Topic: How Men Scare Women
Nursenell76's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:39 PM

Dear Nurse Nell,

I was wondering when a woman was going to have the cajones to hijack my idea for a thread and write about how men scare women. You didn't manage to faithfully reproduce the idea though. I was writing about all the scarey stuff women put in their profile that turns us off.

In answer to your questions

1) Being indecisive - I've found this is more of a female trait than a male trait. Women can't seem to decide if they're in the relationship or not and how much. It seems to be tougher for them than picking the right outfit. A guy will tell you straight up if he wants you and how much. A woman rarely will.

2) Wanting a good woman - heck, we all want good woman...with a bad girl streak. If we found one, I don't think we'd run off with some other b****h who treats us least not for long.

3) Calling on time - I always call when I say I will. The problem always seems to be your wacko work schedule or some other problem and you can't talk right now. Let's not even start on the voicemails I leave that you never return.

4) All women are the same? There is a sameness to a lot of the profiles. I would never assume you're anything at all like my ex-wife. If you were I'd run.

5) Flirting with others in your presence. I agree this is really uncool...and guys, if you're going flirt, don't do it when you're with a woman that interests you.

6) Trash talking your ex. This is very uncool. I never trash talk my ex. She's a good person. I just don't want to be married to her. If you trash talk your ex-anything what does that say about you?

7) Not respecting each other's time. I'm totally with you on this one.

8) Trash talking other men. We sorta covered this one with #6. Get over it!

9) Fishing for compliments. If you tell me I'm sexy I want to know how I make you feel that way about I can tell you that I'm flattered...and keep on doing those things that make me supremely sexy in your eyes.

10) Being clingy and possessive. I'll happily share you with the world as long as there are parts of you that are only for me. Deal?


I agree with just about everything ya said there except a few things, but the differences between men and womens opinions will never change. And even if they did, how fun do you think the world would be?? It just wouldn't in my eyes.

beachbum069's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:52 PM
I like yes women.

Nursenell76's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:58 PM

I like yes women.

I like yes men! LOL :banana:

Nursenell76's photo
Sun 07/20/08 06:18 PM

First of all let me just start by saying that there are many ways that you men scare women as well.....

Women do the same things. This is defently something that both genders do not like.

I agree completely

1. Being indecisive- on and off again behavior. You want us, you don't want us.....

Sometimes we just want to do our own thing. Usually it's when we are seeing your bad side, and seeing the grass on the other side at the same time. This is usually us struggling on what to accept. (it means we are thinking long term). As for everything else, We probly don't care, and thats why we can't decide on a place to eat, or where to go for vacation.

I am indecisive about places to go etc also. I can't blame a man for being that way. Thanks for the insight on this one. I have never had a man explain this. Thank you for being honest.

2. Saying that you want a good woman, then when a good woman comes along... you run off or you go for the b****h that treats you like a dog.

Usually, the 'good woman' is a self proclaimed title. Nagging is often worse then not laughing at stupid jokes. In other cases, it's because most guy's want to have sex with the b**ch, and probly think they can change her b**chy ways.

The other type of fake 'good woman' is the desperate kind, who will change her life to fit yours. We will take b*tch over that, because b*tch has her own mind. Most men that find 'good women' try to keep them.

I am using the term "good woman" to describe a woman who is mentally stable, financially secure, not nagging or *****y, and secure within herself. I do understand what you are talking about here in this case. I agree that a woman has to have her own mind and not conform to the mans personality, that seems to happen often I agree. It is a self proclaimed title as well, even bad women use it to describe themselves just as bad men say that they are "good men".

3. Never calling when you say you will. Women love to know that they are being thought of. If you say you will call us back, then please do.

I agree with this one. One problem is the 'just because' call. You call to much, your seen as clingy.

Too bad we don't have a happy medium on calling. This would solve lots of issues. LOL

4. Assuming that every woman is the same. Just because your ex wife was a pain or cheated doesn't mean that all women are or will.

I'll agree that not every women is exactly the same. There are alot of similarity's between women and other woman, just as there are between men. Players exist because they learned how to exploit these things to get what they want. Come on, comedians have been making fun of these similaritys for centuries.

Well spoken. I agree

5. Flirting with others in our presence. Need I say more?

As disrespectful as this is, some guys are just charming. There is a fine line here. It's directly porpotional to your girlfriends jelously. Crossing that line is directly porportional to how hypocrytical the girl is, and how much the guy respects his girlfriend.

I agree, I am refering to the all out "let me get your digits" flirt.

6. Trash talking your ex. Just don't do it. LOL You don't want women to picture you talking about them that way, which is what happens.

True, however when we talk about things we liked about them or things we missed, you get jelous. Instead, understand men language, we are saying 'we hope your not like this' and 'we are glad your not like this'. Think of this as us opening up to you and telling you please don't treat me like her. If it goes on, just say you won't treat us like our ex, and most guys will shut up.

I agree, but to spend the entire evening talking about your ex is unacceptable to me as well as alot of other women.

7. Not respecting a woman's time with her friends. If you don't want us to cut into guys night out time then don't do it to us.

