Topic: Sensitive people please stay out
Winx's photo
Fri 05/02/08 07:13 AM
I know somebody that is illegal. He has been here for over 15 years. He pays taxes. If he stays here until retirement, he will never see Social Security benefits.

KELLYLS30's photo
Fri 05/02/08 07:47 AM

I know somebody that is illegal. He has been here for over 15 years. He pays taxes. If he stays here until retirement, he will never see Social Security benefits.

if they work in the fields of course, most of them are getting paid cash, so of course they dont pay taxes

i know from friends' experience. if they work thru a temp office or a factory, they pay taxes. the company is obligated to take out taxes using the same I-9 they fill out for american citizens. and NO, they cant file returns at the end of the year.

Drew07_2's photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:13 AM
Edited by Drew07_2 on Fri 05/02/08 08:14 AM
I am not going to the research for anyone but you might want to take a look at how Mexico (just as an example and because it is relevant) treats those who illegally enter their country. Really, check it out. Check out the published deportation rates (it's staggeringly high) and look at the conditions. Try this--illegally enter Mexico and then try to organize a march down the streets of any Mexican city claiming that you are "owed" something. That we would most likely never again hear from you would be the kindest of fates.

I don't mind the debate or the many details that lie within. But when a nation with a deplorable record when it comes to human rights (including slavery. Yes, Mexico massively participated in the slave trade) waves a finger northward to talk about how bad America is to those who arrive here illegally, one really does need to consider the source.

If the US dealt with illegal immigration the way Mexico currently does, this post and many like it would not be needed because there would be no problem.


Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:14 AM
I think its 60% of illegals work in the construction industry.
Most of those working in the agriculture industries are H-2b workers. They are legal.
Many of those using SSN's are using stolen SSN's.

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 08:43 AM

well what country does not have a label illegal alien

Please tell me a country other than America uses those European countries they are called Guests or Guest Workers

those are the legal ones

the united states has those as well

They do but they dont mean the samething...........look instead of jumping to conclusions I would love for everyone to go to the site and look at all what it takes to be legal and the money that it takes to stay in this father although he had the state pay for his immigration services he still had to shell out 10,000 for fees and it took 5 years to do what he had to do........its so easy to talk when you are here well im telling you from the other have no idea........and its disrespectful for you to tell people that they arent doing wht they need to do when its a long process coming for everyone

Your father did things the right way & why should others be allowed to take shortcuts? I bet he is very proud of what he accomplished & has every right to be!
Please I want to know what is the right way if we are talking about that then the I think the illegals have the right to be here since it was their state to beging with especially New Mexico, Texas, and are we so caught up im me we really forget the rights of others or now we want to hold this so called almighty thing about whats right and wrong and what legal and not when this country not at one millisecond did that ..............its trully hypocritical...........where are your ancestors from and if you can say they trully originated in america then I can give you the benefit of the doubt about illegal immigration......

The "right way" is following the laws of the country you want to enter. Without borders & laws you have no country.

I am not just refering to Mexicans, but to all illegal immigrants. Go back further & it was Spain that took over the southwest before the US was even an idea. In a previous post I agreed many people were wronged in the settlement of this nation. Back in the late sixties I was the Smart Alec kid the my teacher dreaded, because I was the one that pointed out that Colombus didn't "discover" America since there were already people here! I had no education at that point, it was just so obvious to me.

How far back do we go? Do we go back to clans fighting over hunting grounds in prehistoric times? All through history people have migrated & fought territoral wars.

We can only start from where we are. we can't repair damage done, but we can learn from it. I would say immigration laws that are fair & enforced are a good way to start.

Also in the previous post I stated that my ancesters are from England & Ireland. Before that I am sure they were from someplace else! My mothers people are Irish Gypsies & if you go back far enough probably were in India. My fathers Quaker ancesters probably have French,Danish & Roman blood. Go back further & we are all probably from Africa.

