Topic: "I AM" .... TECHNOLOGY
joshyfox's photo
Fri 05/09/08 12:48 PM

flowerforyou Just as "GOD" has male and female traits, he also has machine traits.flowerforyou

isn't God like a spiritual entity mean machine like in the behavior or the demand

It's hard to explain God... Impossible actually since his very being is beyond mortal comprehension. The way I understand it God is all things to all people.

Meaning he is Male, Female, Machine, Flesh, Spirit, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Etc...

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 12:50 PM

hey Bruticus....I am talking and acting like myself. And I'm not wearing any device nor would be.....are you lost and seriously that scrambled up there dog? lay off the whippits and harsh psychodelics.Although this subject is kinda interesting to think about if it actually happends. I'm reading the article now Mirror on Wikipedia....hold up.....

well "iammewhoareu" ..I'm just saying that the type of behavior that you are displaying is why the device would go off...if you yourself say that the subject is interesting then it's not need to be acting the way you are ..

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 12:57 PM

There will never be a need for such a device. "The faithful," as you put it, are guided by God himself. Jesus said it well: the two greatest commandments are "love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and with all your strength," and "love your neighbor as yourself." In these two are summed up all the prophets and the Law.

It's not about keeping commandments or laws. That leads to legalism, and legalism leads to things like the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades. It's a matter of the heart.

"Marslleversleeps"....then what would be the point of the ten commandments and other of God's laws or what would be the need for the bible if the faithful only have to follow two rules ..that sounds more like an excuse not follow God laws set forth in the old testament and what lead to the creation of the New Testament

joshyfox's photo
Fri 05/09/08 01:01 PM

There will never be a need for such a device. "The faithful," as you put it, are guided by God himself. Jesus said it well: the two greatest commandments are "love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and with all your strength," and "love your neighbor as yourself." In these two are summed up all the prophets and the Law.

It's not about keeping commandments or laws. That leads to legalism, and legalism leads to things like the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades. It's a matter of the heart.

"Marslleversleeps"....then what would be the point of the ten commandments and other of God's laws or what would be the need for the bible if the faithful only have to follow two rules ..that sounds more like an excuse not follow God laws set forth in the old testament and what lead to the creation of the New Testament

You misunderstand The Ten Commandment fall under those two categories.

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 01:12 PM

I have a problem with this in that, how do they learn anything without making the mistakes in the first place?

"joshyfox"'s not about making mistake..shouldn't it be about not breaking god's laws

God could've made us with all the answers already, but why didn't he? The answer is simple, he wants us to learn on our own, otherwise, what's the point?

if you have to learn on your own...then what's the point of the bible

If we blindly follow laws without understanding why they are important we are nothing but souless puppets and God did not want that as far as my understanding goes.

you are suppose to blindly follow all of god's laws or what is the point of him creating the laws and what is the point of faith

joshyfox's photo
Fri 05/09/08 02:15 PM
Edited by joshyfox on Fri 05/09/08 02:17 PM
1. "joshyfox"'s not about making mistake..shouldn't it be about not breaking god's laws

No, I believe you have it wrong. God is a being of ultimate good, a concept that is beyond even my full comprehension. He is however not some bratty kid who will destroy anything that does not do what he tells it to do.

If he was, I'd openly defy him and proudly take the consequences.

2. if you have to learn on your own...then what's the point of the bible

The Bible is God being Kind. The point if it is to give you the idea of how to live to truly be happy with him, not truly a set of Iron Clad Laws. He is trying to help you with the examples set in the book.

There's a lot of super-natural threats in the bible because really would you listen to it if you knew it was just Advice?

3. you are suppose to blindly follow all of god's laws or what is the point of him creating the laws and what is the point of faith

The point of the laws are to protect you. Blindly following them is stupid because it lacks the respect for why the law was put in place.

The Point of faith is in believing that following this path is indeed the way will make you the healthiest and happiest you can be mentally Physicallly and spiritually.

And now for a question of my own.

For someone who's profile makes the claim you are non-religious, you sure are passionate about proving some kind of Religious point. If you don't really care, why are you arguing here?

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 02:40 PM

the faithful never forget. We cannot. The presence of the Holy Spirit is an everpresent reminder.

so "wouldee" are you saying that the believers that do forget are not faithful ...

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 02:43 PM

Are the laws impossible? No. Is it impossible for a mortal to follow every one of them? Yes.

joshyfox....why is it impossible?

