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Topic: Throw down
Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:42 AM
Spider, that is simply repeating yourself. If you can debate it, go ahead.

Eljay's photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:51 AM

I certainly wouldn’t shake a stick at the belief in reincarnation, sounds pretty good to me. I would rather hope I could return to the earth in some capacity, in animal or human form.

Wouldn't it just be easier to believe you'll never die?

Except that is ridiculous. Death is as much a part of life as eating and breathing.Cyclic and interwoven into the very fabric of our beings. Everything living, dies. I would prefer to actually live while I am here and enjoy the Earth. It seems a horrible waste of time and spirit to me to set around worrying about after death and what you will do then up in "heaven". Not all of us believe in that idea. Many take into account that "rebirth" is very likely to occur, much in the same way the earth regenerates itself through death (winter) and gives birth again in the Spring. You also dont see anyone requesting that "mother earth" pay a bunch of atonements to human priests.laugh

However if one hypothesis' that Reincarnation is a valid explination for our existance on this earth - why life in a situation that is - for a lack of a better word - unpleasant. I would say that - even by an extremely conservative estimation - that 25 per cent of the population of America alone - lives in abject poverty. Given reincarnation as a viable truth - why aren't these people commiting suicide. Why would children with down syndrome be allowed to live - surely a better reincarnated life await them. It is easy to think of reincarnation as a viable truth when one lives a normal, secure life with a job, a home, good health... It starts to loose it's validity when those who have deformities, those incarcerated, or those in abject poverty enter the equation.

This one slays me. Pardon the use of the Christian terminology. :tongue: The last time I looked, it was the Catholics who seem to feel that suicide is a sin (under any circumstance) so that would include all of the life circumstances that you have listed. That means, sir, if you are a practicing Catholic and you choose to take your own life, by the belief in this religion, you have doomed yourself to purgatory, or at least denied passage through the pearly gates presumably. So no sitting in clouds for all eternity with your godhead and no wearing wings, nor flowing gowns.

Now lets clarify something else shall we, the belief in reincarnation is found throughout many religions worldwide. Not all pagans believe in it, yet many do. The specifics might vary. The word reincarnation itself means, "To be made flesh again". If we were to focus on Wicca in particular, generally there is a belief held in "rebirth" through the mother which would be the Earth or Gaia. She takes in all of her children at the time of their death, animal, human, insect, all living creatures. In a sense she "devours" them and then gives birth to them once again. It is an endless cycle. Now I have explained this using the most basic of terms. Just to clarify your preconceived notions and assumptions. I seek not to argue, simply to give you a better understanding.

Actually - I have studied reincarnation extensively - and we are in full agreement as to it's concept. However - it too has it's logical flaws, as I've stated. So - too, suicide is a sin in Catholicism, another who's concepts I am all to familiar with, but it extends to numerous religions, and is by it's very nature - in this country anyway - against the law. It's just that Catholicism has always been the most verbal when it comes to opposing it. Even Atheists oppose suicide (else we wouldn't have these laws on the books any more). So - was this meant to adress what I stated in my post? If so, I missed the response.

no photo
Fri 08/08/08 08:58 AM

Spider, that is simply repeating yourself. If you can debate it, go ahead.

Debate what? Do you want proof that no translation is perfect? What do you want me to debate? I would love to see you respond to my post. Explain why you think I'm wrong.

Eljay's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:00 AM

Well since you are both going to attempt to “tag team" me now, there is no point in using quotations. Eljay, you know where I stand. You can scroll up and read where I have given supportive evidence for my definition of the word "unclean" as it was used in Leviticus. Not to mention that you never could even bring a substantial argument against any other issue raised in the verse. The word “unclean” you simply latched onto. The entire passage is quite direct in its intentions and what is now expected of these people and how birth is to be handled. Why was the time twice as long for atonement if she had given birth to a female child? Why was there now a cleansing ritual to be performed by a priest? Why was childbirth now to be considered a sin? Why were women unable to touch any "holy" objects until this ritual was completed (and paid for)? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...its probably an irate male god who does not wish to share the lime light with human women on Earth anymore due to the fact that he supposedly is the creator of all life now. Why would it surprise you that these early peoples would have questioned this? Why does it surprise you now that many of us question it?

