Topic: continuing from my last the mentally
Robm248's photo
Sun 05/18/08 06:52 PM

If he has never heard of Jesus and had no one in his entire life try to witness to him...then he is going to heaven...weird but true. Every person in their lives will be witnessed and it is their choice to take it in or walk away. (The islander Question)

wait, he has a free ticket to heaven, even if he murdered and did not forgive, adultered and did not forgive, stole and did not forgive??? you have to be joking

Um... you mean repent. And no, for another C.S. Lewis piece to be paraphrased (it's not right in front of me, but I have the book): 'Anything of good you have done in my name, and anything of evil you have done in his.'

yeah, but the islander has never heard of jesus, do you see the problem here?

when does he repent? after he dies and finds out he is in this strange place and is introduced to jesus....then they have to teach him about how it is wrong to kill...and then they have to teach him how to repent, and then ask him if he wants to repent? that would be the funniest site in the world

Read my post above... repentance isn't a ritual. It's an act and feeling.

so you are saying, without ever hearing about jesus, God will just judge us on what kind of person we are. (which he doesn't because he has never heard of jesus)

Okay, you are being repetitive. You have not really read my posts, so I can not truly get my point across to you. I hope you go back and read a little, and consider that the knowing of Jesus isn't the sin of a person if they did not have access to any knowledge of Jesus. You are placing too much importance on limiting grace for the religion you are considering, rather than on looking at what grace would be extended by a God with no agenda but love and redemption.

Robm248's photo
Sun 05/18/08 06:52 PM
Edited by Robm248 on Sun 05/18/08 06:53 PM

If he has never heard of Jesus and had no one in his entire life try to witness to him...then he is going to heaven...weird but true. Every person in their lives will be witnessed and it is their choice to take it in or walk away. (The islander Question)

wait, he has a free ticket to heaven, even if he murdered and did not forgive, adultered and did not forgive, stole and did not forgive??? you have to be joking

Um... you mean repent. And no, for another C.S. Lewis piece to be paraphrased (it's not right in front of me, but I have the book): 'Anything of good you have done in my name, and anything of evil you have done in his.'

yeah, but the islander has never heard of jesus, do you see the problem here?

when does he repent? after he dies and finds out he is in this strange place and is introduced to jesus....then they have to teach him about how it is wrong to kill...and then they have to teach him how to repent, and then ask him if he wants to repent? that would be the funniest site in the world

Read my post above... repentance isn't a ritual. It's an act and feeling.

so you are saying, without ever hearing about jesus, God will just judge us on what kind of person we are. (which he doesn't because he has never heard of jesus)

Sorry, double posted...

Robm248's photo
Sun 05/18/08 06:54 PM

If he has never heard of Jesus and had no one in his entire life try to witness to him...then he is going to heaven...weird but true. Every person in their lives will be witnessed and it is their choice to take it in or walk away. (The islander Question)

wait, he has a free ticket to heaven, even if he murdered and did not forgive, adultered and did not forgive, stole and did not forgive??? you have to be joking

Um... you mean repent. And no, for another C.S. Lewis piece to be paraphrased (it's not right in front of me, but I have the book): 'Anything of good you have done in my name, and anything of evil you have done in his.'

yeah, but the islander has never heard of jesus, do you see the problem here?

And only God will judge in this situation. But, the more the evil the islander does, even if he has never heard of Jesus, can not possibly go to heaven...not with the evil in his heart.

but according to Robm248, if he feels bad about what he did, then he doesn't have to repent, he just gets a free ticket to heaven

Bah, great way to state something I did not say. I argued with your definition of Repenting.

