It's kind of like a woman asking a man "do I look fat in this outfit"? I have always lied when a less "endowed" man has asked me about his size. How do you tell a no really you are actually quite small.
Guys....why do you ask women this???? |
I never lose hope in meeting a great love. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I think online dating sites with all their negatives have far more positives to offer. People who aren't willing to take a chance get what they give. Nothing.
I know my family is nuts cause my mom and dad were for sure...before I was born my mom got real sick...basically died..but the docs jump started her back...because a lot of time passed they said she was brain dead and sent her to a "nut house"...back in those days lobotomies were very told my dad it was best for my mom...right before surgery my dad dressed up like a doctor and kidnapped my bald mom...he had bought a boat and sailed away with my mom for over a year...coming to shore only when necessary ...then when she seemed like she was ok they picked up my older brother and sister who lived with their aunt and uncle for that year and started a new life together...not quite the beginning of a whacky life...nor the end...but very mom was alittle dingy...but beautiful and a good family moved to three different states before anyone caught up to my parents...fifteen years later...(she tried to get a job...that SSN will get ya caught quick)...anyhow...they did some tests, decided she wasn't "nuts"...didn't press charges on my dad...too much time passed...but I always wonder how many people had lobotomies that really should not have...hmmmm... ![]() ![]() Wow, that's kind of a cool story for family history. About the most I have going on is my 93 yo father now greets my 89 yo mother when she visits him in the nursing home by telling her she's pregnant by that guy she's shacking up with. lol. This is a 4'10" woman who gave him 9 children. lol. |
country men/ cowboy
Edited by
Sun 03/01/15 05:15 AM
Feminism and Men
I agree with this, when talking about 'median'. This accounts all workers and obviously some work pays more than other. However, this has little to do with LEIGHS point about wages across the same CAREER. The author of this piece makes an erroneous conclusion that it is probably not true because it would effect output vs profit. The reason employers entice with MORE money is because they believe that candidate will produce more and if the common stereotype is that a man will produce more, it is completely in line that they follow through that stereotype by offering the men more. And where do you come up with that conclusion about the common stereotype? Seems to me that is your opinion based on what? |
Feminism and Men
ahh, there is that pesky word 'opinion' at the top of the page but its an interesting opinion,, Okay sweetheart, you want something without "opinion" at the top of the page: |
Feminism and Men
1st. the link offered requires a subscription 2nd, in large bold letters at the top of the page it clearly says 'opinion' Okay go to this Time link: Go to myth number 5. |
Feminism and Men
feminists are not all the same, the can be as difficult or as easy as a non feminist, dontcha think? I would think it odd for a male to exclude the possibility of being with a feminist,,,,,since there are so many women with so many different personalities,, for instance, you may have a 'feminist' who supports the woman who stays home and the woman who 'works' or you may have the feminist who thinks all women should have a source of earned income and look down on them if they stay home instead,,, ,,seems we would have more certain answers with a more specific questions like fellas, do you want a lady who is comfortable taking care of home and kids while you work,, or do you prefer the lady to be out of the house working as well? if you are both working, do you still think she should be the one dealing with everything at the house once you are at home? if she stays home while you work, do you think when you come home you are free to do as you want and her job at the house should be around the clock? ..... ![]() Right now "the average" gap is $.78 to $.80 cents on the dollar...Women still earn about 20% less than men across the board... This wage gap is a myth and untrue. The way this myth is achieved is: The 77 cent figure is determined by adding essentially all of the men’s salaries and all of the women’s salaries, coming up with an average wage, and comparing the difference. That difference is the 77 cent figure, but it leaves out all of the important variables that explain for the gap. You could just as easily factually state that women weigh just 77% of what men do, or that women are just 77% the height of men and still be accurate while actually lying by omission. There are too many variables to go into but the days of the female wage gap are long past. Drives me crazy to see this presented as fact and regurgitated over and over when it's just not true. It's comparing apples to oranges. I'm in the accounting profession, there is no wage gap. All depends on the type of accounting you do, if you are in management. I see the salary comparisons for my area and what I do, I'm completely in sync. Everyone makes choices or priorities. I'm not talking about a formula that uses ALL full-time, median earning working women and men to calculate the gap, I am talking about the disparity between same job, same level of education, same experience full time earners...In study after study the results are the same...Women still earn an average of 20% less than men for the exact same job...Even in the formula you're talking about that shows $.77 on the dollar for the ladies the accuracy, after taking into consideration ALL the variables, remains at 60%...IMO, it's a damn shame and it needs to stop...:-) I'm not sure where you are coming up with your supposed 20% disparity in income or what "studies" you are citing but I guess that just goes with the feminist ideology. Maybe you will believe the Wall Street Journal. Sorry for not having the code to set a link but just copy and paste to go to the link. If those claims were true, then businesses would be replacing as many positions as possible with females to cut 20% from the their costs. |
