Topic: Jesus voice - have you ever heard it
yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 04/19/08 02:18 PM

When you guys think we are offended by these things it is funny.

When I point out how silly it is that Jesus would have let that woman burn unless she asked for help. It does not effect me anymore then if I was to point out that Santa didn't really die for your sins.

Peace in truth

BobbyJ's photo
Sat 04/19/08 02:55 PM

When you guys think we are offended by these things it is funny.

When I point out how silly it is that Jesus would have let that woman burn unless she asked for help. It does not effect me anymore then if I was to point out that Santa didn't really die for your sins.

Peace in truth

Just curious yzrabbit, what is your faith, if any? :smile:

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 04/19/08 03:34 PM

When you guys think we are offended by these things it is funny.

When I point out how silly it is that Jesus would have let that woman burn unless she asked for help. It does not effect me anymore then if I was to point out that Santa didn't really die for your sins.

Peace in truth

Just curious yzrabbit, what is your faith, if any? :smile:

Half time Im an Athiest the other half I'm Agnostic.

Full time belief in love and peace.

Zapchaser's photo
Sat 04/19/08 03:51 PM

If people are actually hearing Jesus’ voice, then I can rest assured that I’ve also been put on hold for many decades.

I asked Jesus into my heart many decades ago, and I left the door wide open, it’s still open today. All he needs to do is keep HIS promise and reveal himself to me.

I can’t force a deity to keep HIS WORD.

Only HE can do that.

In the meantime, I’m stilling waiting. It’s entirely up to him to speak. So far I’ve heard absolutely nothing from him.

Many will say, “Well that’s because you obviously don’t believe!”. Well, why should I have so many decades of silence? If he was real why didn’t he speak up and keep his WORD when I responded to his call in the early going???

If Jesus existence depends upon my belief, then clearly he’s nothing more than a figment of imagination.

If the deity is real he should be able to exist independent of what I believe.

For those who are in direct contact with him, ask him why he never responded to my offer to be his humble servant?

Let me know what he says. Tell him I can’t hear his voice, he needs to speak up a bit. Tell him not to be so shy. I don’t bite. Tell him there’s nothing to be afraid of. bigsmile

When every few sentences contain a snide comment? I can't for the life of me understand why Jesus wouldn't take you up on your conditional offers. If a child keeps kicking his dad while whining for a quarter for the gum ball machine.......? Maybe you weren't listening? I don't know. Maybe you weren't serious? Maybe you just wanted to argue with Him? Only you have the answers.Only you can get your own personal relationship. Personally, I would keep doing what you are doing. Keep besmirching what He taught. Keep denying Him. It seems to be working for you so far, eh? :wink: Maybe, just maybe you will get your quarter. I pray that you will. drinker :wink:

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 04/19/08 04:04 PM

If people are actually hearing Jesus’ voice, then I can rest assured that I’ve also been put on hold for many decades.

I asked Jesus into my heart many decades ago, and I left the door wide open, it’s still open today. All he needs to do is keep HIS promise and reveal himself to me.

I can’t force a deity to keep HIS WORD.

Only HE can do that.

In the meantime, I’m stilling waiting. It’s entirely up to him to speak. So far I’ve heard absolutely nothing from him.

Many will say, “Well that’s because you obviously don’t believe!”. Well, why should I have so many decades of silence? If he was real why didn’t he speak up and keep his WORD when I responded to his call in the early going???

If Jesus existence depends upon my belief, then clearly he’s nothing more than a figment of imagination.

If the deity is real he should be able to exist independent of what I believe.

For those who are in direct contact with him, ask him why he never responded to my offer to be his humble servant?

Let me know what he says. Tell him I can’t hear his voice, he needs to speak up a bit. Tell him not to be so shy. I don’t bite. Tell him there’s nothing to be afraid of. bigsmile

When every few sentences contain a snide comment? I can't for the life of me understand why Jesus wouldn't take you up on your conditional offers. If a child keeps kicking his dad while whining for a quarter for the gum ball machine.......? Maybe you weren't listening? I don't know. Maybe you weren't serious? Maybe you just wanted to argue with Him? Only you have the answers.Only you can get your own personal relationship. Personally, I would keep doing what you are doing. Keep besmirching what He taught. Keep denying Him. It seems to be working for you so far, eh? :wink: Maybe, just maybe you will get your quarter. I pray that you will. drinker :wink:

The sad thing is this "father" like God will take that child begging for a quarter and send him to hell forever. Can you imagine anything your child would do that you would give that punishment?

BobbyJ's photo
Sat 04/19/08 04:05 PM

When you guys think we are offended by these things it is funny.

When I point out how silly it is that Jesus would have let that woman burn unless she asked for help. It does not effect me anymore then if I was to point out that Santa didn't really die for your sins.

