Topic: Adam's and Eve's I.Q. Test Results | |
only after getting knowledge from the forbidden fruit did Adam and Eve realized they were naked and then placed on fig leaves but why?..
it wasn't like there were other people around and they both surely was use to seeing each other in the nude and even if they placed on fig leaves because of god then couldn't they comprehend that God could see through those fig leaves with his super super x-ray vision so does this suggest that Adam and Eve was no smarter than the sheep in the garden or Eden before they ate the apple of knowledge ..also do this means that Adam and Eve didn't retain enough knowledge to even understand not to eat the apple that was placed before them just as a sheep wouldn't understand not to eat a clump of grass place before it so now comes the question as to why would a God condemn a species of life forms because of supposed sins committed by two simpletons he himself created to be simpletons and why would their offsprings then consider Satan as being evil simply because he gave the two simpletons the means to no longer be two simpletons since the religion is based on the sins of Adam and Eve then does the bible make any reference as to how smart Adam and Eve were before they ate the apple of knowledge and going by today's standards what school grade would Adam and Eve been recomended to be place in with the level of education they had before they ate the Apple of Knowledge |
We will never know.
From my point of view this brings up very serious issues concerning the nature of biblical 'sin'.
Like you say, before they ate the fruit it was perfectly ok to be naked. But after eating of the fruit all-of-sudden it's shameful to be naked? So the question is,... was it always wrong to be naked? Were they always being sinful by being naked and just didn't know it? This begs the question of intent, as well as knowledge. And what exactly is a 'sin'? Clearly the act of being naked in and of itself could not be a wrongful act since they had been naked all along and never felt (or knew) that their was anything wrong with being naked. But then after eating the fruit that know that being naked is wrong (or at least shameful in some way). Well it must be wrong if it's shameful right? So the problem with the whole story is that if being naked is wrongful or shameful, then it must have been so before they ate the fruit and they just didn't know it! But that would imply that they had been sinning all along and by eating the fruit they merely became aware of it. Also, if 'sin' is basically defined as disobedience to God (which it must be because the only way we can know that we are being sinful is by comparing our actions to the laws set down by God), then the only way to know when we are doing something wrong would be to know that is it against God's wishes. This implies that Adam and Eve always knew that being naked was against God wishes, and just we're disobeying him prior to eating the fruit because they didn't know that disobeying God was wrong. (but if that's the case then they couldn't have known that eating the fruit would be wrong either!). So that can't be right. So Adam and Eve couldn't have known that God disapproved of them being naked. Thus when they ate the fruit they still wouldn't have known that being naked was against God's wishes. Or if they instantly realized that then they still would have been sinning the whole time because God is unchanging. Therefore if he doesn't want them to be naked after they ate the fruit then he couldn't have wanted them to be naked before they ate the fruit. But he failed to tell them so. No matter how you cut it, the story makes no sense. It's the most nonsensical story on the face of the planet. I believe in God. But I definitely don't believe in this biblical picture. It's simply riddled with far too many logical inconsistencies all designed to try to make people feel guilty. Also, why should you or I feel guilty for what Adam and Eve did anyway. The idea that God is going to hold a grudge against all of humanity for what Adam and Eve did flies in the face of the idea that God is reasonable, and just. The idea of humanity falling from the grace of God via Adam and Eve in a religion that is supposed to be about personal salvation is an oxymoron in itself. |
Edited by
Fri 05/30/08 10:50 AM
Opps! Triple post! What's going on??? I only click post one time!!!
Edited by
Fri 05/30/08 10:49 AM
oops! Double post.
