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feralcatlady's photo
Sat 07/05/08 08:32 AM
Good morning sweet britty.....I hope this day finds your heart at peace and the Love of the Lord stronger then you could ever imagine.

wouldee's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:09 AM
Good Morning allflowerforyou :heart:

Last night was fun in our cul d'sac with all of the kids and families out in the street having fun with the fireworks and fellowship and barbecue.

the town's fireworks display is a block away, and this year more so than last year many that came to watch it came into our cul d'sac and had fun with their fireworks too.

It was quite a party.

One of the sheriffs came by and stayed around, smiling and having fun too. His game face was nowhere to be seen.bigsmile

It caught me offguard. Moments like these cannot be planned, they just happen. Everyone was being so friendly and happy, even in the midst of the troubles we face with gas and food prices rising so fast and the real estate market so flat and the belt tightening that goes with that, yet the mood was one of warmth and community coming together as families and strangers yet neighbors and brothers and sisters as Americans.

It reminded me of how wonderful this country is and how resilient and confident we are as a nation of people when we can get together and differences and divisions melt away to celebrate our freedoms and liberties and enjoy the wonders of life, even the spontaneous moments when we can come together and make the most of a moment in time .

The annual biker rally here on the Fourth, at Hollister, was moved to next week this year.

The town seemed better for it.

I didn't hear all of the gunfire in the night air as before.

There were more local folks out and about this year.


enjoy your weekend.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:40 AM

Good Morning allflowerforyou :heart:

Last night was fun in our cul d'sac with all of the kids and families out in the street having fun with the fireworks and fellowship and barbecue.

the town's fireworks display is a block away, and this year more so than last year many that came to watch it came into our cul d'sac and had fun with their fireworks too.

It was quite a party.

One of the sheriffs came by and stayed around, smiling and having fun too. His game face was nowhere to be seen.bigsmile

It caught me offguard. Moments like these cannot be planned, they just happen. Everyone was being so friendly and happy, even in the midst of the troubles we face with gas and food prices rising so fast and the real estate market so flat and the belt tightening that goes with that, yet the mood was one of warmth and community coming together as families and strangers yet neighbors and brothers and sisters as Americans.

It reminded me of how wonderful this country is and how resilient and confident we are as a nation of people when we can get together and differences and divisions melt away to celebrate our freedoms and liberties and enjoy the wonders of life, even the spontaneous moments when we can come together and make the most of a moment in time .

The annual biker rally here on the Fourth, at Hollister, was moved to next week this year.

The town seemed better for it.

I didn't hear all of the gunfire in the night air as before.

There were more local folks out and about this year.


enjoy your weekend.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

That is so very cool.....I love it.....Here too we are a small community and a community that loves and gives back to the community....The show was amazing and all had a happy time.......I never take for granted a few things...

1. The never ending love of God.

2. The dedication of our soldiers and gratitude for all they do.

3. The love of family and friends.

4. And the graitude for being an American Citizen....


RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:47 AM
I think we are so bombarded with fleshly living & the corruption of life is so thrown in our face, not to mention that our society has been conditioned to think we are deserving of something we shouldn't have to work for etc etc; that we became like a bunch of crybabies.

Even Christians have a hard time with things. We have become desensitized to wrong ways of thinking & don't really know that our thoughtlife is wrong.

It's only at Jesus' feet where we find the peace that surpasses all understanding that protects our very hearts & minds from these things.

We need to be sponges.. to hear God's word & cry out of it & to recieve it & decree it over our lives, & give Him lordship over everything. That's if we want the peace of God.

I know for myself that too much exposure to evil affects me. I'm sure it affects others too. We need daily washing from God to stay in His presence.

Just sayin'...

I agree. Moses might have been the lawgiver but for me Jesus is the caregiver.flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Sat 07/05/08 12:26 PM

Good Morning allflowerforyou :heart:

Last night was fun in our cul d'sac with all of the kids and families out in the street having fun with the fireworks and fellowship and barbecue.

the town's fireworks display is a block away, and this year more so than last year many that came to watch it came into our cul d'sac and had fun with their fireworks too.

