Topic: Is the Bible the perfect source for morality? | |
That's a lot to assume tiffany.apparently you haven't actually read her posts or you wouldn't have made such a way off base post.God Bless..
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Tue 06/03/08 05:23 PM
What? Oh, well.
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kumbaya my lord kumbaya .... what the hell does kumbaya mean anyway? ![]() come by hear |
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Tue 06/03/08 05:36 PM
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kumbaya my lord kumbaya .... what the hell does kumbaya mean anyway? ![]() come by hear thanx tribo. |
Hi Cute:
Kumbaya - is a slaves prayer of desparation often made into songs, just as their African forefathers taught them. Only now their God, the only God they were allowed to believe, was the the God of The Christian. We call these singing prayers "Negro Spiritauals. This one is asking for the comfort of their God: "Come by here, my lord, come by here." Many of the Negro spiritauls were difficult to understand as many were never taught proper english or grammar. Only house slaves were taught such things, and only verbally. It was illegal to "TRY" to teach the lowley mind of a black slave to read. Even the the children born from the rape of a slave-owner and his slave were considered less than human.. Of course all this led to many great black spirituals. I have always a low range, 'alto' voice and so these spirituals were always my favorite to sing - like the following song that contained a map to freedom - the drinking gourd. Slaves were not given commodities like plates and cups, they made their cups our of dried and hollowed gourds. IN the case of the song, the drinking gourd, resemples the Big Dipper (follow it north). The song had several versions, depending on where the slave began their journey to freedom from. Each song denoted a differnt set of code, landmarkd and even people along the path of the underground railroad. Sorry for the long explanation, but this is one of those things that people should NEVER pass up the opportunity of explaining. This history MUST be remembered and recounted so that it will NEVER happen again. VERSE 1 When the sun come back, When the firs' quail call, Then the time is come Foller the drinkin' gou'd. CHORUS Foller the drinkin' gou'd, Foller the drinkin' gou'd; For the ole man say, "Foller the drinkin' gou'd." VERSE 2 The riva's bank am a very good road, The dead trees show the way, Lef' foot, peg foot goin' on, Foller the drinkin' gou'd. CHORUS VERSE 3 The riva ends a-tween two hills, Foller the drinkin' gou'd; 'Nuther riva on the other side Follers the drinkin' gou'd. CHORUS VERSE 4 Wha the little riva Meet the grea' big un, The ole man waits-- Foller the drinkin' gou'd. |
What? Oh, well. ![]() nice edit. ![]() |
Hi Cute: Kumbaya - is a slaves prayer of desparation often made into songs, just as their African forefathers taught them. Only now their God, the only God they were allowed to believe, was the the God of The Christian. We call these singing prayers "Negro Spiritauals. This one is asking for the comfort of their God: "Come by here, my lord, come by here." Many of the Negro spiritauls were difficult to understand as many were never taught proper english or grammar. Only house slaves were taught such things, and only verbally. It was illegal to "TRY" to teach the lowley mind of a black slave to read. Even the the children born from the rape of a slave-owner and his slave were considered less than human.. Of course all this led to many great black spirituals. I have always a low range, 'alto' voice and so these spirituals were always my favorite to sing - like the following song that contained a map to freedom - the drinking gourd. Slaves were not given commodities like plates and cups, they made their cups our of dried and hollowed gourds. IN the case of the song, the drinking gourd, resemples the Big Dipper (follow it north). The song had several versions, depending on where the slave began their journey to freedom from. Each song denoted a differnt set of code, landmarkd and even people along the path of the underground railroad. Sorry for the long explanation, but this is one of those things that people should NEVER pass up the opportunity of explaining. This history MUST be remembered and recounted so that it will NEVER happen again. VERSE 1 When the sun come back, When the firs' quail call, Then the time is come Foller the drinkin' gou'd. CHORUS Foller the drinkin' gou'd, Foller the drinkin' gou'd; For the ole man say, "Foller the drinkin' gou'd." VERSE 2 The riva's bank am a very good road, The dead trees show the way, Lef' foot, peg foot goin' on, Foller the drinkin' gou'd. CHORUS VERSE 3 The riva ends a-tween two hills, Foller the drinkin' gou'd; 'Nuther riva on the other side Follers the drinkin' gou'd. CHORUS VERSE 4 Wha the little riva Meet the grea' big un, The ole man waits-- Foller the drinkin' gou'd. wow think its now a campfire song. |
What? Oh, well. ![]() nice edit. ![]() I don't come here to argue or defend my beliefs. I did the Christian thing. Turned the other cheek. ![]() |
cool.i didnt attack your beliefs.i'm christian also.yay !!
