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Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:53 PM
Although speaking of the curfew Boromir. I will need a room tonight I think. I don't believe I will be able to get back out to my camp since the city has been closed off.

no photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:54 PM

Although speaking of the curfew Boromir. I will need a room tonight I think. I don't believe I will be able to get back out to my camp since the city has been closed off.

"Right away sir,"Boromir replies and gives a key. It will be the third door to the right upstairs whenever you need it," he says.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:57 PM
Ah, you should no better than to call me sir Boromir. Names Rathil. no need to be so formal.

*Laughs a bit as he takes the key*

no photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:57 PM

My good friend. As long as you are working here at the Green Dragon you will have many a tale and souvineirs to look forward too on my return.

"Thank you kindly sir. I plan to be a writer one day. Perhaps such tales will proof beneficial in book shops in the future," he replies.

no photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:58 PM

"I know I will be staying right here in the Green Dragon's Inn," replies Boromir. Perhaps you can bring some souvenirs for me on your travels. That is when the town opens its gates again. I am surprised the town's curfew is working so well and robbings of the shops have somewhat resided," Boromir finishes.

I would be most happy to bring you a souvenir if we get to venture out,By the way my name is Spirit.I have been hiding in the rafters when night begains to fall.

"Why Spirit I have been serving you for a few days now! You are going to be a great asset to a group of adventurers. I can see that now! Who doesn't need a healer(cleric) in their group," I say the young blonde man chuckles.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 01:02 PM
I hope so kind sir at least I won't take up much spacelaugh

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 02:27 PM
Well I shall retire to my tiny hiding place (as the feeling of danger is getting stronger can't shake the evil presentes I'm feeling like something is watching me.)Good night my friends for now as I fly away.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 03:25 PM
I am going to go get a little rest myself I think.

*Finishes his mug of brew and grabs his room key from the bar and slowly moves upstairs.*

Max_Darkling's photo
Fri 04/11/08 04:57 PM
Enters the inn takes a set and goes into a trance

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:16 AM
Criani is upset for she had to wait a long time outside the gates with her carriage of Goblin's Brew. 15 wooden barrels loaded and ready to serve new customers for her business. Somehow the gates of the town are sealed shut for the first time in many eras. Upon talking with the royal guards it is said that demons have surfaced the lands and none may leave or enter the gate.
"I am the owner of The Green Dragon's Inn and I demand entrance!" Criani said in a firm and clear voice to the guards at the gates. "Many pay well for the services that the Inn offers, and I have a duty to see to it that they receive what they pay for. Speak to the Marshall at once, please. I'm sure he will allow me entrance."
A guard left to go speak to the Marshall to verify, while Criani sat in her carriage for another half hour. Once it was confirmed that Criani could pass, they opened the gates and she quickly rode in. She was eager to get to the Inn, so she and Boromir could unload the barrels and store them in the basement. She was tired and intent on getting the job done, so she could lay and rest after the long day. After unloading the carriage and making a once through around the tavern, she heads up the stairs and climbs into her bed, but as she lay there, her mind turned with many thoughts. Criani is worried as most of her business goods are bought outside of town, such as grapan liquor from the Hills of Dilan, and Goblin's Brew from the neighboring town of Nurenhill. The many hunts for boars, giaks, and deer have come to a end for the foreseeable future, at least until the demons had been contended with. She realizes that has no other choice but to deal with Mesa's Trading Company. These foul merchant's offer goods double its price is worth. It may happen that the food and drinks will have to go up in price once stocks run low. Slowly, Criani's mind relaxed and she drifted off into a deep, much needed sleep. A smile tilting at the edge of her lips, as she thinks of how glad she is to be home...

EveningKiss's photo
Sat 04/12/08 10:14 AM
*eyes gaze around slowly with a deep sigh from behind her cloak. She looks at Criani then the rest of the patrons remaining silent*

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:23 PM
Edited by smiless on Sat 04/12/08 12:27 PM
XI (day 5) of the time of the fall era

Last nights business has been extremely slow in the Green Dragon’s Inn. Boromir didn’t do much besides sweep, polish, and clean out the fireplace for once. He then continued to clean the kitchen to finish off the day.

Many of the stores are only open half days. Most of the inhabitants stay in their houses keeping their doors locked and their shutters closed. Royal Guards are primarily the only ones who are walking the many cobblestone roads the town has to offer. Occasionally a group of knights gallop through on their warhorses to the front main gate to ensure it is well guarded. It is reported from scouts that orcs are creating camps not far from the town.

Many remember the festivities a few days ago and fear it will be the last festivities they will ever enjoy for a long time. Many sad and depressed citizens have no energy to leave their homes.

Boromir hangs up the menu of the day. Boiled Boar’s feet with sautéed moreen green leaves, which are mixed with tomatoes and garlic.

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:24 PM

*eyes gaze around slowly with a deep sigh from behind her cloak. She looks at Criani then the rest of the patrons remaining silent*

"Welcome back to the Green Dragon's Inn. It has been a long time since I last saw you," says Boromir the barkeep. "It looks like you have made it behind the gates before they were closed by Lord Elkinsinan," he finishes and gives the wood elf a glass of elvin wine.

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:25 PM
As I awake and look around not yet awake but very hungary, so I
fly down to the bar not many around so is good time to eat.
"barkeep may I please have some bread & cheese with some ale.
There is that strange feeling again like I'm being watched but
can't figure out from where it comes from.

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:43 PM
Max awakens from his trance. Looks around and sees Spirit. he walks over
*may i join you at the bar* turn to Borimor *a mug of brew please.

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:48 PM

Max awakens from his trance. Looks around and sees Spirit. he walks over
*may i join you at the bar* turn to Borimor *a mug of brew please.

Why of course my friend,There is an veil presantes within these walls that I feel it very strongly.So I glad to have you here.

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:48 PM

As I awake and look around not yet awake but very hungary, so I
fly down to the bar not many around so is good time to eat.
"barkeep may I please have some bread & cheese with some ale.
There is that strange feeling again like I'm being watched but
can't figure out from where it comes from.

Borimor is well trained from Criani to serve pixies gets out specially made mugs and platters prepared for Sprinkles. He gets the desired wish of the pixie and serves it to the small pixie.

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:49 PM

Max awakens from his trance. Looks around and sees Spirit. he walks over
*may i join you at the bar* turn to Borimor *a mug of brew please.

"Good evening Max. How have you been feeling lately?" Borimor asks while serving a mug of Goblin's Brew.

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:51 PM

As I awake and look around not yet awake but very hungary, so I
fly down to the bar not many around so is good time to eat.
"barkeep may I please have some bread & cheese with some ale.
There is that strange feeling again like I'm being watched but
can't figure out from where it comes from.

Borimor is well trained from Criani to serve pixies gets out specially made mugs and platters prepared for Sprinkles. He gets the desired wish of the pixie and serves it to the small pixie.

Thank thee kind sir just right.

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:51 PM

Max awakens from his trance. Looks around and sees Spirit. he walks over
*may i join you at the bar* turn to Borimor *a mug of brew please.

Why of course my friend,There is an veil presantes within these walls that I feel it very strongly.So I glad to have you here.
thank you, An evil indeed i to fell it.

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