Topic: Jesus voice - have you ever heard it
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Sat 04/19/08 09:26 PM

I hear, and I listen...
But do not always act...
I want him to take my pain...
but my sorrow is a fact...

God does listen.... And he tells you what to do...
But do we truly listen to him....

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:30 PM
BerryBoo wrote:
God does exist...all you have to do is look in the mirror for proof...look reeaal closely...for it is written that you were made in God's image. To hear Him---listen for birds in the morning. To feel Him---sit outside in the sun and just breathe.:smile:

You're talking to a man who's lived as close as he can to nature given the time period and society he lives in.

Besides, I'm not an atheist, I'm a pantheist. :wink:

If you don't know what a pantheist is please take a moment to read this post about how some North American Indians view God.

Then scroll down to the post in that same thread posted by S1owhand about the "Pipe Ceremony". It's really worth the read!

This is basically how I view God (not in precise ritual detail, but certainly close enough in spirit).

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:31 PM
You devil you.:wink: I have the utmost respect for you my friend.

You see what you said as one thing...I see it could be another.

When I say things like " I was driven a direction, or heard a voice", it doesn't mean I actually heard one, it means that out of nowhere an answer or conviction, or even a question was placed upon me in a way that had no reason to have been there.

It has happened a few times. When I "listened", I found it was not a waste of time, at least for me.


Abracadabra's photo
Sat 04/19/08 09:34 PM

I hear, and I listen...
But do not always act...
I want him to take my pain...
but my sorrow is a fact...

God does listen.... And he tells you what to do...
But do we truly listen to him....

I was going to comment on your post myself.

If I thought the creator of this unviverse were actually talking to me, I don't think I would decide to willfully and purposefully ignore him.

I personally don't understand how anyone could actually do that.

But that's just me. drinker

wouldee's photo
Sat 04/19/08 10:03 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 04/19/08 10:08 PM

Abra....I never said I heard a voice...that would be stupid...I think, maybe not. But, anyway....whatever one wishes to believe or know is not anyone’s business to call down. If they think it feel it or know it...then they do. Not my is it?

I have no desire to deny anything anyone else claims for themselves. If they heard a voice in their head (or coming from anywhere else) and they believe it had divine origins more power to them.

I can only speak for myself. And it's my testimony that I’ve never experienced any external (or internal) deity speak to me.

I have had some pretty interesting conversations with myself. laugh

And it does amaze me how thoughts come into our minds from seemingly nowhere.

However, when it comes to a deity purposefully talking to me, I can’t say that I’ve ever experienced that. I have meditated in the past. And when I quiet my mind and just listen I don’t hear any ‘directed’ thoughts. All I see is the river of random thoughts flowing constantly. But it’s always been my choice whether or not to focus on any particular thoughts. I’ve never had any sense of any deity actually directing thoughts toward me, or making any effort to direct my attention to any particular thoughts. I’ve always felt that I was in total control of that.

About the closest I can claim to have been ‘spoken to’ by a deity, is when I talk to myself. A thought may come into my mind (from the river of thoughts, as well as from outside stimuli such as sight, sound, etc), and that might spark me to have a bad thought. Like maybe the thought of punching someone in the nose who’s giving me a hard time.

Then I’ll hear my own self ask myself, “Do you really want to do that?”. But that’s just me asking myself a question. I mean, if that’s God talking to me, then I’ve always had God in my mind. He’s so close to me that I can’t distinguish him from myself. If that’s God speaking then I’m as close to God as I can be. I’m so close that I think he’s me!

But if that same voice is truly God than he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest that I totally reject the biblical picture and denounce it as pure myth. He’s never said to me, “Oh don’t do that!”. On the contrary, he says things like, “Well of course it can’t be true, look at how silly it is!”.

Now everyone is going to be claiming that I’m possessed by a demon. laugh

Nope, not really. When you put it sincerely like that, my friend, it is the God I know that i recognize as talking to your soul, Abra.

I agree, somethings are silly. And I have asked for answers to that too. And squarely, I am made to confront my own assumptive reason by the perspective coming from this small still voice. Often, what is silly is perceptions. But then, not even the opposite is necessarily true either. This small still voice is listening intently to our thoughts and communicating on the level of the sincerity more so than the content.