Peace in truth

A full time believer in love and peace? That's curious as you compare Jesus to Santa in how things "affect" you. Insults to Christians are hardly "love and peace". Perhaps you should re-think your own words "love and peace" replacing them with being a believer in "ridicule and pompousness"?

By the way, truth often is also the cause of hate and wars.

no photo
Sat 04/19/08 04:07 PM

When you guys think we are offended by these things it is funny.

When I point out how silly it is that Jesus would have let that woman burn unless she asked for help. It does not effect me anymore then if I was to point out that Santa didn't really die for your sins.

Peace in truth

Just curious yzrabbit, what is your faith, if any? :smile:

Half time Im an Athiest the other half I'm Agnostic.

Full time belief in love and peace.

Jesus may have been speaking to that woman all her life...... Maybe that was the first time she actually LISTENED...... Maybe he was never going to let her die in the fire..... to start with. So I can't sit back say either way... that he was going to let her burn.

God is Love & Peace..... so do you actually truly believe in God....laugh laugh laugh Maybe your simply in denial.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 04/19/08 05:15 PM

When you guys think we are offended by these things it is funny.

When I point out how silly it is that Jesus would have let that woman burn unless she asked for help. It does not effect me anymore then if I was to point out that Santa didn't really die for your sins.

Peace in truth

A full time believer in love and peace? That's curious as you compare Jesus to Santa in how things "affect" you. Insults to Christians are hardly "love and peace". Perhaps you should re-think your own words "love and peace" replacing them with being a believer in "ridicule and pompousness"?

By the way, truth often is also the cause of hate and wars.

You are the ones that put feeling into my words. I am pointing out that I do not have any feelings about it because it is the same as talking about Zeus. The day you let your kids know that Santa is not real and you think that "Jesus is the reason for the season". You will believe that you are being very loving and and caring.

Peace in Truth

no photo
Sat 04/19/08 06:28 PM
No trouble here : I just do not believe .What a nice feeling !.
I do not wait for him and certainly he does not wait for me .
If you free yourself of religion myths and propaganda ; you get a feeling of freedom and peace of thoughts ! .drinker !.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/19/08 06:42 PM
When every few sentences contain a snide comment? I can't for the life of me understand why Jesus wouldn't take you up on your conditional offers.

There was no conditions in my offer other than that the God show up and that’s hardly a condition considering that this is what the God SAID he would do. That was HIS condition, not mine.

I can’t keep God’s WORD for him. That’s HIS job. flowerforyou

If you think that’s snide fine. I’m just reporting the truth - I ask, and there was no answer.

Nothing snide about the truth.

Zapchaser's photo
Sat 04/19/08 07:34 PM

When every few sentences contain a snide comment? I can't for the life of me understand why Jesus wouldn't take you up on your conditional offers.

There was no conditions in my offer other than that the God show up and that’s hardly a condition considering that this is what the God SAID he would do. That was HIS condition, not mine.

I can’t keep God’s WORD for him. That’s HIS job. flowerforyou

If you think that’s snide fine. I’m just reporting the truth - I ask, and there was no answer.

Nothing snide about the truth.

Good luck. I will pray for you. Don't need to ask for, deny, thank, or damn me for it. I will simply pray for you. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:18 PM
laugh Time will simply tell.... if there is a God or not let time be a determining factor. If there is a God explain your doubt, disbelief, denial. Also deal with Satan who will accuse you, then how will you find your justification. In yourselves, a philosophy, in Santa. Are you then to cry upon the person Christ Jesus who you denied?

Even so it's so simple:
John 3:16:heart: flowerforyou

splendidlife's photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:28 PM
I believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, but not that He died for my sins.

It was nearly 14 years ago at a time of great change in my life. I had been a workoholic w/ 4 jobs, just running on empty. I made a choice to give it all up (house, jobs, boyfriend) to heal and release myself from some past experiences. It was the only time in my life that I'd been consistently praying, It wasn't actually a voice as much as it was a phrase, "spoken" three times:

Everything you need, you already have
Everything you need, you already have
Everything you need, you already have

I knew in my heart that it didn't come from me. Couldn't define it, but knew it was Divine. It gave me the Courage to continue on my path.

I think I've started engaging in these forums, not to argue, be saved or born again, but to remember. There are some components of Christianity that do fit for me.

yzrabbit1's photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:30 PM

laugh Time will simply tell.... if there is a God or not let time be a determining factor. If there is a God explain your doubt, disbelief, denial. Also deal with Satan who will accuse you, then how will you find your justification. In yourselves, a philosophy, in Santa. Are you then to cry upon the person Christ Jesus who you denied?

Even so it's so simple:
John 3:16:heart: flowerforyou

Not exactly, The Jesus that says ,turn the other cheek, blessed are the poor, the weak, the down hearted. The Jesus that would rather let himself die before letting someone raise a sword in his defense. That Jesus I am all for.