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Sun 05/18/08 06:55 PM
"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 06:57 PM

If he has never heard of Jesus and had no one in his entire life try to witness to him...then he is going to heaven...weird but true. Every person in their lives will be witnessed and it is their choice to take it in or walk away. (The islander Question)

wait, he has a free ticket to heaven, even if he murdered and did not forgive, adultered and did not forgive, stole and did not forgive??? you have to be joking

Um... you mean repent. And no, for another C.S. Lewis piece to be paraphrased (it's not right in front of me, but I have the book): 'Anything of good you have done in my name, and anything of evil you have done in his.'

yeah, but the islander has never heard of jesus, do you see the problem here?

when does he repent? after he dies and finds out he is in this strange place and is introduced to jesus....then they have to teach him about how it is wrong to kill...and then they have to teach him how to repent, and then ask him if he wants to repent? that would be the funniest site in the world

Read my post above... repentance isn't a ritual. It's an act and feeling.

so you are saying, without ever hearing about jesus, God will just judge us on what kind of person we are. (which he doesn't because he has never heard of jesus)

Okay, you are being repetitive. You have not really read my posts, so I can not truly get my point across to you. I hope you go back and read a little, and consider that the knowing of Jesus isn't the sin of a person if they did not have access to any knowledge of Jesus. You are placing too much importance on limiting grace for the religion you are considering, rather than on looking at what grace would be extended by a God with no agenda but love and redemption.

i did read what you had, i read and understood it. you have not answered my islander question to my satisfaction. it does not make sense that a person who has never heard of jesus can commit deadly sins through his whole life and have a chance at heaven, even if he feels bad about them. i feel bad about things i do sometimes, but it does not mean that i repented. you know what i mean, there are vital steps here missing for this poor guy.

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 06:59 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Robm248's photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:01 PM

If he has never heard of Jesus and had no one in his entire life try to witness to him...then he is going to heaven...weird but true. Every person in their lives will be witnessed and it is their choice to take it in or walk away. (The islander Question)

wait, he has a free ticket to heaven, even if he murdered and did not forgive, adultered and did not forgive, stole and did not forgive??? you have to be joking

Um... you mean repent. And no, for another C.S. Lewis piece to be paraphrased (it's not right in front of me, but I have the book): 'Anything of good you have done in my name, and anything of evil you have done in his.'

yeah, but the islander has never heard of jesus, do you see the problem here?

when does he repent? after he dies and finds out he is in this strange place and is introduced to jesus....then they have to teach him about how it is wrong to kill...and then they have to teach him how to repent, and then ask him if he wants to repent? that would be the funniest site in the world

Read my post above... repentance isn't a ritual. It's an act and feeling.

so you are saying, without ever hearing about jesus, God will just judge us on what kind of person we are. (which he doesn't because he has never heard of jesus)

Okay, you are being repetitive. You have not really read my posts, so I can not truly get my point across to you. I hope you go back and read a little, and consider that the knowing of Jesus isn't the sin of a person if they did not have access to any knowledge of Jesus. You are placing too much importance on limiting grace for the religion you are considering, rather than on looking at what grace would be extended by a God with no agenda but love and redemption.

i did read what you had, i read and understood it. you have not answered my islander question to my satisfaction. it does not make sense that a person who has never heard of jesus can commit deadly sins through his whole life and have a chance at heaven, even if he feels bad about them. i feel bad about things i do sometimes, but it does not mean that i repented. you know what i mean, there are vital steps here missing for this poor guy.

Yeah... like if he has a chance trying to live a better life. Or are you still limited by the concept of him not having heard of a certain name??

Robm248's photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:02 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Better question. Yet... maybe someone is out there trying to tell said islander. It happens every day.

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:04 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Better question. Yet... maybe someone is out there trying to tell said islander. It happens every day.

what if mormons get to him before christians, or muslims before mormons or hindus before the muslims....this guy is going to be one confused islander

chickayoshi's photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:06 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Another thing...a person does not have to tell the can be said through a billboard as he walks by...and wouldn't he pass by some kind of church with a little message on its front sign. It's out's just his/her choice to find out more.

chickayoshi's photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:11 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Better question. Yet... maybe someone is out there trying to tell said islander. It happens every day.

what if mormons get to him before christians, or muslims before mormons or hindus before the muslims....this guy is going to be one confused islander

To answer this question...we are all given the chance to hear the is only our decision to decide what to believe. If a Mormon got to the islander first...then the Christian tries to minister to the is only the islander's decision...go with the Mormon or go with the Christian? By judgment day, God will tell the islander that he did send a messenger to talk to him about Jesus. It will be his loss.

