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Max_Darkling's photo
Thu 04/17/08 09:56 PM
enters the inn and walks to the bar a room for the night please.

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 09:57 PM

enters the inn and walks to the bar a room for the night please.

"10 gold pieces like the usual Max,' Boromir says.

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 09:58 PM
*holds her breath when Max comes in and curles up in her chair*

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 09:59 PM
Green Dragon’s Inn prices


GOBLIN’S BREW: 1 large mug costs 1 gold piece

This specific drink is the most common dark ale in the Lands of Bavidirian. Not only does it quench the thirst it also clears your system for the potent drink has enough kick to knock out the most brutal and nastiest goblin the lands has ever encountered.

GRAPAN LIQUOR: 1 small glass costs 5 gold pieces and adds 2 charisma for one day

Hobbits from the Hills of Dilan spend extraordinary time distilling these aromatic and sweet roots grown above their hill homes. They mix special herbs and cook the roots to distill three sessions before storing them into cherry oak barrels. This liquor is served in long neck glasses and tastes delicious after a good meal.

ELVIN WINE: 1 glass costs 3 gold pieces and adds 1 charisma for the day.

The high elves are very keen about the taste and quality of their wine. The process is not taken lightly as they ensure only the best grapes to be allowed to create this fine wine. It is a favorite pass time amongst the higher class citizens of a town.

DWARVEN MEADE: A large mug costs 3 gold pieces and adds 1 strength for the day

This fizzling and potent steaming drink is rarely enjoyed by humans or elves, yet the dwarves claim that it is the best brewed beer the lands can ever enjoy. It has double the kick then a regular brew and can stimulate adrenaline beyond imagination for a good round of arm wrestling or a savvy patronage competition.


MEAL: 1 plate costs 3 gold pieces

The meal of the day various each day. Depending on the season Criani Peracien adjusts the meals to satisfy her customers with the best products available in the town of Sinatorium.

Ration: 1 wrapped package costs 2 gold pieces

Rations contain one dark bread loaf, yak cheese wrapped tightly in leaves, 2 apples, and a chunk of boiled meat in a small wooden box. This whole package is in a small wrapped clothe that is easy to store for adventurers or travelers alike.


1 Room: 1 days stay costs 10 gold pieces and restores 25 hit points.

The Green Dragon’s Inn doesn’t have much competition when it comes to a good accommodation of the highest standard now that the tavern in the noble district has closed down. These sizable rooms have goose feathered pillows and soft fur blankets to keep one warm and cozy even in the coldest nights. Boromir also prepares hot baths for an additional 5 gold pieces in the room. The room also has a small oak table and bookshelf for those who stay longer then a day.

Honeymoon Suite: 1 nights stay costs 100 gold pieces – restores 150 Hit Points

These luxury rooms double the size of the regular rooms the tavern offers has a king size bed with the softest and finest embroidered silk covers and pillow cases. A complimentary treat of fine chocolates are brought in from the noble district of Sinatorium. A bath is prepared for the size of two that have magical tablets created by enchanters to make the water fizzle and massage aching muscles when sitting in the tub. Huge candles adorn the room that give out a scent of lavender to ensure a calm mind of peace and harmony.


Bath: 1 session in a bathtub costs 5 gold pieces and restores 15 Hit Points

For those travelers who have not had the opportunity to wash themselves can get a bath prepared for them. One traveler can only have one bath per day in the Green Dragon’s Inn.

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:00 PM

walks in from the evening, a brisk step about her. Her wolf ever beside her.
She sits at hre table to relax. It has been a long day.

"Well hello there Re'Anna and SilverWaya. Can I get you a drink or some food?" he asks.

Oh yes please. and i need to find some rations also. thank you Boromir.

"How many rations do you need?" Boromir asks.

Max_Darkling's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:01 PM

enters the inn and walks to the bar a room for the night please.

"10 gold pieces like the usual Max,' Boromir says.