It was quite a party.

One of the sheriffs came by and stayed around, smiling and having fun too. His game face was nowhere to be seen.bigsmile

It caught me offguard. Moments like these cannot be planned, they just happen. Everyone was being so friendly and happy, even in the midst of the troubles we face with gas and food prices rising so fast and the real estate market so flat and the belt tightening that goes with that, yet the mood was one of warmth and community coming together as families and strangers yet neighbors and brothers and sisters as Americans.

It reminded me of how wonderful this country is and how resilient and confident we are as a nation of people when we can get together and differences and divisions melt away to celebrate our freedoms and liberties and enjoy the wonders of life, even the spontaneous moments when we can come together and make the most of a moment in time .

The annual biker rally here on the Fourth, at Hollister, was moved to next week this year.

The town seemed better for it.

I didn't hear all of the gunfire in the night air as before.

There were more local folks out and about this year.


enjoy your weekend.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

That is so very cool.....I love it.....Here too we are a small community and a community that loves and gives back to the community....The show was amazing and all had a happy time.......I never take for granted a few things...

1. The never ending love of God.
2. The dedication of our soldiers and gratitude for all they do.
3. The love of family and friends.
4. And the graitude for being an American Citizen....


flowers flowers flowers flowers
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/05/08 12:52 PM
I posted this here but it got little discussion so I think i will post it in this thread. Maybe we can discuss it here without arguement.

"A Fresh Anointing for His Bride"
Fullness of Joy

"Can you hear the new sound in the Spirit?" said the Spirit of the Lord. He said, "For this coming year there will be a new sound. It will be the sigh of relief coming from My Bride that is heavily burdened, because she has carried weariness and disappointment." But, He said, "This will be the year where I will be taking off of her shoulders all the things that appear to cause her to walk bent over and in tiredness."

He said, "There is going to come a new, fresh anointing upon My Bride this year. It will be the Bride who will carry the anointing upon her that will be the fresh oil of My Presence. In My Presence, there is a fullness of joy. This fullness of joy is going to fall over and it's going to spill like a cup that has been poured out to overflowing. It will spill upon the Body. It will spill upon the weary. It will spill upon those who have been faithful and faithful, but also have been having the fruit of longsuffering worked out in their life," said the Spirit of the Lord.

Authority of the Bride

For He said, "There is going to come a change. And in that change will be the hour where the Bride will know the authority that I have given her to walk in." For He said, "My own have gotten weary because they have laid aside, unknowingly, the authority that I have given them to walk in, to carry, and to command, according to My written Word."

He said, "There is going to come a new blending over My Bride, and it will be the blending of the promise of the engagement ring and the wedding ring." And He said, "It will be very evident for those I am calling to walk in a separate walk." For He said, "There is going to come a separation, even in My Body," said the Lord.

"It will be a separation of those who are hungry for My Presence and for those who are content sitting very slothfully by as they have not entered in to run the race. They will be ones who will choose to sit on the curb and watch My other ones - even though they be weary and bruised - continue to run the race."

"There will be a calling out of those who have been weary in season. They will be called out and have put upon their shoulders a new responsibility. There will come a new alignment," says the Spirit of the Lord, "for those who I will put on their finger, the engagement ring with the wedding ring - the anointing will come with the authority of the wedding ring and the position of the presence of the authority of My Believers," says the Lord your God.

She Confidently Walks

He said, "For the hour of awakening is coming upon My people. It will come first to My people, stronger and stronger. They will look back and say, 'It has been a year of refreshment.'" For He said, "They will see My Bride throw her head back, and she will throw her head back with joy and confidence, knowing that I have come and that I have answered the long-awaited time where she has been crying out."

He said, "I have heard the weeping of My Bride. She has gone through a time of experiencing My presence, but she has not experienced the joy of My presence, because she has not experienced the privilege of the wedding, but only has been walking in the potential promise of the wedding." And the Lord said, "I have called you My Bride and My Beloved."

And He said, "The Bride is one who has full understanding of what she carries. The Bride is the one who has full understanding of what she is going to walk in. The Bride is the one who knows the position, and the responsibility, and the authority of her Husband, so she simply walks in what is given to her because of the name-change over her."