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 02:50 PM

flowerforyou As long as humans have free will, they will have religion.flowerforyou The evolution of technology doesnt change that fact.flowerforyou

humans only have "Free Choice" ..but through technology they will get "Free Will"
happy What do you mean?:smile:

because "MirrorMirror" .."Free Choice" means you only get to choose from a limited set of options all controlled by the laws of the outside forces which are the laws of society the laws of a God (if you believe) and/or the laws of physics ..."Free Will" means you are not under the jurisdiction of any of the laws of the outside forces and can do as you please without any consequences for your actions and that why only god have "Free Will"

joshyfox's photo
Fri 05/09/08 03:16 PM

Are the laws impossible? No. Is it impossible for a mortal to follow every one of them? Yes.

joshyfox....why is it impossible?

Because human beings are flawed. Human Beings forget things. Human Beings give into weakness.

The point is you are covered so try your best, but don't freak out if you screw up.

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 03:49 PM

flowerforyou Just as "GOD" has male and female traits, he also has machine traits.flowerforyou

isn't God like a spiritual entity mean machine like in the behavior or the demand

It's hard to explain God... Impossible actually since his very being is beyond mortal comprehension. The way I understand it God is all things to all people.

Meaning he is Male, Female, Machine, Flesh, Spirit, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Etc...

since god is beyond human comprehension that would mean that none of the faithful could ever describe god without sounding delusional or even know if it was actually god if they met him ...

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 03:51 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 05/09/08 03:52 PM

are the faithful more likely to break God's laws in front of god but not in front of a camera, so is it inevitable that technology will replace god and can even be used to regulate religious behavior in a positive way as a teaching aid ..

when the faithful breaks one of God's laws the first thing they claim is that they are not perfect, but what if the believer had a chance to prove to God that they would be willing to be as perfect as a human could possible be pertaining to God's laws... would they jump at this chance....

since few could possible remember all the laws God has set forth and therefore finds themselves in a position to break them then what if all of God's laws could be uploaded and connected to a device in the form of a cross that would either beep or vibrate or say "I AM" anytime they were about to break any of the laws set forth by God

are there any of the faithful that would wear such a device ..if so then why.. and if not then why not

First I don't have a clue what you are talking about.

You would have to define "The Faithful" (Who are they.)
You would have to clarify God. (Who is he, which God are we talking about here..)
And you would have to present all the laws on paper so I could go over them with my lawyer.

Then, I would probably refuse the wear the thing even if I qualified to wear it, but if forced to wear it, it would probably go off all the time, and drive me crazy.

So I guess the answer is no, I certainly would not wear it.

I'll kill anyone who tries to force it on me too.


no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:02 PM

You misunderstand The Ten Commandment fall under those two categories.

again "joshyfox" if God thought that the ten commandments falls under two categories then why did he make ten commandments...isn't this more like a case of the faithful wishing to pick and choose which of god's laws to follow ...surely god made individual laws for individual reasons to be followed by the believers that were individually faithful that made no excuses as to why they should be individually exempt from not following all of God's laws

joshyfox's photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:18 PM

flowerforyou Just as "GOD" has male and female traits, he also has machine traits.flowerforyou

isn't God like a spiritual entity mean machine like in the behavior or the demand

It's hard to explain God... Impossible actually since his very being is beyond mortal comprehension. The way I understand it God is all things to all people.

Meaning he is Male, Female, Machine, Flesh, Spirit, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Etc...

since god is beyond human comprehension that would mean that none of the faithful could ever describe god without sounding delusional or even know if it was actually god if they met him ...


joshyfox's photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:22 PM

You misunderstand The Ten Commandment fall under those two categories.

again "joshyfox" if God thought that the ten commandments falls under two categories then why did he make ten commandments...isn't this more like a case of the faithful wishing to pick and choose which of god's laws to follow ...surely god made individual laws for individual reasons to be followed by the believers that were individually faithful that made no excuses as to why they should be individually exempt from not following all of God's laws

Exempt? There are consequences to not following these laws, even if God does not directly deliver them.

As for the Category question. He made Ten Commandment to elaborate on the Categories which can easily be misinterpreted.