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I have defended JB numerous times. Then, I come back online and it sounds like she is Christian bashing. I am not sure why she is here. Like I said, maybe she is just curious. But, I have non-religious friends that I have seen get on these forums just to irritate people. They think it is amusing. I have friends of all sorts of faiths, but I would never go onto their forums unless I was there to educate myself on their beliefs. That does not mean I will believe what they do, but I will have a better understanding. I was irritated because I defended her and then she sounded like some of my friends. By the way, I have told them it is not amusing and they should just listen to some music or something while they are drinking if they are that freakin bored. I don't hate JB though, just irritated.
From Quikstepper---"My point EXACTLY. The carnal mind can't possibly understand. Don't blame God for slavery & those sort of things. That was left up to man's own imaginations." "Slavery & those sorts of things?" The Bible DOES endorse slavery as my earlier post on this thread points out along with several bible references. The bible absolutely lays out the rules for owning slaves, the length of time a Hebrew slave can be owned versus and pagan slave. Some of the best apologists for Christianity in this forum stayed clear away from the subject of slavery--because they know what the bible says. Please, if you would, explain why we should not blame God for slavery when it is endorsed in the very word of God? -Drew No...the Bible does not endorse slavery. You are confusing man's corrupt imaginations with God..AGAIN! I find it so ironic that some here would talk about killing "innocent" women & children & think nothing of the babies being killed by abortionists. What about the pagan rituals that sacrficed their children to false gods? If you can't see that that is the same thing as abortion then you are being a hypocrite. No one thinks that's why God had them killed off they were so corrupted by their own lusts, their consciences seared. God knows who would come to Him & who would not & it's not up to any mere human to question the God of creation. God raised a nation who would follow Him so all the world would know who the true & LIVING God is. Yet you still want to bite the very hand that has protected you all your life. How ungrateful. You are probly some of the same that curse anything good about our nation & its values. You can't see that it's your own corrupt thinking that is destructive. Now that's beyond's pathetic. So please don't question what God does because He does things FOR our good. OK, Quikstepper, I get that you are up against a bit of a wall here. What I don't understand is why you believe that beating your head against it will hurt the wall more than it will your head. If the entire Bible is flawless and the inspired word of God then everything in the Bible is part of that inspired word. Slavery is endorsed over and over again. Exodus 21:4 and again in verse 6. In Duet. 15:16-17. In Matt. 10:24 and in John 13:16 there are further provisions. Colossians 3:22 says, "Slaves, obey your masters." Which part of this is man's sick thinking and which part is the word of God? Help me out here because I thought the entire Bible was taught as the Word of God? Do I think you approve of slavery? No, and my earlier post is clear on that. I don't think anyone here does but that was not the point. The question was whether or not the Bible is a great source for moral direction? On that issue of slavery it is not, and it is not because today most fair-minded people think the entire institution of slavery to be ugly and detestable. I'm sorry you don't like what the Bible has to say about the subject but I did not write it--your God did. -Drew |
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Tue 06/03/08 06:32 PM
I have defended JB numerous times. Then, I come back online and it sounds like she is Christian bashing. I am not sure why she is here. Like I said, maybe she is just curious. I have been curious yes, about why people seem to need religion. I don't "bash" anybody. I have questioned them deeply and I can't get what I consider to be any reasonable answers about hard questions concerning the Biblical history of Christianity. It puzzles me why they believe it. I have recently realized that I am asking the wrong people. Christians themselves don't really have the answers and when you ask the questions, they feel like you are "bashing" them. Maybe I saw it as challenging them to think, but it's not my business to do that anyway. It's not my job. I know now what draws people to religion. I have no need to question them anymore. So you will probably not see me on these forums much any more. I have the answer I was looking for. But, I have non-religious friends that I have seen get on these forums just to irritate people. They think it is amusing. I have friends of all sorts of faiths, but I would never go onto their forums unless I was there to educate myself on their beliefs. That does not mean I will believe what they do, but I will have a better understanding. I was irritated because I defended her and then she sounded like some of my friends. By the way, I have told them it is not amusing and they should just listen to some music or something while they are drinking if they are that freakin bored. I don't hate JB though, just irritated.