The Lord said, "This will be the year where those who have been protesting, saying I am a God of smallness, will know not only am I the God of the tiniest babe, but I am also the God of the ancient saints," says the Lord your God. He said, "For I have heard the cries of My people, but I say unto you, that the hour of authority is about to be released upon My people, and it will be that they no longer are desolate, or have the appearance of desolation.

"For My Bride who feels as though she has been disabled, is changing. And I will not have a disabled Bride, but instead I will have a Wife, who will learn to rule and reign in Christ Jesus, from sitting in Heavenly places in My position," said the Lord.

"There will be a time where you will see some people who will cause their faces to be hung in shame and embarrassment because they have been living a life, not as a betrothed, not one of married, but have chosen both to gather to their chest," says the Lord their God.

Pearls of Great Revelation and Discernment

"There is going to come, also, a string of pearls to be put upon My Bride, and it will be the necklace of pearls that will bring forth greater revelation, and will bring forth greater and greater discernment." And He said, "These pearls will be of great value and she will immediately start to gain strength. The strength will show through her tired eyes, because her eyes will really become the windows of the soul, and will no longer carry tiredness, but they will become the discerning eyes that will stomp down and break down the lies that the Bride has believed."

He said, "The Bride is being awakened." And, He said, "There is coming forth over the Bride, a full realization of who she is in Christ Jesus. This is going to be the hour where she is going to come to understand My Presence, and the accuracy and the power of My Word."

He said, "There will come a demanding upon My people this year. Those who come under My influence will become freer than they have ever, ever been free in their entire life. It will be coming - the hour of knowing the true heart of the Bride and the Father. And during the hour of knowing the authority of the Father of the Bride, there is going to come a full realization of the Father's love again." He said He is going to give His own rhema insight into the depths and the authority, into the powerfulness of the security that comes from knowing the Father.

"There will be a great awakening among the youth," He said, "but the fire will spread ablaze in the hearts also of those who have walked for years and years in My Presence, crying for a fresh touch of My Presence," says the Lord your God, "For I am calling those who have already walked in the power of My Spirit, to look back and take on others who are hungry for My Spirit. My presence of My anointing is going to be falling upon My people."

"Wisdom and discernment will guard the minds and the hearts of the youth. Some of the seeds that have been scattered among the youth - the pitfalls where they have misunderstood volume rather than knowing and recognizing the presence of My anointing is going to be brought under submission by My Spirit," says the Lord.

A Battle Cry

"There will be a battle cry. Why will there be a battle cry? It will be a battle cry that will bring forth a pure move filled with My pure power that needs to be revelation in a deeper way in order to guard the walk of peace and power that is going to be poured out on My people."

The Lord said, "I am not looking for a 'goosebump few' that seek after goosebumps, but instead, I am looking for those who will obey My Word. I long for intimacy, but on a pure level, on the truth - with obedience."

He said, "Many bring Me praise, yet withhold their wills - not willing to daily pick up their cross and follow Me. I hunger and thirst for those who seek after My righteousness alone."

He said, "In the natural, it would grieve the about-to-be-married groom if he were to look at his approaching bride walking down the aisle toward him, waiting to pledge her life to him, and him alone - and at the same time, she flirts with other men as she glances to and fro upon those who are there to attend the wedding."

Rediscovery of Who You Are

He said, "It would appear that her heart was not settled. So it will be with My own. Those that have an innocent heart - I am about to give them not only a half-heart full of love, but they are going to move into a Heart that has not been half given, but fully given. And in the fullness of giving a heart to Me, there is going to come a rediscovery of who they are and Who they belong to."

The Lord said, "This will be the year of captivating wholeheartedly the hearts of My people. It is the hour - the same hour as in Peter's life - when I asked him three times, 'Peter, do you love Me?' I didn't need to know because I already knew Peter's heart, but Peter needed to know. So this will be the year of checking into the hearts of My people to where they will cry out and say, 'Lord, how long have we been with You?'"