I find that my content and character can be strengthened and made wiser for the conversation and where it leads me to comprehend my own characterizations made of everything in my environment as subjective.

To that, there is no end. But how others are blessed to the better by being kinder and more generous is revealing to me of the very thing that encourages me within, and yet never judges, but rather persuades me to embrace compassion more effortlessly.

Self is always resisting charity.

Anyway, I am glad to hear such sensitive remarks, my friend.

There is always something rather uniquely redeeming by your candor.


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 03:51 AM
Jesus thru His Holy Spirit can speak audibly, yes...but He mostly will speak to us, thru His Word.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 04/20/08 06:07 AM
I do believe however that I have been spoken to in a way that cannot be understood by someone who refuses anything other than what one can see or hear with their eyes or ears.

I am with you on that Kat! flowerforyou :wink:

yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:25 AM

I do believe however that I have been spoken to in a way that cannot be understood by someone who refuses anything other than what one can see or hear with their eyes or ears.

I am with you on that Kat! flowerforyou :wink:

Too bad he only thought to give us eyes, ears and a brain.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:41 AM

I do believe however that I have been spoken to in a way that cannot be understood by someone who refuses anything other than what one can see or hear with their eyes or ears.

I am with you on that Kat! flowerforyou :wink:

Too bad he only thought to give us eyes, ears and a brain.

I respect you rabbit; but with all due respect, I feel pain when I read you. What kind of pain? I do not know. The pain I feel is deep within my soul. When I leave here after reading you, I think of you throughout the day. Literaly.

I love your face, your smile, but I worry.

I do not mean to offend, but I must speak what I feel.

What I read from you this time, was something akin to thinking me dumb, or silly. I assure you, I am none of those. Unless I choose the behavior. Playfully being any one of those things.

I am who I am. Better than who I once was, when I believed different than I do now. I grew into a believer from experiences I encountered. I am grateful for that. I have blossomed into a healthier thinker and love without fear. I care deeply for all my fellow beings. I wish happiness to even those who hate me.
I take on no anomosity, hatred, loathing...For it doesn't need me. I became less of that equation, becoming more than I have ever been. All because I encountered what I feel is a Godly entrusion. Happily so.


yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 04/20/08 09:50 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Sun 04/20/08 09:51 AM

I do believe however that I have been spoken to in a way that cannot be understood by someone who refuses anything other than what one can see or hear with their eyes or ears.

I am with you on that Kat! flowerforyou :wink:

Too bad he only thought to give us eyes, ears and a brain.

I respect you rabbit; but with all due respect, I feel pain when I read you. What kind of pain? I do not know. The pain I feel is deep within my soul. When I leave here after reading you, I think of you throughout the day. Literaly.

I love your face, your smile, but I worry.

I do not mean to offend, but I must speak what I feel.

What I read from you this time, was something akin to thinking me dumb, or silly. I assure you, I am none of those. Unless I choose the behavior. Playfully being any one of those things.

I am who I am. Better than who I once was, when I believed different than I do now. I grew into a believer from experiences I encountered. I am grateful for that. I have blossomed into a healthier thinker and love without fear. I care deeply for all my fellow beings. I wish happiness to even those who hate me.
I take on no anomosity, hatred, loathing...For it doesn't need me. I became less of that equation, becoming more than I have ever been. All because I encountered what I feel is a Godly entrusion. Happily so.


I'll tell you the secret to what I do. It may ruin it for me for ever to put it out here but maybe it is time. All I do is take the language of the Religious and sculpt my own beliefs that knowledge and thinking are more important then blind faith.
I use the exact words and phrases and tactics of the Religious and it makes them furious. I don't know if that is sad or funny. I keep hoping that they will see how it is and change their ways. They never do.
So now you know what I am doing. I just copy the tactic of the Christians exactly and put in my own beliefs. For some reason the Christians find it hateful and they think I am broken somehow. Well if that is the case what does that mean about you?

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/20/08 10:15 AM
I do not find you broken rabbit. Not at all.
I applaud your wisdom. I may not convey what I mean exactly.

I feel what I feel as do you.

I do not believe I have ever confessed Christianity to anyone. I am a spiritual believer. With God and Jesus as His Son.

