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no photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:53 PM

Oh why did the guards have to come here,why don't they leave
for if they stay any longer I feel they will not survive

"Guards! ha ha ha!" laughs one of the knights. "The little pixie calls us guards. "Look at our armor and the symbol it shows. "We are the king's knights sent to Lord Elkinsinan to ensure safety in this town. "Have you seen any more burglary or plunders since we have been here?" asks one of the knights. "No and it shall remain that way," he finishes as Boromir serves three more mugs of brew without being asked.

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:54 PM

*onumorid comes down stairs from his trance. He sees max and the pixie from a couple nights ago*

"Borimor may I get a brew and some food. Hello max How have you been. And who is the pixie"

Borimor serves the dark elf some Goblin's Brew and greets him.

"Thank you Borimer I have been in a trance for a couple of days could you update me on what it going on around town."

*He places a couple gold coins on the table for payment.*

"It seems the town is on a lock down by orders of the lord. Supposingly the war with the demon hordes at the cave of Mora-shi-tar is going bad as demons are surfacing the lands for the first time. It is also reported that orc camps are not far from the main gates of this town. As far as I understand such creatures usually live in the underground and are forced to live with the surface dwellers," Borimor explains.

"Lock down they shall not keep me in lock down. If I so choose to adventure out I will. It shall be hard to stop what they can't see"

"The King's Knight chuckles. You can try to escape the finest men in this town that the lands has ever witnessed. Obey and respect the orders of our lord or be arrested dark elf," the knight orders before pushing aside the mug and putting his hand on the hilt of his two handed sword.

"I shall obey for now but You and your king underestimate the terror that is headed this way. If I choose to leave, you and your sword will not be able to stop me."

"Ha ha a mere dark elf with little experience challenges a veteran of a King's knight of exceptional skill," you shall experience many dissapointments dark elf for you underestimate humans. Afterall we are holding the demons thus far. As for you dark elf. You have lost the war already with the demons," the knight replies. The other two knights chuckle at the thought of the threat the young dark elf promotes before slamming their mugs of brew.

"It is not my threat you need to worry about. I see three knights sitting in a tavern drinking brew and laughing at the terror that is headed this way. If you do not wake up to the reality of the situation we are in the demons will soon be ruling more than the underdark."

Do not waste your breath on these fools my friend in time they will come to understand. Come join me for a drink.

"Fools are we!" says one of the knights as he looks earnestly at the dark elf. "We ensure your safety in this town and that is your reply! "These dark ones are testing our patience," he finishes.

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:56 PM
Thoes silly guards sit here and laugh they don't know what the demons are capable I fear for them and this town if they can not be stopped

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:57 PM

Thoes silly guards sit here and laugh they don't know what the demons are capable I fear for them and this town if they can not be stopped

The knight turns his head and looks earnestly at the pixie. "If you call me a guard one more time," I will snap of both of your wings and throw you in the prisons with the rest of the young adventurers," warns the knight.

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:59 PM
I shall have another brew as well Borimor my good man. And another drink for my friend spirit please

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:00 PM

I shall have another brew as well Borimor my good man. And another drink for my friend spirit please

Boromir a bit shakened serves Max and Spirit the drinks before leaving to the kitchen. He needs a breathier from so much tension.

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:02 PM
Edited by Max_Darkling on Sat 04/12/08 07:04 PM

Thoes silly guards sit here and laugh they don't know what the demons are capable I fear for them and this town if they can not be stopped

The knight turns his head and looks earnestly at the pixie. "If you call me a guard one more time," I will snap of both of your wings and throw you in the prisons with the rest of the young adventurers," warns the knight.

This inn is a place of peace there well be no fighting here. Count yourself
lucky.for that

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:03 PM

Oh why did the guards have to come here,why don't they leave
for if they stay any longer I feel they will not survive

"Guards! ha ha ha!" laughs one of the knights. "The little pixie calls us guards. "Look at our armor and the symbol it shows. "We are the king's knights sent to Lord Elkinsinan to ensure safety in this town. "Have you seen any more burglary or plunders since we have been here?" asks one of the knights. "No and it shall remain that way," he finishes as Boromir serves three more mugs of brew without being asked.

thou might dress like a knight and thy guard this town by locking us in yet you sit here and laugh as if the demons are just a little thing to toss away.You may think you have everthing under control!!! But you are saddly mistaken

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:06 PM

Thoes silly guards sit here and laugh they don't know what the demons are capable I fear for them and this town if they can not be stopped

The knight turns his head and looks earnestly at the pixie. "If you call me a guard one more time," I will snap of both of your wings and throw you in the prisons with the rest of the young adventurers," warns the knight.

This inn is a place of peace there well be no fighting here.

"Obey the laws of the lord and you shall see no fight," young one.
Boromir comes out chewing on some of the boar's meat and looks at everyones mugs to ensure they are filled before washing dirty ones in the washbasin.

One of the knights starts a conversation with his partner. "Why do we need to stay in this god forsaken town where disrespected citizens do not appreciate our protection. Knights don't belong on the streets, they belong on the battlefield with the alliance," he complains. "I salute to that," says the other as they slam their mugs together and drink quickly the much deserved brew after a long day at work.