He said, "This will be a season for those who are holding on to Me, who will let go of some of the pain, and some of the guilt, and some of the shame - and they will put it at the foot of the Cross and know and realize it has been paid for - and they will declare, once again, that Jesus Christ is Lord. They will make a far, far, fuller and deeper commitment to Me. And they are about to encounter the kisses, and experience the understanding that I am a jealous God that is about to scatter His people with kisses, which means the favorable answers to prayer."

I saw a Bride, and as she was sitting there on her bed, waking up slowly - coming fully awake, little did she realize as she was stretching, her arms were upward, and the Father's hand of favor was reaching downward, granting her her heart's desire.

"This will be the year of fulfillment," said the Lord. "The Bride, who is weary from the battle she's been fighting, will be refreshed as she places her feet on the floor. And as she's looking for her combat boots, she will not find her combat boots. Instead, she will find her shoes - pure, white and ready - that will match her bridal gown," says the Lord.

Two Angels Attending the Bride

Then I saw two angels and this beautiful Bride was surprised at receiving such royal treatment. The Bride asked each angel their name. Both angels had serious expressions on their faces and they both said, "Our names are unimportant, but what we do is what is important, for it is all about His business."

One angel was so full of confidence, placing the shoe on the Bride. And suddenly, as the shoe was placed upon the Bride's foot, she began to know - without any understanding of her own - the revelation of who she was in Christ Jesus, the power of her prayers, and how they were answered. The result of the first shoe was the transfer of confidence into the Bride's heart - immediately she felt safe, loved and totally secure.

The second angel picked up the other shoe, and as he was waiting to put it on the Bride's foot, again the Bride wanted to know his name. And he smiled and looked only upward, as though he was listening for Heaven's command. Suddenly, without feeling anything, the Bride realized both shoes were on her feet and she immediately felt the desire to run the race that she had once run.

It seemed for a moment the Bride was about to open a door, but instead of the door leading outside to the world, she was led to a room which was called, "The Sanctuary," where she was being rested and where she was being restored. In the Spirit, I could hear something that was about to change.

The Bride stood still, as though she was waiting for instructions. Both angels simultaneously looked at the small table by the Bride's bed, and they stared intensely at the Bible laying on top of it, next to the Bride. The Bride picked up the Bible and it began to dissolve and melt, changing into the wedding band upon the Bride's finger.

Just like before, both of the angels were staring at a Scripture that was framed on the wall. It had words that said, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." Then I saw the Bride, and as she picked up that Scripture, she began to understand with deeper understanding that the Word of God had dissolved into her flesh. All of a sudden, she began to output the Word of God. Then I heard the Spirit of God say, "I watch over My own Word to perform it."

And her word was so entwined with the Flesh that they become one. Then the Bride began to bend down in worship and adoration, for she began to realize who she was in Christ Jesus.

Eileen Fisher
Eileen Fisher Ministries

wouldee's photo
Sat 07/05/08 05:21 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 07/05/08 05:23 PM
"A Fresh Anointing for His Bride"
Fullness of Joy

"Can you hear the new sound in the Spirit?" said the Spirit of the Lord. He said, "For this coming year there will be a new sound. It will be the sigh of relief coming from My Bride that is heavily burdened, because she has carried weariness and disappointment." But, He said, "This will be the year where I will be taking off of her shoulders all the things that appear to cause her to walk bent over and in tiredness."

He said, "There is going to come a new, fresh anointing upon My Bride this year. It will be the Bride who will carry the anointing upon her that will be the fresh oil of My Presence. In My Presence, there is a fullness of joy. This fullness of joy is going to fall over and it's going to spill like a cup that has been poured out to overflowing. It will spill upon the Body. It will spill upon the weary. It will spill upon those who have been faithful and faithful, but also have been having the fruit of longsuffering worked out in their life," said the Spirit of the Lord.

love love love love love love love

I am in such a season.

It hasn't been said in so many words, but it is so.

I receive that, and have been receiving that.:wink:

Thank you for sharing this , Quickstepper.

I will read the rest later.

I must clear my mind now.

And wait on the Lord.

