Topic: Adam's and Eve's I.Q. Test Results
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Sun 06/01/08 12:26 PM

Funches - i can go no further then until you lay down what you will accept explitly as proof that adam/eve had at least basic "comprehension" if i dont understand that then i cannot reply to you, what minimal proof do you want or need to put A&E into a catagory that is above the realm of sheep?"tribo"..basic comprehension would mean that Adam and Eve would have comprehend that they were naked ....the point is that Adam and Eve didn't comprehend that they were naked just like all the other animals in the Garden of Eden didn't realize they were naked ...but only after Adam and Eve ate the apple did this fact become if the sheep ate the apple would the sheep realized it was naked ...

it was the bible that stated that Adam and Eve lack the sense to know they were naked why are you trying to blame me...heck I didn't write the thing ..I'm just pointing it out ..if you can not come up with a fesible explanation then blame yourself or the bible but please don't make it my fault why you won't respond

tribo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:32 PM
Edited by tribo on Sun 06/01/08 12:40 PM

Funches - i can go no further then until you lay down what you will accept explitly as proof that adam/eve had at least basic "comprehension" if i dont understand that then i cannot reply to you, what minimal proof do you want or need to put A&E into a catagory that is above the realm of sheep?"tribo"..basic comprehension would mean that Adam and Eve would have comprehend that they were naked ....the point is that Adam and Eve didn't comprehend that they were naked just like all the other animals in the Garden of Eden didn't realize they were naked ...but only after Adam and Eve ate the apple did this fact become if the sheep ate the apple would the sheep realized it was naked ...

it was the bible that stated that Adam and Eve lack the sense to know they were naked why are you trying to blame me...heck I didn't write the thing ..I'm just pointing it out ..if you can not come up with a fesible explanation then blame yourself or the bible but please don't make it my fault why you won't respond

hahaahalaugh read my response to abra above oops page 3, this is my take on their nakedness, i'm not blaming you for anything sorry if i gave that impression.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:54 PM

hahaahalaugh read my response to abra above oops page 3, this is my take on their nakedness, i'm not blaming you for anything sorry if i gave that impression.

I read it and this is why you stated

Dear abra - as an X-believer - this is the point being made in genisis. Adam and eve were made/created in perfect goodness,at first neither of them knew any evil -

"tribo" as an ex-believer you should know that only god is supposely perfect and that God create Man as imperfect so your statement that Adam and Eve was created in perfect goodness which is impossible only suggest that they both existed in ignorant bliss because they lack knowledge
to know what good and evil were

when the fruit was eaten an awareness came over them that was probably like this - they looked at each other in a lustful was not the "nakedness" - it was the comprehension of a new desire(s) and new feelings that rushed upon them that made them feel "ashamed" not shame for their nakedness shame for the thought's they were having and how those thought's were making them feel,

so "tribo" ...if the sheep in the Garden of Eden have eaten the apple then would the sheep begin looking at each other in a lustful way ..see that is the point you keep missing..that Adam and Eve was no different then the other animals until they ate the apple

tribo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:19 PM
Edited by tribo on Sun 06/01/08 02:28 PM

hahaahalaugh read my response to abra above oops page 3, this is my take on their nakedness, i'm not blaming you for anything sorry if i gave that impression.

I read it and this is why you stated

Dear abra - as an X-believer - this is the point being made in genisis. Adam and eve were made/created in perfect goodness,at first neither of them knew any evil -

"tribo" as an ex-believer you should know that only god is supposely perfect and that God create Man as imperfect so your statement that Adam and Eve was created in perfect goodness which is impossible only suggest that they both existed in ignorant bliss because they lack knowledge
to know what good and evil were

when the fruit was eaten an awareness came over them that was probably like this - they looked at each other in a lustful was not the "nakedness" - it was the comprehension of a new desire(s) and new feelings that rushed upon them that made them feel "ashamed" not shame for their nakedness shame for the thought's they were having and how those thought's were making them feel,

so "tribo" ...if the sheep in the Garden of Eden have eaten the apple then would the sheep begin looking at each other in a lustful way ..see that is the point you keep missing..that Adam and Eve was no different then the other animals until they ate the apple

Perfect goodness or just goodness if you must, meaning they had no sin in them (at that point) - not that they were like god - god knew as he states both good and evil when he exclaims "they will become as us knowing both good and evil, after they had eaten from the tree.. You'll have to tell me the verse in genesis where god says he created man imperfect? i have not read that? As to them being ignorant - ignorance does not mean dumb or stupid - or being like the animals.