However the God that needs to kill all the first born to make one man see the light, the God that wants to make us all feel guilty because some guy ate an apple long ago, the God that can only think of Killing himself to appease himself to make up for the bad actions of his creations. That is the God I do not want to spend eternity with and will not call upon.

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:39 PM
I once was one of the people that had no desire to know any Jesus or God that could allow pain and death, and harshness in this world. I also never believed that there was a spirit or entity or whatever one wants to call it, that would save me. happened. I was pulled out of the fires of death by something, and it wasn't me. Not once, not twice...but many times.

I personally do not care if someone believes or not...well...lets take that back, because it simply isn't true. I do care...but I will never try and make one feel what I feel. I will... plainly put...pray and love the ones that I care for and worry about. And that is just about everyone.

Abra....I never said I heard a voice...that would be stupid...I think, maybe not. But, anyway....whatever one wishes to believe or know is not anyones business to call down. If they think it feel it or know it...then they do. Not my is it?

I do believe however that I have been spoken to in a way that cannot be understood by someone who refuses anything other than what one can see or hear with their eyes or ears.

Hugs big fella.


scttrbrain's photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:42 PM
Rabbit....Jesus did not kill all these children you talk about.

You speak of Moses' time. That was the pharoh that spoke the ill words of death, in doing so killed his own.


no photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:45 PM
I hear, and I listen...
But do not always act...
I want him to take my pain...
but my sorrow is a fact...

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 04/19/08 08:50 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou


Berryboo's photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:09 PM

If people are actually hearing Jesus’ voice, then I can rest assured that I’ve also been put on hold for many decades.

I asked Jesus into my heart many decades ago, and I left the door wide open, it’s still open today. All he needs to do is keep HIS promise and reveal himself to me.

I can’t force a deity to keep HIS WORD.

Only HE can do that.

In the meantime, I’m stilling waiting. It’s entirely up to him to speak. So far I’ve heard absolutely nothing from him.

Many will say, “Well that’s because you obviously don’t believe!”. Well, why should I have so many decades of silence? If he was real why didn’t he speak up and keep his WORD when I responded to his call in the early going???

If Jesus existence depends upon my belief, then clearly he’s nothing more than a figment of imagination.

If the deity is real he should be able to exist independent of what I believe.

For those who are in direct contact with him, ask him why he never responded to my offer to be his humble servant?

Let me know what he says. Tell him I can’t hear his voice, he needs to speak up a bit. Tell him not to be so shy. I don’t bite. Tell him there’s nothing to be afraid of. bigsmile

There is actually historically documentation of Jesus' this 'voice' you wish to hear from is God's or Jesus'? Yea, it can get abit confusing.

God does exist...all you have to do is look in the mirror for proof...look reeaal closely...for it is written that you were made in God's image. To hear Him---listen for birds in the morning. To feel Him---sit outside in the sun and just breathe.:smile:

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:17 PM
Abra....I never said I heard a voice...that would be stupid...I think, maybe not. But, anyway....whatever one wishes to believe or know is not anyone’s business to call down. If they think it feel it or know it...then they do. Not my is it?

I have no desire to deny anything anyone else claims for themselves. If they heard a voice in their head (or coming from anywhere else) and they believe it had divine origins more power to them.

I can only speak for myself. And it's my testimony that I’ve never experienced any external (or internal) deity speak to me.

I have had some pretty interesting conversations with myself. laugh

And it does amaze me how thoughts come into our minds from seemingly nowhere.

However, when it comes to a deity purposefully talking to me, I can’t say that I’ve ever experienced that. I have meditated in the past. And when I quiet my mind and just listen I don’t hear any ‘directed’ thoughts. All I see is the river of random thoughts flowing constantly. But it’s always been my choice whether or not to focus on any particular thoughts. I’ve never had any sense of any deity actually directing thoughts toward me, or making any effort to direct my attention to any particular thoughts. I’ve always felt that I was in total control of that.

About the closest I can claim to have been ‘spoken to’ by a deity, is when I talk to myself. A thought may come into my mind (from the river of thoughts, as well as from outside stimuli such as sight, sound, etc), and that might spark me to have a bad thought. Like maybe the thought of punching someone in the nose who’s giving me a hard time.

Then I’ll hear my own self ask myself, “Do you really want to do that?”. But that’s just me asking myself a question. I mean, if that’s God talking to me, then I’ve always had God in my mind. He’s so close to me that I can’t distinguish him from myself. If that’s God speaking then I’m as close to God as I can be. I’m so close that I think he’s me!

But if that same voice is truly God than he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest that I totally reject the biblical picture and denounce it as pure myth. He’s never said to me, “Oh don’t do that!”. On the contrary, he says things like, “Well of course it can’t be true, look at how silly it is!”.

Now everyone is going to be claiming that I’m possessed by a demon. laugh