It is things like this that will cause me to wait on Him before reading more, that I might clearly have His word first.

May this be an echo to all of His. It is the echo of the Holy Spirit that gives me discernment of His own. And the beginning of these words are an echo of the Holy Spirit [performing His will in my life presently. sweet.smitten

God bless you for sharing.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Britty's photo
Sat 07/05/08 05:29 PM


(from Fullness of Joy)...

-- Authority of the Bride

For He said, "There is going to come a change. And in that change will be the hour where the Bride will know the authority that I have given her to walk in." For He said, "My own have gotten weary because they have laid aside, unknowingly, the authority that I have given them to walk in, to carry, and to command, according to My written Word."

He said, "There is going to come a new blending over My Bride, and it will be the blending of the promise of the engagement ring and the wedding ring." And He said, "It will be very evident for those I am calling to walk in a separate walk." For He said, "There is going to come a separation, even in My Body," said the Lord.

"It will be a separation of those who are hungry for My Presence and for those who are content sitting very slothfully by as they have not entered in to run the race. They will be ones who will choose to sit on the curb and watch My other ones - even though they be weary and bruised - continue to run the race."


I have more yet to read, interesting. Thank you for sharing this Quickstepper.

flowers waving

wouldee's photo
Sat 07/05/08 10:35 PM
Those who come under My influence will become freer than they have ever, ever been free in their entire life.

This is true, always has been.

Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you, my burden is light."

We must rest in Him and wait on the Holy Spirit and pray and watch.

With the fullness of God, comes great responsibility to remain cricfied to the flesh and awake to the Holy Spirit's direction.

Step by step, here a little and there a little.

I have heard these things similarly for years.
It is consistent with those moments when the Holy Spirit is moving in any congregation truly waiting on the Lord.

I have heard these things in my spirit for years as well, and recognize them as consistent with the Holy Spirit's cry to the Church for as long as I have been a born again, Spirit filled child of God, hid in Christ.

New every morning, and the same, yesterday, today and forever, regarding the Church of Jesus Christ in truth.

To those of us raising children, I would say, finish well.

To those of us healing from heartaches and past woes and trials, I would say, serve the Lord in the quietness of His peace and rest in Him and strengthen in Him. Wait upon the Lord.

To those free to serve the Lord at their liberty, I would say, wait upon the Lord.

To all that are called and chosen, I would say, wait upon the Lord.

We must be clean.

Consecration to the Lord requires everything one has and enduring the walk requires judgement and skill and wisdom and maturity.

Holiness and the righteousness of God resting on His people frees the Holy Spirit to move mightily at any time.

Being resolute is being prepared.

Being instant, in and out of season requires diligence in heeding the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Seeking fame and fortune as a minister of the Lord is worthy of being guarded against.

Guard the glory, it is the Lord's.:wink: love

Seek His pleasure and the joy of the Holy Spirit will move like a mighty wind.

It is a whirlwind on the mountaintop.

Be prepared to stand in it and keep your head in it. Keep your heart stayed on the Lord and not on the power and glory revealed.

And if He rests, rests with Him.

Never strive with the Holy Spirit.

Minister to the Holy Spirit.

Remain humble and contrite and broken to smell the contents of the alabaster box; frankincense and myrhh is a sign.:wink:

Intercede, given the gift, in the congregation and quietly bear the witness of the Holy Spirit.

Always guard the glory, it is the Lord's.

When He moves, never put stock in miracles. He moved, not us. When He moves through us, let Him have His way and decrease, but never look at what He has done as though all is well tomorrow. That can become an idol, a form of idolatry in and of itself and vain glory begins in the heaart and such grieves the Holy Spirit.

We are many, compared to Him, as one, but in Him we are one, and no one is greater than He, therefore none is so insignificant and none so great that the Holy Spirit should concern Himself with comforting us in our frailties as though we should have place other than place that is given.

Place given is as it is given today, and place given tomorrow is as given, but be in the moment when the Holy Spirit is moving and be in the moment when the Holy Spirit is at rest.

Remember, the Holy Spirit guards the glory.

Guard the glory, it is the Lord's.

