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Topic: Throw down
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Thu 08/07/08 04:30 PM

Jesus was a man. How could he not feel pain during crucifixion? That’s illogical. He had nails through his hands. I think his feet also. Do you realize that over the course of hours you suffocate with your arms tied like that to your side because it forces you to lift your own body weight in order to take a breath. How could the man not feel pain! It’s a terrible way to go.

I was discussing Tribo's theory that God experiences everything. Not trying to be offensive, but do you keep context into mind when reading my posts and responding to them?

Do you even read my comments? I am also wondering why we should to believe that you speak directly for god? You seem to be implying that?

Yes, I read your comments, did you read mine?

Jesus felt a great deal of pain on the cross and before while being scourged. But Jesus doesn't experience everyone's pain, which is what Tribo was asserting.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:31 PM
Ick, thats just creepy spider. Im not comfortable with that comment. Judge?

tribo's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:33 PM

so are you saying then that god is not - "omniexpieriencial in nature"? are you not then limiting once again god's omni nature?

I laughed when I read this. But in case this wasn't intended as a joke...

There is nothing in the Bible that claims God is "omniexpieriencial in nature". I have never even heard the term used. It's disturbing to me to imagine that God experiences everything that humans experience. That would mean God could experience lust and hate and pain and fear...

No, the Bible teaches that God knows all things, not experiences all things.

does god not state that he "hates'? you think he did not feel pain or suffering in his death on the cross? did he not sweat tears of blood asking himself to take this cup away from himself?? flowerforyou


You are twisting the meanings of my words. Did Jesus experience pain? Yes. Does Jesus experience your pain when you skin your knee? No. Your and Abra's claim is that God must experience everything in order to be God. What verse supports that statement? What definition of Omnipotence or Omniscience supports that position? You had to create a new word to even describe the phenomena. I'm sure your intentions are pure (although you did assure me you are only a troll), but your arguments have left the realm of rationality.

thus sayeth tribo: until you can prove to me that omni does not mean literally "all" there is no way to avoid my questions - a definition outside of christianity. one acceptable to all posting here on this subject- fair enough?

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:35 PM

Ick, thats just creepy spider. Im not comfortable with that comment. Judge?

What comment? Me comparing you to my ex? Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but that wasn't an argument. I was simply noting your behavior. Your attempts to bring up something, which you had previously stated was a misunderstanding. I wasn't yelling, any reasonable person would come to that conclusion from the little note that I added. I'm really sorry for that misunderstanding, but this is my last time apologizing for it. If you want to hang onto the belief that I "yelled" at you, then that's none of my business.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:40 PM

thus sayeth tribo: until you can prove to me that omni does not mean literally "all" there is no way to avoid my questions - a definition outside of christianity. one acceptable to all posting here on this subject- fair enough?


God is never once called "Omniscient" in the Bible.

God is never once called "Omnipotent" in the Bible.

There is one word used in the Bible, which is translated one time as "omnipotent", but it doesn't really mean that. It means ruler.

Therefore to have a discussion that if the prefix "omni" (for some inexplicable reason ignoring the suffix) is applied to God, we must discuss if God can experiences all things, is just plain ridiculous.

tribo's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:42 PM

so are you saying then that god is not - "omniexpieriencial in nature"? are you not then limiting once again god's omni nature?

I laughed when I read this. But in case this wasn't intended as a joke...

There is nothing in the Bible that claims God is "omniexpieriencial in nature". I have never even heard the term used. It's disturbing to me to imagine that God experiences everything that humans experience. That would mean God could experience lust and hate and pain and fear...

No, the Bible teaches that God knows all things, not experiences all things.

does god not state that he "hates'? you think he did not feel pain or suffering in his death on the cross? did he not sweat tears of blood asking himself to take this cup away from himself?? flowerforyou


You are twisting the meanings of my words. Did Jesus experience pain? Yes. Does Jesus experience your pain when you skin your knee? No. Your and Abra's claim is that God must experience everything in order to be God. What verse supports that statement? What definition of Omnipotence or Omniscience supports that position? You had to create a new word to even describe the phenomena. I'm sure your intentions are pure (although you did assure me you are only a troll), but your arguments have left the realm of rationality.

where does it state that jesus does not feel my pain when i skin my knee? Me, Abra, are trying to make you see that if god is "not omni-everything" then he is not a perfect god. For me at least - it's all or nothing spidy, he is either perfect in every way and in all things and in all thought, and in all circumstances - ad infinitum - or - he is not. If your god has flaws - then he is only your god, not mine or anyone elses out side of your beliefs. He is a god for those of supreme faith only.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:46 PM
FREE choice tribo...would you prefer that God make you & mind numb robot instead? Think about it!!!

no - thats why i'm no longer a christian.

drinker Good one. rofl

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:47 PM

where does it state that jesus does not feel my pain when i skin my knee? Me, Abra, are trying to make you see that if god is "not omni-everything" then he is not a perfect god. For me at least - it's all or nothing spidy, he is either perfect in every way and in all things and in all thought, and in all circumstances - ad infinitum - or - he is not. If your god has flaws - then he is only your god, not mine or anyone elses out side of your beliefs. He is a god for those of supreme faith only.