I mistakenly thought these forums were for the purpose of discussion and debate but most people get offended by the most logical or reasonable debate, especially when it comes to religions. They don't have a philosophy category, and I like to discuss ideas and metaphysics and have done so a lot on this club, but it had to be done in the "religion" forum. You can rest easy now, all of you, because I leave you to your own discussions on your religious topics. They are no longer my business or my interest anymore. JB |
From Quikstepper---"My point EXACTLY. The carnal mind can't possibly understand. Don't blame God for slavery & those sort of things. That was left up to man's own imaginations." "Slavery & those sorts of things?" The Bible DOES endorse slavery as my earlier post on this thread points out along with several bible references. The bible absolutely lays out the rules for owning slaves, the length of time a Hebrew slave can be owned versus and pagan slave. Some of the best apologists for Christianity in this forum stayed clear away from the subject of slavery--because they know what the bible says. Please, if you would, explain why we should not blame God for slavery when it is endorsed in the very word of God? -Drew No...the Bible does not endorse slavery. You are confusing man's corrupt imaginations with God..AGAIN! I find it so ironic that some here would talk about killing "innocent" women & children & think nothing of the babies being killed by abortionists. What about the pagan rituals that sacrficed their children to false gods? If you can't see that that is the same thing as abortion then you are being a hypocrite. No one thinks that's why God had them killed off they were so corrupted by their own lusts, their consciences seared. God knows who would come to Him & who would not & it's not up to any mere human to question the God of creation. God raised a nation who would follow Him so all the world would know who the true & LIVING God is. Yet you still want to bite the very hand that has protected you all your life. How ungrateful. You are probly some of the same that curse anything good about our nation & its values. You can't see that it's your own corrupt thinking that is destructive. Now that's beyond's pathetic. So please don't question what God does because He does things FOR our good. OK, Quikstepper, I get that you are up against a bit of a wall here. What I don't understand is why you believe that beating your head against it will hurt the wall more than it will your head. If the entire Bible is flawless and the inspired word of God then everything in the Bible is part of that inspired word. Slavery is endorsed over and over again. Exodus 21:4 and again in verse 6. In Duet. 15:16-17. In Matt. 10:24 and in John 13:16 there are further provisions. Colossians 3:22 says, "Slaves, obey your masters." Which part of this is man's sick thinking and which part is the word of God? Help me out here because I thought the entire Bible was taught as the Word of God? Do I think you approve of slavery? No, and my earlier post is clear on that. I don't think anyone here does but that was not the point. The question was whether or not the Bible is a great source for moral direction? On that issue of slavery it is not, and it is not because today most fair-minded people think the entire institution of slavery to be ugly and detestable. I'm sorry you don't like what the Bible has to say about the subject but I did not write it--your God did. -Drew order for one to fully understand the Word of God, one needs to look at the WHOLE WORD..and NOT just PARTS!!! Tribo just wrote on how some can take the Word of God OUT of context. I agree. We can't take the Word out of context.....or else we will make the Word say anythign we want it to. ALSO Drew.. you need the Holy Spirit in you ( the Holy Spirit comes to reside in a christian when he is born again) , to give you the rightt interpretation of God's Word. ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 06/03/08 06:49 PM