I responded to this. But I will do so again. No one knows why it is a longer atonement period if a female child is born as opposed to a male child.
That remains simply as an unknown - not a contradiction. It's like asking why the ratio of people who are right handed is more than double that of lefties. We can see it is so, we can conjecture over the reasons for this, but the fact is, no one knows. Does not present a contradiction though. So this is why I do not know what it is you are refering to when you say you've presented Leviticus as a contradiction.
I can only conjecture that it is a contradiction to you because your expectations are that the period of atonement should be equal, and isn't, therefore it is contradictory. If this is so - it is a subjective perception at best, and cannot possibly stand as a valid contradictive conclusion. Again - I'm not clear on all of the "contradictions" you have presented, and I've plowed through all 29 pages of this thread once - and that was already one too many.

no photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:03 AM

that has yelled, (used caps)

I told you, I'm not going to apologize for your misunderstanding again. I think it's unfair that you continue to bring it up. What you are saying is that you don't believe I'm honest and you don't trust my intentions. I haven't questioned your honesty or intentions, I have the higher ground morally on this issue. I hope that you will eventually offer me the courtesy of treating me as an equal in a debate instead of continuing to insult my integrity.

Eljay's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:04 AM

But then as we know already, Spider makes up rules as he goes along.

I stated three obvious contradictions, and they were not knocked down by fact, conjecture was used.

But when conjecture is used for the rebuttal, Spider throws out the argument.

You really are better letting him win his little game.

Actually - Spider made up the rules when he started the thread - after all, it's his thread.
He's just asking people to abide by the rules he stated in the original post.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:05 AM

I certainly wouldn’t shake a stick at the belief in reincarnation, sounds pretty good to me. I would rather hope I could return to the earth in some capacity, in animal or human form.

Wouldn't it just be easier to believe you'll never die?

Except that is ridiculous. Death is as much a part of life as eating and breathing.Cyclic and interwoven into the very fabric of our beings. Everything living, dies. I would prefer to actually live while I am here and enjoy the Earth. It seems a horrible waste of time and spirit to me to set around worrying about after death and what you will do then up in "heaven". Not all of us believe in that idea. Many take into account that "rebirth" is very likely to occur, much in the same way the earth regenerates itself through death (winter) and gives birth again in the Spring. You also dont see anyone requesting that "mother earth" pay a bunch of atonements to human priests.laugh

However if one hypothesis' that Reincarnation is a valid explination for our existance on this earth - why life in a situation that is - for a lack of a better word - unpleasant. I would say that - even by an extremely conservative estimation - that 25 per cent of the population of America alone - lives in abject poverty. Given reincarnation as a viable truth - why aren't these people commiting suicide. Why would children with down syndrome be allowed to live - surely a better reincarnated life await them. It is easy to think of reincarnation as a viable truth when one lives a normal, secure life with a job, a home, good health... It starts to loose it's validity when those who have deformities, those incarcerated, or those in abject poverty enter the equation.

This one slays me. Pardon the use of the Christian terminology. :tongue: The last time I looked, it was the Catholics who seem to feel that suicide is a sin (under any circumstance) so that would include all of the life circumstances that you have listed. That means, sir, if you are a practicing Catholic and you choose to take your own life, by the belief in this religion, you have doomed yourself to purgatory, or at least denied passage through the pearly gates presumably. So no sitting in clouds for all eternity with your godhead and no wearing wings, nor flowing gowns.

Now lets clarify something else shall we, the belief in reincarnation is found throughout many religions worldwide. Not all pagans believe in it, yet many do. The specifics might vary. The word reincarnation itself means, "To be made flesh again". If we were to focus on Wicca in particular, generally there is a belief held in "rebirth" through the mother which would be the Earth or Gaia. She takes in all of her children at the time of their death, animal, human, insect, all living creatures. In a sense she "devours" them and then gives birth to them once again. It is an endless cycle. Now I have explained this using the most basic of terms. Just to clarify your preconceived notions and assumptions. I seek not to argue, simply to give you a better understanding.

Actually - I have studied reincarnation extensively - and we are in full agreement as to it's concept. However - it too has it's logical flaws, as I've stated. So - too, suicide is a sin in Catholicism, another who's concepts I am all to familiar with, but it extends to numerous religions, and is by it's very nature - in this country anyway - against the law. It's just that Catholicism has always been the most verbal when it comes to opposing it. Even Atheists oppose suicide (else we wouldn't have these laws on the books any more). So - was this meant to adress what I stated in my post? If so, I missed the response.

Never mind then. You appeared to be WAY off in your understanding of reincarnation, at least from a Wiccan perspective. All I was doing was giving you the basics. If you want to agree with me, then fine. I was never attempting to argue. I am quite careful not to divulge my own personal spirituality. It’s a private matter and should have no relevance on these debates.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:06 AM

Spider, that is simply repeating yourself. If you can debate it, go ahead.