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:11 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Another thing...a person does not have to tell the can be said through a billboard as he walks by...and wouldn't he pass by some kind of church with a little message on its front sign. It's out's just his/her choice to find out more.

oh this is meant more for people who lived a long time ago before most boats were made, and billboards would have not been around. absolutely no contact with outside world. it is theoretical but i am almost positive it was the case for many many many many people. i just don't think it would be fair for them to be in hell right now.

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:13 PM
Edited by ak0 on Sun 05/18/08 07:16 PM
wait wha the question again?

who will trat them wih dignity and kindness befriend

they indeed hear gods voice too

perhaps tey are here as humans to remind us of our sin, where we go wrong in humanity

maybe the purest of souls returning again and again

knowing no evil

heaven is for saints and sinners?? was said somewhere

hell cast a shadow in our minds calling us again and again into new life

whats the next question. where does the power struggle break

Robm248's photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:14 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Another thing...a person does not have to tell the can be said through a billboard as he walks by...and wouldn't he pass by some kind of church with a little message on its front sign. It's out's just his/her choice to find out more.

oh this is meant more for people who lived a long time ago before most boats were made, and billboards would have not been around. absolutely no contact with outside world. it is theoretical but i am almost positive it was the case for many many many many people. i just don't think it would be fair for them to be in hell right now.

Yeah... return to the idea that grace extends beyond merely hearing the name of Jesus.

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:14 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Better question. Yet... maybe someone is out there trying to tell said islander. It happens every day.

what if mormons get to him before christians, or muslims before mormons or hindus before the muslims....this guy is going to be one confused islander

To answer this question...we are all given the chance to hear the is only our decision to decide what to believe. If a Mormon got to the islander first...then the Christian tries to minister to the is only the islander's decision...go with the Mormon or go with the Christian? By judgment day, God will tell the islander that he did send a messenger to talk to him about Jesus. It will be his loss.

first this doesn't make any sense, how is he supposed to know which one is correct? why should he be judged on his ignorance? secondly, no not everyone hears of jesus before they die, this is a myth, many people before the "information age" that we live in now, never heard of his name. you are thinking that the world has always been the way it is now, this is incorrect. what happened to these people that never heard of him?

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:16 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Another thing...a person does not have to tell the can be said through a billboard as he walks by...and wouldn't he pass by some kind of church with a little message on its front sign. It's out's just his/her choice to find out more.

oh this is meant more for people who lived a long time ago before most boats were made, and billboards would have not been around. absolutely no contact with outside world. it is theoretical but i am almost positive it was the case for many many many many people. i just don't think it would be fair for them to be in hell right now.

Yeah... return to the idea that grace extends beyond merely hearing the name of Jesus.

so you don't need jesus to get into heaven, just grace?

Robm248's photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:19 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Another thing...a person does not have to tell the can be said through a billboard as he walks by...and wouldn't he pass by some kind of church with a little message on its front sign. It's out's just his/her choice to find out more.

oh this is meant more for people who lived a long time ago before most boats were made, and billboards would have not been around. absolutely no contact with outside world. it is theoretical but i am almost positive it was the case for many many many many people. i just don't think it would be fair for them to be in hell right now.

Yeah... return to the idea that grace extends beyond merely hearing the name of Jesus.

so you don't need jesus to get into heaven, just grace?

No and yes. You need Jesus, because Jesus is God's grace for our sins... but that doesn't mean you need to have heard his name to have asked for his forgiveness. I know that's kind of an abstract idea... but consider it for a bit.