The majority of women cut into 'guy time' with the 'just because' call. We also know that the majority of women will talk about their boyfriends when together. If you have a single and unhappy girlfriend, we will have bad things said about us. Infact, most guys know that atleast one of your friends hates us, and atleast one other friend has thought about sleeping with us.

WOW, ok. you are prob right on this one, but the calling every hour to check on us is a bit disrespectful.

8. Trash talking other men. Keep the jealously to a minimum.

There are two types. Jelously, and justice. Jelously is saying they suck when we do the same thing. Justice is saying they suck because there doing something we would never do. You can tell it's justice when the guy actually becomes notably pissed off.

Thanks for answering this one. It has been a mystery. happy

9. Fishing for compliments. If we say that you are sexy then accept it and move on, don't ask us to explain it in depth to you ten times within a few minutes.

The majority of women i know don't complament men. Infact, it's almost expected that we complament women every time we go out. we need it just as much as you do. We are just as insecure, we just are taught to hide it better. We fish when we haven't heard it alot, or we don't believe it.

I agree, I compliment my man quite often, and it is sincere when I do. Too bad most women prob don't.

10. Don't be clingy and possessive. I guess you can refer to #7 on this one also.

I disagree on this one. Some girls like a certin level of possessiveness. They like it when a guy calls a girl 'his girl', or when they get pissed off at another guy for flirting with his girlfriend. Others don't seem to care. Though i will agree, there is a fine line.

Yes a fine line in deed. I guess I think of being clingy and possessive as taking it to extremes. That reminds me of my ex husband. He was very clingy, didn't have his own hobbies or anything. He would follow me around like a puppy. It was a complete turn off. I like men who like to spend time with their man friends, hunt, fish, and have their own mind.

Lord_Psycho's photo
Sun 07/20/08 06:28 PM
Im the master when people play there stupid games! I for 1 be up front with a girl that I like alot and if she doesnt feel the same the hell with her. Its 2 easy to scare men n women off. I see it and hear about day by day from friends and other people. can we all just grow up and be honest with eachother! Do we have to act such big babies! Its time to be mature and respect each other! And if people dont do that well 4get them and live on! There are plenty people out there to have fun!

Nursenell76's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:00 PM

Im the master when people play there stupid games! I for 1 be up front with a girl that I like alot and if she doesnt feel the same the hell with her. Its 2 easy to scare men n women off. I see it and hear about day by day from friends and other people. can we all just grow up and be honest with eachother! Do we have to act such big babies! Its time to be mature and respect each other! And if people dont do that well 4get them and live on! There are plenty people out there to have fun!

My point exactly. That is the way I look at things. I hate games.

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:07 AM
Threads like this bring out the hidden monster in some people. I love reading replies in the threads. Take notes and names for future references.

I can so see someone in this thread that would start a debate in the middle of sex.rofl rofl rofl

Goofball73's photo
Mon 07/21/08 07:16 AM
A woman scares me when she has a chainsaw in hand and is aiming it at my nuts!noway noway Not good!

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:11 AM
Another man bashing thread, these generalizations about men are getting boring!!!

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:52 AM

Another man bashing thread, these generalizations about men are getting boring!!!

drinker drinker frustrated drinker drinker slaphead

starlynsangel's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:57 AM
:smile: Keep things simple and humble...the right couple will find eachother:smile:
*no rules needed*:tongue:

Lord_Psycho's photo
Mon 07/21/08 11:36 AM

Another man bashing thread, these generalizations about men are getting boring!!!

No its ok if women bash men not the other way around!

auburngirl's photo
Mon 07/21/08 11:51 AM
Nobody was bashing! These were meant as helpful hints to SOME men who don't get it! noway

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 08:45 PM
I do all ten. I like letting my womenz feel like theyre living in danger!

dangurtner's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:51 AM
men are from mars, women are from venus... need i say more??

stillookin's photo
Wed 08/20/08 03:11 PM
Interesting list and I would say right on the money. I am currently dating a man that cannot get over the things the b***h that he fell for did to him. Continues to tell me about it from time to time even though I have told him I feel like I was there. He says he wouldn't take her back for anything but has such a grudge against her it isn't funny. Then continues to tell me he loves me but "not in love" and doesnt know if he ever will be able to say that again. When I say that scares me and makes me wonder if this relationship will ever go further he asked "Well do you want me to lie to you?" lol Just how much does a man expect us to take? I am not obsessive or clingy and never asked him to give up anything for me. Sorry for the long response, got carried away. lol BTW That relationship he is having trouble getting out of his mind was 4 yrs ago!!!!!

oldsage's photo
Wed 08/20/08 03:17 PM
stillookin, it is your choice. You didn't say how much time you have invested.
My thoughts are if it is very long, start lookin in a different place. Know some guys like that, got burnt to bad & just can not move on.

Hope you figure it out.

wiley's photo
Wed 08/20/08 03:22 PM

First of all let me just start by saying that there are many ways that you men scare women as well.....

1. Being indecisive- on and off again behavior. You want us, you don't want us.....

Hmm... I'm usually on the receiving end of that. Guys do that too?

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 03:28 PM
5. Flirting with others in our presence. Need I say more?

yes......this scares you????

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 03:29 PM

9. Fishing for compliments. If we say that you are sexy then accept it and move on, don't ask us to explain it in depth to you ten times within a few minutes.

you are afraid of this?