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Topic: Putting all your eggs in one basket...
no photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:15 PM

I think there are a fair few who are so willing to blame "internet dating" as the culprit for when things go wrong.Relationships go wrong whether it is between two people who have "dated" on the internet or two people who have met in a pub! We all need to look within ourselves when embarking on any relationship and ask ourselves a number of questions, do we know who we are, are we comfortable with who we are, are we willing to accept the other person for who they are. After all there must have been some sort of spark that attracted us to that person in the first place.Are we grownup or strong enough to accept the responsibility of caring for another person's heart and emotions?

And have enough love to embrace their imperfections that we may not see on the internet?

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:15 PM
And btw .. I've heard this "I'm in LUUUUUUUUUV" by JSH'ers that thought they'd met their one and only, only to be terribly crushed after meeting. Or they have a great 1st meet, but then things go downhill after that.

I know.

I used to run the "Do you believe in magic" thread ..

Just keep it real folks. Live romance but live reality too.


TheShadow's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:16 PM

If I may ask you this Mike....

Do you feel as though you jumped the gun in moving? I don't recall how long y'all talked etc before meeting or how long you were together before the move came. I just wonder if you have any advice on that part of this. flowerforyou

We talked for almost 9 months before i moved and in between that time, the little manbigsmile was starting to grow. Now if your wondering. is that why i moved. No, we plaind on me moving out there before this happen and he was plaind to. There was no mistake about my son what so ever. just wanted to make that clear:smile: Do i feel i jumped into this. In some ways yes and then again no. I did somthing that i had never done in my life and that was going off what we have shared with each other. far as i new and the day i was moving out there, she told me to get my ass out there. What i din't know, was she was talking to her ex and it was over before i got up there with her. thats because she was not honest with herself. There is no advice here. it was a chance i took and i'm glad i did because. not everything was bad about this. I live in a much better area, the people around me are plesent to be around and very friendly. Yeah, at first i was bent until i looked back and relized. I did nothing wrong but lover her and stopped Blaming me. Even though things didn't work out. were still friends. How many people can say that? Not many at all. There is one big thing i did learn out of all of this. life doesn't stop because of one small bump in the road.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:18 PM

I think there are a fair few who are so willing to blame "internet dating" as the culprit for when things go wrong.Relationships go wrong whether it is between two people who have "dated" on the internet or two people who have met in a pub! We all need to look within ourselves when embarking on any relationship and ask ourselves a number of questions, do we know who we are, are we comfortable with who we are, are we willing to accept the other person for who they are. After all there must have been some sort of spark that attracted us to that person in the first place.Are we grownup or strong enough to accept the responsibility of caring for another person's heart and emotions?

good points babe

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:18 PM

I think there are a fair few who are so willing to blame "internet dating" as the culprit for when things go wrong.Relationships go wrong whether it is between two people who have "dated" on the internet or two people who have met in a pub! We all need to look within ourselves when embarking on any relationship and ask ourselves a number of questions, do we know who we are, are we comfortable with who we are, are we willing to accept the other person for who they are. After all there must have been some sort of spark that attracted us to that person in the first place.Are we grownup or strong enough to accept the responsibility of caring for another person's heart and emotions?

There are many relationships that are based on total acceptance of the other, (as long as there are no major issues) partly due to the self-security and confidence of our own lives, wants, and not willing to let the "little things" get in the way of being truly happy.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:19 PM

HUGS JUDY!!!!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Hugs Connie flowers

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:21 PM

Hi HEATHER...glad you jumped in! flowerforyou

Thanks!! Glad to be here!

Voluptuous's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:21 PM
Edited by Voluptuous on Sun 07/20/08 07:23 PM

Ya know what , and I THINK I can speak for angel since she is widowed also....there are wayyyy more frickin important things that whether or not he puts the toilet seat up down or puts the cap on the toothpaste. If those things bother people, they perhaps need to rethink priorities. JMHO

I'm a widow too and I won't lower my standards just cause I don't have anyone.
I have 2 young boys I have to raise.
I owe it to them to be the best that I can be and NOT settle for less.
I expect that from my future partner as well.
I know LilAngel was single for a while too...
Been a looooong seven years for me.

I believe anything can happen. I am hopefull for love again, no matter how I find it.

lilangel2's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:23 PM
And I have heard of several sucess stories too...go look at sucess stories...so, nothing is guranteed...I am not looking for a gurantee...Looking for love...love is compromise, good and bad times and just life. flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:24 PM

And btw .. I've heard this "I'm in LUUUUUUUUUV" by JSH'ers that thought they'd met their one and only, only to be terribly crushed after meeting. Or they have a great 1st meet, but then things go downhill after that.

I know.

I used to run the "Do you believe in magic" thread ..

Just keep it real folks. Live romance but live reality too.

WORDS TO GROW BY,wink...and very true to life and living,wink...

TheShadow's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:26 PM

I am stil unclear on what you are trying to say?

People who meet online should not give love to one person until they move in and get to know one another?

People should not date online?

People should live together first, then date?

People should forget love altogether???:cry:

No nosmile2 what you just said, is what most hope for and it's somthing we have to work for.

