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no photo
Sat 04/11/09 03:34 AM
I feel many of us here who sit by the net, are here far too long
and lose precious time from involving one-self in the real world,
I think the net becomes many ones artifical reality and life pacifier...

Who thinks and knows that they could be more constructive
with their time, instead of just bantering here...???

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 05:59 AM
oops No-one is touching this one, I am smile2ling

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:05 AM
You ask very personal questions for someone who is so new and reveals so little of her? him? self. That is why I choose not to respond to most of your threads.


tessa68's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:07 AM
oops oops ooouucchhhnoway noway noway bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:08 AM
I guess that all depends on what your goal is here.
I came here specifically for a purpose. Met that purpose for a few months, then it didn't work out. Made some friends along the way, which was great. I'm here when my children are in bed or not at home. Otherwise, we do all the real life stuff. Nobody in my house has to sit home because mom is on the computer. I work, clean house, go out, have fun.....all the normal stuff everyone else does. No artificial reality here. It just compliments my life and gives me some adult interaction where otherwise I might not get it.

Oh, and if I meet my purpose here again, I will still come here, just maybe not as often. It's a nice community.

MeChrissy2's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:19 AM

You ask very personal questions for someone who is so new and reveals so little of her? him? self. That is why I choose not to respond to most of your threads.


I have always admired your directness and honesty.flowerforyou

livelife68's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:24 AM
I have a very good life in the real world plus I have time to chat with internet friends. Life is very constructive and nothing is wasted.

LordCole's photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:35 AM

Waterloosunset wrote:

You ask very personal questions for someone who is so new and reveals so little of her? him? self. That is why I choose not to respond to most of your threads.


Where did that come from?

Miss_No_So wrote:

I feel many of us here who sit by the net, are here far too long
and lose precious time from involving one-self in the real world,
I think the net becomes many ones artifical reality and life pacifier...

Who thinks and knows that they could be more constructive
with their time, instead of just bantering here...???

As for myself; I get online and come here between pick-ups and drops as I travel the country, aside from the occasional Online Game and watching DVDs, being online is all the entertainment I have.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:40 AM

You ask very personal questions for someone who is so new and reveals so little of her? him? self. That is why I choose not to respond to most of your threads.


I have always admired your directness and honesty.flowerforyou

Add in a healthy dose of cynicism and that's me.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:43 AM

You ask very personal questions for someone who is so new and reveals so little of her? him? self. That is why I choose not to respond to most of your threads.

Where did that come from?

My sense of privacy and paranoia.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:48 AM
Edited by Miss_No_So on Sat 04/11/09 06:57 AM

You ask very personal questions for someone who is so new and reveals so little of her? him? self. That is why I choose not to respond to most of your threads.


They only become a personal question,
when another chooses to make it be one.

Really does it really really matter
that I am somewhat new to "this site"
to what I choose as topic threads.
(Unless one is fearful of answering a question
because is exposes the truth about them-self)

Most of us are miles apart, most are not
here under their correct name, nor do they
expose their home address, so why are some
so touchy about what is said here when it does
not play any direct part in their life nor
does it have a place in their everyday life
and their daily existence.

I think I have revealed much of myself
in a short time, to those who can read
between the lines I am sure they can
figure me out some.

There is no need for any to rape themself
here, to be meet others expectations and
standards or requirements.

You choosing not to respond to most of my threads
does not take any skin off my nose nor would your
future responses be missed, as they were not before,
so why would it be a concerned to me now.

This is a form of entertainment to most,
when one starts to become to serious and paranoid here,
then one needs to start worry about themself
not about what others do or say...

PEACE to you too...

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 06:53 AM

You ask very personal questions for someone who is so new and reveals so little of her? him? self. That is why I choose not to respond to most of your threads.


They only become a personal question,
when another chooses to make it be one.

Really does it really really matter
that I am somewhat new to "this site"
to what I choose as topic threads.
(Unless one is fearful of answering a question
because is exposes the truth about them-self)

Most of us are miles apart, most are not
here under their correct name, nor do they
expose their home address, so why are some
so touchy about what is said here when it does
not play any part or have a place in their
everyday life and their daily existence.

I think I have revealed much of myself
in a short time, to those who can read
between the lines I am sure they can
figure me out some.

There is no need for any to rape themself
here, to be meet others expectations and
standards or requirements.

You choosing not to respond to most of my threads
does not take any skin off my nose nor would your
future responses be missed, as they were not before,
so why would it be a concerned to me now.

This is a form of entertainment to most,
when one starts to become to serious here,
then one needs to start worry about themself
not about what others do or say...

PEACE to you too...

:wink: Wow, guess I struck a nerve. :wink:

The only reason I chose to answer at all, especially in the fashion I did, is because you threw down the gauntlet in your second post.

Frankly, I don't care what you ask and what anybody answers. I do agree with you on one point. If anybody takes this stuff seriously they really need to examine their life and priorities.