Pronunciation: \ˈig-n(ə-)rən(t)s\
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
: the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness

simply put - everyone including me and you are ignorant by definition - no one here on earth has all knowledge,is educated in every field of education that exist,nor fully aware of all there is to be aware of. I'd say few if any are even all knowledgeable in those realm's they have been educated to have as their chosen profession's, Einstien surely was not. That's why i had asked you to begin with - what degree of intellect or non ignorace would you accept to show that they were above plain old animal instinct's?

They lacked knowledge of evil - which was god's original intent - for man not to know evil, that would not make them dumb animal's - just being's that did not have to deal with evil in their lives if they had not dis-obeyed gods wishes.If the story was true - i would have liked that to be the case also.

As to not getting your point that you believe they were on the same level as the animal's i can only point you to what god states in genesis - chpt 1 vs - 15 where he puts man in the garden to dress it ( maintain) it - which would require skills animals would not have unless you know of any sheep that can work a farm and plant or maintain crop health or tree pruning or any other skills needed to do this type of maintenance needed.Plus the "understanding" Adam shows by obeying gods initial wishes and commands - all of them not just the fruit, 3) gods absence or lack of concern to make any demand's on the other animals! If they were all the same type and just as smart as man, keep this in mind - if man was of no more import than the rest of gods creation - why bother making rules and regulation's for man and not the animal's? if there is no differece in intellect,comprehension,etc., between the two? 4)God ask no other earthly creation to follow any command or rules past the natural instincts they were given to live and survive - so why man? if man is just another snake,worm,sheep,cow,goat,- why man? Because he gave man comprehension - the ability to reason, to understand, inntellect - no matter how much or how little, he was not an animal nor a robot, nor a slave, he had choice, and he chose to do something he should not have, none of which had anything to do with there state of being naked.Metaphorically - there nakedness could also be a symbol of there total dependence on god for all they needed. As i started out saying to abra - nakedness is not the issue in this scenario, nor is ignorance, or if it is ignorance it is on our part as we are today in our attept's to understand.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:33 PM

As to not getting your point that you believe they were on the same level as the animal's i can only point you to what god states in genesis - chpt 1 vs - 15 where he puts man in the garden to dress it ( maintain) it -

"tribo" maintain could mean to spread fertilizer

which would require skills animals would not have unless you know of any sheep that can work a farm and plant or maintain crop health or tree pruning or any other skills needed to do this type of maintenance needed.

see 'tribo' now you are making up stuff...The Garden of Eden was name that because all Adam and Eve had to do was to eat have sex and take a dump you got them working on a farm like on 'Green Acres"

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 02:41 PM

You move your fingers and type the words, but nothing makes sense with what you put here.
Its all second-hand rhetoric. You pick long words you cannot spell, and soundbites that are tired and for some unfathomable reason you love the word licentious ...

drinker drinker

it's "wouldee's" way of trying to hide his passive aggression

drinker drinker

Wouldee speaks in parables and languages known only to spirits of the undead.


tribo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:09 PM

As to not getting your point that you believe they were on the same level as the animal's i can only point you to what god states in genesis - chpt 1 vs - 15 where he puts man in the garden to dress it ( maintain) it -

"tribo" maintain could mean to spread fertilizer

which would require skills animals would not have unless you know of any sheep that can work a farm and plant or maintain crop health or tree pruning or any other skills needed to do this type of maintenance needed.

see 'tribo' now you are making up stuff...The Garden of Eden was name that because all Adam and Eve had to do was to eat have sex and take a dump you got them working on a farm like on 'Green Acres"

hahahaha - yes maintain could mean just that, or no more than watching over all that was there, still it does not take away from what i stated - man was givin the task to maintain the the eden - to maintain requires intelligence, comprehension the abilty to understand the word or idea of what maintenece means - which god would not be able to do with a mere instinctive animal's

As to your second response - yes i was making that part up only to prove a point as stated above. your question was to prove man - adam - was higher on the food chain than the animals in the garden, i believe the point is proven - but if not - i really don't care one way or the other, as i said this is my understanding of this part of genesis, i never had the thought's you have or abra has on the matter - my contention's with genesis are far from adam and eve.