I wasn't expectiong you to pop in, but you did biggrin What i'm getting at is, as most of you you will see people jump into a situation way to fast and a couploe months latter, blaming them for what ever happen. The funny thing is, most will never look at themselves as where did i go wrong. So the saing, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Is not to throw all of who you are into anyone untill you have actually spent time with them. I said living with somone somewhat gives more of an idea who they really are. Hell if you can't live with them. how will the relationship work? So move in and you will jknow if it will work or not.

BonnyMiss's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:27 PM
You've all heard of the saying " Failure is the first steps to success" So it failed, move on, maybe that person was just a catalyst to propel you forward into something bigger and better all experiences are learning curves ! Shadow has the right attitude, he's comfortable with what he's done ( still comfortable with it) he's been there,done that and he's obviously at peace with himself, so much so that he is willingly sharing his thoughts and experience on an open forum.Way to go!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:28 PM

I don't know you all yet.....but here's a question related to all this. Can you really LOVE someone you have never met in person? I'm not speaking to anyone's relationship in this forum. Just being curious about your thoughts. I've been there and done that when it comes to internet relationships and it didn't end well, so I'm sure my viewpoint is jaded.

Is it really possible to be IN LOVE with a person you have never physically met?

Not for me, to me it's a fals feeling. The excitment is what get most going and thinking that thats love.

Peccy's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:30 PM
Edited by Peccy on Sun 07/20/08 07:31 PM
OMG! you cynics are right! I should just give up on all prospects of having a relationship a dwell in solitary for the rest of my days!

Uh huh......I am a big boy and I have been hurt before, and if it happens again, I'll know I at least tried and wasn't negative about the idea!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:32 PM

And btw .. I've heard this "I'm in LUUUUUUUUUV" by JSH'ers that thought they'd met their one and only, only to be terribly crushed after meeting. Or they have a great 1st meet, but then things go downhill after that.

I know.

I used to run the "Do you believe in magic" thread ..

Just keep it real folks. Live romance but live reality too.

WORDS TO GROW BY,wink...and very true to life and living,wink...

hey iam, 6 pages latter i get to you. Sorry man. i guess we all get caught up in things, but there has been some interesting points and i do respect others opinions. Anyway, how you been?

lilangel2's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:35 PM
I love like I breathe... sucking in all the air that I need to stay alive...not just enough to keep me from turing blue! HA!bigsmile

Mike, sorry things didn't work for you. Doesn't mean they won't work a second time or third. Peccy is my best friend. I love him like he is part of me. Some people can love like that. Some cannot. Peccy has my heart. If this does not work, will I die? No. Will I be hurt? Yes. Will I regret giving him my heart? Absolutely NOT! WIll I close my heart and never love again? NO WAY! Love is what Life is all about and it is worth the potential hurt. My love for him is real though...not superficial...like Auburn said...petty stuff doesnt matter when you love someone. I am lookign forward to learning more abut this man...we have 2 weeks to see if this will go further...ONly look forward to more funtimes. Wish the same for you again...and your son was worth it all..he's beautiful flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:37 PM

I love like I breathe... sucking in all the air that I need to stay alive...not just enough to keep me from turing blue! HA!bigsmile

Mike, sorry things didn't work for you. Doesn't mean they won't work a second time or third. Peccy is my best friend. I love him like he is part of me. Some people can love like that. Some cannot. Peccy has my heart. If this does not work, will I die? No. Will I be hurt? Yes. Will I regret giving him my heart? Absolutely NOT! WIll I close my heart and never love again? NO WAY! Love is what Life is all about and it is worth the potential hurt. My love for him is real though...not superficial...like Auburn said...petty stuff doesnt matter when you love someone. I am lookign forward to learning more abut this man...we have 2 weeks to see if this will go further...ONly look forward to more funtimes. Wish the same for you again...and your son was worth it all..he's beautiful flowerforyou


TheShadow's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:40 PM

You've all heard of the saying " Failure is the first steps to success" So it failed, move on, maybe that person was just a catalyst to propel you forward into something bigger and better all experiences are learning curves ! Shadow has the right attitude, he's comfortable with what he's done ( still comfortable with it) he's been there,done that and he's obviously at peace with himself, so much so that he is willingly sharing his thoughts and experience on an open forum.Way to go!

Thank you and your rightsmile2 flowers and i did see that in some of the others post.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:46 PM

I love like I breathe... sucking in all the air that I need to stay alive...not just enough to keep me from turing blue! HA!bigsmile

Mike, sorry things didn't work for you. Doesn't mean they won't work a second time or third. Peccy is my best friend. I love him like he is part of me. Some people can love like that. Some cannot. Peccy has my heart. If this does not work, will I die? No. Will I be hurt? Yes. Will I regret giving him my heart? Absolutely NOT! WIll I close my heart and never love again? NO WAY! Love is what Life is all about and it is worth the potential hurt. My love for him is real though...not superficial...like Auburn said...petty stuff doesnt matter when you love someone. I am lookign forward to learning more abut this man...we have 2 weeks to see if this will go further...ONly look forward to more funtimes. Wish the same for you again...and your son was worth it all..he's beautiful flowerforyou

Now this is what i like seeing. you know where you stand in all of this and you should be happy and go as far as you can with this. life is short and if we don't move on, how will we ever know like some of us said on this thread. As for me, it may be a couple times more before i'm to be with somone that is willing to share there life with me. then again. like somone said on this thread. What happen to me might be a steping stone to somone better. Life happens and everything that has happen in my life, has brang me up to this point and i'm happy where i'm atflowers

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