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Topic: continuing from my last post..do the mentally
mamacat2007's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:22 AM

my point is, there are no real rules for the unlimated amount of possibilities of the way people live. you think life is black and white, when it is really grey; and multiple shades of it.

you can make up all the excuses (and that is what they are because nothing you say is really in the bible) you may pick and chose and try to interpret things in an abstract fashion to make these things fit, but reality is, God would not try to be confusing. if he gave us a book it would be to the point of his expectations of us... the bible just does not do that.

NOT really..the bible is quite explicit in every area
the 10 commandements cover most
"thou shall not lie"
this covers EVERY area of your life,EVERY person you meet you are to not say anything that is not the absolute truth even if it might hurt someones feelings,it is politically incorrect,what ever,there are ways to say things to not hurt people but you still must be honest
"thou shall not steal"
I dont care if its a paper clip from work,if its not your and you dont have permission,you dont take it,if a cashier makes a mistake and gives you to much change,give it back excetra.
"do not covet thy neighboors wife 'excetra
basically be happy with what YOU have and dont be jealous or mad that someone has something you dont.This covers many things
"thou shall have no other GODS before me"
Many people misinterpit this to mean he is talking about other powerfull beings. If ANY ONE thing becomes the focus of your ambition,desire,love,be it money,drugs,sex, another person
then you are putting that person or thing before GOD

These things are why you find a bible based church and learn about the bible and GODS laws and how they apply to every day life.It is all in there and there is NO grey of that I am sure

wouldee's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:43 AM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 05/20/08 07:44 AM
to quote you, noname :
you are poetic, but ignorant, and your poetic ability does not hide your ignorance... i am guessing you are probably one of those people who think the world is only 6000 years old


you are guessing.

Let's look at it like this, then.

In my part of the globe, there are massive upheavels of earth that contain fossilized remains of living organisms, flora and fauna, and these upheavals are called mountains. This phenomenon is present everywhere on the planet.

Show me a historical account of man ever being a witness to such an event as that which ruptured the surface of the earth in such violent overthrow, on a global scale such as the one that has unearthed such graves.

On the other hand, the preserved words of Jesus Christ still have living reminders of the appropriateness of his truth ; some are living examples of that which he disdains, and some are living examples of that which he adores, whether or not any has ever heard of him, but neither has changed in that both are still a condition of man, (Christian or not).

But, you can keep guessing and making excuses.

I really don't mind.:wink:

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