Debate what? Do you want proof that no translation is perfect? What do you want me to debate? I would love to see you respond to my post. Explain why you think I'm wrong.

Explain why you think I am wrong. Why not try reading Leviticus. Why not try reading my posts while you are at it.

Eljay's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:08 AM

Oh and Eljay, it’s an "isolated incident"? Come on now. What about your famous "virgin Mary" Why would it be so important for Mary to be considered a "virgin"? Because it implies that god had some kind of role in knocking her up. It would have been yucky and "unholy" for her to become pregnant in the traditional manner.

My guess is it wasn't Joseph. It was another man who impregnated her and it may have been rape. Joseph probably knew what would happen if this got out and became common knowledge. A stoning more than likely. So the two of them concocted this story to spare Mary's life and get out of dodge before those crazy villagers got wind of it.

It was considered "important" for Mary to be a virgin because it was prophised she would be thousands of years previous to this. It was stated first that the saviour would be born to a virgin. It is one of the 3,000+ fullfilled prophecies of the Old Testiment which told of the coming of Jesus.

But seriously - is this something that you are unfamiliar with?

Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:09 AM

that has yelled, (used caps)

I told you, I'm not going to apologize for your misunderstanding again. I think it's unfair that you continue to bring it up. What you are saying is that you don't believe I'm honest and you don't trust my intentions. I haven't questioned your honesty or intentions, I have the higher ground morally on this issue. I hope that you will eventually offer me the courtesy of treating me as an equal in a debate instead of continuing to insult my integrity.

Oh is that a fact spider. Is that why you chose to compare me to your ex wife? That was quite despicable and uncalled for. Higher moral ground? Please sir, spare me. As far as the caps, I told you I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I think that is the definition of taking the “high road”. JB was the one that actually called you on it.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:13 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 08/08/08 09:14 AM

Oh and Eljay, it’s an "isolated incident"? Come on now. What about your famous "virgin Mary" Why would it be so important for Mary to be considered a "virgin"? Because it implies that god had some kind of role in knocking her up. It would have been yucky and "unholy" for her to become pregnant in the traditional manner.

My guess is it wasn't Joseph. It was another man who impregnated her and it may have been rape. Joseph probably knew what would happen if this got out and became common knowledge. A stoning more than likely. So the two of them concocted this story to spare Mary's life and get out of dodge before those crazy villagers got wind of it.

It was considered "important" for Mary to be a virgin because it was prophised she would be thousands of years previous to this. It was stated first that the saviour would be born to a virgin. It is one of the 3,000+ fullfilled prophecies of the Old Testiment which told of the coming of Jesus.

But seriously - is this something that you are unfamiliar with?

Just not buying it. At least not from a logical perspective. Tell me with a straight face that Mary was a "virgin". By definition of virgin, let’s just say a person who has not been intimate with one of the opposite sex. Do you think this was actually the case? Not to mention, why would it be “bad” or “unholy” if a man had actually impregnated Mary? Isn’t that the way it’s normally done? You have had sex before correct? I don’t want to jump to conclusions here.

no photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:16 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Fri 08/08/08 09:19 AM

that has yelled, (used caps)

I told you, I'm not going to apologize for your misunderstanding again. I think it's unfair that you continue to bring it up. What you are saying is that you don't believe I'm honest and you don't trust my intentions. I haven't questioned your honesty or intentions, I have the higher ground morally on this issue. I hope that you will eventually offer me the courtesy of treating me as an equal in a debate instead of continuing to insult my integrity.

Oh is that a fact spider. Is that why you chose to compare me to your ex wife? That was quite despicable and uncalled for. Higher moral ground? Please sir, spare me. As far as the caps, I told you I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I think that is the definition of taking the “high road”. JB was the one that actually called you on it.

She's my ex-girlfriend, not ex wife.

I still love her, I wasn't comparing you on that level.

I was comparing BEHAVIORS (no, that's not yelling, but it won't stop you from making that claim). I should have just pointed out that it's a passive-aggressive defense behavior, where you claim "You aren't a victim, I am". I explained it to you that I wasn't "yelling", I used all caps for emphasis (as my original post pointed out). You accepted my explanation, until I called you on suggesting that Christians don't think. Suddenly, you no longer accepted my explanation and were terribly offended again. I realize that you probably aren't even aware that you did this, but it's what you did. To defend yourself, you turned yourself into a victim who had been "yelled" at by the big mean Christian.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:29 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 08/08/08 09:30 AM

that has yelled, (used caps)

I told you, I'm not going to apologize for your misunderstanding again. I think it's unfair that you continue to bring it up. What you are saying is that you don't believe I'm honest and you don't trust my intentions. I haven't questioned your honesty or intentions, I have the higher ground morally on this issue. I hope that you will eventually offer me the courtesy of treating me as an equal in a debate instead of continuing to insult my integrity.