As to the nakedness question i also have answered that - it makes no difference to me if you accept it or not - but is is answered.

As for you - i'm not sure whether you really want answers or your just trying to sharpen your debating skills??? Most of the question's and answer's you post on here seem like you desire debate - but i have not been here long enough to know for sure - if you really desire answers i will continue and do my best for sake of knowledge on your part - but if it's just a game for you - i'll bow out and let you sharpen your skills with the other's

may you suceed in all you put your hand's and mind to.

sincerely - TRIBO

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:10 PM
:tongue: I think Funches might know alot about Adam and Eve.flowerforyou he's kinda like them.laugh he never wears a shirt:tongue:

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:39 PM

As for you - i'm not sure whether you really want answers or your just trying to sharpen your debating skills???
sincerely - TRIBO

"Tribo" you just admited you were making up stuff to get your point other words lieing ..I mean the deception in your posts are so obvious .. but if you notice I never once resorted to using those types of deception tactics...

The point of debate is to possibly get to another level of understanding about the sugject that is being debated ..what's the point if you are going to resort to deception

you claimed to be an ex-believer but it appears you are still programmed not to think beyond your ex-belief

Belushi's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:43 PM

Wouldee speaks in parables and languages known only to spirits of the undead.

... and himself ...

tribo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 03:52 PM

As for you - i'm not sure whether you really want answers or your just trying to sharpen your debating skills???
sincerely - TRIBO

"Tribo" you just admited you were making up stuff to get your point other words lieing ..I mean the deception in your posts are so obvious .. but if you notice I never once resorted to using those types of deception tactics...

The point of debate is to possibly get to another level of understanding about the sugject that is being debated ..what's the point if you are going to resort to deception

you claimed to be an ex-believer but it appears you are still programmed not to think beyond your ex-belief

hahaha - making stuff up? - No - making a point - the point made did not affect the bottom line no injury was done - and i went on to explain all. what you asked was answered - as i said i have no need to be deceitful about anything funches, i am an XB, and as i said i don't care if you believe my post or not, if it did not get you to a higher level of understanding then ignore it. MY purpose was only to try to explain the given statements made on the subject - that i have done.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:08 PM

i don't care if you believe my post or not

well 'Tribo" what's to believe when you already admitted that you were lieing ....all I was saying is why debate if you have to resort to that

tribo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:20 PM

i don't care if you believe my post or not

well 'Tribo" what's to believe when you already admitted that you were lieing ....all I was saying is why debate if you have to resort to that

what your calling a lie is no more than exspanding on what adam might have done in caring for eden. In no way does that nullify anything i wrote after that. I even responded back to you that it could have been no more than fertilizing as you suggested.It was anything but a lie, only making the point that he could have or might have done such.if i cannot have my own opinion's or choose way's to express myself, especially over something that was not the main goal of the discussion then your right we cannot debate any more. Anything i said ended up explaining the questions asked - now it's up to you to either accept or not accept, your choice. no one's twisting your arm. surely not me.the answer's stand nothing has changed.adam was higher than the animal's and nakedness has nothing to do with the thing's taking place there past what i've stated.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:34 PM

what your calling a lie is no more than exspanding on what adam might have done in caring for eden.

"Tribo" maybe you could get away with that type of stuff in the other forums you debated in but in here it's called lieing ...and you trying to justify it as something else makes it worse...but hey if that's how you debate ..then more power to you

tribo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 04:50 PM
Edited by tribo on Sun 06/01/08 05:00 PM

what your calling a lie is no more than exspanding on what adam might have done in caring for eden.

"Tribo" maybe you could get away with that type of stuff in the other forums you debated in but in here it's called lieing ...and you trying to justify it as something else makes it worse...but hey if that's how you debate ..then more power to you

The bottom line funches is this - you just like to debate and keep something going that has been answered by starting to move on to other things instead of staying on the subject you first raised, This is a perfect example - you will not acknowledge my answer's are right or correct or even plausable - you just scurry around it by making other accusations or going somewhere else. i see you do this often when your back's up against the wall and your loosing the debate. i have no "need" to post on your question's,
My intent, as i stated, was to try and clear up something i was not aware anyone was even thinking about as to the understanding of what your question originally was about - That which was actually taking place in the garden. Or at least my understanding of it.

