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no photo
Mon 04/14/08 01:34 PM

*After playing a game by himself he turns to Boromir to order a drink*

Can I get another brew my friend. You must be bored out of your mind all day. This place is usually pretty quiet during the day if there is no festival in town it seems. How do you manage it?

Boromir serves the Goblin's Brew. He then laughs. "Anything then standing in front of steaming smoldering heat at my father's Armory. I just can't take the banging noise of that hammer hitting the tongs to get the armor in shape. I rather be here having some food and drink and seeing many interesting adventurer's visit me," replies Boromir

mac121's photo
Mon 04/14/08 01:41 PM
*enters the dragons inn*...
sitting at a table , greetings everyone i am Cristan , a noble squire on the path of becoming a noble paladin.

Barkeep may i trouble you for a pint of ale?

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 01:42 PM

*enters the dragons inn*...
sitting at a table , greetings everyone i am Cristan , a noble squire on the path of becoming a noble paladin.

Barkeep may i trouble you for a pint of ale?

"Hello there traveler and welcome to the Green Dragon's Inn. I have Goblin's Brew. Would that be alright?" Boromir asks.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 04/14/08 01:47 PM
I guess thats true. I can't say I would enjoy working as an armorsmith either. For what it's worth I am glad I have a chance to share tales with you. You are a good man Boromir.

*Turns around to the newcomer*

Greetings there. Glad to meet you, always good to have some new faces around here.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 04/14/08 03:18 PM
here a strange thump,thump,thump,I fly out of my hiding place
to see my friend Rathil throwing daggers at a board.Why hello
Rathil,you must have been out in the rain,for your cloths are a little damp yet.Boromir ,may I please have some water and a drink for my friend.Stops suddenly an see a stranger in the Inn
Hello my name is Spirit what be thy name kind sir?

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 03:30 PM

here a strange thump,thump,thump,I fly out of my hiding place
to see my friend Rathil throwing daggers at a board.Why hello
Rathil,you must have been out in the rain,for your cloths are a little damp yet.Boromir ,may I please have some water and a drink for my friend.Stops suddenly an see a stranger in the Inn
Hello my name is Spirit what be thy name kind sir?

Boromir serves the pixie the water.

unicorngal's photo
Mon 04/14/08 03:44 PM

here a strange thump,thump,thump,I fly out of my hiding place
to see my friend Rathil throwing daggers at a board.Why hello
Rathil,you must have been out in the rain,for your cloths are a little damp yet.Boromir ,may I please have some water and a drink for my friend.Stops suddenly an see a stranger in the Inn
Hello my name is Spirit what be thy name kind sir?

Boromir serves the pixie the water.

thank you kind sir
it is quite this afternoon maybe the storm is keeping everyone away

unicorngal's photo
Mon 04/14/08 04:18 PM
well i shall retire for now,maybe later some of my friends might be out.please don't work to hard Boromir for later yea
just might be busy.good day.

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 04:19 PM

well i shall retire for now,maybe later some of my friends might be out.please don't work to hard Boromir for later yea
just might be busy.good day.

Boromir nods at the good pixie before going to the kitchen to get some food for the day.

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 05:54 PM
Edited by smiless on Mon 04/14/08 05:58 PM
A elderly man(historian)has been in the Green Dragon's Inn since the morning. He talks of the events about the Lands of Bavidirian with much excitement. He has been teaching Re'Anna and Sprinkles for most of the day as he finally stops. He then claps his hands in appreciaten that the two listened to him for so long.

"Congratulations Re'Anna and Sprinkles. You have both done well in the test of knowing about your lands and have earned an additional 50 experience points," he says.

silverwaya's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:05 PM
Edited by silverwaya on Mon 04/14/08 06:08 PM
*walks down from her room, looks around to see who all is around* takes her usual seat.
Boromir, grapan liquor please.

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:10 PM

*walks down from her room, looks around to see who all is around* takes her usual seat.
Boromir, grapan liquor please.

Boromir serves the grapan liquor. The old historian at the corner of the room waves at you. He is thankful you have listen to his stories and historical facts of the Lands of Bavidirian.

silverwaya's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:12 PM
Boromir, please send the old historian a drink please & put it on my tab.
It was no trouble listening to him talk for hours. It was a good distraction.

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:13 PM

Boromir, please send the old historian a drink please & put it on my tab.
It was no trouble listening to him talk for hours. It was a good distraction.

"As you wish," Boromir replies and serves a drink for the old historian.

silverwaya's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:25 PM
Thank you Boromir, you are such a good man.
this place is too bloody quiet.
I guess it is the calm before the storm.

livelife68's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:29 PM
*onumorid awakens from his trance and goes downstairs to get a drink and a meal before he heads to town to take care of business. He sees Re'Anna sitting by herself.*

"Hello Re'Anna things look a little slow here tonight. How have you been."

livelife68's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:30 PM
"Borimor my good friend my I get a brew and the special"

silverwaya's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:33 PM
hello Onumorid, always lovely to see your dark face here.
I am still brooding about the lockdown. I cannot stand being confined. I so long to run in the forest with the wolves. It has been far too long.

livelife68's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:38 PM
"Yes, to be able to roam freely. Last night I snuck out for a little bit. We can still walk around town we just can't go outside of the gates. It felt good just to be out of this tavern. You'd be surprised if your careful you might be able to get closer to your wolves than you think you can."

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:54 PM

"Borimor my good friend my I get a brew and the special"

Boromir serves the dark elf some Goblin's Brew.

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