I'm not a fan of Arnold. I think he's gonna bomb as "The Donald" in Celebrity Apprentice. It will be the last season for this show unless "The Donald" doesn't become the next US president. I'm not even a Trump booster but I loved him in Celebrity Apprentice. No one can replace him as far as I'm concerned.
No, I don't think it's always true. Hasn't ever been true for me. Never regretted any break up I've had. I also, have always remained on good terms with all of my exes.
national anthems
When I am at an event and the "Star Spangled Banner" is sung with conviction it stands the little hairs on my neck up. Brings tears to my eyes. Thinking about those brave souls who stood and put their lives on the line to create this country.
"O say can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there; O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" I love when a whole crowd of people sing our national anthem together. It's beautiful and moving. I truly wish more Americans appreciated the sacrifice of our founders to revolt against England. They put their families and lives on the line. It's like today, 10% of Americans are in the military and the revolution was also a small percentage of Colonists who had the courage to stand against the monarchy. But they persevered and were successful. |
I close my eyes.. I'm surrounded by darkness! I can feel the walls Closing in on me.. and then all the hungry Hands... grabbing touching pulling on me.... Noooo. . Then i feel something wet.. on my neck and then my ear..no.. I open my eye just in time to see my dog Milo running from my bedroom.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's really very simple. It's a numbers game. Think about if you had to go to a bar to meet your right guy. How often would you have to be there? Too often. You'd be the barfly. lol
It takes patience and the ability to weed out the fakes. |
New babe
Hi everyone, New attractive fun female. Seeking some new experiences with someone fun. I am bi curious and have never been with a lady before but really would love too |
I think I was about 7 and we were at Yellowstone Park. My parents always dressed us all in orange shorts to keep track of us since there were 7 of us then (more to come later....). I got lost in the parking lot and couldn't find our station wagon. They all looked alike and I was so short I couldn't see inside. The Park Ranger found me wandering about. Apparently, the orange shorts idea didn't really work out that great since I wasn't missed. lol. wow 7 of you and then more.I am wondering how many more.... lol ![]() awwwwwwwww, ![]() |
I think I was about 7 and we were at Yellowstone Park. My parents always dressed us all in orange shorts to keep track of us since there were 7 of us then (more to come later....). I got lost in the parking lot and couldn't find our station wagon. They all looked alike and I was so short I couldn't see inside. The Park Ranger found me wandering about. Apparently, the orange shorts idea didn't really work out that great since I wasn't missed. lol.
Love Google Chrome. A box pops up to see if you want to translate. lol
Truck Driving Men!!!
I just had a "road trip". Drove from TN to MN. Total miles one way was 1100 miles. It wasn't a fun type trip. Road construction is awful. Did the trip in a day with stops only for gas and restroom. At least the trip back to TN will be a 2 day trip.
Well we are being told that race/sex/gender/color are now "what you feel" not what you actually are!
So why is that question even relevant? |
Are you sure?.. oh wait a minute I could be thinking of someone else lol.. well if you are correct And let me stop here and say you look taller in your pictures.. okay now let me just say well in that case if you ever find yourself here and if I ever find myself there guess what we're doing lol that is beside sex ;-) ![]() ![]() |
I want a date with you. lol. Dress. Shoes (btw - I Love 5 to 6" platform heels). Lingerie. And Dinner? Check check and check mate. lol
lol.. hey you ![]() and you are pretty tall I think a nice 3 inch heel would be perfect ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 08/28/15 05:02 PM
I want a date with you. lol. Dress. Shoes (btw - I Love 5 to 6" platform heels). Lingerie. And Dinner? Check check and check mate. lol
.. hey you![]() and you are pretty tall I think a nice 3 inch heel would be perfect lol ![]() ![]() |
Personally I rarely.. take a woman out on the hopes of getting her in bed... .. I take her out because I want to see her.. I want to hear how her day is going.. what her interests are.... what her likes and dislikes are.. really connect with her.. take her for a nice meal a glass of wine somewhere... and maybe before dinner take her out and buy her something nice like a dress or perhaps even some shoes.. and then take her to the lingerie store.. help her pick out some lingerie... oh not that I want to see her in this lingerie.. oh no no that would be wrong of me.. again I'm not interested in being intimate at all..!!... I'm just happy to see her. .Entertainer her.. pay for her meals.. clothing and lingerie... let her know she is a beautiful woman.. and I am just happy to spend time with her.. but never in a sexual way..No no... I mean after all sex isn't that important.... what's really important is keeping her happy.... keeping her feeling like the most beautiful woman on the planet. .. and when she is ready and comfortable and feels. secure in our relationship.. And has stopped worrying about her few extra..Curves.. .... then and only then hopefully she will allow me the pleasure of making love to her.. oh what a beautiful beautiful gift.... ![]() ![]() ![]() .. |
I've eaten several things that made me sick, but didn't necessarily taste that bad. I was in Chang Mi, Thailand some years ago and went to the market. They had large bins of assorted fried worms. Some were pretty good but one batch had spoiled and turned rancid. I didn't know any better and ate them anyway. I burped up rotten rancid worms for at least a day. ![]() |
It's the most annoying message to receive. I always respond "hey you". And then never respond to further messages.
My last long term relationship was with a black man. We had our issues but he's still a good man and was retired military. Still works as a weapons trainer. That said, since Obama has been President, race relations in the USA has gone in the crapper. Today, I avoid black men unless I know their political leanings. If they are of the ilk that believe that only "black lives matter" then they can just pass on by. If they are of the ilk that love Obama and think he's wonderful, then just pass on by.
I rarely, open them up for the option of even finding out their leanings any longer since usually I have found they love Obama. I don't and don't want to be around anyone who is racist. (Yes, I believe Obama is a racist and so is his wife, so if you love the man then you are like him.) They would be the ones that believe only black lives matter. |
Pretty curious. It's not a problem with me. I've heard many woman say, "I can't date a guy shorter than me" What's the reason? Is it that you guys would feel dominate if you were taller than the guy? Women don't want short men.. never did.. never will.. that's the way it goes. Shouldn't really be a problem, as there are chitloads of short women, so to them a shorter man will still be tall, lol |
I love you!!!!
I don't take saying those words lightly. Just because the person I'm with may be saying it doesn't mean I'm going to reciprocate. I never say unless I know it to be true. And yes, it does get awkward. Caring for someone doesn't mean love.