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:02 AM
Edited by Single_Rob on Fri 05/02/08 09:04 AM

What part didnt you understand I think I have been very clear........I think that you forget that America has exploited people since it conception and I am showing you how it has manipulated innocent people and has taken their land.........Its that simple and yes people come here with student visas but when Americans especially elite ones find that they are letting some of these students go home and they may be gifted then they offer them a deal and what happens is that it strips the native country of the educated and intelligent people it needs to I not clear I can keep breaking it down for you
No, you are not clear. You are trying to say that as a country America has no right to keep people out from other countries, because our ancestors didn't have to go through a legalization process, and kicked the poor Mexicans, and Native Americans off their land. Your point of view is that we should have an open border policy and not restrict the flow of immigration from any country, since we are the dreams of other populaces? Sorry to tell you but countries lose ground in war, and to the victor go the spoils. The mexicans were driven out of their land by our armed forces, and those territories were claimed for our country. The same applies with the native americans. I cannot change history from hundreds of years ago, things are the way they turned out. The truth is every country has immigration laws, and existing infrastructure, ours have both been overwhelmed. I cannot help the countries history of exploiting people of other ethnicities, but unfortunately every country has a past, and present of doing the same thing. Mistakes of the past do not justify an open checkbook for those in the present.

Winx's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:05 AM

Why is it is you feel that the laws of this nation are to be upheld, and don't believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay you are considered prejudice? I just want honest forward answers please.

The statement that you made here is not a prejudiced statement.

Illegal is illegal. That means that they are here illegally and shouldn't be here - no matter what country they are from.

so please tell me which one I made there is. If there was anything wrong with it, the mods would have deleted it. So please post it here so it can be judged for what it is

Well, for starters, on the other thread you assumed that just because some Hispanics were getting free smoke detectors, they were illegal. The article did not have one sentence claiming that they were illegal.

Then you said that if someone can't keep up with their English, that they should go back from where they came from.

I see some prejudice in those things. If I am wrong, I am sorry.flowerforyou

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:12 AM

Why is it is you feel that the laws of this nation are to be upheld, and don't believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay you are considered prejudice? I just want honest forward answers please.

The statement that you made here is not a prejudiced statement.

Illegal is illegal. That means that they are here illegally and shouldn't be here - no matter what country they are from.

so please tell me which one I made there is. If there was anything wrong with it, the mods would have deleted it. So please post it here so it can be judged for what it is

Well, for starters, on the other thread you assumed that just because some Hispanics were getting free smoke detectors, they were illegal. The article did not have one sentence claiming that they were illegal.

Then you said that if someone can't keep up with their English, that they should go back from where they came from.

I see some prejudice in those things. If I am wrong, I am sorry.flowerforyou

I did not assume they were illegal from their getting free smoke detectors, it was because of their not having any english skills. A simple call to the fire department confirmed that they do not check their immigration status to receive these items. The truth is if they have been legalized, or n process they have some english skills. Fanta brought up a great point about the free english classes ofered here, even for illegals. It is a matter of respect to your host country that you learn their language if you are to spend any amount of time there. I am sorry you find me hateful for my beliefs, but your own rush to judgement also shows that you are as guilty as I for drawng the conclusion you have. I am labelled something for the desire of having others follow the law of the land. how ironic is that?

Winx's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:16 AM

Why is it is you feel that the laws of this nation are to be upheld, and don't believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay you are considered prejudice? I just want honest forward answers please.

The statement that you made here is not a prejudiced statement.

Illegal is illegal. That means that they are here illegally and shouldn't be here - no matter what country they are from.

so please tell me which one I made there is. If there was anything wrong with it, the mods would have deleted it. So please post it here so it can be judged for what it is

Well, for starters, on the other thread you assumed that just because some Hispanics were getting free smoke detectors, they were illegal. The article did not have one sentence claiming that they were illegal.

Then you said that if someone can't keep up with their English, that they should go back from where they came from.

I see some prejudice in those things. If I am wrong, I am sorry.flowerforyou

I did not assume they were illegal from their getting free smoke detectors, it was because of their not having any english skills. A simple call to the fire department confirmed that they do not check their immigration status to receive these items. The truth is if they have been legalized, or n process they have some english skills. Fanta brought up a great point about the free english classes ofered here, even for illegals. It is a matter of respect to your host country that you learn their language if you are to spend any amount of time there. I am sorry you find me hateful for my beliefs, but your own rush to judgement also shows that you are as guilty as I for drawng the conclusion you have. I am labelled something for the desire of having others follow the law of the land. how ironic is that?

I did not say that I find you hateful. Not even close. I was saying that I saw some prejudice in that. There were some other things too.