Hand Boromir the 10 gold * my thanks good night. he goes to his room

silverwaya's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:02 PM
I'll have 10 please. And payment for the night with a plate and a brew. she places the 34 gold on the table.

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:03 PM

I'll have 10 please. And payment for the night with a plate and a brew. she places the 34 gold on the table.

"Wow that is the biggest business I had all day," Boromir says as he goes to the kitchen to get the food ready.

livelife68's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:06 PM
*onumorid stops outside the inn. decides not to go in he does not have the money for anything. He is much to proud to borrow money or take handouts. He finds the cave he has been hiding in much more comfortable than the rooms at the inn and returns there to go into a trance for the night and rest for tomorrows day of work. He is quite disappointed in his fellow drow for changing alignment and is developing hatred over the betrayal. He would rather not deal with him at the moment.*

silverwaya's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:06 PM

I'll have 10 please. And payment for the night with a plate and a brew. she places the 34 gold on the table.

"Wow that is the biggest business I had all day," Boromir says as he goes to the kitchen to get the food ready.

Thank you boromir, it doesnt take long to use up when you have a wolf that cannot go out and hunt. * she gets ready to eat and then go to her romm for the night*

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:08 PM
*Sees the increasing amount of drow come in and moves as far away in the inn as possible*

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:15 PM
*Bites her lip and looks around*

no photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:17 PM

*Bites her lip and looks around*

Boromir smiles at the wood elf.

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:20 PM
*looks at Boromir and sinks back into the shadows. Her gaze goes back to the drow*

EveningKiss's photo
Thu 04/17/08 11:07 PM
*stands and moves back outside into the city*

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/18/08 05:35 AM
It must still be very early for there is a chill in the air and the fireplace doesn't seam to be burning.But it such a fine day to see if I might find some potions or maybe just some friends.
"looking for a way out of the Inn" I see the window open just a bit,as if it was left that way for a reason.I won't go far as not to get lost.

no photo
Fri 04/18/08 07:21 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 04/18/08 07:56 AM
XI (day 11) of the time of the fall era

New brigades of 3000 orcs are 40 leagues away from the west gates of town. It looks like the orcs are trying to find a strategy to plunder Sinatorium. The Marshall is seeking urgently new recruits to join the royal guard to protect the town. There is still no word of the king sending reinforcements.
A total of 9000 orcs have gathered 40 leagues away from town.

**4 leagues = 1 mile**


Building 37 has been inspected by the royal guard. Chairs, tables, and a bookshelf have been scattered throughout the room. Hexaderia the town’s seer (witch) has been murdered in her house. If any know who is responsible for this autracity then please report to the Marshall immediately to issue an arrest.


Boromir walks down the stairs after a good nights rest. The tavern has a musty smell that annoys his sensitive nose, so he opens all the windows to get much needed fresh air inside. He then writes on the menu the meal of the day. It reads: Rouladen (thin slices of red wine marinated beef and filled with egg, pickle, mustard that is carefully rolled to form a filling). It is covered in dark gravy and served with spaetzle(floating noodles boiled in water)later served on a plate with melted cheese and sauteed diced onions.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/18/08 08:44 AM
*Rathil enters the inn*

Good morning Boromir. How are you this morning?

*Looks at the recent posts on the orc forces*

9000 now huh? They really should let us out of this town so we can start clearing some of the trash away. Although if they want to wait til the fight comes to us that is their choice I guess.

joshyfox's photo
Fri 04/18/08 08:56 AM
*Vun wanders into the Inn looking worried, he checks the recent posts and that just makes him look more worried. He simply sits at a table and mumbles to himself. Occasionally his words could be heard. It sounds like he's just repeating the words "Oh boy" to himself.*

TheCaptain's photo
Fri 04/18/08 08:58 AM
< continued at this topic >
< last part of this topic is here >
Edited by TheCaptain on Fri 04/18/08 08:59 AM
Last post?

Or just post #1000?

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