I have defended JB numerous times. Then, I come back online and it sounds like she is Christian bashing. I am not sure why she is here. Like I said, maybe she is just curious. But, I have non-religious friends that I have seen get on these forums just to irritate people. They think it is amusing. I have friends of all sorts of faiths, but I would never go onto their forums unless I was there to educate myself on their beliefs. That does not mean I will believe what they do, but I will have a better understanding. I was irritated because I defended her and then she sounded like some of my friends. By the way, I have told them it is not amusing and they should just listen to some music or something while they are drinking if they are that freakin bored. I don't hate JB though, just irritated. God Is Not Done with Any of Us.... Jeannie Included. God Loves Her Very Very Much. ![]() So Do I. ![]() |
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Tue 06/03/08 07:07 PM
JB, I don't need you to make me question my beliefs. I am not a robot, I am a human being. Fine, you think I live a fantasy life? That's my problem. I NEED to believe! You know what you are doing. I am not an idiot. Like I said on previous posts. I have gone to Wiccan ceremonies and such for various reasons. But, none to make them question their beliefs. You don't have to agree. Just talk to people. Gheez, this world can be so demanding and ugly. I come to a Christian forum to talk nice. The conversation does not have to be about faith, but it is my choice other than: let's say: " My booty call last night and such,,," I have seen the ugliest things in life and so have many other people on this forum. Peace for once....PLEASE! I miss my husband in California. Everytime I get back from a deployment is he leaving for his. I worry about him so much and I get so lonely. I am a truck driver and he is a pilot. I need to trust that God will take care of him. I need to believe that all this will end good. I just want a normal life. I think I live in Iraq more than here. In fact, that is the case. I pray every night. I should not have tried to committ suice upon my last return. I was a lost soul. I pray for Gods forgiveness everyday. This sounds silly, but to pay Him back I have adopted an abused dog, I am fostering a kitty cat and I am volunteering at the Salvation Army. I don't pat myself on the back....I just need redemption from God. Please let me have that JB.
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I have defended JB numerous times. Then, I come back online and it sounds like she is Christian bashing. I am not sure why she is here. Like I said, maybe she is just curious. I have been curious yes, about why people seem to need religion. I don't "bash" anybody. I have questioned them deeply and I can't get what I consider to be any reasonable answers about hard questions concerning the Biblical history of Christianity. It puzzles me why they believe it. I have recently realized that I am asking the wrong people. Christians themselves don't really have the answers and when you ask the questions, they feel like you are "bashing" them. Maybe I saw it as challenging them to think, but it's not my business to do that anyway. It's not my job. I know now what draws people to religion. I have no need to question them anymore. So you will probably not see me on these forums much any more. I have the answer I was looking for. But, I have non-religious friends that I have seen get on these forums just to irritate people. They think it is amusing. I have friends of all sorts of faiths, but I would never go onto their forums unless I was there to educate myself on their beliefs. That does not mean I will believe what they do, but I will have a better understanding. I was irritated because I defended her and then she sounded like some of my friends. By the way, I have told them it is not amusing and they should just listen to some music or something while they are drinking if they are that freakin bored. I don't hate JB though, just irritated.