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From my point of view this brings up very serious issues concerning the nature of biblical 'sin'. because if nakedness was a sin then why would God not teach Adam and Eve this...why would God just allow them to frolic around in the nude with body parts jiggling all around creation and not speak on word to them about it which could mean only one thing... that God considered Adam and Eve to be on the same level as the sheep and all the other animals in the Garden of Eden but that changed once Adam and Eve acquired knowledge so was the lesson or warning the bible trying to teach about the story of Adam and Eve is that "Knowledge is Sin"...and that's the reason why it's consider a sin to question god or question beyond the belief which could explain the true reason for faith is not to know or not to question because to obtain knowledge is a sin |
Some people have actually tried to tie this in with evolution. They saw the early Adam and Eve as being like animals (not being self-ware like humans are). They also took Adam and Eve to metaphorically mean man and woman. They don’t think of Adam and Eve as actual individuals.
So the idea is that before they were full sentient like humans. They would have been like animals (or monkeys) and not really be fully aware of themselves. But then there came a time when they actually became self-aware. And this is when they would have realized that they were naked. However the problem with this is that it would have happened naturally. In other words, full self-awareness wouldn’t have been due to disobedience of any God. It would have been the natural progress of evolution. So trying to equate this idea with the idea of falling from grace doesn’t really pan out. But it was a nice try. It does suggest that mankind would have become more aware of his nakeness when he became self-aware. I don’t believe the biblical story so I’m not concerned with trying to make sense of it. I think the biblical story was made up by early men to try to control their tribes. They invented the concept of sin (and a story of creation to go with it). They also had God create Adam first (because men where the ones making up the story) and they had God created woman from man as a helpmate. Making woman the property of man (she was made from his rib). And then they went on to blame the woman for sinning first and bringing Adam into sin. (Shame on women! They’ve done enough damage already so they better keep their mouths shut!) And thus was born a very patriarchal male-chauvinistic authoritarian religion. It just continued to go downhill from there. And people still believe in it today, several millennia later! |
If Adam and Eve were the first to be born then is it not true that brothers and sisters had sex with the blessing of their " GOD " to multiply ? !.
If Adam and Eve were the first to be born then is it not true that brothers and sisters had sex with the blessing of their " GOD " to multiply ? !. I know I always wondered that too... plus their kids must have had kids with their brothers and sisters since they were the only 2... We are ALL INBRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I really need a scratching head icon!!!!) |
All the races were created on the sixth day. Adam-or flesh man was created later after the 7th day. Cain took his wife from the land of Nod it is implied she was created on the sixth day and not kin to Cain. Genesis said they had giants and such in existence and Cainites are descendants of Cain who is said to be Satan's seed instead of Adam's.
Genesis |
All the races were created on the sixth day. Adam-or flesh man was created later after the 7th day. Cain took his wife from the land of Nod it is implied she was created on the sixth day and not kin to Cain. Genesis said they had giants and such in existence and Cainites are descendants of Cain who is said to be Satan's seed instead of Adam's. Genesis Which way are we heading here ?. |
Some people have actually tried to tie this in with evolution. They saw the early Adam and Eve as being like animals (not being self-ware like humans are). They also took Adam and Eve to metaphorically mean man and woman. They don’t think of Adam and Eve as actual individuals. when you look at the different stages of human embryonic developement the embryo takes on the features of other animals before it finally shapes into human form when people say that God made man in his image maybe God looks like an undeveloped embryo .. |
Edited by
Sat 05/31/08 09:45 AM
Some people have actually tried to tie this in with evolution. They saw the early Adam and Eve as being like animals (not being self-ware like humans are). They also took Adam and Eve to metaphorically mean man and woman. They don’t think of Adam and Eve as actual individuals. when you look at the different stages of human embryonic developement the embryo takes on the features of other animals before it finally shapes into human form when people say that God made man in his image maybe God looks like an undeveloped embryo .. God looks like an undeveloped embryo ??????. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Some people have actually tried to tie this in with evolution. They saw the early Adam and Eve as being like animals (not being self-ware like humans are). They also took Adam and Eve to metaphorically mean man and woman. They don’t think of Adam and Eve as actual individuals. when you look at the different stages of human embryonic developement the embryo takes on the features of other animals before it finally shapes into human form when people say that God made man in his image maybe God looks like an undeveloped embryo .. God looks like an undeveloped embryo ?. ![]() ![]() ![]() since God is supposely not under the jurisdiction of the laws and physics and therefore have no need for muscles then there would also be no need for God to need arms or legs |
All the races were created on the sixth day. Adam-or flesh man was created later after the 7th day. Cain took his wife from the land of Nod it is implied she was created on the sixth day and not kin to Cain. Genesis said they had giants and such in existence and Cainites are descendants of Cain who is said to be Satan's seed instead of Adam's. Genesis The angels supposedly came to the children of man and begat children upon them. Then Heroes (giants) walked the earth. |
Once again you all fail to see the big picture...just the picture you want to.