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:07 PM
I thank thee Max for the drink>you are right this is a safe place.(whispers to max He would have a hard time catching me to tear off my wings)laugh

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:08 PM

Oh why did the guards have to come here,why don't they leave
for if they stay any longer I feel they will not survive

"Guards! ha ha ha!" laughs one of the knights. "The little pixie calls us guards. "Look at our armor and the symbol it shows. "We are the king's knights sent to Lord Elkinsinan to ensure safety in this town. "Have you seen any more burglary or plunders since we have been here?" asks one of the knights. "No and it shall remain that way," he finishes as Boromir serves three more mugs of brew without being asked.

thou might dress like a knight and thy guard this town by locking us in yet you sit here and laugh as if the demons are just a little thing to toss away.You may think you have everthing under control!!! But you are saddly mistaken

Let us all just calm down This is not helping us. We must respect Crinia

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:08 PM
Edited by smiless on Sat 04/12/08 07:13 PM

Oh why did the guards have to come here,why don't they leave
for if they stay any longer I feel they will not survive

"Guards! ha ha ha!" laughs one of the knights. "The little pixie calls us guards. "Look at our armor and the symbol it shows. "We are the king's knights sent to Lord Elkinsinan to ensure safety in this town. "Have you seen any more burglary or plunders since we have been here?" asks one of the knights. "No and it shall remain that way," he finishes as Boromir serves three more mugs of brew without being asked.

thou might dress like a knight and thy guard this town by locking us in yet you sit here and laugh as if the demons are just a little thing to toss away.You may think you have everthing under control!!! But you are saddly mistaken

"What do you know of us little one. We have battled many wars and seen enough to spill blood for three lifetimes. "Why some of our men are fighting those demons now as we speak. Hone your little tongue pixie and leave the king's war to his men. Respect the laws our lord gives and you shall be in good hands with us," he finishes.

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:12 PM

Oh why did the guards have to come here,why don't they leave
for if they stay any longer I feel they will not survive

"Guards! ha ha ha!" laughs one of the knights. "The little pixie calls us guards. "Look at our armor and the symbol it shows. "We are the king's knights sent to Lord Elkinsinan to ensure safety in this town. "Have you seen any more burglary or plunders since we have been here?" asks one of the knights. "No and it shall remain that way," he finishes as Boromir serves three more mugs of brew without being asked.

thou might dress like a knight and thy guard this town by locking us in yet you sit here and laugh as if the demons are just a little thing to toss away.You may think you have everthing under control!!! But you are saddly mistaken

Let us all just calm down This is not helping us. We must respect Crinia

"As you are a regular of this tavern, we are the protectors of it. Once again obey the laws given to you and you shall be protected. Cross them and you shall witness justice," warns the knight once again. "We should get a request to create a special tavern for us knights," explains one of the king's knights. "These local commoners give us no time to rest," replies another. "He throws in a few gold coins at Boromir and urges his men to leave the tavern.
They leave and hop onto their warhorses and gallop towards the barracks to get some rest for the night.

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:16 PM
Will that went well at lest they are gone now

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:18 PM

Oh why did the guards have to come here,why don't they leave
for if they stay any longer I feel they will not survive

"Guards! ha ha ha!" laughs one of the knights. "The little pixie calls us guards. "Look at our armor and the symbol it shows. "We are the king's knights sent to Lord Elkinsinan to ensure safety in this town. "Have you seen any more burglary or plunders since we have been here?" asks one of the knights. "No and it shall remain that way," he finishes as Boromir serves three more mugs of brew without being asked.

thou might dress like a knight and thy guard this town by locking us in yet you sit here and laugh as if the demons are just a little thing to toss away.You may think you have everthing under control!!! But you are saddly mistaken

"What do you know of us little one. We have battled many wars and seen enough to spill blood for three lifetimes. "Why some of our men are fighting those demons now as we speak. Hone your little tongue pixie and leave the king's war to his men. Respect the laws our lord gives and you shall be in good hands with us," he finishes.

You say you have battled many wars but yet your life as a human is short. Where as we pixies live for hundreds of years
compare that to your years, you just might live to be 35 if you
manage to defeet the demons huh

unicorngal's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:22 PM

Will that went well at lest they are gone now

They are fools to think that they alone can defeet the deamons
We must perpar our selves for The evil will be upon us very soon.

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:22 PM

Oh why did the guards have to come here,why don't they leave
for if they stay any longer I feel they will not survive

"Guards! ha ha ha!" laughs one of the knights. "The little pixie calls us guards. "Look at our armor and the symbol it shows. "We are the king's knights sent to Lord Elkinsinan to ensure safety in this town. "Have you seen any more burglary or plunders since we have been here?" asks one of the knights. "No and it shall remain that way," he finishes as Boromir serves three more mugs of brew without being asked.

thou might dress like a knight and thy guard this town by locking us in yet you sit here and laugh as if the demons are just a little thing to toss away.You may think you have everthing under control!!! But you are saddly mistaken

"What do you know of us little one. We have battled many wars and seen enough to spill blood for three lifetimes. "Why some of our men are fighting those demons now as we speak. Hone your little tongue pixie and leave the king's war to his men. Respect the laws our lord gives and you shall be in good hands with us," he finishes.

You say you have battled many wars but yet your life as a human is short. Where as we pixies live for hundreds of years
compare that to your years, you just might live to be 35 if you
manage to defeet the demons huh

They have already left - lol

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:23 PM

Will that went well at lest they are gone now
[/quotewe can enjoy our drinks The war has every one on edge let us forget about it for now

no photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:24 PM
Boromir looks at his worried guests. "Here a extra round goes on me! I hope this cheers up some spirits," he says before heading to the fireplace to get it started. The cold draft that enter the taverns front door made him come to this decision.

Max_Darkling's photo
Sat 04/12/08 07:25 PM

Boromir looks at his worried guests. "Here a extra round goes on me! I hope this cheers up some spirits," he says before heading to the fireplace to get it started. The cold draft that enter the taverns front door made him come to this decision.

thank you Borimor

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