I also said that if I was wrong, I am sorry.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:27 AM
I dont think you are sorry.flowerforyou
Just beautiful....bigsmile

Winx's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:30 AM
Edited by Winx on Fri 05/02/08 09:31 AM

I dont think you are sorry.flowerforyou
Just beautiful....bigsmile

blushing flowerforyou

But...I am sorry if I am wrong.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:30 AM
The immigration laws are on the books for a reason and I believe the laws should be followed. Our current overwhelmed issue is due to people here hiring illegals. It is illegal to do so so we should lay the blame where it belongs, on us for hiring them. It is advantageous for the employers to hire someone they do not have to pay taxes on nor get insurance for plus being able to pay them whatever they want.

It is a new slave labor force and these employers should be stopped. Bringing people to a country where they have no legal rights and exploiting them should be considered a serious crime. We have to go to the source of the problem first before we can address the other problems. Hiring them is what brings them here.

All of the other problems with the brunt to social programs, mostly private, is the symtom to the original problem that we hire them, the problems with criminal activity is due to the original problem that we hire them, etc... It all comes down to the slave labor force being utilized here.

Whatever else needs to be done, whether it be make them legal so they can be participating part of the system here plus giving them the rights of all humans here or making them suffer a punishment time frame or fines and then making them legal, whatever besides nazi style roundups of humans in this country then we need to do it posthaste and be done. But if we do not stop the hiring force that makes them come here it will all be for not.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:32 AM

I dont think you are sorry.flowerforyou
Just beautiful....bigsmile


But...I am sorry if I am wrong.

Being able to express that humility is beauty!flowerforyou

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:34 AM

The immigration laws are on the books for a reason and I believe the laws should be followed. Our current overwhelmed issue is due to people here hiring illegals. It is illegal to do so so we should lay the blame where it belongs, on us for hiring them. It is advantageous for the employers to hire someone they do not have to pay taxes on nor get insurance for plus being able to pay them whatever they want.

It is a new slave labor force and these employers should be stopped. Bringing people to a country where they have no legal rights and exploiting them should be considered a serious crime. We have to go to the source of the problem first before we can address the other problems. Hiring them is what brings them here.

All of the other problems with the brunt to social programs, mostly private, is the symtom to the original problem that we hire them, the problems with criminal activity is due to the original problem that we hire them, etc... It all comes down to the slave labor force being utilized here.

Whatever else needs to be done, whether it be make them legal so they can be participating part of the system here plus giving them the rights of all humans here or making them suffer a punishment time frame or fines and then making them legal, whatever besides nazi style roundups of humans in this country then we need to do it posthaste and be done. But if we do not stop the hiring force that makes them come here it will all be for not.
rewarding people from breaking the laws of this country is not an option. They are here illegaly, and need to go..period. They should also be fingerprinted so that they never apply for legal immigration back into this country. I agree, make the employers responsible to the point of putting htem in jail if need be. There will be no need to round them up, for once they cannot be employed anywhere, they will just leave

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:34 AM

The immigration laws are on the books for a reason and I believe the laws should be followed. Our current overwhelmed issue is due to people here hiring illegals. It is illegal to do so so we should lay the blame where it belongs, on us for hiring them. It is advantageous for the employers to hire someone they do not have to pay taxes on nor get insurance for plus being able to pay them whatever they want.

It is a new slave labor force and these employers should be stopped. Bringing people to a country where they have no legal rights and exploiting them should be considered a serious crime. We have to go to the source of the problem first before we can address the other problems. Hiring them is what brings them here.

All of the other problems with the brunt to social programs, mostly private, is the symtom to the original problem that we hire them, the problems with criminal activity is due to the original problem that we hire them, etc... It all comes down to the slave labor force being utilized here.

Whatever else needs to be done, whether it be make them legal so they can be participating part of the system here plus giving them the rights of all humans here or making them suffer a punishment time frame or fines and then making them legal, whatever besides nazi style roundups of humans in this country then we need to do it posthaste and be done. But if we do not stop the hiring force that makes them come here it will all be for not.

I agree, so let us ask the question and see who is to blame.

Who here employs illegal immigrants?

I bet I wont get an answer...drinker

buttons's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:36 AM
ill answer ya! not melaugh

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:36 AM
Let's try it this way.
Who knows someone that employs illegals and remains complacent about it?

buttons's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:37 AM
laugh i dont hire anyone thoughlaugh laugh but if i did.... still not me!laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:37 AM
Dragoness I agree with eveything you wrote except the last 2 lines. You cannot compare enforcment of our border with the holocaust.noway

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/02/08 09:38 AM

ill answer ya! not melaugh

Blue boxes are illegal.laugh laugh

Hey babe,flowerforyou
Need a picture? I have a good one of you...laugh laugh