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 04/11/09 07:08 AM
I come here because I have no life, no friends, nothing else to do but look at a computer screen and live vicariously through it.

no photo
Sat 04/11/09 07:22 AM
Edited by Miss_No_So on Sat 04/11/09 07:35 AM
:wink: Wow, guess I struck a nerve. :wink:

The only reason I chose to answer at all, especially in the fashion I did, is because you threw down the gauntlet in your second post.

Frankly, I don't care what you ask and what anybody answers. I do agree with you on one point. If anybody takes this stuff seriously they really need to examine their life and priorities.
Dont credit yourself where and when it is not due,
you did not strike any nerve here, as I see this
only as an exchange of opinions, not as a contest
to whom is the righter of the wrong or wronger
than the right...

A quote that can be used in all aspects of life

"No-one can make you feel inferior, unless you
have given them your permission to do so"

I could say that my second post "hit a nerve"
because you choose to react to it as you did,
but I wont!

That was not my intentions in the second post,
just your assumption, you saw the second post as being that,
so you reacted to it in that fashion, that is your problem
not mine.

WEll at least admit you did care for a while there,
because if you did not care what I ask nor
what anybody answered, then this discusion would
never have exsisted or gone as far as it has.

Have a nice day

FreeToB's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:00 AM

I feel many of us here who sit by the net, are here far too long
and lose precious time from involving one-self in the real world,
I think the net becomes many ones artifical reality and life pacifier...

Who thinks and knows that they could be more constructive
with their time, instead of just bantering here...???

I have said this before, but not quite so nicely as you have.
I think that theres something to be said for online friends that do not have the capability to intrude on you at a bad time, do not need to be rescued off the road in the middle of the night, etc. Ones that you can banter with on your own terms. Of course.

While people on here are "real people", we are not exposed to them except when they feel like it. We cannot tell how they react to circumstances, if they're smiling or scowling (in spite of the litle emotes) or even if they are who/what they say. It's SAFE to have friends here but I suspect that those that spend th majority of their time online and with virtual friends have some issues. Could be confidence, or maybe just circumstances that prevet them from being out and about. Hard to tell. I know that of the 7 or 8 people I've met from online, 2 were genuine. One lived with me for 4 years. One, I visited with 4 minutes. My good friend married a girl that he met here and is, by his own reports and attitude, VERY happy. You just can't tell.

Its good to get outside and do DIFFERENT things even if you do have friends on here. And a look ,smile, and short conversation in line at the grocery store more often is a better indicator if you truly like someone than what we choose to tell about ourselves behind this sheild.

Damn I talk too much. Someone tell me to can it!!

Therewolf's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:03 AM
Edited by Therewolf on Sat 04/11/09 08:03 AM
I have to agree that personal questions only become personal when one chooses to make them so. Having said that, "choice" is one of the last sanctuaries of privacy. The two go hand in hand.

So choosing to regard a question as too personal is perfectly acceptable.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:16 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Sat 04/11/09 08:22 AM

I come here because I have no life, no friends, nothing else to do but look at a computer screen and live vicariously through it.

I thought almost exactly the same thing my friend. I knew that I had friends but I seldom, if ever, called them or visited. And when they call I just usually cut it short. I basically imposed that lonliness on myself without even defining it as such. Friends can cause you some heartache and trouble...but it's worth it I think.

I had a MAJOR heart attack last Sunday and I told the EMS guys that if they were going to like, jam a needle in my heart, to go ahead and let me die. I didn't care. And I REALLY didn't. But they worked hard on me and, obviously, I lived. That even though the head of cardiology said that he had never ever seen anyone survive the two 100% and 2 90% blockages that I had in my main coronary arteries.

Since then, so many people that I had even forgotten were my friends have come by, called me, sent me cards..and one of my less sensitive biker friends brought me a gun cleaning kit (wire brushes on rods) to help me keep my arteries scrubbed out. Bastard! lol

I meet a LOT of people out ad about every day and make a lot f aquaintances that I never call back or see again. But after this, I believe I'm going to start calling, and just telling people that I'd like to get together again. Most are just like me...closed in that recursive loop of daily life and just not breaking the routine, and would love to have a new friend. So think of it like this, the more people you befriend, the more friends you have. I'm going to be trying to get all I can..even if it means all those computers, cars and appliances to fix for free. It's worth it. :)

Theres a certain something to be said for human contact too. Who doesn't feel the need to hug someone that we havn't seen in years or who just came from a war zone? We can SAY all we like to someone and hear all we like, but human contact is a primary need.

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:19 AM
Not me. There's only so many 'productive' things I can do around the house. I'm stuck here after 6 PM anyway. So after the house is clean and homework is done, why not entertain myself here online?

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:23 AM
I agree with a couple others. This should complement your life not BE your life. It's a great communication tool but should never replace time with family and friends in the 'realworld'.

But I've met a lot of people from online in person, and most have been an incredible addition to my life.


prisoner's photo
Sat 04/11/09 08:23 AM
:smile: thread lightly be seeing you

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