What DOES that say about me??

Do you see me a bad person? An ignorant individual due to the fact that I believe that something is bigger than myself? That I believe that there is a reason for being? That a message has been given us by a creator? Because I cannot believe that we just happened by an atom? All things?? Not when all things have DNA just a little off from everything living.

We will never agree rabbit....but let me have my belief, as I do you. If you see me in turmoil or pain of your thought; let me know. But do not make me out to be ignorant. I hope and pray I have not done that to you.


yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 04/20/08 10:35 AM

I do not find you broken rabbit. Not at all.
I applaud your wisdom. I may not convey what I mean exactly.

I feel what I feel as do you.

I do not believe I have ever confessed Christianity to anyone. I am a spiritual believer. With God and Jesus as His Son.

What DOES that say about me??

Do you see me a bad person? An ignorant individual due to the fact that I believe that something is bigger than myself? That I believe that there is a reason for being? That a message has been given us by a creator? Because I cannot believe that we just happened by an atom? All things?? Not when all things have DNA just a little off from everything living.

We will never agree rabbit....but let me have my belief, as I do you. If you see me in turmoil or pain of your thought; let me know. But do not make me out to be ignorant. I hope and pray I have not done that to you.


If you feel all those things then that is what non-Christians feel when they are spoken too. Of course everyone comes in a spectrum and you are on one end of the spectrum.No where near as bad as most. I cannot stop talking about what I believe any more then you can.
When you make a statement like "I cannot believe we just all came from an atom" That is a statement that is trying to make me look ignorant. These tactics go back and forth. I am just using them consistently on this side and that makes you feel bad. If you wanted to follow the rule do onto others. Say you would like me to stop making comments then I would think the only solution for you would be to stop making comments yourself.

I want to make clear that I am not suggesting you stop making comments. I am trying to point out that the words we use seem to be loving and harmless when we speak them but can seem mean and uppity to the people who hear them. This is why proselytizing is so bad.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/20/08 10:51 AM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sun 04/20/08 10:52 AM
"I cannot believe we just all came from an atom"

Now how in the world does that point a finger at you? No attack. Just MY thought.

I have found that the most intelligent people find it hardest to believe in God. They think too hard. Trying to reason.

I used to be very intelligent. I could tell you my intelligent quotient, but won't. I mean what it used to be was very good. I think I suffer from senility now. I took another test about two years ago. It has fallen a few points. Maybe due to age, or less learning domain.
My point is that I over thought it as well. I never believed. I also took the religious aspect of the bible and used the words in any number of ways. It was my format to argue against.

Rabbit,; I thought we discussed, not tried to put down or make each feel dumb.

We believe differently, that's all. I do not attack you your beliefs, I simply respond with my own.

Happy trails my friend. I look forward to more discussions with you. I genuinely like you. My respect is great.


You think me uppity???noway

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 04/20/08 10:56 AM
I respect you rabbit; but with all due respect, I feel pain when I read you. What kind of pain? I do not know. The pain I feel is deep within my soul. When I leave here after reading you, I think of you throughout the day. Literaly.

I think the pain you feel that’s coming from Reverend Rabbit stems form his sadness and disillusionment with mankind in general. And potentially even a sadness associated with the fact that much of mankind is either obsessed with believing in potentially detrimental beliefs, or in total atheism in the sense that they have no respect even for Mother Earth or the universe at all.

I feel that kind of pain myself. I’m not ever sure precisely where Rabbit stands on spirituality. Whether he’s an atheist, agnostic, pantheist, or whatever. But he seems to have a great reverence for nature (or creation if you wan to think of it as such), and so of course he’s going to be saddened in knowing that mankind is being abusive toward nature in general. This saddens me greatly.

I’m also saddened by the Christian beliefs and the proselytizing of them. So many individual “Christians” seem to naïvely believe that the religion is all about being ‘saved’ by Jesus and spreading the LOVE of Jesus. But what they fail to realize is that they are ultimately supporting a demagogic monster when they support Christianity as an organized religion.


Because it doesn’t stop with just the Savior, and Love. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. An iceberg that carries with it some pretty nasty beliefs. This religion proclaims there will be unrest in the Middle East surrounding Israel and that it will culminate into the most horrific human conflict imaginable. And this religion is out to proselytize this believe to the entire world!.