Oh is that a fact spider. Is that why you chose to compare me to your ex wife? That was quite despicable and uncalled for. Higher moral ground? Please sir, spare me. As far as the caps, I told you I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I think that is the definition of taking the “high road”. JB was the one that actually called you on it.

She's my ex-girlfriend, not ex wife.

I still love her, I wasn't comparing you on that level.

I was comparing BEHAVIORS (no, that's not yelling, but it won't stop you from making that claim). I should I just pointed out that it's a passive-aggressive defense behavior, where you claim "You aren't a victim, I am". I explained it to you that I wasn't "yelling", I used all caps for emphasis (as my original post pointed out). You accepted my explanation, until I called you on suggesting that Christians don't think. Suddenly, you no longer accepted my explanation and were terribly offended again. I realize that you probably aren't even aware that you did this, but it's what you did. To defend yourself, you turned yourself into a victim who had been "yelled" at by the big mean Christian.

Whether she is or was your ex wife or ex girlfriend is irrelevant. It’s disgusting and you have no right to address me in that manner. It's a violation of my personal space. You do not have permission to cross that line with me.

It’s obvious to most everyone here that you become upset when you are losing an argument and often lose your temper. It is also commonly known that when a person utilizes capitalization for entire sentences on open forum, it is considered yelling. A couple members actually called you on this. I chose to let it go and said "it’s not a good practice to use all caps" if you recall. In effect, that gave you the benefit of the doubt, minimized it for others, and allowed the debate to continue. This was all I wanted at that point. I don’t even perceive you as "the big mean Christian". You are just a sometimes egotistical and silly little man who likes to pretend he speaks for god or has his ear. happy

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:34 AM
Tell me something Krisma.....My understanding of reincarnation is to come back because whatever you didn't do the first time or lessons you didn't learn.....But for me there is no way you can not reincarnate into something other then you originally were there is no way that I can go from say and eagle, to a dog to a person....You can reincarnate to something that was less in the first place. So I keep coming back as a human with out any knowledge of what I didn't learn before....So what would be the purpose....what are the chances that I would come back and learn the lesson not previously learned...And if I did what would truly be the purpose....just to die again.

I look at it a lot like evolution.....I will never believe that I came from a flossom of nothing, fell into the ocean, turned into a tad pole, frog, crawled out, turned into a monkey then an ape and then a human.....just makes no sense....and if were the case then the tad pole, frog, monkey and ape would no long be here........so nope

no photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:40 AM

Whether she is or was your ex wife or ex girlfriend is irrelevant. It’s disgusting and you have no right to address me in that manner. It's a violation of my personal space. You do not have permission to cross that line with me.

I crossed no line, I made a fair and accurate comparison. If you think I was unfair or "crossed a line" then please report my post to the moderators.

It’s obvious to most everyone here that you become upset when you are losing an argument and often lose your temper. It is also commonly known that when a person utilizes capitalization for entire sentences on open forum, it is considered yelling. A couple members actually called you on this. I chose to let it go and said "it’s not a good practice to use all caps" if you recall. In effect, that gave you the benefit of the doubt, minimized it for others, and allowed the debate to continue. This was all I wanted at that point. I don’t even perceive you as "the big mean Christian". You are just a sometimes egotistical and silly little man who likes to pretend he speaks for god or has his ear. happy

When did you change your mind? After I called you on saying that Christians don't think. Coincidence? I think not.

As far as using all caps, I could have used bolding or underlining, but I was in a hurry and it was just easier to HIT THE CAPS KEY. Not yelling, emphasis.

Emphasis (from Merraim-Webster's dictionary)

1 a: force or intensity of expression that gives impressiveness or importance to something b: a particular prominence given in reading or speaking to one or more words or syllables
2: special consideration of or stress or insistence on something

And if I said that water was wet, JB would have a disagreement with that. If you are going to trust her opinion on things, then get ready to believe some really crazy things, not just that I "yelled" at you.

