, and now I am rebelling against the world and its lies.

I live in peace and I know that my saviour Yahweh sent His one and only begotten son Yahshua to tell me that Yahweh's kingdom is at hand. I have repented. I have turned back to being obedient to my kind, loving, and very funny Heavenly Father.

More than likely you have been taught the same lies that I was taught. It is only natural for us to do as our parents did. BUT, I challenge you! Take the time, sit down and STUDY the Scriptures do the research, ask yourself questions and then seek out the answers. The Truth will set you FREE!!!!

Peace to you my reader,

May Yahweh bless you, and guard you, may His face shine upon you and give you His peace!

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 08/25/08 08:54 PM

I was raised in an almost exclusively catholic environment. The whole world might as well have been WHITE, FRENCH, AND CATHOLIC, up until I was 7 or 8, that was all I knew, in spite of traveling and meeting all kinds of poeple, we were all french (some spoke it funnily), white (some had darker shades of white), and for sure all catholics!!!

Around that time frame (7 yrs old), I attended an elemantary private school.

Before christmas break of grade 3, a new student landed in our classroom. His skin was a darker shade of white, which didn't matter much to anyone. His accent was 'different', which was interesting. And he just became part of the'gang' T
What?!?!? End of discussion!?!?!? Can't be, I thought in all my 7 year old might!!!

'... But why is not coming back?!?!?...' Did something happened to him? Was he hurt? I thought to myself.

'... OUT!!!...' Ordered Sister Marie-Lina. I was kicked out of the classroom for asking WHY!!!

It was a funny feeling, being alone in the hall, away from my gang of friends, but somehow I felt proud. I wanted to know what had happening to 'MY FRIEND'!!!

Back at home, later that evening, around the dinner table, my mom asked me what had happened. Wat had I done to be kicked out?

NOTHING!!! I replied. I DID NOTHING!!! I asked the same question twice about Tarek (Mom liked Tarek a lot; he was so polite!!!), and never got an answer.

'... What happened to Tarek???...' My mom asked.

Well to make a long story short, with my mom's help, I got the answer I was looking for.

Some 'parents' were questionning Tarek's origins, and religious upbringing. Apparently, Tarek was not christian, and those parents demanded that he be expulsed from the school. Based on some foggy article of the school's charter, the school proceeded with Tarek's expulsion.

But the school didn't know my mom.

She raised 'hell' in her own (teacher herself) wise, just, patient, and methodical way.

Following a school wide petition, many discussions with the principal of the school, and a general referendum to parents, Tarek was re-instated as a full-fledged student of our school, ... with the school as a whole presenting formal apologies for the administrative 'mistake'!!!

I probably had unconscious pre-dispositions, but I am clear I rogressively became a conscious 'dissenter' and questionner of 'authoritative edict' from that point on.

Ironically, thank 'god' for Tarek!!!

But did you once ever say to yourself, "self it wasn't God it was man." ever once. People are stupid and prejudice and it makes me gag. I have seen a lot of injustice in my life. How women are treated in other countries, in the name of God......It's not God it's man. A woman in Italy if caught by her husband with another man can be shot right on the spot. But the husband can do the same with no consequences. Women all over in third world countries are killed because they shame the family in God's name.....It's not God.......People are to blame just like in your case. It had nothing to do with God and all to do with people and their stupidity.


Maybe you pasted my post by mistake!?!?!? Your reply has nothing to do with what I wrote.

Care to tell us which post exactly you were replying to???

If you are confused with my little message to you, read the last line of MY post, ... slowly.

Clearly, it couldn't have been a reply intended for my post.

clearly it was......your whole story you were making it sound like because It was obviously a catholic private school.....and the "sister" would not tell you what happed to Tarek that it was somehow God's fault......It was human people being stupid just like I clearly stated.........And what voil because you put thank god (cap it if you mean it, God is always capped) for Tarek that makes it ok.

Again like I have seen so many times...a circumstance of human error and you blame God......

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:53 PM
I was raised by the 'One Eyed Monster'. That's what one of my grandmothers called television. I can remember being told not to sit too close to it because it could cause sterility and I can remember being thumped in the head because others couldn't see it. My other grandmother told me she wouldn't have one in her house because she knew it was of the devil. My mother's side of the family were religious people and so were my dad's. My grandfather on my dad's side was a minister and had a still. His father-in-law was a minster and ratted him out to the feds. My dad was an Atheist and his word was his bond. Principle was everything to him and he was very extreme in his viewpoints. My mother is a holy roller and God's word is everything to her. I grew up very confused trying to be a devout Atheist and a devout Christian. Life is a lot different now because back then we only had black and white television with maybe three stations but today I have a larger television and I have satellite. I am the only one in my house so I master of the remote control. It is a lot better today cause I can remember when I didn't have remote control and had to get up and change the channels with a knob. Tonight while I was working with an Atheist I listened to her vent about how she was upset with third shift going behind checking everything we did. I was right with her doing the same thing with her. I told her I know what you did. I told her, "You are preaching to the choir, baby." laugh