You have once again attempted to redefine God to make God impossible. God must be omni everything? That doesn't make sense and you have to know that. Have you truly run out of all possible logical arguments and are now posting these sorts of things?

Why is God not perfect, unless he experiences all things? How does that make God more "perfect" and what definition of "perfect" are you using? God can't be perfect if he hasn't personally experienced rape from both positions? It's just silly and you know that. Let's ignore this line of thought and pick up somewhere more logical and productive.

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:49 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 08/07/08 05:11 PM
Omnipotence and Omniscience etc.

If God is everywhere, then God is in me and in all things.

If God knows everything, then God experiences what I and everyone else experiences and knows what we know.

If God is all powerful then God can do anything It(God) imagines and be anyone.

If these are true, then this describes PANTHEISM. Nothing more, nothing less.


Quikstepper's photo
Thu 08/07/08 04:57 PM

A few thoughts on God's creation & the confusion about was it good or not...

God said it WAS good.

God loved humanity most of all because we are made in His image. The fall of man was not about us as much as it was about satan's fall from grace with God.

It's also about God wanting us to love Him FREELY. For as many as would believe in Him would become the children of God. Choice...it's all about choice.

I would hope that many here would start to agree with God as easily as they are swayed by the things of this world.

See? It's not so black & white as to say...was it good or not?


A few thoughts on God's creation & the confusion about was it good or not...

God said it WAS good.

""was"" just leads us back to why god did not make it so it would "always be good"

FREE choice tribo...would you prefer that God make you & mind numb robot instead? Think about it!!!

no - thats why i'm no longer a christian.

Spoken like a person who completely discounts their faith & God's grace... Now that's what's called rebellion.

tribo's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:01 PM

thus sayeth tribo: until you can prove to me that omni does not mean literally "all" there is no way to avoid my questions - a definition outside of christianity. one acceptable to all posting here on this subject- fair enough?


God is never once called "Omniscient" in the Bible.

God is never once called "Omnipotent" in the Bible.

There is one word used in the Bible, which is translated one time as "omnipotent", but it doesn't really mean that. It means ruler.

Therefore to have a discussion that if the prefix "omni" (for some inexplicable reason ignoring the suffix) is applied to God, we must discuss if God can experiences all things, is just plain ridiculous.

again you pick and choose, the word can also mean - all powerfull #5 meaning - thats why i state you guys want to exigis all the words thats fine, the only way i will accept your answers is if you use outside sources that all can look at and make a determination that we can all agree upon. - or - you use -

"better quality lexicons" (like BDAG, Louw & Nida, and TDNT), which will list the specific Biblical texts which use a certain meaning. For instance, if the Greek word for love has three possible meanings, they will list underneath each of those meanings the passages which use the word love in that particular way, and they often give you the grammatical reasoning why they put that text under that particular meaning. That is not always an infallible guide, but it sure beats the guessing game that Strongs puts you into.

your choice - strongs is not reliable as far as i'm concerned.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:04 PM

Omnipotence and Omniscience etc.

If God is everywhere, then God is in me and in all things.

If God knows everything, then God experiences what I and everyone else experiences and knows what we know.

If God is all powerful then God can do anything It(God) imagines and be anyone.

If these are true, the this describes PANTHEISM. Nothing more, nothing less.


Pantheism truly is the most beautiful picture of God that mankind has come up with thus far. Nothing surpasses it.

tribo's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:12 PM

A few thoughts on God's creation & the confusion about was it good or not...

God said it WAS good.

God loved humanity most of all because we are made in His image. The fall of man was not about us as much as it was about satan's fall from grace with God.

It's also about God wanting us to love Him FREELY. For as many as would believe in Him would become the children of God. Choice...it's all about choice.

I would hope that many here would start to agree with God as easily as they are swayed by the things of this world.

See? It's not so black & white as to say...was it good or not?


A few thoughts on God's creation & the confusion about was it good or not...

God said it WAS good.

""was"" just leads us back to why god did not make it so it would "always be good"

FREE choice tribo...would you prefer that God make you & mind numb robot instead? Think about it!!!

no - thats why i'm no longer a christian.

Spoken like a person who completely discounts their faith & God's grace... Now that's what's called rebellion.

i didn't know faith could be discounted?

grace is not a "free gift" there are way to many strings attached for me to even think about accepting it.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:16 PM

Jesus was a man. How could he not feel pain during crucifixion? That’s illogical. He had nails through his hands. I think his feet also. Do you realize that over the course of hours you suffocate with your arms tied like that to your side because it forces you to lift your own body weight in order to take a breath. How could the man not feel pain! It’s a terrible way to go.