Eljay's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:47 AM
Edited by Eljay on Fri 08/08/08 09:48 AM

Oh and Eljay, it’s an "isolated incident"? Come on now. What about your famous "virgin Mary" Why would it be so important for Mary to be considered a "virgin"? Because it implies that god had some kind of role in knocking her up. It would have been yucky and "unholy" for her to become pregnant in the traditional manner.

My guess is it wasn't Joseph. It was another man who impregnated her and it may have been rape. Joseph probably knew what would happen if this got out and became common knowledge. A stoning more than likely. So the two of them concocted this story to spare Mary's life and get out of dodge before those crazy villagers got wind of it.

It was considered "important" for Mary to be a virgin because it was prophised she would be thousands of years previous to this. It was stated first that the saviour would be born to a virgin. It is one of the 3,000+ fullfilled prophecies of the Old Testiment which told of the coming of Jesus.

But seriously - is this something that you are unfamiliar with?

Just not buying it. At least not from a logical perspective. Tell me with a straight face that Mary was a "virgin". By definition of virgin, let’s just say a person who has not been intimate with one of the opposite sex. Do you think this was actually the case? Not to mention, why would it be “bad” or “unholy” if a man had actually impregnated Mary? Isn’t that the way it’s normally done? You have had sex before correct? I don’t want to jump to conclusions here.

Mary was a virgin. Your "not buying it" has no bearing on it's validity. Please don't confuse this with the "perpetuality of virginity" as described in Catholicism though - I don't buy into that. Mary had other children after Jesus - and that would have ended the "virginity" status at that point.

I wouldn't say that you are jumping to conclusions - but I am curious as to how much you are limiting God. Do you think that the God of scripture - who fashioned Adam from the earth, and Eve from his rib - incapable of impregnating a virgin by mere thought?

Dragoness's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:56 AM

Tell me something Krisma.....My understanding of reincarnation is to come back because whatever you didn't do the first time or lessons you didn't learn.....But for me there is no way you can not reincarnate into something other then you originally were there is no way that I can go from say and eagle, to a dog to a person....You can reincarnate to something that was less in the first place. So I keep coming back as a human with out any knowledge of what I didn't learn before....So what would be the purpose....what are the chances that I would come back and learn the lesson not previously learned...And if I did what would truly be the purpose....just to die again.

I look at it a lot like evolution.....I will never believe that I came from a flossom of nothing, fell into the ocean, turned into a tad pole, frog, crawled out, turned into a monkey then an ape and then a human.....just makes no sense....and if were the case then the tad pole, frog, monkey and ape would no long be here........so nope

Where does this ludicrous idea come from that if evolution was true the original animals would no longer exist??? That is ridiculous to even think. If you look at animal family trees, the original animals are still here sometimes and sometimes not, natural selection happens to some species.

As for reincarnation, if all living things have the same living energy then interchangability would be perfectly logical. Please remember that man was the creator of his own superiority to all living things, not nature.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 08/08/08 09:58 AM

Oh and Eljay, it’s an "isolated incident"? Come on now. What about your famous "virgin Mary" Why would it be so important for Mary to be considered a "virgin"? Because it implies that god had some kind of role in knocking her up. It would have been yucky and "unholy" for her to become pregnant in the traditional manner.

My guess is it wasn't Joseph. It was another man who impregnated her and it may have been rape. Joseph probably knew what would happen if this got out and became common knowledge. A stoning more than likely. So the two of them concocted this story to spare Mary's life and get out of dodge before those crazy villagers got wind of it.

It was considered "important" for Mary to be a virgin because it was prophised she would be thousands of years previous to this. It was stated first that the saviour would be born to a virgin. It is one of the 3,000+ fullfilled prophecies of the Old Testiment which told of the coming of Jesus.

But seriously - is this something that you are unfamiliar with?

Just not buying it. At least not from a logical perspective. Tell me with a straight face that Mary was a "virgin". By definition of virgin, let’s just say a person who has not been intimate with one of the opposite sex. Do you think this was actually the case? Not to mention, why would it be “bad” or “unholy” if a man had actually impregnated Mary? Isn’t that the way it’s normally done? You have had sex before correct? I don’t want to jump to conclusions here.

Mary was a virgin. Your "not buying it" has no bearing on it's validity. Please don't confuse this with the "perpetuality of virginity" as described in Catholicism though - I don't buy into that. Mary had other children after Jesus - and that would have ended the "virginity" status at that point.

I wouldn't say that you are jumping to conclusions - but I am curious as to how much you are limiting God. Do you think that the God of scripture - who fashioned Adam from the earth, and Eve from his rib - incapable of impregnating a virgin by mere thought?