People may say, “Well Duh! There is unrest in the Middle East and it always appears to be getting worse and totally unstoppable”

Well, NO WONDER! It’s the religious beliefs of the people in the area that perpetuate it! That’s where this whole myth was born in the first place!

So to proselytize this myth and constantly try to spread it worldwide, all people are really doing is feeding the frenzy.

If everyone would stop feeding this myth and let go of it, it would fade into the past and be nothing more than just another episode in the ever changing human drama.

But as long as there our large groups of people who think they are doing ‘God Work’ by perpetuating this myth things will only get worse. More and more people will start believing in the myth and start choosing ‘sides’ to be on until they do indeed create such a hostile situation that they will make the prophecy come true just by forcing the hostilities to a head.

Yes, it’s a very dangerous myth because large groups of “Christians” are organizing proselytizing campaigns aimed and convincing as many people to buy into it as possible. They think they are selling Jesus, Love and Salvation, but in truth what they are actually selling is mass hysteria and a belief that the Middle East crisis will indeed culminate into an unstoppable war of unprecedented proportions.

You get enough people believing this and they’ll make it come true by actually taking action to pick a side and reinforce the hostilities.

No wonder Rabbit is in pain! The poor man is probably torn to pieces in anguish over this!

I would be too! I’m praying that this foolishness will eventually fade away and people will wise up and quite focusing on this absurd notion that they have to have a the greatest war on earth over the Middle East.


Nothing more than a belief in a myth that they will make come true via they’re refusal to drop it and move on with life in more peaceful endeavors that are more in harmony with nature and brotherly love.

It’s going to be a war of “My God’s better than Your God!”

Like little kids fighting over which one of their dads can beat up the other kid’s dad.

It’s utterly STUPID!!!

There are betting things in life to do that make wars over “My God’s better than Your God!”

No wonder Rabbit's in pain! So am I! :cry:

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/20/08 11:15 AM

I respect you rabbit; but with all due respect, I feel pain when I read you. What kind of pain? I do not know. The pain I feel is deep within my soul. When I leave here after reading you, I think of you throughout the day. Literaly.

I think the pain you feel that’s coming from Reverend Rabbit stems form his sadness and disillusionment with mankind in general. And potentially even a sadness associated with the fact that much of mankind is either obsessed with believing in potentially detrimental beliefs, or in total atheism in the sense that they have no respect even for Mother Earth or the universe at all.

I feel that kind of pain myself. I’m not ever sure precisely where Rabbit stands on spirituality. Whether he’s an atheist, agnostic, pantheist, or whatever. But he seems to have a great reverence for nature (or creation if you wan to think of it as such), and so of course he’s going to be saddened in knowing that mankind is being abusive toward nature in general. This saddens me greatly.

I’m also saddened by the Christian beliefs and the proselytizing of them. So many individual “Christians” seem to naïvely believe that the religion is all about being ‘saved’ by Jesus and spreading the LOVE of Jesus. But what they fail to realize is that they are ultimately supporting a demagogic monster when they support Christianity as an organized religion.


Because it doesn’t stop with just the Savior, and Love. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. An iceberg that carries with it some pretty nasty beliefs. This religion proclaims there will be unrest in the Middle East surrounding Israel and that it will culminate into the most horrific human conflict imaginable. And this religion is out to proselytize this believe to the entire world!.

People may say, “Well Duh! There is unrest in the Middle East and it always appears to be getting worse and totally unstoppable”

Well, NO WONDER! It’s the religious beliefs of the people in the area that perpetuate it! That’s where this whole myth was born in the first place!

So to proselytize this myth and constantly try to spread it worldwide, all people are really doing is feeding the frenzy.

If everyone would stop feeding this myth and let go of it, it would fade into the past and be nothing more than just another episode in the ever changing human drama.

But as long as there our large groups of people who think they are doing ‘God Work’ by perpetuating this myth things will only get worse. More and more people will start believing in the myth and start choosing ‘sides’ to be on until they do indeed create such a hostile situation that they will make the prophecy come true just by forcing the hostilities to a head.