I was discussing Tribo's theory that God experiences everything. Not trying to be offensive, but do you keep context into mind when reading my posts and responding to them?

Do you even read my comments? I am also wondering why we should believe that you speak directly for god? You seem to be implying that?

Common sense says if you want information you go to those with the knowledge & experience in it...that would be a Christian.

Certainly not someone who is lacking when it comes to God's word. Right? :wink:

That's the point. :smile:

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:17 PM
There is no reason to rebel against the true source of life.
The only rebellion necessary is against tyranny, bondage, cruelty and slavery.

Therefor if you see rebellion, you might want to closely examine the specifics of the situation. Why would anyone rebel against freedom, love, truth, happiness, and life?

They wouldn't.

So all rebellion is probably against demigods and dictators.


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:19 PM
Common sense says if you want information you go to those with the knowledge & experience in it...that would be a Christian.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

I peed my pants on that one. laugh

Krimsa's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:19 PM

Still waiting spider...sure is a lot of flip flopping going on here. God is nice, god is mean and evil. Hmm, just like man? Interesting. Still waiting for you to explain how that defines an "unchanging character" as you put it. Also to rebut JB. You have done neither. Im not really sure here who contradicts themselves more, god or you? That is assuming you are still trying to argue that the bible was written by this "omnipotent being" Sure is a LOT of evidence piling up here to the contrary.

"Fear and doubt would only be appropriate if something could threaten God or if God didn't know everything. God is omnipotent and Omniscient, so God cannot feel fear or doubt."

So he is omnipotent? Yet he seems to be angry enough to feel plenty of fear and doubt. Can you explain this one also? Those would appear to be very human feelings.


You are applying JeanieBeans comments to me. I never claimed that God is evil.

The rest of your post is taunting and repeated arguments.

Let me be clear, fear and doubt come from two sources: The unknown and danger. Since nothing can endanger God and God knows everything, God does not feel those emotions. There are no scriptures that suggest God experiences fear or doubt. Therefore, if we are using evidentiary rules (which I know, you and others have thrown out the window), my argument is the strongest. If we aren't using evidentiary rules, my argument is still the strongest from the standpoint of what we know as the origin of fear and doubt in humans and animals.

No I am asking you to explain the contradiction I brought forward. Is he a vengeful god or is a peaceful, loving god? He seems to go both ways (in a manner of speaking) I do not buy that the bible was written by an omnipotent creature because frankly, there is too much evidence to the contrary. You stated that god has an "unchanging character." I showed you that this was flawed reasoning on your part. How do you know that god feels no fear or doubt? Do you have some kind of telepathic link to the almighty himself? Does he speak to you? That’s what your argument here seems to be based on and I can’t accept that. Please explain how a celestial being of omnipotence can be both loving and hurtful and express these emotions exactly like men do? Doesn’t that sound a little inconsistent with omnipotence? I guess we are still debating that.

Here is another human attribute you can attempt to rationalize away. God as jealous ass. Here we go. Probably a lot like your ex wife though. Don’t go there again with me. It’s creepy and I’m not having it.

Exodus 20:5 (King James Version)

"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"

no photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:21 PM

Common sense says if you want information you go to those with the knowledge & experience in it...that would be a Christian.

Certainly not someone who is lacking when it comes to God's word. Right? :wink:

That's the point. :smile:

I just choked on my tea. laugh laugh rofl


tribo's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:21 PM

Jesus was a man. How could he not feel pain during crucifixion? That’s illogical. He had nails through his hands. I think his feet also. Do you realize that over the course of hours you suffocate with your arms tied like that to your side because it forces you to lift your own body weight in order to take a breath. How could the man not feel pain! It’s a terrible way to go.

I was discussing Tribo's theory that God experiences everything. Not trying to be offensive, but do you keep context into mind when reading my posts and responding to them?

Do you even read my comments? I am also wondering why we should believe that you speak directly for god? You seem to be implying that?

Common sense says if you want information you go to those with the knowledge & experience in it...that would be a Christian.

Certainly not someone who is lacking when it comes to God's word. Right? :wink:

That's the point. :smile:

the "only one" who could possibly have the "right" answers is your god, and he's not talking - here or anywhere else!! there is NO christian that "speaks" for god - none - never will be. You might fancy there are - but your dead wrong.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 08/07/08 05:27 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 08/07/08 05:47 PM

Exodus 20:5 (King James Version)

"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"

There's a blatant contradiction right there.

If God is all-loving and all-benevolent then why should anyone hate him?

Yet here he is claiming that people hate him.

Why should they hate him if he's so benevolent and righteous?

Do they just misunderstand him?

If that's the case and he's all-wise, why doesn't he just clear up the misunderstanding?

Clearly there's a huge contradiction here.

No one should have any reason to hate an all-benevolent all-righteous God if they truly understand him. And if they don't truly misunderstand him then who's fault could that be?

Clearly this picture makes no sense at all.

It's totally insane.

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