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:21 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Another thing...a person does not have to tell the can be said through a billboard as he walks by...and wouldn't he pass by some kind of church with a little message on its front sign. It's out's just his/her choice to find out more.

oh this is meant more for people who lived a long time ago before most boats were made, and billboards would have not been around. absolutely no contact with outside world. it is theoretical but i am almost positive it was the case for many many many many people. i just don't think it would be fair for them to be in hell right now.

Yeah... return to the idea that grace extends beyond merely hearing the name of Jesus.

so you don't need jesus to get into heaven, just grace?

No and yes. You need Jesus, because Jesus is God's grace for our sins... but that doesn't mean you need to have heard his name to have asked for his forgiveness. I know that's kind of an abstract idea... but consider it for a bit.

i think you are interchanging the words abstract and illogical... i understand if you want to use the "i have no idea" defense, but what you are saying makes no sense at all

chickayoshi's photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:22 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Better question. Yet... maybe someone is out there trying to tell said islander. It happens every day.

what if mormons get to him before christians, or muslims before mormons or hindus before the muslims....this guy is going to be one confused islander

To answer this question...we are all given the chance to hear the is only our decision to decide what to believe. If a Mormon got to the islander first...then the Christian tries to minister to the is only the islander's decision...go with the Mormon or go with the Christian? By judgment day, God will tell the islander that he did send a messenger to talk to him about Jesus. It will be his loss.

first this doesn't make any sense, how is he supposed to know which one is correct? why should he be judged on his ignorance? secondly, no not everyone hears of jesus before they die, this is a myth, many people before the "information age" that we live in now, never heard of his name. you are thinking that the world has always been the way it is now, this is incorrect. what happened to these people that never heard of him? I see where you are are looking at people who live in the time where communication and tech, and billboards don't exist. Think of it this way...I think someone said earlier about the good outweighing the bad. If the person has never heard of Jesus...never had any contact whatsoever in their lives...die and are judged...God will only be the one to decide if they can enter in or not. Yes it wouldn't be right to die without knowing...but how they live their lives will make a big difference. But...I think I better hold my peace on this because I am not the one to judge...I just type my thoughts. flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/18/08 07:26 PM

"Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:11-12

All of us well face Judgement Day, and I think God can figure it out or the mentally challenged will be able to choose to know God or not to. I also believe as stated earlier that all children or those with the mind of children will be taken to God. But also think this may cover your islander question.

I have a cousin who is challenged and still at the age of 5 knew who Jesus was and was baptized at 9. From my work with her and her school I think if anything they have a much easier time grasping the concept and accepting it whole heartedly with out the questions we bring about religion. flowerforyou

I have a niece who is

do they know what God is because WE tell them or because God tells them? why doesn't anyone tell the islander?

Better question. Yet... maybe someone is out there trying to tell said islander. It happens every day.

what if mormons get to him before christians, or muslims before mormons or hindus before the muslims....this guy is going to be one confused islander

To answer this question...we are all given the chance to hear the is only our decision to decide what to believe. If a Mormon got to the islander first...then the Christian tries to minister to the is only the islander's decision...go with the Mormon or go with the Christian? By judgment day, God will tell the islander that he did send a messenger to talk to him about Jesus. It will be his loss.

first this doesn't make any sense, how is he supposed to know which one is correct? why should he be judged on his ignorance? secondly, no not everyone hears of jesus before they die, this is a myth, many people before the "information age" that we live in now, never heard of his name. you are thinking that the world has always been the way it is now, this is incorrect. what happened to these people that never heard of him? I see where you are are looking at people who live in the time where communication and tech, and billboards don't exist. Think of it this way...I think someone said earlier about the good outweighing the bad. If the person has never heard of Jesus...never had any contact whatsoever in their lives...die and are judged...God will only be the one to decide if they can enter in or not. Yes it wouldn't be right to die without knowing...but how they live their lives will make a big difference. But...I think I better hold my peace on this because I am not the one to judge...I just type my thoughts. flowerforyou

don't you think we should have the right to know how we will be judged?