Topic: New Girl Friend is HIV Positive
franshade's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:27 AM

where are you getting these smileys from?? i cant see them on jsh??frown

m2 deb

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:28 AM

where are you getting these smileys from?? i cant see them on jsh??frown

m2 deb

oh, so you can only get them on mingle?? i like jsh, and im scared to switch. i left you a post did you see it??? if ive offended you im sorry, i didnt intend to. flowerforyou flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:31 AM
HIV is passed through blood, ie seman, sores, needles, vaginal blood. Not anything outside of the body except an open sore touching an open sore of another. Spit has been thought about, but it has to have blood in it or entering into a place that is open.

There are many hiv aids couples. One with and one without that share a good and loving relationship. It is about safety and a few extra minutes out of your day to stay that way.
Do hiv and aids patients not deserve love too???
To say things like I'll buy insurance on you or I would never do it is kinda ignorant. Or lazy.
To tell you the truth that desease is rampant among women of color, white young women as well as older....hispanics and the heterosexual population. It was on the decline, then people got lazy again and now have unprotected sex over and over again. Teenagers are in the up and coming hiv patients around the world.

There are so many people with hiv that don't know it, and spreading it around. You can't tell by looking.

I take my hat off to you young man for having enough heart to stick around and not run like a chicken.

She is to be commended for at least telling you. Many don't.


franshade's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:32 AM

where are you getting these smileys from?? i cant see them on jsh??frown

m2 deb

oh, so you can only get them on mingle?? i like jsh, and im scared to switch. i left you a post did you see it??? if ive offended you im sorry, i didnt intend to. flowerforyou flowerforyou

I dont get offended Debbie, frustrated sometimes but offended never.:wink:

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:34 AM
in the uk, you have to have councelling before a hiv test, i heard on the radio the other day, they are stopping the councelling so more people will get tested, as it is getting more and more common in straight people.

it broke my heart when we had a 17 year old diagnosed, there was 3 of them, the first one gave it to the second, then both of them gave it to the 17 year old.

also we had patients from countries like africa where they had beeen raped and caught it from there, and we had some who got it from blood transfusions.

the majority were gay patients, but as i said proviosuly its becoming very common in straight people now.

very sad. :cry: :cry: :cry:

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:35 AM

where are you getting these smileys from?? i cant see them on jsh??frown

m2 deb

oh, so you can only get them on mingle?? i like jsh, and im scared to switch. i left you a post did you see it??? if ive offended you im sorry, i didnt intend to. flowerforyou flowerforyou

I dont get offended Debbie, frustrated sometimes but offended never.:wink:

i get frustrated to, but i wasnt offended either. thanks for clearing that up. i did try to email you, but your settings wont allow me to. thanks, im glad were ok. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

jonny63's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:35 AM
See now thats better.bigsmile :heart: bigsmile

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:42 AM

See now thats better.bigsmile :heart: bigsmile

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

franshade's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:43 AM

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:44 AM


your making me jealous with those smileys laugh laugh

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:51 AM
I just have one question. And please forgive me if it was already asked. As I was not going to sit here and read through 9 pages of responses. BUT if she has been HIV for 20 years now, then how the hell does her child not have it? Oh hell the person she got pregnant by would have it as well. So does that mean he did not know either? OK that was two questions. Sorry.

I would be VERY leary on getting involved. But that is just me, I do have my own children that I need to protect.

But this whole thing does not make sense to me. It is an STD so A child would also get it. And unborn child shares EVERYTHING from there mother at that point.

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:52 AM


your making me jealous with those smileys laugh laugh

They still do not make me want to go over to the dark side. I do not care if they have smileys. Good way to tell who is on mingle 2 and who is on JSH though.


whispertoascream's photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:53 AM
OK I am on JSH and just use a new smiley. I you type out the code it shows on on JSH.bigsmile

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:55 AM
even though she has a child, that doesnt always mean he will contract it. you could have sex with a hiv person for years and never catch it, or you could catch it 2 years down the line or 2 weeks, everyones differnt.

also the mothers and babys blood dont mix during pregnancy, and precautions are taken through delievery to ensure the baby gets no cuts where the mothers blood can pass through, plus they give the mom meds to stop the baby getting it to.

many babies are born with moms who are hiv posotive and the baby doesnt get it, as long as the precautions are taken.

in countries like africa, where sanitary conditions are bad, many babies are born with hiv.

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 10:56 AM


your making me jealous with those smileys laugh laugh

They still do not make me want to go over to the dark side. I do not care if they have smileys. Good way to tell who is on mingle 2 and who is on JSH though.


thats true, ill swap when i have to frown

Mystique42's photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:17 PM
Anyone who can see beyond a disease and see the REAL person, should be commended. Everyone does deserve to be loved and her honesty is certainly a plus. I wish you the very best!flowerforyou

JazzieJoHanna's photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:19 PM

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:22 PM
this is a tottaly stupid conversation.

Look i'm being honest and i would expect the same to happen to me if i was or i'd do the same to anyone i loved as a friend.

why do you date or have a relationship? it isn't so you can be really good friends. you date to find a mate ( hey that rhymes) you find someone that you can create a family with, have sex with, have a bond with, etc.

I know what the chick said you can use condoms and you'll be okay.. thats true... as long as the condoms don't bust or you don't acidentally get drunk or forget .. * could happen* you cannot be intimate with her in anyway without probably wondering yourself. If you are i would suggest a monthly hiv test your local center can provide them for free.

I would suggest you be there for her as a loving friend and give her support because thats definitly what she needs, but i just don't know how long you can actually go without having a sexual intimate relationship its one of those things that come .. even if you wait until marriage it happens and trust me you don't want to risk your own health...

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:24 PM

I just have one question. And please forgive me if it was already asked. As I was not going to sit here and read through 9 pages of responses. BUT if she has been HIV for 20 years now, then how the hell does her child not have it? Oh hell the person she got pregnant by would have it as well. So does that mean he did not know either? OK that was two questions. Sorry.

I would be VERY leary on getting involved. But that is just me, I do have my own children that I need to protect.

But this whole thing does not make sense to me. It is an STD so A child would also get it. And unborn child shares EVERYTHING from there mother at that point.

I honestly do not believe this story at all .
I think the guy made it up .

no photo
Thu 06/26/08 12:25 PM
it takes hiv 3 months to show up in the blood, its called the window period. so he would need to be tested every 3 months.

and yes condoms arnt 100 percent safe, so hes at risk if hes intimate with her.