As i said - good luck in all you put your hand's and head to.

sincerely - tribo

PS: you also never got back to me on your statement that god created man "imperfectly" your quote - i said i had never read that in genisis or anywhere? and to get back to me on that - you did not - is that a true statement? or a lie??? If not then please tell me the chapter and verse so i may read and know this truth you put forth please, thnx.

"tribo" as an ex-believer you should know that only god is supposely perfect and that "God create Man as imperfect" so your statement that Adam and Eve was created in perfect goodness which is impossible only suggest that they both existed in ignorant bliss because they lack knowledge
to know what good and evil were

my "" mark's - tribo

wouldee's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:02 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sun 06/01/08 05:03 PM

Wouldee speaks in parables and languages known only to spirits of the undead.

... and himself ...


it's like saying to be alive to death is to awaken into a dream.

or a nightmare..

or a hallucination.

In any case an artist must remain lucid.

When any premise creates an illusion that distracts from the lucidity involved in such a creation, then delusions can be discerned and thus be plundered.

But is the applause worth the effort?

Let me explain.laugh :wink:

there are double entendres within this very thread.

Some see the initiation and some are being initiated.

It is a unique experience being turned out in these threads.laugh laugh laugh laugh

But amidst the banter, very deep things are occuring.

The fruit on the trees is ripe.

Which fruit seems tastier?

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:07 PM

you will not acknowledge my answer's are right or correct or even plausable -
sincerely - tribo

you had Adam and Eve pruning tress and doing farm work in the Garden of Eden when it was suppose to be paradise know them doing any type of such labor was not true...and it took the discussion off the mark ..I'm surprise you didn't have them trying to milk a bull

you got caught with it..and stop blaming me for catching you committing your transgressions ..I surprise at what I'm about to say you need to go back to Jesus

tribo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:11 PM
Edited by tribo on Sun 06/01/08 05:36 PM

you will not acknowledge my answer's are right or correct or even plausable -
sincerely - tribo

you had Adam and Eve pruning tress and doing farm work in the Garden of Eden when it was suppose to be paradise know them doing any type of such labor was not true...and it took the discussion off the mark ..I'm surprise you didn't have them trying to milk a bull

you got caught with it..and stop blaming me for catching you committing your transgressions ..I surprise at what I'm about to say you need to go back to Jesus

I repeat -

PS: you also never got back to me on your statement that god created man "imperfectly" your quote - i said i had never read that in genisis or anywhere? and to get back to me on that - you did not - is that a true statement? or a lie??? If not then please tell me the chapter and verse so i may read and know this truth you put forth please, thnx.


"tribo" as an ex-believer you should know that only god is supposely perfect and that "God create Man as imperfect" so your statement that Adam and Eve was created in perfect goodness which is impossible only suggest that they both existed in ignorant bliss because they lack knowledge
to know what good and evil were "

my "" mark's - tribo

Moondark's photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:19 PM

If Adam and Eve were the first to be born then is it not true that brothers and sisters had sex with the blessing of their " GOD " to multiply ? !.

I know I always wondered that too... plus their kids must have had kids with their brothers and sisters since they were the only 2...

We are ALL INBRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I really need a scratching head icon!!!!)

I read several commentaries on this issue where bible scholars were saying this:

Because it was right after creation, the genes were still pure. So it was safe for the children of Adam and Eve to reproduce together. That it took time for genetic to degrade and produce congenital deformities from inbreeding.

They also look at the chapter that says Cain left and married and produced children elsewhere and say that he took a sister with him to be his wife.

I'm suspicious of that. It makes even less sense than the adam and eve story and original sin.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 05:38 PM

PS: you also never got back to me on your statement that god created man "imperfectly"
my "" mark's - tribo

anything perfect have no "need" for anything...anything imperfect has will always have "needs" ..since Adam and Eve have the need to eat food just to live makes them imperfect ...

all of God's creations are imperfect and a God that create imperfection only prove it's imperfection