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no photo
Fri 04/11/08 11:40 AM

aye, about 400 years ago, I witnessed a town similar to this one being shut down, it was overrun by demons of some kind. Oh well ancient history.

Borimor, please, something to drink, and if you would, do you have any meat back there, my stomach is not feeling liver today.

Borimor serves his old friend some meat on the bone and a good Goblin's Brew to settle with.

Barbus's photo
Fri 04/11/08 11:45 AM
Thank you dear friend *hands 3 ruby dragon scales over as tribute* This food shall calm my nerves, and the brew will put out the fires of rage that sit deep within my bowles.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 11:49 AM

well I would imagine that an infestation of goblins and kobolds beat out demons anyday. They are just lucky there were so many of the little bastards. I would have cut their whole camp down if I wasn't in such a hurry.

Well, from what I remember, hordes of goblins and kobolds is what it took to eradicate the demon infestation, drove them into the sea, and drowned them out.

You are telling me that demons were driven back by Goblins and Kobolds? The demons can't be all that much of a threat then.

Barbus's photo
Fri 04/11/08 11:57 AM

well I would imagine that an infestation of goblins and kobolds beat out demons anyday. They are just lucky there were so many of the little bastards. I would have cut their whole camp down if I wasn't in such a hurry.

Well, from what I remember, hordes of goblins and kobolds is what it took to eradicate the demon infestation, drove them into the sea, and drowned them out.

You are telling me that demons were driven back by Goblins and Kobolds? The demons can't be all that much of a threat then.

Not much of a threat you say? Then why does my kind reside up here? It took thousands of goblins and kobolds to push them back, and it was a bloody fight, took years, actually I lost money on the outcome.

Barbus's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:03 PM
The whole strength in numbers thing my friend, that is how the weaker goblins and kobolds took the demons down.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:04 PM
well if those little creatures have anything going for them it is most definately their numbers, but if thats all that is coming down on this city I say let me at them. I will cut down every last goblin I come across

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:10 PM

well if those little creatures have anything going for them it is most definately their numbers, but if thats all that is coming down on this city I say let me at them. I will cut down every last goblin I come across

Spirit hering all the camotion,flys down to check on her friend
Rathil are you feeling better? you had me so frighten that I just had to hide for I was not sure what a little thing like me could do.No one seams to hear me

Barbus's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:11 PM
you are going to be a busy man, there are millions of them scattered about out there, most of them harmless, all they want are magical items, very simple minded, just give them a shiny stone and they will think it is the greatest thing next to living on the surface.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:18 PM
huh I fly around to see if Rathil will see me darting in front
of his face.I see his arm cut and ask him if I may help.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:18 PM

well if those little creatures have anything going for them it is most definately their numbers, but if thats all that is coming down on this city I say let me at them. I will cut down every last goblin I come across

Spirit hering all the camotion,flys down to check on her friend
Rathil are you feeling better? you had me so frighten that I just had to hide for I was not sure what a little thing like me could do.No one seams to hear me

*Turns to spirit*

Yes, I am feeling better. I just had a nasty run in with some Goblins while almost being locked out of this town. It was a rough night

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:20 PM

you are going to be a busy man, there are millions of them scattered about out there, most of them harmless, all they want are magical items, very simple minded, just give them a shiny stone and they will think it is the greatest thing next to living on the surface.

Ah Barbus my friend. Those creatures don't deserve any of that. If the world were to be rid of those disgusting cretins we would be all the better for it.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:21 PM

huh I fly around to see if Rathil will see me darting in front
of his face.I see his arm cut and ask him if I may help.

Ah, I see you spirit. and no the cut is fine now. I was able to bandage it up after I made it back into the city.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:26 PM
Ah very well then.I told you their was evil all a round it is getting stronger everyday.Now they say we can not leave here.At least it is safe here for now.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:30 PM
well if what I saw last night is anything like what is to come they need to worry more about putting soldiers together to go out and fight than worry about who can or can't leave the city.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:33 PM

well if what I saw last night is anything like what is to come they need to worry more about putting soldiers together to go out and fight than worry about who can or can't leave the city.

then it is good that we are traveling together for there is strenght in numbers.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:34 PM
I don't know if we will be travelling anywhere if this city wide travel ban doesn't let up soon

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:39 PM

I don't know if we will be travelling anywhere if this city wide travel ban doesn't let up soon

But surely it must let up for our journey is to begain soon.
Oh barkeep may I please have a drink for all this dust is
making my throt dry.

no photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:40 PM
"I know I will be staying right here in the Green Dragon's Inn," replies Boromir. Perhaps you can bring some souvenirs for me on your travels. That is when the town opens its gates again. I am surprised the town's curfew is working so well and robbings of the shops have somewhat resided," Boromir finishes.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:50 PM
My good friend. As long as you are working here at the Green Dragon you will have many a tale and souvineirs to look forward too on my return.

unicorngal's photo
Fri 04/11/08 12:52 PM

"I know I will be staying right here in the Green Dragon's Inn," replies Boromir. Perhaps you can bring some souvenirs for me on your travels. That is when the town opens its gates again. I am surprised the town's curfew is working so well and robbings of the shops have somewhat resided," Boromir finishes.

I would be most happy to bring you a souvenir if we get to venture out,By the way my name is Spirit.I have been hiding in the rafters when night begains to fall.

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