It is all believable in a fantasy story, like the bible is. Not believable in real life though. I choose to live in the real world versus believing in the incestuous fantasy of the bible.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 10:00 AM

Whether she is or was your ex wife or ex girlfriend is irrelevant. It’s disgusting and you have no right to address me in that manner. It's a violation of my personal space. You do not have permission to cross that line with me.

I crossed no line, I made a fair and accurate comparison. If you think I was unfair or "crossed a line" then please report my post to the moderators.

It’s obvious to most everyone here that you become upset when you are losing an argument and often lose your temper. It is also commonly known that when a person utilizes capitalization for entire sentences on open forum, it is considered yelling. A couple members actually called you on this. I chose to let it go and said "it’s not a good practice to use all caps" if you recall. In effect, that gave you the benefit of the doubt, minimized it for others, and allowed the debate to continue. This was all I wanted at that point. I don’t even perceive you as "the big mean Christian". You are just a sometimes egotistical and silly little man who likes to pretend he speaks for god or has his ear. happy

When did you change your mind? After I called you on saying that Christians don't think. Coincidence? I think not.

As far as using all caps, I could have used bolding or underlining, but I was in a hurry and it was just easier to HIT THE CAPS KEY. Not yelling, emphasis.

Emphasis (from Merraim-Webster's dictionary)

1 a: force or intensity of expression that gives impressiveness or importance to something b: a particular prominence given in reading or speaking to one or more words or syllables
2: special consideration of or stress or insistence on something

And if I said that water was wet, JB would have a disagreement with that. If you are going to trust her opinion on things, then get ready to believe some really crazy things, not just that I "yelled" at you.

Well JB is quite intelligent, articulates herself in a professional manner and she also does not put up with a lot of your shenanigans spider, so that really does not surprise me.

I never changed my mind. Frankly, I was a tiny bit annoyed with you at that point because I had minimized your attack using the capitalization (yelling) for others, and THEN you choose to yet again harass me since you were losing a debate. You can not do that spider, it is against the rules. If you take a personal dislike to someone, the best thing you can possibly do in debate is ignore it and move on with the issues at hand.

I don’t want the comparison brought up again alright? Just let it go. It bothered me but that’s the end of it. I don’t want things like that being said on open forum. I am here for debate and that is IT.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 08/08/08 10:05 AM

Oh and Eljay, it’s an "isolated incident"? Come on now. What about your famous "virgin Mary" Why would it be so important for Mary to be considered a "virgin"? Because it implies that god had some kind of role in knocking her up. It would have been yucky and "unholy" for her to become pregnant in the traditional manner.

My guess is it wasn't Joseph. It was another man who impregnated her and it may have been rape. Joseph probably knew what would happen if this got out and became common knowledge. A stoning more than likely. So the two of them concocted this story to spare Mary's life and get out of dodge before those crazy villagers got wind of it.

It was considered "important" for Mary to be a virgin because it was prophised she would be thousands of years previous to this. It was stated first that the saviour would be born to a virgin. It is one of the 3,000+ fullfilled prophecies of the Old Testiment which told of the coming of Jesus.

But seriously - is this something that you are unfamiliar with?

Just not buying it. At least not from a logical perspective. Tell me with a straight face that Mary was a "virgin". By definition of virgin, let’s just say a person who has not been intimate with one of the opposite sex. Do you think this was actually the case? Not to mention, why would it be “bad” or “unholy” if a man had actually impregnated Mary? Isn’t that the way it’s normally done? You have had sex before correct? I don’t want to jump to conclusions here.

Mary was a virgin. Your "not buying it" has no bearing on it's validity. Please don't confuse this with the "perpetuality of virginity" as described in Catholicism though - I don't buy into that. Mary had other children after Jesus - and that would have ended the "virginity" status at that point.

I wouldn't say that you are jumping to conclusions - but I am curious as to how much you are limiting God. Do you think that the God of scripture - who fashioned Adam from the earth, and Eve from his rib - incapable of impregnating a virgin by mere thought?

It is all believable in a fantasy story, like the bible is. Not believable in real life though. I choose to live in the real world versus believing in the incestuous fantasy of the bible.

I agree. It makes for awesome storytelling. The bible has some EXCELLENT and fun stories in it. It’s horribly violent also. But I just don’t transfer that into reality. I guess some of you do. I have no problem with that necessarily. It’s when you force these tales down the throats of others that I become greatly annoyed.

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