Community > Posts By > Therewolf

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/18/09 05:44 PM
Live kittens...

They're chewy on the outside and crunchy on the inside which is just the opposite of they way it should be.

Therewolf's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:38 PM
Edited by Therewolf on Thu 04/16/09 08:39 PM

Humm why not a couple of shirts and some real nice cologne. And then take him out to eat at a place he likes.

Or, you could stay in and eat at a place he likes. bigsmile

Therewolf's photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:34 AM
I know you were asking for "Pet Names" that I'd been named, but there really aren't any. I have been called "Jesus, here he comes, hide" but I don't think that counts.

I once had a pet rat named "Lord Douchebag of Massengill." That okay?

Therewolf's photo
Thu 04/16/09 04:15 AM
Edited by Therewolf on Thu 04/16/09 04:24 AM

Having dealt with mechanics and managed auto/truck shops I can tell you that many are obsessed with tools. You can never have enough tools.

Professional mechanics use Snap-On or Mac or one of the higher end brands, but you won't find them at a store. So this will take some effort on your part, and he'll know that.

My suggestion: Track down his Snap-On (or whatever brand he uses) dealer and get him a gift certificate. Easiest way to do that is to know where he works, call the manufacturer (again, Snap-on, etc.) and ask them who the dealer is for that shop. Most have cell phones and will answer it if you call. Chances are, you'll have to meet him somewhere at a specific time because they all work out of mobile showrooms (trucks).

I have no idea what your price range is, but $50.00 or more will get him something he might not have spent his own money on, but may have had his eye on.

If you want to personalize your gift, throw in that massage from you or the evening of dinner and snuggling. Yes, guys like that, too. And... not knowing him at all, it might be that he will be thrilled with the dinner, massage, and snuggling by itself. :D Good luck.

This is just my suggestion.

Therewolf's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:19 PM
What would you add to powdered water?

Therewolf's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:47 PM
My soul... I had a crush on my math teacher. And she transferred schools. *sniff* Waaaaa!

Therewolf's photo
Mon 04/13/09 07:30 PM
Why, are you close?

Therewolf's photo
Mon 04/13/09 07:23 PM
Is there a safety word carved into one of the bedposts?

Therewolf's photo
Mon 04/13/09 07:17 PM
Fine... just so long as my face doesn't look like I fell of my bike in the morning when I have to go to work.

Therewolf's photo
Mon 04/13/09 07:14 PM
If nice girls don't finish last, they at least need to have the common courtesy to give you another shot at it.

Therewolf's photo
Sun 04/12/09 05:58 AM
Edited by Therewolf on Sun 04/12/09 05:59 AM
Freud once said (paraphrasing) that those thing that annoy us most about other people are often those we, ourselves, are guilty of.

Maybe it wasn't Freud... come to think of it, it could have been Bugs Bunny in the Barber of Seville episode. Oh, well, Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it. To all others... good morning.

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:56 PM

were you on the clock???

have i missed something???

does one expect all to understand itself, instead of seeking to understand all other's???

no matter the nationality, the merit's of true understanding called wisdom breach all divide's of misunderstanding, which is true freedom from the lack of understanding, which only imprison the sight to but one thing, how self think as the basis for all reality in the world???

peace man

Now you're just being silly.

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:53 PM
I would be less worried about the money issue than I would be the attempt at manipulation. This is not the kind of person I would be interested in talking to, let alone dating.

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:25 PM

the broadest insight, is directly proportionate to how much one see's the action's of all other's as meaningful and not less than self, which make for wise insight, into many things that first strike as but ignorance???

Yeah, but I'm not British.




thought your insight was as insightful as insightful can be as insightful insight, lol???

mine was just a rhetorical question envoking statement, of just what wise insightful insight may be???

peace not british man...

My work here is done.

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:17 PM

the broadest insight, is directly proportionate to how much one see's the action's of all other's as meaningful and not less than self, which make for wise insight, into many things that first strike as but ignorance???

Yeah, but I'm not British.

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:56 PM
Edited by Therewolf on Sat 04/11/09 02:57 PM
Actually the whole issue is pretty simple if you think about it. The beardnet is necessary for health code reasons. If you have a beard, you're going to have to wear one.

The question of whether it's "uncool" or undignified to wear one goes right out the window if you consider that you're there to work, not pick up women. How dignified is a butcher's apron? How about a hotdog suit if you're a fast food restaurant's mascot?

You work to bring home a paycheck... either for your family or yourself. There's dignity in working, and there's dignity in supporting yourself. Hairnet/beardnet be damned.

And to the young gentleman who proudly proclaimed that he would rather be out of work than be paid 7 dollars an hour... you're a real catch, my friend.

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:03 AM
Edited by Therewolf on Sat 04/11/09 08:03 AM
I have to agree that personal questions only become personal when one chooses to make them so. Having said that, "choice" is one of the last sanctuaries of privacy. The two go hand in hand.

So choosing to regard a question as too personal is perfectly acceptable.

Therewolf's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:40 PM

If ego is learned and not an instinct, then where did it come from?

In my opinion, from interaction with everyone around you. If you never met anyone, never desired what they had, or compared yourself to them, there would be no need for an ego, and you would never have to form one.

But all of us do. We all create a self-image, an internal projection of ourselves, probably as a protection from the world around us. We're very zealous about the upkeep on that image, too.

Some are self-confident enough and secure enough to maintain that reflection without a problem. Others are not so lucky.

Therewolf's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:27 PM

Well then everyone haz an ego, so that makes it a basic human instinct...

I'm going to have to agree... everyone has an ego. But having an ego is not instinct, it's learned behavior.

Having said that, an ego is not necessarily a bad thing, how you feed it can be. If you can keep your ego satisfied "in house" if you will, you're probably pretty balanced. When you need others - either their approval or their degradation to feed that ego, you're headed for trouble.

Just my opinion.

Therewolf's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:09 PM
I think there's a difference between a woman showing interest, which is always flattering and usually a turn-on and a woman treating you like you're an object - the proverbial "piece of meat."

I never like being treated like a piece of meat. If a woman doesn't feel like I'm worth a conversation or a shared moment, I'm not interested.

I've been through all of that, and it's no fun.