It wasn't just that Adam and Eve ate the fruit that was wrong..It was not listening to God not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge...this led to sin...which was not in the picture hence not ashamed...... Again wrong picture abra......the sin is what brought on the shame.....The sin of not listening to God...pretty darn simple huh. I think 99.9% of the population know when they sin....and the other 1% doesn't care. And understand it was not God saying not to be naked...cmon we come into the world naked.....The only sin was listening to the serphant (satan) and then of couse the price they did pay. And of course the way you know the story it would not make maybe a Bible study class would be in order...Because thus far not one that you have talked about have you ever been right about....hmmmmmmm makes me wonder. |
Some people have actually tried to tie this in with evolution. They saw the early Adam and Eve as being like animals (not being self-ware like humans are). They also took Adam and Eve to metaphorically mean man and woman. They don’t think of Adam and Eve as actual individuals. when you look at the different stages of human embryonic developement the embryo takes on the features of other animals before it finally shapes into human form when people say that God made man in his image maybe God looks like an undeveloped embryo .. God looks like an undeveloped embryo ?. ![]() ![]() ![]() since God is supposely not under the jurisdiction of the laws and physics and therefore have no need for muscles then there would also be no need for God to need arms or legs Embryo has so little strengh and therefore your theory is ... let us call it....weird !. |
Once again you all fail to see the big picture...just the picture you want to. It wasn't just that Adam and Eve ate the fruit that was wrong..It was not listening to God not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge...this led to sin...which was not in the picture hence not ashamed...... but "feralcatlady" remember that Adam and Eve lacked knowledge before they ate the apple and therefore lacked the intelligence to even comprehend right from wrong or in that case to even listen to God ... unless you know of any passage in the bible that indicate that Adam and Eve had any intelligence beyond eating having sex and taking a dump which all the other animals knew how to do then that would mean that God condemned the human race only because they gain knowledge the question becomes why would God not want the human race to have knowledge |
Some people have actually tried to tie this in with evolution. They saw the early Adam and Eve as being like animals (not being self-ware like humans are). They also took Adam and Eve to metaphorically mean man and woman. They don’t think of Adam and Eve as actual individuals. when you look at the different stages of human embryonic developement the embryo takes on the features of other animals before it finally shapes into human form when people say that God made man in his image maybe God looks like an undeveloped embryo .. God looks like an undeveloped embryo ?. ![]() ![]() ![]() since God is supposely not under the jurisdiction of the laws and physics and therefore have no need for muscles then there would also be no need for God to need arms or legs Embryo has so little strengh and therefore your theory is ... let us call it....weird !. that's the point...that an embryo that was not subjected to the laws of physics wouldn't need any strength and therefore wouldn't need any muscles and therefore wouldn't need any legs or arms because it would have 'Free Will" to turn thought into action into reality without consequences |
My sweet sweet funches they didn't lack anything.....they just didn't listen.....really quite simple. I am sorry but you are hmmmmmmm wrong on this one....Adam and Eve knew all and satan was just able to slither up and say, "Why you listening to God, eat from the tree.......Big mistake....Well they were intelligent enough to know what and what they should not do...Because they even questioned again funches back to the drawing board again.....and I thought you said you were not delusional....hmmmmmmmm