You can Pick and choose which to obey and disobey, but you do so at your risk.

wouldee's photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:34 PM

the faithful never forget. We cannot. The presence of the Holy Spirit is an everpresent reminder.

so "wouldee" are you saying that the believers that do forget are not faithful ...

believers and the "faithful" aren't entirely a mutual exclusivity by their apparent definitions.

The "faithful" are most certainly believers in the "know".

Believers, on the other hand, are the only ones that know whether or not they are in fact counted among the "faithful" as that term is being used here, at least by me.:wink:

The "faithful" being described as such earlier cannot forget. The Holy Spirit is always mindfully present in our being, awake or asleep. It is a presence, not an exertion of one's determination to impose itself as a presence.
It is a constant reminder, given by God for many things, including discernment of the things of God, especially those things pertaining to Jesus Christ and our ambassadorship as such which includes all that which that affords. And more.

It is also a requirement of preaching and teaching Christ in truth. It is also a requirement for understanding fully the fullness of Christ in us. Thus also the moniker given in scripture, "the mind of Christ".

But this all so much minutia to explain. Best to be personally apprehended of it to explore it's vastness . It would take me too long, and that is not given me to do.:wink:

I leave that to God.


no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:40 PM

No, I believe you have it wrong. God is a being of ultimate good, a concept that is beyond even my full comprehension. He is however not some bratty kid who will destroy anything that does not do what he tells it to do.

again "joshyfox" if god is beyond your full comprehension then how could you said I may have it wrong or that you know for a fact that god is not a bratty little kid who will destroy everything..because it's not like he haven't tried before with the great flood and he is always promising armageddon

The Bible is God being Kind. The point if it is to give you the idea of how to live to truly be happy with him, not truly a set of Iron Clad Laws. He is trying to help you with the examples set in the book.

so God doesn't make Iron Clad laws ..god just say things that you don't have to take seriously or even have to follow as long as you have an "idea" ..I'm pretty sure the vatican would disagree with that

There's a lot of super-natural threats in the bible because really would you listen to it if you knew it was just Advice?

so god threathen people so they can do as he say but god really don't mean it and just be playing

The point of the laws are to protect you. Blindly following them is stupid because it lacks the respect for why the law was put in place.

"joshyfox" ..God didn't god made those rules and laws to protect you from going to hell and that is why they are suppose be followed blindly without question

The Point of faith is in believing that following this path is indeed the way will make you the healthiest and happiest you can be mentally Physicallly and spiritually.

the point of faith is to make you content because you do not know ...if you knew then why would one need faith

And now for a question of my own.

For someone who's profile makes the claim you are non-religious, you sure are passionate about proving some kind of Religious point. If you don't really care, why are you arguing here?

just because one may seem not to be religious doesn't mean that the person will not be affected by the things religious people do ...holy wars and inquisitions and "in God we trust" on all the currency are a few examples

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:43 PM

Are the laws impossible? No. Is it impossible for a mortal to follow every one of them? Yes.

joshyfox....why is it impossible?

Because human beings are flawed. Human Beings forget things. Human Beings give into weakness.

The point is you are covered so try your best, but don't freak out if you screw up.

wow "joshyfox" you just did the perfect commercial for "the beeper cross device"

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:49 PM

First I don't have a clue what you are talking about.

You would have to define "The Faithful" (Who are they.)
You would have to clarify God. (Who is he, which God are we talking about here..)
And you would have to present all the laws on paper so I could go over them with my lawyer.

Then, I would probably refuse the wear the thing even if I qualified to wear it, but if forced to wear it, it would probably go off all the time, and drive me crazy.

So I guess the answer is no, I certainly would not wear it.

I'll kill anyone who tries to force it on me too.


"JennieBean" ..if all that is keeping you from wearing the device is the beep ..remember this handy device has other if the beep start to drive you crazy then switch it to vibrate

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:52 PM

flowerforyou Just as "GOD" has male and female traits, he also has machine traits.flowerforyou

isn't God like a spiritual entity mean machine like in the behavior or the demand

It's hard to explain God... Impossible actually since his very being is beyond mortal comprehension. The way I understand it God is all things to all people.

Meaning he is Male, Female, Machine, Flesh, Spirit, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, Etc...

since god is beyond human comprehension that would mean that none of the faithful could ever describe god without sounding delusional or even know if it was actually god if they met him ...


which means that if ET the extraterrestial comes to earth and claim to be god believers have to follow without question because you never know ET may actually be god if ET saids phone home you have to