Yes, it’s a very dangerous myth because large groups of “Christians” are organizing proselytizing campaigns aimed and convincing as many people to buy into it as possible. They think they are selling Jesus, Love and Salvation, but in truth what they are actually selling is mass hysteria and a belief that the Middle East crisis will indeed culminate into an unstoppable war of unprecedented proportions.

You get enough people believing this and they’ll make it come true by actually taking action to pick a side and reinforce the hostilities.

No wonder Rabbit is in pain! The poor man is probably torn to pieces in anguish over this!

I would be too! I’m praying that this foolishness will eventually fade away and people will wise up and quite focusing on this absurd notion that they have to have a the greatest war on earth over the Middle East.


Nothing more than a belief in a myth that they will make come true via they’re refusal to drop it and move on with life in more peaceful endeavors that are more in harmony with nature and brotherly love.

It’s going to be a war of “My God’s better than Your God!”

Like little kids fighting over which one of their dads can beat up the other kid’s dad.

It’s utterly STUPID!!!

There are betting things in life to do that make wars over “My God’s better than Your God!”

No wonder Rabbit's in pain! So am I! :cry:

But of course Abra; if we do not feel the pain of the world, then we must be dead. It is sad. It is a daily battle within a person who loves and hurts for all our sakes.

Not being of any religious beliefs nor full throttle Christianity, but a believer; I wish the same things as you. I see the same things as you. I hurt for the pain of this universe, the mass destruction we assemble.

We are different, but the same.


tinabelle's photo
Sun 04/20/08 01:23 PM

actually no but i have actually seen a vision of him........... seriously i have seen him 2 times

well actually i heard a voice one time but wasent actually sure if it was him or the archangel michael, as the word was now you are healed

beautiful...that would have been Jesus.

yes, i have heard Him.

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 04:40 PM

actually no but i have actually seen a vision of him........... seriously i have seen him 2 times

well actually i heard a voice one time but wasent actually sure if it was him or the archangel michael, as the word was now you are healed

beautiful...that would have been Jesus.

yes, i have heard Him. :smile:

no photo
Sun 04/20/08 07:19 PM
How can anyone hear a dead person ?. It is a simple imagination at its best . noway noway .

yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 04/20/08 07:41 PM

How can anyone hear a dead person ?. It is a simple imagination at its best . noway noway .

Put that together with the comandment of"thou shall not lie" and it really tells you something.

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Sun 04/20/08 08:31 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sun 04/20/08 08:38 PM

If people are actually hearing Jesus’ voice, then I can rest assured that I’ve also been put on hold for many decades.

I asked Jesus into my heart many decades ago, and I left the door wide open, it’s still open today. All he needs to do is keep HIS promise and reveal himself to me.

I can’t force a deity to keep HIS WORD.

Only HE can do that.

In the meantime, I’m stilling waiting. It’s entirely up to him to speak. So far I’ve heard absolutely nothing from him.

Many will say, “Well that’s because you obviously don’t believe!”. Well, why should I have so many decades of silence? If he was real why didn’t he speak up and keep his WORD when I responded to his call in the early going???

If Jesus existence depends upon my belief, then clearly he’s nothing more than a figment of imagination.

If the deity is real he should be able to exist independent of what I believe.

For those who are in direct contact with him, ask him why he never responded to my offer to be his humble servant?

Let me know what he says. Tell him I can’t hear his voice, he needs to speak up a bit. Tell him not to be so shy. I don’t bite. Tell him there’s nothing to be afraid of. bigsmile told Jesus you would be His humble servant?

Well...Jesus wants you to be His friend, not His servant.
Jesus calls you friend..and you know what, Abra?

I already believe Jesus is going to become very real to you.

And I want to know when that music takes off now, when He does:wink:

See Abra...there is an enemy out there who KNOWS , that when Jesus DOES become REAL to you, that you are gonna kick the devil's arse to kingdom come.
And that is why te enemy is doing everythingin his power, to block you fromrecieving jesus ,by confusing the Word of God for you..... but not to worry..... cause the enemy is fixing to lose.


Get ready Abra...good things are ahead for you.

In time, it all will fall in in the meantime....just keep being real with God...
and seeking His Face...and God will make Himself REAL to you tooflowerforyou