These are the words given me.


no photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:26 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 07/05/08 11:30 PM
Good stuff Quickstepper.
Glad you reposted this.
Keep sharing .

The more Spiritual food, the better.flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:21 AM
Good morning everyone, (((honey))) flowers


He does not lead me year by year
Not even day by day
But step by step my path unfolds
My Lord directs my way.
Tomorrow's plans I do not know,
I only know this minute;
But He will say, "This is the way;
By faith now walk ye in it."
And I am glad that it is so,
Today's enough to bear;
And when tomorrow comes,
His grace shall far exceed its care.
What need to worry then or fret?
The God who gave His Son
Holds all my moments in His Hand
And gives them one by one.

(Author Unknown)

flowers smitten :heart: waving

Britty's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:29 AM

Those who come under My influence will become freer than they have ever, ever been free in their entire life.

Jesus said, "Take my yoke upon you, my burden is light."

Remember, the Holy Spirit guards the glory.

Guard the glory, it is the Lord's.

Hi honey, I was dwelling on those words of the Lord last night. flowers

words we should remember when burdens come upon us. :wink: :banana: waving

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him". James 1.12

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4.17

"To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life." Romans 2.7

"Those who sow in tears
will reap with songs of joy." Psalm 126.5

waving flowers (((smitten )))

Britty's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:30 AM

Good morning sweet britty.....I hope this day finds your heart at peace and the Love of the Lord stronger then you could ever imagine.

:smile: flowers :heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:34 AM

Good morning everyone, (((honey))) flowers


He does not lead me year by year
Not even day by day
But step by step my path unfolds
My Lord directs my way.
Tomorrow's plans I do not know,
I only know this minute;
But He will say, "This is the way;
By faith now walk ye in it."
And I am glad that it is so,
Today's enough to bear;
And when tomorrow comes,
His grace shall far exceed its care.
What need to worry then or fret?
The God who gave His Son
Holds all my moments in His Hand
And gives them one by one.

(Author Unknown)

flowers smitten :heart: waving

:heart: nice:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 07/06/08 03:47 AM
:heart: I hope you all have a great day :heart:

Britty's photo
Sun 07/06/08 06:44 AM

Good morning mirror, hope you are enjoying your day also. It is always good to see you here.


Britty's photo
Sun 07/06/08 11:36 AM

Snuggle in God's arms. When you are hurting, when you feel lonely, left out. let Him cradle you, comfort you, reassure you of His all-sufficient power and love.

Kay Arthur

flowers :heart:

Britty's photo
Sun 07/06/08 11:37 AM

Jesus be the center
Be my source be my light Jesus
Jesus be the center
Be my song Jesus

Be the fire in my heart
Be the wind in my sails
Be the reason that I live

Jesus Jesus
Jesus be my vision
Be my help
Be my guide Jesus

© 1999 Vineyard Songs
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart:

wouldee's photo
Sun 07/06/08 01:51 PM

Good morning everyone, (((honey))) flowers


He does not lead me year by year
Not even day by day
But step by step my path unfolds
My Lord directs my way.
Tomorrow's plans I do not know,
I only know this minute;
But He will say, "This is the way;
By faith now walk ye in it."
And I am glad that it is so,
Today's enough to bear;
And when tomorrow comes,
His grace shall far exceed its care.
What need to worry then or fret?
The God who gave His Son
Holds all my moments in His Hand
And gives them one by one.

(Author Unknown)

flowers smitten :heart: waving

Hi honeyflowers smitten tongue2

You always eclipse me in love with the things you find to share.

I love it and you soo muchlove smooched

Britty's photo
Sun 07/06/08 02:48 PM

Hi honey,
As the verse says, He leads the way. :smile:
flowers waving

Savior I come

Quiet my soul remember
Redemptions hill
Where Your blood was spilled
For my ransom
Everything I once held dear
I count it all as lost

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

You were as I
Tempted and trialed
You are
Te word became flesh
Bore my sin and death
Now you're risen

To your heart
To your heart
Lead me to your heart
Lead me to your heart

waving flowers smitten

1 2 37 38 39 41 43 44 45 49 50