Vikings S03E02 I recorded and caught the 2nd episode. I liked. I also love to watch Appalachian Outlaws. That may be because of the ginseng. I want to go "seng" hunting on my property in the late summer. lol |
Feminism and Men
feminists are not all the same, the can be as difficult or as easy as a non feminist, dontcha think? I would think it odd for a male to exclude the possibility of being with a feminist,,,,,since there are so many women with so many different personalities,, for instance, you may have a 'feminist' who supports the woman who stays home and the woman who 'works' or you may have the feminist who thinks all women should have a source of earned income and look down on them if they stay home instead,,, ,,seems we would have more certain answers with a more specific questions like fellas, do you want a lady who is comfortable taking care of home and kids while you work,, or do you prefer the lady to be out of the house working as well? if you are both working, do you still think she should be the one dealing with everything at the house once you are at home? if she stays home while you work, do you think when you come home you are free to do as you want and her job at the house should be around the clock? ..... ![]() Right now "the average" gap is $.78 to $.80 cents on the dollar...Women still earn about 20% less than men across the board... This wage gap is a myth and untrue. The way this myth is achieved is: The 77 cent figure is determined by adding essentially all of the men’s salaries and all of the women’s salaries, coming up with an average wage, and comparing the difference. That difference is the 77 cent figure, but it leaves out all of the important variables that explain for the gap. You could just as easily factually state that women weigh just 77% of what men do, or that women are just 77% the height of men and still be accurate while actually lying by omission. There are too many variables to go into but the days of the female wage gap are long past. Drives me crazy to see this presented as fact and regurgitated over and over when it's just not true. It's comparing apples to oranges. I'm in the accounting profession, there is no wage gap. All depends on the type of accounting you do, if you are in management. I see the salary comparisons for my area and what I do, I'm completely in sync. Everyone makes choices or priorities. |
When I was in my early 20s I ran into a high school classmate and thought she as pregnant. I asked her when the baby was due. She wasn't pregnant, had just gained weight since high school. I've never asked another female that question ever again.
Feminism and Men
Guys...would you want to be in relationship with today's modern feminist? Is it something you would see challenging and enticing over someone you normally would be attracted to? Is she Vegan? Cause if she is then HELL NO! ![]() ![]() Male vegans are another thang though. ![]() ![]() ![]() California Valley chicks cannot say "thang". ![]() ![]() Gtfo I just did. Want some ice for that burn boi ![]() Vegan chicks are so.....ugh! ![]() ![]() I don't date vegetarian or vegan men. No fun cooking for them. Gotta have meat and fixins' "Fixins". Gotta be a southern lady. Love it. Now make me some fried chicken. ![]() ![]() Southern transplant. ![]() |
Feminism and Men
Guys...would you want to be in relationship with today's modern feminist? Is it something you would see challenging and enticing over someone you normally would be attracted to? Is she Vegan? Cause if she is then HELL NO! ![]() ![]() Male vegans are another thang though. ![]() ![]() ![]() California Valley chicks cannot say "thang". ![]() ![]() Gtfo I just did. Want some ice for that burn boi ![]() Vegan chicks are so.....ugh! ![]() ![]() I don't date vegetarian or vegan men. No fun cooking for them. Gotta have meat and fixins' |
night shift issues
It's difficult to even arrange to meet a person who works a night shift. Many times their days off are during the week. Makes it difficult to get to know someone when your schedules are opposite. I've had some interesting night shift men that I've messaged with for awhile but the timing issue just makes things eventually die out.
Military scammers also are usually widowers with small child. I had one guy tell me would be deployed for 2 yrs. And this was in the last month. lol. I told him he was lying and he disappeared.
well first off I don't date ... and why would someone want to date me... HELLOoooo.. what's not to like.. ![]() .... puts ball gag back into his mouth.. . goes over the corner with back against the wall... slides down the wall... takes out notebook and pencil.. ..... writes in bold letters on the top of the page.. ................ SELF HELP....... .. PLACES FOR IMPROVEMENT.. 1. Needs to stop using inordinate amount of dots between random words 2. Self-admittedly terrified of intelligent women 3. Insecure in relationships 4. Self-admittedly terrified of marrying again 5. Loves to flirt too much 6. Loves his Kleenex and touchy touchy too much 7. Mr. Peacock loves public attention too much 8. Smarter and hotter and kinder than he realizes .... FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO MUST. .. FEEL FREE TO FILL IN... YOUR SUGGESTIONS.... ![]() See suggestions above. Bwahahaha. Perfect! |
Feminism and Men
Slightly off-topic: just curious though... is there a major difference in the US between northern & southern states concerning gender equality? I live in the South and I don't see there's any difference. I've also lived in the upper midwest (North) and enjoy the southern man. |
Feminism and Men
Feminism is a joke. Empty ridiculous term. I'd never label myself as such.
once! is enough
I don't look for marriage. I look for someone to have fun, companionship and rocking sex with....if things happen beyond that I'll deal with it then. I've been divorced for over 20 yrs so I'm not dependent on marriage happening again in my live but I'm not against it.
A kiss..makes or breaks it?
I once dated a guy who kissed like he was drilling for oil. Ugh! I tried to like him, he was a multi millionaire. He chased me for months and I avoided kissing him for months. I don't know how he put up with that? We didn't live in the same city or state but I couldn't take it any longer. You can't tell a guy his kissing is awful, you just can't.