I mistakenly thought these forums were for the purpose of discussion and debate but most people get offended by the most logical or reasonable debate, especially when it comes to religions. They don't have a philosophy category, and I like to discuss ideas and metaphysics and have done so a lot on this club, but it had to be done in the "religion" forum. You can rest easy now, all of you, because I leave you to your own discussions on your religious topics. They are no longer my business or my interest anymore. JB There not for debate. ![]() |
From Quikstepper---"My point EXACTLY. The carnal mind can't possibly understand. Don't blame God for slavery & those sort of things. That was left up to man's own imaginations." "Slavery & those sorts of things?" The Bible DOES endorse slavery as my earlier post on this thread points out along with several bible references. The bible absolutely lays out the rules for owning slaves, the length of time a Hebrew slave can be owned versus and pagan slave. Some of the best apologists for Christianity in this forum stayed clear away from the subject of slavery--because they know what the bible says. Please, if you would, explain why we should not blame God for slavery when it is endorsed in the very word of God? -Drew No...the Bible does not endorse slavery. You are confusing man's corrupt imaginations with God..AGAIN! I find it so ironic that some here would talk about killing "innocent" women & children & think nothing of the babies being killed by abortionists. What about the pagan rituals that sacrficed their children to false gods? If you can't see that that is the same thing as abortion then you are being a hypocrite. No one thinks that's why God had them killed off they were so corrupted by their own lusts, their consciences seared. God knows who would come to Him & who would not & it's not up to any mere human to question the God of creation. God raised a nation who would follow Him so all the world would know who the true & LIVING God is. Yet you still want to bite the very hand that has protected you all your life. How ungrateful. You are probly some of the same that curse anything good about our nation & its values. You can't see that it's your own corrupt thinking that is destructive. Now that's beyond's pathetic. So please don't question what God does because He does things FOR our good. OK, Quikstepper, I get that you are up against a bit of a wall here. What I don't understand is why you believe that beating your head against it will hurt the wall more than it will your head. If the entire Bible is flawless and the inspired word of God then everything in the Bible is part of that inspired word. Slavery is endorsed over and over again. Exodus 21:4 and again in verse 6. In Duet. 15:16-17. In Matt. 10:24 and in John 13:16 there are further provisions. Colossians 3:22 says, "Slaves, obey your masters." Which part of this is man's sick thinking and which part is the word of God? Help me out here because I thought the entire Bible was taught as the Word of God? Do I think you approve of slavery? No, and my earlier post is clear on that. I don't think anyone here does but that was not the point. The question was whether or not the Bible is a great source for moral direction? On that issue of slavery it is not, and it is not because today most fair-minded people think the entire institution of slavery to be ugly and detestable. I'm sorry you don't like what the Bible has to say about the subject but I did not write it--your God did. -Drew order for one to fully understand the Word of God, one needs to look at the WHOLE WORD..and NOT just PARTS!!! Tribo just wrote on how some can take the Word of God OUT of context. I agree. We can't take the Word out of context.....or else we will make the Word say anythign we want it to. ALSO Drew.. you need the Holy Spirit in you ( the Holy Spirit comes to reside in a christian when he is born again) , to give you the rightt interpretation of God's Word. ![]() The whole word? Context? OK, if the problem I'm having is one of not taking the Bible in context then please (and I mean this sincerely) point out where I am engaged in such poor understanding. I don't think I am and I offered up more than a few verses from different books--all of which talked about slavery and specifically how to treat slaves. Finally you make the point that I need the Holy Spirit in me, to give me the right interpretation of God's Word. To me that translates to: "I can't really explain this and I cannot justify it, so just believe in God and take it on faith." If I cannot understand the words due to lack of the Holy Spirit then instead of addressing the issue of the Bible you have simply put the problem back on me. But it is not my problem. But it is not one that can be solved simply by saying that that part of the Bible was wrong. Because if that part is wrong then it stands to reason that other parts are as well--and that, that admission would wreck the entire foundation. -Drew |
Unlike many I do not worship another human being. I worship God! Judging by your reaction, I must have hit a sore spot with you. Its okay! ![]() Ask, and he will guide you on the true path! ![]() Hey, if you need to be forgiven for your pathetic life of sin, more power to you and your path. I really don't care what you want to believe anymore. I have other things to do now. I have wasted enough time with this futile and pointless effort of attempting to help delusional people come out of the darkness and into the light of reason. So I bid you farewell. ![]() ![]() Littlemsdevils mom....these are the posts I am talking about and why I no longer defend her! |
She, JB, wishes us farewell. Thank God!
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